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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
SENATORS CUT OUT GROSSJALES TAX Surtax Is Also Rejected, But Other Levies Will Be Substituted. Washington. Proposals for a G per cent tax ou manufacturers' groBS Balt'8 in many Industrie! ami for greatly In creased sur-taxes on big Incomes were OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENEM INTEREST Principal Events of tho Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Morrow county's prospects for tha wheat crop are excellent. Marlon county has 1058 school chil dren who are members of Industrial stricken out of the war revenue bill by clubs. the aeuate finance committee, cutting The city of Hubbard Is constructing down by many millions the total rev- a water system and will pave the enue provided for as the measure main streets. passed the house. The senate finance committee decid ed to strike out the whole section levy ing $200,000,000 by a general tartrf In crease of 10 per cent on an ad valorem basis. As a substitute the committee pro poses direct excise, or consumption taxes 08 sugar, tea, coffee and cocoa. The administration's food survey bill, first of the food-coutrol measures, was passed by tho house without a record vote. It appropriates $14,770, 000 for an Immediate Investigation of the country's food resources and for measures to stimulate production. The war revenue bill, framed to bring Into the treasury $1,800,000,000 through new taxation during the com ing year, passed the bouse by a vote I Of 829 to 76 In almost the same form j that It was presented by the ways and j means committee, i Outstanding features of the house bill are the greatly increased Income, Inheritance, excess profits, liquor, cl-; gar and tobacco taxes, virtual aboli tion of the present customs free list ftnd. a 1Q per cent addition to existing , tlons, Linn county will have this year tariff new taxes on manufacturers, j by r the bigsest acreage o neaua amusements, clubs. Dublic utilities and D potatoes In Its history. insurance, a far-reachlne alamo tax I Brown rot is prevalent in the prune orcnarus oi Lane couniy, aa a result ! of the wet, cold spring, and threatens Oregon is expected to produce at least 60,000 individual subscribers to the liberty loan. Western Oregon traveling men held their annual picnic at Cottage Grove with about 1D0 present. Fully 1000 people attended the an nual Jackson coui.ty school picnic and field meet at Applegate. Despite war conditions, early tour ist travel indicates a h.-avy Invasion of Oregon by tourists this year. Continued rains, which are still keeping up, are making seriou3 con ditions for the Coos county ranchers. The ministers of the state are urged to observe Sunday, June 3, as "prison day," in a proclamation issued by the governor. Pendleton claims the distinction of having more automobiles in propor tion to population than any city lu the state. Governor Withycombe has issued a proclamation declaring Tuesday, June 5, which is war census day, to be a legal holiday. Despite unfavorable weather condl- Bids for the construction, cf 'a U jbrary building en the Oregon AgrU cultural college campus were opauod by a committee of the board of re gents and the contract was awarded to Snook & Traver, of Salem, at $83,300. The Sherman county school field meet and declamatory contest at Was co attracted over 1000 persons from tho different districts of the county. The Moro school won both first and second place In athletics and In the declamatory contest. The public service commission has ordered a reduction in the light and power rates of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. On the com pany's present volume of business the reductions will amount to approxi mately J'iO.OOO to $65,000 a year. That students may be permitted to remain in the fields to harvest crops, and that the faculty may have a long er time to runner tne rood prepared ness campaign, the Oregon Agricul tural college will not open for next ears work until October , three,-, p . Into. II,.,, I li a vn tr 11 1 n 11 v anharl.. .aid uiau i.iv tvgutuu; u-uv. , uleddate. country. P F! fro oimortnfpnrl.-mt nf tha 3 DelUOCtaC V tie ' 1 i - . ltostburg Indian agency, has an- lor (lel.Mice, nut trilnile. nounced that a sale of Indian allot-1 .")Tliesn hoods nro liaokeil liv lh inputs would he hold on June 19. The' . h-onto ti Via nnM a G aitilltat in rtnrth. em California, southern Oregon and tl,e ricl,Pst Iry n the trorlt'. In Harnpv vallev. Much of the land -t,very iflUUU invested Will jnall matter rate based on the parcel post tone system. The Oreeon Trunk Railray have made the following changes in the, schedule of their local freight I trains. No. 308 from Portland j will reach Maupin at 10:50 a. ir. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat-; urdavs. and No. 309 from Bend will reach Maupin at 11:40 a. m. on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sun days, arriving at Fallbfidge 4 p. m", making close connection willi the North BaDk Limited for Port, land. Don't blaw your clock -needs nh.nnina. Emmons wil do it for you and guarantee it. If the other fellow could not fix 'your watch bring it to Emmons the jeweler. If you want some baby calves to raise, Bee Bonney, you can pay after harvest if you wish. Big bargains in brake blocks and brake shoes at Lake's Store. n nriOOOOOCOOOOOOO V WJ UUtlUUU"""- U 1 Fs'.i AS) ut Liberty Loan. PrrtposR This loan is a bond fisue authorized by congress to paj ;osls of the war against Germany, o make advances to the allies, and ibovo all to bring about a speedy md succersftil end of llie world 'onflict, Uiuusr op Loan-UOOO.OOO.OOC i'auikic Coast's Siiauf 1C5,000, 100. iize ok Bonds tCO, $100, f 300, fOOO and upward. Kate'of interest 3-1-2 per cent ;jer year. Terms of Bond? The bonds run for 30 years. The government re serves the right to buy them hack at fac value at end of 13 years, Buy Thkse Bonds Xow 1!i-y,u;sr 1 These bonds are the i. vestment known. you servo your to your bank only 2 per ipt of your purchase, nul balance as fol lows: IS per oent ou June 2 20 per cent on July 30-30 cent on August 15150 per cei.l on August 150. The farmers don't seem to be satisfied unless they are skinned. Give Dad Coale a chance, lie buys all kind of pelts, hides skins and wool. p HUNTS FERRY - Corrected - As concerning errors in our type Inst week. Financial statement at the close of business, April 30, 1917. RESOURCES ' Cash in Bank $ on hand Bills Receivable Accounts Receivable Is its di: credit 'of the whole United Stales. L. B. Fox R. T. Yates o WASCO COUNTY "Abstract co. Makers of Abstracts That Protect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None In The State. . First Rational Bank Building o ' Phone BlaPk 9631 0 The Dalles, Oregon OOOOOOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOQQGDOOOOO Valley Produce Co. f AY CASH FOR VEAL, HOGS, POULTRY, EGGS, BUTTER, HIDES, ETC. 115 Front St., Portland, Ore. Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or resideuse Maupin, Oregon seriousi damage to the crop, The University of Oregon Woman's league has pledged Its 400 members to return to school next fall with the same dresses they now have. Jacob Wiscarson, a member of a Canadian regiment and a son of v Mrs Mary Wiscarson, living near Eugene, was killed in battle In France May 11 County Agriculturist Jay L. Smith has finished compiling the agricultur al survey of Coos county. It has 18,000 acres In crops, out of a total of 103,000 acres, During the past week not a single fntnl accident was reported to the state industrial accident commission There were 351 non fatal accidents re ported Curry eounty sheep raisers In the region of Florea creek are bein forced to abandon this line of agn cultural pursuit, owing to the advent of coyotes, Plans have been formulated for the annual strawberry festival at Leban-I i on and the dates were set for June 14 i and 15, by which time an abundance ' of strawberries is expected. I Japanese strawberry growers of the Hood river valley, numbering approx imately 200, will aid tue lucai itea (:'rpss chapter' with, a, donation each pi a crate of extra fancy fruit. A nrofcabie plot to dynamite the mill of the Oregon Lumber company at Baker failed by the discovery of a quantity of dynamite, caps and fuse bidden by a fence 25 feet from the mill. That Portland will be represented O in Europe by a complete unit of 20 0 1 ambulances In the American ambu lance field service seens certain. Al ready 14 ambulances have been sub scribed. Mrs. C. H. Castner, president of the Oregon Federation, of Women's clubs, has been unanimously elect" cba' man of the Orpn division of the wom.?,n fsoiatnlUfee of the Council of Katlo'nal Defense, M a result of the food prepared pets campaign lu Hood river county, til? first steam power threshing ma Chine will be operated this Beason to harvest the largest crop of grain ever seeflsd lu the valley. Voder an. opinion hy Attorney-Gen eral Brown It is fetid that the amount of the federal Inheritance tax is not (9 be deducted from the appraised valuation of estates to arrive at the amount of the state tax. Btockmen from various sections of Douglas county report that many horses have become affected with what Is known as "pink eye" and that in some instances the animals are in a serious condition. Adam Garren, 37 years old, of Hub bard, a private in Company I, Third Oreeon Infantry, is in a seriou3 con- Is said to be well adapted to agricul tural purposes. At a meeting of Sarah Childress PolU chapter, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, of Dallas, a resolu tion was adopted favoring the erec tion of a monument on the site of the first court house in Polk county. It was located somewhere in North Dal las and a suitable marker for the spot will be secured. Peter Zollner placed 12 sticks of dynamite under his brother's motion picture theatre at ML Angel and blew the side of- the building out, besides breaking many windows in the neigh borhood. Zollner declares he did it for revenge on his brother Goorge, with whom he has had trouble over family property rights. Dissatisfaction which has arisen among some employes of state insti tutions because they allege that other employes doing the same work as themselves in other institutions are receiving higher wages, is presenting a pr6blem to institution heads, who probably will ask that the state board of control standardize all wages at the various institutions. That Kendall Bros., of Pittsburgh Pa., have abandoned all hope of con- structing a railroad from Roseburg to their timber holdings in Douglas county iu the near future was attested when Judge Hamilton at Roseburg was asked to dismiss all of the con demnation suits brought in the name of the ciiy of Roseburg against own ers or land situated along the pro- pesod route of the line. A uumber of timbar cruisers have arrived in Roseburg and have begun preparations for resuming the cruis- ins of the O. & C. grant lands it Docglas ccuaty. The wqr ex tended as far aa n purtion of the county last full, when the winter weather set in and the funds for the cruising were exhausted. A'l that portion of the lands in tle southern part of the pta.te already class! tied,. In telegrams to President Wilson, members of congress and to the pub lie service commissions of Washing ton, Idaho, California and Nevada, the public service commission of Ore gon is urging the appointment of Clvde B. Aitchison as a member of the interstate commerce commission bring you $35 a year income. 5 The government guarantees (0 pay you more income if future loans carry higher interest ratep. 7 You can buy them on the in stallment plan. 7 Your money will be spei t wholly in America. How To Buy These Bo.sns-Every bank is authorized to take sub. jcriptions for the government You can sub.icribn now by paying Portland TaiiileFs Dentii-t. We Extract, Crown, and Bridge your tooth a Iviu-xl 11 1 .-! 11 Pn i i 1 tJcfc tn Am. ploy only Experienced and Regis- Mdse. (Inventory) tered men; fifteen years guarantee Handling Charges (In- 011 all work. Seventeen years con tinual pructii-e in Portland, Ore. Bring tliiri card with you, it is worth ninm-v 1'ollkllld Second St., The P.illcs, Ore. Op posite A. M. Williams Co. Phone M :i in 3331 . 207.56 105.81 1478.91 937.04 995.00 Portland Prices. Painter Dentist, "O.7 Are yon using The Times liuer column when you have any thing to sell or want to buy some article that your neighbor may have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad in that column. We are sure that it will bring results. -, ; ' V&2 For sale 200 acres near Criter oij. Inquire at this oluco. For sale 4 work mules, well broke, weight 1000, 3 to 3 years old. Claud Wilson, Bakeoveu. p ventory) 1000.00 Permanet Improvements 14,208.08 Total $18,932.40 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in $14,000.00 Accounts Payable 2.80 Bills Payable 2C30.00 Loss and Gain for 191G- 1917 2007.47 Undivided Profits balance 1.15-1916 2323 Total $18,(.2.T6 Cash Rcceii ts and Expenditures for fiscal year: Cash on hand May 1 191G $ 613.41 Cash received during fiscal year $57.016.14 Total $57,529.55 Cash paid out daring fiscal year $57,423.74 Cash on hand April 30 1017 $105.81 Told $57,529.55 a'liliiililliimillilMaSW'I'IM ; A --r--.. 1 .ami- mZlC7Zn . .-iiSS MmHi&L CASE 12-23 Fhroihinr V ' -iitm W, -J-A Y.V. Farmers Everywhere Prefer Case Threshing Rigs Three threshermen buy Case thresher rigs each year to one who buys any other make. others prefer Case, there must be a reason why you should. Their chief reason lie3 in the quality produced by Case experience of three-quarters of a century. That experience means satisfaction to them and to you. We can supply you with any size tractor and thresher you need, but the Case 12-25 shown above is one of the handiest models. It will run a 26x-lS-inch or smaller Case Thresher and will do almost any job on the tarm. Ask for catalog or inquire of us for full particulars. AGENTS Mr. Aitchison formerly was chalrr' . of the Oregon commission ! aolicitor for Aviation , .taiiway Commissioner. While, realizing the gravity of the problem created by the shortage of farm labor, Secretary of War Eaker, in response to a telegram from Gov ernor Withycombe asking that enlist m"nt in the rural districts be discour- a?ed or discontiiued, has written the executive that he, as secretary of war, has no right to discourage enlistment "la the face of an act of congress which attempts to create a very large part of our army by this process." The material Is now being assem bled at Astoria by Contractor C L. Houston for the construction of 64 reinforced concrete storage bins for bulk wheat, which are to be erected in connection with the port of Astor ia's bulk grain elevator. The entire plant, which will have a storage ca pacity for 1,000.000 bushels of bulk grain, will represent an expenditure of $31,000. In addition to the eleva tor and bins, the port warehouse has a capacity for storing 2,000,000 bufh dition as the result of being thrown ; els of sacked grain. THE TIMES' from the trestle at Graves creek, near Leland, by a stranger whom he bad accosted and was escorting olf the railroad bridge. The decision of Herbert Hoover, government food administrator, and Secretary of Agriculture Houston, placing : apples on the list of food necessities, and assuring the fruit dis tricts that cars would be supplied as sonn as the crop is ready for market, ssved to the Hood river valley fully 11.500X00 this season. Growers are jubilant on account pf the decision. Agricultural land Included In the Oregon & California land grant area may be made available for settlement as soon as the tax lien can be re moved by the payment of back taxes by the government to the variou counties In the ttate In which the lands are located, according to a let ter received ln.Engens from the de partment of .the interior. The pay merit of the back tales is being de layed pending the disposition of legal Questions which have been referred to the department of justice. TOecn ert t W. H. STAATS (& CO. plS8 (IP Tlio 8isa of Afechiinkil llt'ill'iH' me wnna awiiiiiiiiw rca-iiiy'iuim; ;!!iiiiiiiiiiT!l!iiiii:ii'i!!'!i:-l? WHITE RIVER FLOUR i Bring Bock to us any part cf an unsatisfactory ffe sack of White River Flour and we will refund the full purchase price. m Hunts Ferry Warehouse Company ! . ; yrf Local Distributors .