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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
4 The MaeBia Times PuLIi.shd F.cvcry I'mlny Mrs, V. I,. JI.iki;i:;on, Publisher Subsirrii'tion: On Yeti u.r, 4 A. Entered as second ehvw i ialt post ottiv) at i t: General Cadcrr.a Wii'h'n I C'.V Miles c' Ansir:?.'s c c n Cily on tlia nil ia-;c Itomo. ItrJy'a inn-i'ii - -' fighters uro within a fi-v I" Trli'Rto, A'lsinaa i'-' "' -;! Adriatic. TlH' Italians I):.' "' their way forvviir.l to v.iMi' i l ,-, of Dulno, tlio in' .it rn;.i:;!' barrier between tin 01 n;i -1 T.-I-; ciina rtfus'-n to c , i : u 1 j U-o Vlutuili u, hut th) iiu'ii ti'liti ti of General Catlorna's ri x.dy ati Dulno, at tin; gilca r.f vli Italian kudo tin; now l'am murka a nolnt at v.iiltli t!i' M ".!: f')!'M, o j,.U. a e:iuK; 1 ;, VI Jlc.lir.'ll n.'-iry VOl'-l ". ii'i i.:io !! rin-;, plateau almost luminal U-'i m:a, Pro tected by the. oit;mi dm the one '.'!f!- It ia powerfully (M'enuVil to th" n't-ili by Mount Qiiercrlo, a l:ei,-,lit of ci n Blderablo miitfnllmle, vMcli tli:nin:it 3 the country for mtsny laiha you-ni. At tlio foot of Mount Qii'wio, fac. lug west, lies' thn liltlo Iowa ol' M. -lsw-ia and th Ilaliuiifi have nr,irali'l their way to within a i'cw hiindn l yard of this villus. It In iH.i'.'i! le lh?t a lull will occur before they nU:;i(t l!"' fr ' mutable t-isk of stormius Muuol C;u'r ceto. Italy has proved Iter rnprcnrvv iu tho air also I'miie; i -r.'s'w. '' r.iiuiin operations of the nail, few rtaja. Trieste ia moat (lirc-lly i:" v.ri. I" the Adriatic tl'.-ro la a. of British and Kallai bonihardment Jiati dim ous Auslrian count defa Italian army itself v.; .Brltluh field artillery. mi:: sl ';r;, wiNV ii;;',.,i' I.) VM'i ':(.",. Villi the ti:;l UuKS Of 76 KILLED 1 ' RAID OH fib liwulnn. Cerman atohtiA to '" number of about If', ml letl sioaliu-csi England null accarcl'.K:: to an ol'iielal atatomc-nt 76 persoau u. r.- killul end 174 persons woumlal. 'Of the killed 27 were women and 2:! wore r!ii!-!rc-i, -while 41) women laid !!) children were Injured. Nearly all the damar.o otctirn-d in one town, where i' boniha fell In the Btreeta, uuiuiin: comiid'.Y.l.U) can lulths anions the p"ii;la l.luii. Tho worst d ate wns fit.m a group of bombs which struck the huai neua thoroushi'are ihrnived wii'n pi o phi. At ono spot here 10 women, oi-,ht men and nine children were hilled ami 43 persons were injured. As soon as tho raMr-rs ltr.d dropped their bomha they turf -d le.'ii' v:i.!.;. Hrltlah and French airphnr.V met the Oermar.s. on tho way, end cjl,-!l-il air fighting occurred Willi tho result that three of tho raiders were shot dov.a. Oeattle City Employe Dcslartd Raspon. Ibis for Attacks on Rfiiisirsiion. Seuttlo, Wiiah. riulct M. V.Vlb. ex president of the Saille OeiUnjI Labor Council, and Sam Sa.iU-r, ferm: riy connected with the I,oi';:'J?io;eu't'u'3 union, were arret id by n r.mros.min tlve of tho United States sun-el r.erv ico, clmrged with lunitiR participated in tho clrcuh'.tien of alleged sulltiuusi literature, couKisiiuc; of entidraft cir culars dlstrllmted throughout Scatlto the past fortniKlit, Aecordlne to s-rr-; prrirp onU "Wells is at the he.-id of the Se:itih branch of the "Xo Oenaeviption Lguc,"- which has flood -d Seattlo with anti-draft handbills ami oilier lit erature and painted on fences ntui side walks, iu largo rid letter, exhorta tions to "nwlst cen-i-iit;on." Side walks all tcr town have been daubed With these woi J.i ill r'elly. Fatt of. Russia Onpends cn Ceieiers. retro;;ra.l, via l.orobti. Vii-lually all the divergent uith-ul fcrlbn. all j Class oi'Kanuatioiis. eouai iis aod ei i n '(he go-jlulint hade;;;, v!!1 tim (Meii Jtlon of tlio i-xlseieo !iit,r, reo.ho me appeal of juniper m' i:u- J ky to the troiipi ami :ioe:;n;ii tiu- rder of tho day, "ae .i; ee." -. -. I . Ud li. S. Wraliljis Eunl; t V'.ir Zero. ' Washington. A e:iti -eei-,.-:'.! (K ik.iI j that any Ameiiein iiiiu.I es- -! b.ive j been sunk In tlio war wu-; i-.e.-ed by Secretary l'aniels to ee'int.-ie.ct a "campaign of vicious rrne-rs tlie.t i.i koing carrleJ on so ia.iiitriuu.h iv ut M;.upin, Orgon, Monihs 75cts, Three Months 50c m:Uoi' September 2, 101-1, at tho in, Ore,: .n, uiKK-r the Act of March 3, 1879. CMS. E. RUSSELL m Photo by Airierlcun t'rcKS Awoclstlon. Charles E. Russsll, the BOclallr.t ICTiler appointed a member of the American commission to Russia. ie m mm im i?i T0110ES ; Cli!cn;;o. More tiian 200 persons v.cre killed, 2400 or more injured and millions of dollars' worth of property destroyed by tornadoes which swept tbituieji Kansas, Illinois and Indiana on Saturday, and parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky and southern 1111 n: is, Sunday. Reports Indicate that a large amount of farm implements, needed to pro diico the bumper crop desired tills year, was ruined. Crop damage is said to ho not heavy In grains. Tho heaviest toll of life was taken t Mattoon, 111., where 54 are known to be dead and fj 00 Injured, with a property loss of $2,000,000. Charleston, III., 10 miles east of Mattoon, was also partly wrecked, with a loss of 23 lives and 150 injured. Tho property loss there is $1,000,000. The next most serious loss was at Am'.ale, Kan., where 2G wore killed and a score injured. Heporls from Indiana show at least ?cveu persons hilled at Hebron, Kouts other places, and the death list may reach 20. More than 200 were injured In the Indiana territory swept by the storm. " Carman Republic Aim cf Organization New York. Germans hers have formed an organization called the "Friends of the German Republic," whoso object Is the dethronement of Xaiser William and the. establishment of a republic. Tho organization is said to bo nation-wido in scope, lias hccdipmrters and has issued nn ap peal to Germans to help in it3 propa ganda. , Slm to Ce Vice Admiral. Washington President Wilson soon will nominate Rear-Admiral Sims to :i vice admiral in view of his position ::s commander of American mual co-opi-ratii:;! with the allies in nuropeau waters. :C0,003 Amarissna Cocn in France. Lotion.- An olfichil statement is it"d there says that . counlins the Americans serving in the Hritixh and much armit-s and the additional i;,lta ordered to Franco, there will t'aortly be 100,000 Americans in France. ''cMiry Nomcd to Succeed Senator. Si'.sm, Or.---Jik!:;c Charles 1.. Me N'.iiy, leeu' li to, of Salem, was np .ioiutctl l'n. , .1 States senator for Ore i-e.;. by (iiuerm-r Viibomel.e, to sue f'.-.l Sennt- r Harry Lane. SlfiAL NDTfGES XOT1CE TO CONTRACTORS Highway Construction Wa-co County, Oregon ot ait J;v. Ifc;'.: huts tor the construction o" 1 lie Maupin itVuntv, Oregon, will be received w ouis lor 1 tie construction . i.,;,,,,!,,., ti,. - I"" "")" w ",w t, road from the top of thelT-' "K J 5' 9 t U-- Section 18, Township . Grade to Bakeoven. Wasco! asklllg sn,J lonu,r Court to vacated South, Range 12 East, Willam- by the County Court of said Coun ty at ils oflioe i;i the CoUrtliouse, The Dullest, Oregon, until two o'clock ). in. on Juno iQtli, 1917. Ko hid will hi: considered unless uccoiiipmiieti hy casli, lmidcr s houd or certified check for an amount equal to at least 5 per ct-ut of the total amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will be reipiiied for the faithful perform ance of the contract in a puui equal C H-bulf of the total amount of ibe-Mil, A corporate finely bond will be rtciuued for the faithful perform' anee of the contract in a sum cipial to one-half the total amount of the bid. Proposal blanks and full inform ation for bidders may be obtained it the ollice of the County Clerk of in id County 111 the Courlliouse Die Dalles, Oregon. Plans and i-pecifications and foi ins of contract may be set 11 at s-iiim; place or may be obtained up on deposit of S.s.oo. The rijht is reserved ,to reject my or all bids or lo accept the proposal or proposals deemed best tor said County. COUNTY COI. KT OP' WASCO COUNTY l' S. Gunning. County Judge V, C. Clausen, County Commissioner R. I). Butler, Counly Commissioner Altesl: L, B. Fox, ' County Clerk Tim Dalles, Oregon. May 17th, 19 1 7 . NOTfCK FOR PUBIJCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. I.aud Office at The Dalles Oroe;oii. May liltli, 1917. NoTtcK is hereby ciyen that IIottsTUN Dent of Man pin, Oretfrm, who on Pept. 7 1 1 1 , made Ilomestead Entry No. Oirelli!) fur - k1-2Nk1-4, k1-2 Si:l-I, Section 12, Township 6 South, Range 11 Kast, Lot 1 Sec. 7, Lot 1, k1-2sy1-1, 'Section fi Tinvnship 0 South, IMngo 15 East, U'illamnlte Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to muko Final Hues year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U, S, Com missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on tho 2lUh day of June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: W. E. Hunt, C. E. Mathews, W. C. Pieh.'irds, C. 0. Skogsucrg, nil of Maupin, Oregon. II. 1-Tl AN K WOODCOCK, p ' . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May i'lst, hji7. notice is hereby given that RO'iElf J. Wii.ute, of Waniie, Oregon, who on July 17th, 1012, made Ilomestead En try No. 010517 for sl-2snl-4. Sec. ;i5, Township South, Ranges 12 Kast, Willame'tlo Meridian, has filed notice of intention 'to make Finnl t hree year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before K. D. Stuart U. S. Com missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day of June, 1917. Claimant names a? witnesses: S. T, Bennett, Charles Nelson, William Smith, James Smith, all of Tygh Valley, Oregon. II. Frank Woocock, p Regiser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 22, 19 1 7. NOTICE is hereby given that Richard L. Gkuli'y, of Wanik', Oregon', who on July isl, n)l2, made Homestead Entry, No. 010495, for Lot 4, SEI-4SW1-4, Sec. 18, l,ot 1, NKI.4NWI-4, Sec. ic,, Township 4 South, Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make rinal thiee year Proof, to establish claim to the land above desciibed, before Register & Receiver, U. S. Land Ullice, at 1 lie uuilcs, Uregon, on the 2NU1 day of June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: M. E. Beaty. A. L. Shadlev,' W. E. Lucas. A. J. Baik-s, all of Wamic, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, V ' Register. Notice oe Peyitiom lor Vaca TION OK Sl'UELT IN' I'NlNCORrOR- ATKD town To All 1'krsOxs Whom it May , Concern: Notice is hereby given that ap plication has been made to the County Court of Wasco County, State of Oregon, for its July ses- a certain street described as Spring Avenue', said Avenue being locat ed between Llocks I and 2 of the town of Maupin on the east side of the Deschutes River and east of tho Deschutes railroad right of way and east of County road, par alleling the samp. Dated this 10th day of May, 1917 Thomas Flanagan, Annie Flanagan, Petitioners, NOTICF, FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. I.aud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Apiil sist, igi7. Noiici is hereby given that, Grace Wilson, deserted wife of Jacob M. Wilson, of Slianiko, Oregon, who on Sept ember 12th, 1912, made Homestead Ivntry No. 010092, and on May 4th 1014, mailt! additional Homentead Entry No. 013105 for s1-2nw1-4, See. 14. s1-2ne1-4. bk!-4nw1-4. Section 15. Township 7 South, Pinnae 14 East, Willamette Merid ian, has hied notice ot intention to make Pinal three year Proof, to estn li I in li claim to the land above scribed, before Register and Re ceiver, 11. ,s. Land Uihce, at lue Dalles, Oregon, on the Gth day of June, 1917. The entryman, Jacob M. Wilson, is notified that, by submission of said proof, his wife, draco Wilson, seeks to obtain pat ent for the land in her own name. Claimant names as witnesses: A. K. Fine, E, E. Fine, both of Khaniko, Oregon, Claude Wilson, of Bakeoven, Oregon, George E Fine, of Sbanikn. Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Department of the Interior, ' U. S. Laud Office at The. Dalles, Oregon, May 8th, 191 7. Notice is hereby given that Harry A. Whaite, of Wamic, Oregon, who on July 2nd, 1912, made Homestead Eutry no. 010500, for NI-2SE1-4, Sec. 34, NI-25WI-4, Section 35, Township 3-Sontli, Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the laud above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 20th day of June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses. W. II. Smith, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, John Grossman, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, Philip Byrd, of Wamic, Oregon. E. Gesh. of Wamic, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE In the County Court of the State of oregou for Waico County. In the matter of the Estate of John Kotter, Deceased. Under authority of an order granted by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, dated April 18th, 1917, the under signed Administrator, will sell at private sale the following described real property belonging to said estate, to-wit:- South half of the Southwest quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Eight in Tdwnship Four, South of Range Fourteen, East of Willamette Meridian, Wasco County, Oregon, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, save and ex cept therefrom a strip of land one hundred feet wide, being fifty feet 011 each side of the center line of the railway of the Oregon Trunk line across and upon the Southwest fjn alter of the Southeast quarter ot said lownsliip, Hectlou and Range, which was conveyed by iteceniient uy need recorded 111 Vol. 49, page 53, deed records of said county. The sale will be made on and after May 2tst, I917, and bids will be received at the othce of George D. Brodie, Dufur, Oregon, At torney for the Administrator, or at the residence of the undersigned at Tygh Valley, Oregon. The terms of the sale are cash iu hand. Dated April 18, Igi7. Einil Mertz, Administrator of the estate of Johu Kotter, De ceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, regou, May 8th, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that Nancey Jane Sharp of Wamic, Oregou, who on June 21st, 1912, made Homestead Eutry xo. 010447 and... oa. . January, jgthjj 1 1913, nude additional Homestead ! h'ntrir Ma fiTlln fnr cr.ivtfT.i I has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim 0 the land above desciibed, before F, D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1917, Claimant names as wituesses: R. L. Genty, J, A. Pratt, George StoUt, A.J. Kistner, all of Wamic, Oregon. H, Frank VVoodcock, p Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior , U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 7, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Michael H. Conroy, of Slianiko, Oregon, who, 011 Nov, 6th, 191 1, made Homestead appli cation 09640, and on Oct. 3, 191 4, made additional Homestead I'ntry No. 013910 for KI-2NEI-4, swi-4 Ni-r-4, SI-2NW1.4, NE1-4SH1-4, Sec tion 24, T. 6 S. R. 15 E. W M. and Lot 2, Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 16 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above desciibed, before If. C. Rooper, TJ. S. Commissioner, at Anfelope, Oregon, on the i6th day of June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: James Doran, Maupin. Oregon, Werner Spalinger, Slianiko, Ore- gou, Ivdwin Wakerlig, jfhauiko, Oregon, Patrick, Couroy, Slianiko Oregon. H, Frauk Woodcock, Register Fire Proof WHEN IN PORTLAND MAKE YOUR HOME AT THE Palace Hotel Washington Street & Twelvth the Cleanest Rooms in the City Modern in Every Detail Large Grand Floor Lobby Close in to Good Service Finely IT TO 1OREGOI Standard end Tourist sleeping fais lOUiUST SLEEPER DAILY EACH WAY ,'; Standard Sleeper leaves Maupin, Monday Wednesday, Fridny Leaves Portland Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday at 7:10 p, m. HOMESEEKERS" FARES ROUND TRIPS Reduced round trip from Middle From Missouri River, St. Paul West to CENTRAL OREGON Sioux City, etc., - $52.50 on the first and third Tuesday of St. Louis 55.00 each month till December in- Chicago i 57.50 lusive. Trepaid tickets delivered by wire Stopovers at all points. Final Return Limit 25 days CALIFORNIA ''North Bank Road" and SS "Northern Pacific" At your Service for travel and information, J. T. HARDY j C J. LIVINGSTON, Trav. Fght. & Pass. Agent, Bend, Ors- Agent, Maupin Send or ask for Oregon Trunk's Potato Book FISCHER'S Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, Leave3 Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapitiitia, 1.30 p. m . ROBERTS, Prop. L J I.O. O.F. LWwl W A P I N I TIA Wige No. 20D, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Sal unlay night in Donaldson's hall. Visiling meui. hers al trays welcome, ' Job Crahteee, N. G. W. II. Tai.cott, Secretary. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 4, 19 t 7. NOTICE is hereby1 given that (JltfNCIH C. Mouitow of Tygli Valley Oregon, who on December 1st 1910, made Home steal Entry No.'ojTGS for swl-4 MVl-4, Sec, 22. nw1-4nw1-4, Sec lion 27, Township Smith, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final live year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before F. 1). Stuart, U. S. Com-iiiis;-iotier, at Maupin, Oregon, on tho 15th day of June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: J. G. Tunison, M. P. Rowan, Ray Tunison, J. E. Morrow, all of Tygh Valley, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, np Register. lac- :-.. Shopping and Steam Heat Furnished BY N ( Free Phones N TRUNK RY CENTRAL OREGON - GARAGE OREGON J p ersoni unknown. " 1 '