y'5 t;..J Devoted to the Interests of Sbulken v ; r .ft- VOL 3, NO. 33 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, n imi." (t ) i U j t-' I'.'i THE YEAR $1.50 Hi k 8 ' vj "Eg THE USES OF THE LIBERTY 1 LOAN. To the American citizen who (riyes some consideration to fea tures of his investments other than the mere money return from them, the uses to which the money raised by the sale of tho Liberty Loan Bonds is to be de voted will prove a patriotic indu cement to purchase such bonds. A certain dignity attaches to money invested in a high and noble cause. The Liberty Loan is made by the UnitedJStates Government to purchase arms and equipment for American soldiers and sailors, food and supplies for the Ameri can Army and Navy. The mon ey is to be spent in America for those Americans who are fighting American's battles on land and sea. Part of the money raised by rtie sale of Liberty Loan Bonds is to be loaned to our allies; this too is to be expended in America. It is to be spent for food and supplies for the Armies of our allies fighting on our side on the various war fronts in' Europe It is America's first contribu tion toward doing her part in the war we are engaged in. It is billions for defence in the world-wide war Autocracy is waging against Democracy, but not one cent for tribute. FARMERS PICNIC. The orgenizatisn will give a pic aic at Friend to morrow June 9th. Well known Bpeak'eis from differnt parts of the county will bo thore Everyone knows the naturo of these Annual Picnics, as a great maDy from here have attendod them in previous years. The far mers who are giving it are sparing no means to make it an enjoyable as well aa a beneficiary gathering. Everyone is cordially iuvited to attend. Thore will be a banket dinner, singing and sports. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No 84, of Wasco county, state of Ore gon, that the Annual School Meeting1 for this district will be held at The Maupin School house beginning at the hour of 2 o'clock on the third Monday of June. A. D. 1917. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing One Director and one Clerk, and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 4th day of June, 1917. Peter Kilbing- Dist. Clerk L. D. Kelly, Chairman Bd. Dir. THE FARMERS AND THE LIBERTY LOAN. id Dl'l'TIt COLT SHOW June 15 16 will lie Annual Cull Show week in Dultir. Must every one from this section uf tin-county as well as else whero will ho prow ent. The prospects of thin ' year's show is far better than any previ ous year. The premium Y'A is simttlar to that of last year mid tho purpoHe of the Colt sh"W in l enoourago the breeding of hie.h class Block and to expand in the proceeding years to other forma uf livestock, as all other Slock Show; do. Do not fail to be present on the above mentioned dates. CONTRACT FOR WOOD. 'Contract for '2" cords of you sound wood, 10 in. Pine and l-'ir, Delivered on tho Maupin :-o!iuol ground, will be awarded Monday, June 18th, 1917. Leave youi sealed bids with tho Clerk, at Hit Tuinalum Lumber Co. Office. No bids will bo accepted alter date set. Peter Kilbrng Clerk, School Dist. No. 81. q Sto Millinery diore, Mrs. Emmons,' Everything In My Line. Maupin, Orcnori. One aspect of the $5,000,000, t)00 loan, the Liberty loan of 1917 that the farmers af America may well consider is that a very great portion of the money raised by the bond issue will come directly into tht pockets of the farmers of the Nation. All of the money advanced to our allies will be expended in the United States and as they are making all of their own muni tions practially all of the money advanced them will be spent for products of the farms for cot ton for clothing and high explo sives, wool for clothing and lea ther for shoes; but by far the greater part of the money loaned our allies will be expended here for food products. In a few months the United States will have under arms 1,200 000 men and 500,000 reserves in training; so including the Navy there will be 2,000,000 men that our Government will feed and clothe. This w.ll make the Uni ted States Governmen by far the largest single customer the far mers of America have. The Secretary of the Treasury . is employing such methods in handling the loan that no commul nity will be denuded of money by reason of Liberty Loan Bond purchases. The money will be left in local banks and as the Government purchases food and supplies the money raised by the bond issue will pass back into the pockets of the people. The farmers of the country subscribe liberally to the Liberty Loan Bonds. They get the saf est investment in the world and their money supplies their best customer tne iuua3 to pur chase their products, This is political economy the wisdom of which is plain to everyone. Do You Realize? that we are limited by the whole sale grocers on some articles, do you know that conditions are get ting serious. Are you prepared for what is coming. Get in, buy now, while my stock is well asso;-.L ed and the prices are right. My only guarantee is honest merchan dise at fair prices. LAKE'S CASH STORE At Your Service kalbscirlibe for HE TIMES Just In A FINE UNI Summmer and Caps SHATTUCfi BROS, THE STORE OF BETTER SERVICE r&'$ Haiti btivmt sit IrilTvd tiU UL.5i.2J Selection of First Increment! Pcadtaess Shewn ta Make Any for fiew Ars::y h next "V.'a.vii'i.viu..---Tiiwiivy !' v, i'.r a I f!i-.t; milit.ey cearas ever !ae-n i ' lho I'libi t!i.Hl l:V'"i.UH") "... tieau.a.ivea IV, LV-t t li 4 B!a!c v,ki t.a (!"..!.! wUofevd ovi lho wa..!;....-l i.i i-P -I f (.;: ci.: . 1 1 : : l: L n !.):; Sasaiiccs to Ho'd Aiiioj Armies i,i Chock. :.: J.-- :;::( y t;i. s si'nee Ma 20 ;.T!!i!;:iS Kim.' aitatkitt I'n: :. n (ii"it t!i .ii mi lUal iluy by r,-v.v!i it liiuiiiit t'urx'r.ft siflil oik': (-:-;-r.-. AH vhuib; !i:ivo U'i tliu pivy;,! !.i'j cit j.,,4 v:;,;r. '- 4 c ' ' !"' a h V"' iu m- ;;i tiio 1 "'-,t,:! v' -iV, li ' au "" w.innuv; iin.1 I, i.. , m .M K:v,- !-; v,'i('' :'""' ni;'i-s y'"'K' '" " -::l!ii?.ri-u l';o lew .:u.'i v!.:) ' b Ki' !,, il '''' '"' Imvo i-ilal-a ; T.i,i;a tvi isi !V ' Km!. 1 S "1 (" t!,ll,,t :1" til-' ivl'asal ui U i. (l.:.,;:..' vi":-'!t o!' ...f n:r:i to vain u.iy f.;.!y 1.) 1'w o.ir;,-! oii'' o.f:'.'i J;"! H: tion: "!;u you c-i. -::i ' .v i"i.!i',n?'' i t":!. w ii:; 1,IV tln; 'I n il! .i ; ,. :irt Kv.a men W.u ... ic-i lhat iir y hM j "'-'' vaiaui ."inib in llii.i ur.nr, com-rt..!;-!!t:it IV. , Pi ;:.,! wilh vh', h.M - t "-. "f l"'t;:''? J'-!o1'""- ;.';y.;i. -J t'! a Lilii l a a.i;l (!i..,;a vhcai; ' v l,; '.'oi"i. fii;litiii; v,(.'..t on c.'i. ai'ai'.iai;; ma. ......un to Uvp IHvni at liiime, (IfcU.ibJ to iiiuUe sli. a ct.ai'ii. 'J liu m:X .!: hi I!..; ;jvivc:,i;in.:iir,s .'aa wall bo t!:o svlfciiuil of !io,.o , i . iinirl aids tiluiv. ini; of the apeefl up of ttutobtriut actlvltios through : lit till! Btuii! is iivili ali!il in tlio week' ; iy I'.aau l id llio limiuuiaui bcciquuk i!oi..aiiualon for Did wi'ok of Moy 25 to. iacluaivi'. Uf the 454 tutclilentft :a 3nrt"il f.ur woro.futiil, tho fatalities h-iiiS Krank Hablut, low, railroad op n:.;t..r; tHynw'8 S. iliuiHon, llcppner, r.'.ilrouil otiurator; Abijah Dickford J. a Civ.ndx, tria. passer, and Harold! iiuriaiiii. Colto:i, miiiowiirker. A I... '.or na;o;tal by Secretary 01-j (,;; fro.a 1.. A. liiljoqvlat siiows that liai ry;me laws of the liiat leglohUnretj aa they rfi.r to Chinese Iplieasnntaj u.-o iifchtly Ut'iKlcd. Three different! Rvrc laisrail, ni'd Attorney Liljo tiv!t c:.T s-iod a diaiiro to know thai liaia i). i .isaao lo iii'ccriain, u poo clli'c, which is cmilroll'.ns. Tho thrw i;i.aati'!H of the noaBiun luwa lnvolvei are 27, 310 und 4!'!. Secretary O: i;.;lt liai: advlacd Attorney Liljeqvis' that Cliniiter SOT waa received in hli eli'iae l-Vhrtmry 17; Chaptur 340 oi Krliruary iii, and Chapter 13 on Fe raary 19. Siai.'.a a' few d;yi . at;o when th i.ite la'iil board fa'.!iuiHa receive moral tia.a o.ao saiail bill on- $500,000 worth' of rural c edits bomisi 'which were d! J'hal the (iermana are prtajavHl to fa) to aiiuo.'.t any tei,",lh hi saeril'leea uf luoii t.) liold tl'.o liltuation on tlie woaloiai i'l'uut i.i hand, seems appar ent. Aliiisg Ihe lino held by, tho Kreneli, the efi'ort is taking the form of al- wbo actualiy are to Uaiv aiana. 'l'ho lKi-H Kfkuttd. lihcut l.dilO.OOO nnv, ..,(:. .vira vi'l I... f.,ii, ,i I n.OHt cea.aleaa counter utlaekH, both Hie cclo.M a.rl put into trainlii early in ii.'o fait. ()i'i;.;ia:il!y it il iiiUaiil ed Ut call only SW.O'U for tho first draft army to Kiii'i.art lho national :;i'a.vil. ii.ad ro.a.itans, but a few days la t'us Ala.o region -and la the t'iiam paiio. Altlaaia.li iiuffenn a sanguin ary resmlse on i'liiiday in repeated at latlio on tiie Vauc.lere and Califoruie l latar.us, tin y nrai'.e a new llirusit fur- ... . n ... .-. . .. ...... la, .....f r .1 !i1mi.. asi, it was aiuumaeeil U'.at nearly 1 M' ' ' """ Caemia ilea l,'ii::.ies) j.la..ean. J no tiae.'i.iii n;.-1;. would be uvvdol ou the firat Belectia!!. Can lets Kiat si Jiiiel Prison. Juliet, lit. A fl-'.-i- o:ie p-iaMa r Ind tefca Kiile.l, oi,"!t save.aay i,,twrtti and iieverai ofhem hurt daviii;:, tiuve riotous r.titlial:H at tae stuto urUon by a th.aaaad tanvieta who ohjeelfc.l to l.ew rubs eiiiereed by Warden Bova.il, a raiaa.oiai i'.k.'o tho last 2D!) i, the mutineers to tiie calllnmae Kaily ia the day. however, they bad aU.MiiaW a erevat e.a,v lei'oro the bayonets of 1'ai.io. ...I a.a"aaaien Tv i ! 0 finally qiteiied tho tmt!,.v.5'i Ccrmzn ab;i:-riru Kit by Shell. Vrie'liieetaai. A C.aaiia!) MiiamM'iiio is MliswX U ha' e Lo'n na.-ik hy an iVem.li report chowa this to luivo had .ooie iia-aaure of i'.uee.a-a, tho erov.ai arinee's troejis fore'.n;; tlieir way into y.mo advaaeeil Fn.neli piaaitions. J vcrl'sfd for sale, and. It was decided to ash tho banks of the state holding s,..!o fnada to tako o(or these bonds,' I only approximately $.160,000 worth oti the issue has been sulc'l, all told among' ul no banks. On the, other hand a number of leading hainlis have flatlyjj rafuaed to invent in Clio bonds. A a! result the Bi.ate land 'board is faelngl a peculiar sitimliotn, af.d It soems poa-1 Eible, even probable, that tho board will ho compelled to shut down on loans in tho nar future and close up' the rural orodits account for a time,' nave as to those Joans already made, or to bo made, out of the snaftU amount of mousy (OH, hand. araie.,1 A me! n .in liiii;; li; ill, iaalina in which Ha e.a'ia Kitliiiiaii'm so.! An official ivi'mi siraan"'s fiaal ai.rnek tha .3ai aa clear oat .' t!.- w ciil up ...r a letv divu,......i'.-d." Chii.iie C.oeta roi.ii'.- I'iieV. I! illeiaaii".; lie: p. a v.l.ieh I van. ia : vreo- .iae the ; i;i,i aoVeriaa ait.- ...oa i.-i a van l.m.r aa l a ha'f, .o.a: fiivd by tea I, la para a 'Sfrnirfht Tiro On The Ful i 13 And Lumber Situation... We are in tho Crip of the Worst Shortage lho World ha3 , , ever kr.own-:aiMl KeUir.fcWnrse.. Kinty c:wl sill el ShiDincnLn will ho nift'lo (Itt'-inSi tht; Stimuior month?. Next to h'ae!, sbirimc-nhi of Silo and ('iruncry malrnal will have ia, eceedonee. over all others us tnis U'iitls (o irxroasc the couu trv'w food stii?.-ly- Mny vo strK'9t that you anti ciinle j our wanLfl utid'ordor your i.W'-A at ns.e?, We will bo il.aeaai U talk these matters over ii jM'iin. "Soe Pi.U-i: Kil!a:i'i; about it" :y ot the 'y Hi..!, ilmlXl n n A ci;a.i,e riace -co ira 9 PURE DRUGS . y-v r r.- r T. $ t T T YIOHo OUR SPECIALTY SO-MC Cr Tiir -iiJ-r-.T.G Ti?AT V1Z C.r-i BO FOR YOU j .') (.i;i: ::(..! j7:i;v WO t- a ; r, Vfi:; ,'. ; C t; i'. e, i' A 'a VF ''"iW l,!'0:O.T V.dK, la: ,' V f f - iv'iir - r, !:Ai:!,!;V AND 1:T,!, tm :,'('a;.i; fa' vo:;i; i:AMKI;c; !;i;:'iA.!:'A', ii-) io'ii: t;;: !" ! atati; c?M?ii.t9Nij; vyouk. CP,:; A Ti'.i.M., V.'i; CAN AND WILL MAKE GOOD r-..-,i .s r tr'n.l CTAT : BANK f"