The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 01, 1917, Image 4

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The Mali piii ball UiM.n phys ut
Kent Sunday.' '. '
tf. J. Styor for fin it elass hair
out and shave,
A visitor from Du fur Saturday
waaMiss Nettie Sigruan.
Mr. Fisher went to The Dalits
Tuesday after mora new caoe,
Bojs do uot fail to rigister Tues
day or Uncle will got you.
Ever) 'body wear a Maupiu em
blirfl at the Dufur Colt Show.
Geo. Gill and .family were visit
ing here over Sunday, from Dufur.
Quite a delegatiou from Shuiiilco
were among us Saturday and Hun
day. Some very nice calches'are re
ported from along the Desubutei.
this week. " '
Mrs. Geo. Clayiimre and Mrf.
Mott, of Wupiujtiu, wore visitor
Claud RoborU, of Wamio, ha?i
roturned from a mouths stay h
The dance in Shattucks hall wtui
largely attonded euuh night of thi.
Briuton, Harvey aDd Grove)
Slusher, of Dufur, wore taking iu
the races hers Saturday.
L. D. Kelly, manager of tli .;
Manpin hall team, informs ns th'Jt
The Dallos lii st team comes June 10
W. F. Foreman and wife, re
turned Tuesday evening from uu
extended stay in Portland.
Minors who contiue to smoke
cignrrotls will in time get cati;;ht
and then the hoavy sentence.
Mrs. W. II. Staats was'calloi' "
Dufur Tuesday evening on account
of the death of Mrs. A. J, D tifur.
Just think next week giye.n us
two Holidays, Monday being elec
tion day and Tuesday registration,
Sunday Mrs, Moad was vieited
by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Va.nder
pool and Mrs. Melyin SLjni.iQ. of
Mrs. Morrison, Editor of The
Times, is visieiugin I and
will be absent from the office for
a timo.
There were some 50 Aulos park
ed around the Bull Park last Sun
day to watch tlie defeat of
Vulloy by Maupiu.
Mrs. 0. P. Weberg and childran
Mrs. J. Shipley and Mrs. p. G.
Laughlin, were visitors at The.
Times Office Wednesday.
Geo.Eliard- of Grass Valley ;,
was in Manpin Sunday, haying
brought part of the ball players
here for Sundays game.
On Tuesday, June 15lh, the
Maupin ball team will pay The
Dalles at Dufur. the winning i.
to play Dufur the following day.
Hugh Mulkius was over from
Dufur last week for the races, and
on Sunday worked with Mr Keiser
as Un.p for Maupin-Grass Valley
ball came.
Free Methodist Church. Sab
bath School 10 a. m. Preaching
service, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
AH are cordially iuvitod to attend.
Notwithstanding the cool wea
ther last week the Harphan Pool
and Confotionery Parlors, sold
over 60 gallon of Ioe cream during
the three days meet.
We have had numerous com
plaints from the surrouuiVing
country, that they knew noVhing
of the races held here last w( ek
until they were over. Lack of
The Situiiasho Indians were no
match for the Manpin boys on thr
diamond, home boys having won
two of three games and shutting
mem completely out the last of
the series.
The A 1 bers""ji ro's Sho w"w hich
were here for iho meet last week
was appreitciaAed by all and they
showed to a po d house each night
they were here,, The sack of sug-
ar given away by thorn wcv drawn
by M. Williams, of Maupiji.
Mr. S. L. Wiggins, (mrnling
Frg, & Pass. Agent, of the "Union
Pacific System, called on uw Mon
day and reports everything flour
ishing. "" Mr. Wiggins hays' l:lie car
shortage is being greatly received,
cattle and sheep lucning luiuldy.'
The races iu Maupin last week
were largely attende:!, the wealhcr
for the first two days bein; utl:i;t
dissagrecable, but the people of
this part of the county will noth.t
a little wind intefero with their
Credit is duo Mr. Jim ISrown for
the cloan manner in vb',ch he
conducted the race meet 'hero last
week. We are sorry tr, Ktato that
through an oversight, the manage
ment failed to give us the resulls
of the races, othe r w isrj we should
have published t'uv,m in full.
A farewell rarly was "Wen at
.ho residence of Dr. tlalliold Tues
day evening in bior of Mr. and
Mrs. 1). M. Shutluek, who are to
make an exmded visit In'Culifor
nia, Mrs. 'Slmttiich left Wednes
for Portland where she will visit
for a fev days, after which her
husbar.d will join her on the trip
south .
I-M appreciation of the treatment
and patronage extended to nie as
Manager of the races hero last
"week, I thank one and all, but the
treatment f recieved at the hands
of Penniger and Speck in the Free
for All Saturday, was contrary to
the rules id tdean racing.
Jim Brown.
Washington. Attorney General
Gregory instructed United States At
torneys and marshals throughout the
country to use tliolr utmost fcitorts
to arrest and prosecute )t persons
responsible for the w'tation which
has manifested itself, Vu certain locali
ties against the registration June 6
of men subject, to selective draft.
Officials have undertaken an ese
haustlve investigation to determine
if the whole anti-draft sentiment is
not rooted in extensive machinations
or uerman propagandists having a cen
tral headquarters in this country.
If e,uch la the ease, the- conspiracy
wm tiomi! to nothing, officials believe.
The department of justice, it wan uii-
t'joritatlvely announced, expects vir
tually 100 per cent of eligibles to reg
ister, and prompt prosecution m.der
the criminal provisions or Ihe law
will bo instituted in the .few cases
where the law is not observed.
To bring out the full registration,
Attorney General Gregory invited the
entire nation to constitute itself a
committee of the whole, unci every
man of military ace & committee of
ono to report Blackors.
American Like Project to Rank First
In Northweot.
tacoma. Wash. Mechanics will
brought to American to con
struct the thousands of buildings
(needed there even tr all work of this
oTiaracter has to be stopped in Taeo
ria, Portland, Seattle and other north
west cities. That announcement was
Bole by the representatives of the
quartermaster's department of the
army, who aro here to supervise the
preliminary work
If: will ho necessary to build tlmn.
santfe of buildings to house the 60,000
troo to bo brought to camp, bosriu-
ning September 1. Of this immher
800 at '..the structures will be of a per
ms aene character. Tho great task
must be completed by the date of tho
f.lrst arrival of soldiers. Captain David
li. Stone estimates that S000 workmen
will be employed there during the
Liberty Loan Facts.
Amount of Loan
r:!Clflc Coast's Share $105,000,000.
Size of Bowls V0, $100, $000. 51000,
and upward.
rate of Interest-1! per cent per
Term of nomla The boeds run for
SO years. The Ki''it reserves
the rifiit to buy shesu b.vk at face
value after 15 years.
Your money will be spent wiioDy in
Fvery bank is an'hovinej to take
9ub?ertp!lons for the i-ou-renivnt.
Only 2 per rent of purchase need l.e
pa'd now, and the bslnnee n? follows:
18 per rent on June S l'O per cent
on July 3030 per rent on August IE
SO per cent on August 30,
Wapiniiia Items
Soma real spring weather thej
lust few days, which is fine fjfc tlu
spring grain, n Wie worms ure
woikLns wme lields ami doing
a great aYiiouut of damage,
U 0. Wilson has had to respivl
j i'n of his grain for the third
, t.iiii lif.liirr otii .iff l.u fliu nrNi.u
Mr. A Mrs. John Powell and Mr
4 Mrs. I, J. Powell, left here Tues
day for a few days outiug at the
Warm Springs.
Mr 4 Mrs. Barzee arrivid here
from Calif. Monday and W Vis.
iting at then. Oi their sou Earl,
They ftttd'e the trip from Cttlit in
their Overland.
Mr. 4 Mrs. G. E. Wood lefl
he.e 'J uesday for The Dalles, iu
their new Saxon, 0, which they
purchased Monday from Icnord
Wilson. Mr. Fihlier accompanied
them giving 0. K. bis first lesson
in driving,
Hurttimn's sawmill commenced
sawing Wednesday. Mrs. C.vr ft.
employed as cook there.
M. II. Staines )urchase an Over
land from Sidney WilsWi 1H
Mr. iUrs. Hay Tuninson, of'
White Hiver, were visiting at the
Wilson home Sunday,
Mr. Mrs. V. B. Tapp attended
the graduation exercises at Dufur
Thuasdo- evening, when Robert
Vi.'.iceht and Winiferd Tapp grad"
Uated from the High School VtfeVe.
Rob. and VirvcVat Ta cbmnion
ced work W Itarlman mill
Vittcent and Johnnie Tapp made
atrip to Dufur Mondvy, bringing
homo their hnime'linlrl rrnA(l
Henry Peterson took a load of J
wucat to i'ilauiiu i uesii.iy.
Sidney Wilson Vri'ade the round
trip to ! l)alles and back Tues.
Mr.. & Mrs. Geo. Heitz liavt
moved up to the new mill Bite in
the gulch.
Fred Laughlin butchered a fini
beef Tuesday.
Emil Jllockler aico was pedling
ooei ,f nutty-.
jfSh'e'ep shearing is in full swing
atthe Abbott ranch this week.
Deputy State Vateruary visited
this burg last Friday investigatine
tlio di,k; or
Joe O'Brien killed r Lis fourth
sheep Friday that had contracted
Ruby Wilson came out from The
Dalles Friday and remained ovej
Sunday with her pureuta here.
Hay Koylor, of Maupin, was ti
Monpny and purohased a new bin
dor hum I.- A. Ilarlman,
Mrs, Ira ! 1 i ri u is suffering from
a severe alkict of yoison oak,
liolh her eyes being swolen shut.
Sho came in contact with the oak
while fishing on the Deschutes last
Clvd Flinn left here Tues. bvp
for-Wakerville and will work iu
the mill.
E. A. Hartman made a trin to
Maupin Sunday to bring up Mr. 4
Mrs. Staats. for Sundav dinner
butowinc to unavoidable circum
stances they were unable to come,
out ye seliniie am family were
glad of it, ns we were invited to
Vike care of the roast chicken.
whip cream cake and other good
things which Mrs. E. A. had pre-
Wood hauling has commenced
in this section.
D. Wright returned from his
trip to the British Oahnnbia line
last week, be succeeded in buying
a mini her of mules to be used in
tho Forest Service.
Joe G.iaham returned from
Portland last Tuesday.
Karl Earzee was quite sick a few
nays last week.
Mrs. Arthur Pecbette is chief
eo'k for AbLotts shearing crew
this week.
J. S. Brown purchased a new
Page last week.
decoration dav was ohserwil hv
a large number, going to the grave
yaids and decorating graves with
The Christian endeavor Soeietv
here will hld a Service praver
ineetim; next Sunday morning,
ami all are mvited to meee at the
choreh at O.b'O and from there will
ten Id mi app ointed place. Bring
breakfast with yon. In the aiter
dooh they will go to Pine drove
andorgmizo a C. E. there.
N. Vv. Flinn was & Msnnin vis.
itor Tuesday and Wednesday.
A good many from here attended
me race meet at maupin last week
A public sale will be held ut 0.
B. Uirthick's home Saturday June
2nd. Mr. Uirthick having sold
bis farm to Mr. Fleming.
Rev. Staines preached his- fare
well sermon hei.e. last .Sunday,. . i
Mrs. IS. L. Uliic.b and small
ion. left Thursday for Portland to
aettend the lloSo Show. ;
Mr Mrs, A. J. Black returned
home Friday evening . .
Ed Mays passed through here
Tuesday on his way to BakeWen.
U. Ptert ftad ft rt Addition
built to litti batn Vkbich he wiil use
M tt garage, ,
Several car loads of people went
from hero to Manpin to attend tbt
races. . " '
Mr a Mrs. Win Bcchwilh return
ed home . Sunday after a wteki
stay in Maupin.
Mr. ii .Mrs. C. B' Dahl, Jannelt
Harper and Solomon H.uiscr mo
tored to Maupin ialid Bukeoven
The Grm Valley ball playen
went through tierS WiiiirlAi' to pluv
t M.u'iiiv, '
, fe'. bonney has been em-tall,
ing a phone at h 13 ranch this week
J. T. Harper has purchased a
new pair of scaleswhic h he has in
his store.
Wnt. McAtte, lames Gault and
C. L. Lofton left for The Dallet
'Mr. Mrs. K" L. Hauser' re
turned borne Sunday from Eugene.
Mr. & Mrs.K. D. Konuett leal
Monday for Albany where thej
will visit for several weeks.
beveral parties went to the. Des
chutes last woeij to fish but did
not report any l'ic!t,
Eel Fstzpatrick hand lumber
baulcd for the new porch he is to
build around his home.
Mr. & Mrs, Grant Mays re
lumed to The Dalles Wednesday.
Geo. Lofton left Monday for
Dr. uud Mrs. Shannon motored
to The Dalles Tuesday..
SGrandma Kestner went to Warn-
inu uesday for.Decoratiou Day
C. J. Van Dvne is makinor snnip
, - - Q
improvements ou bis lawn
J- C. Butler retu
Corvallis Tuesday.
. , ,
' ,"u,lrou "UU1: "om
Drvallis Tuesday.
ueo. oi ,nn wn n i hi uw noil
er at the Stillwell home.
Smock Items
Mr Modds,' the 'oppraiper for the
Federal hind board, was here Mon
day ami Tuesday, and called
meeting of the stockholders. Mr.
May field met him ut Wamic.
W. Bargenholt and famih
were molerniL' Sunday. C. A said
it kept him dodging to keep tin
Dodgo in line. j
' O. K. Flick wife and baby, with
our passengers motored to The
Dalles Monday.
T. E, Farlow's son Floyd it
staying with his Grandmother.
The Assessor Mr. Bolton, visited
this place Tuesday. .,.
'' Callie Duncan silent a few ta va
wiuh his perents, C. R. Duncan
and wife. Callie will hp 91 th,.
0th ne day too late to register.
Marion Duncan is hanlinir Inm.
her from Woodcock's mill to i.Ik-
yards at Wamic.
F. E. Spoor is atteuding court
ompaneled as a jouroi.
Bean aereace on SmnrL- W TT
May field 1 acre, N. E. Whitcomb
I acre, beside several others who
have planted less amout. If
jack frost dosont claim them plen
ty oi oeins
J. W. Farlow and family visited
the home of J. W. Avers last Sun.
Mrs. Lilly Farlow and daughter
viMieu uranama i'arlow iMomlay.
C. II. Jocky was a Tygh Valley
visitor Monday.
Miss Ella Syronand Mrs. Cora
Smith spent last week in Maupin
ueniimg tne races.
Mrs. Grant Led ford was a Sim.
day caller at C. II. Jocky's.
Milvav Bros, have luirchnscil n
nem Overland.
Dardanallss to be Unrfsr Belgian Rule.
Paris.- Belgium's fine to fly over
Conrtantineple and Kclaiom t'n .
trot the rardanelles, is said to be the
allies' revised piRU for iu 4im
respecting Turkey.
"it .-rfP9XTV(
i J
Gen. T.isknr H. Bliss.
a'-.tnia chmf
Staff mum Caa'ici m .uik la ciu3tnt
"HI '.he Russian comrr.ittlon.
RULES ARE 111010
.VrNost karstial General Crowder on
'.he fact that no man within the pres
cribed age limit except those already
In the regular army and navy, the
national guard In the federal service
or reserve divisions of the naval serv
ice, are excused from registratloa for
military RervlrA.
U a, man'!! 81st MrtMiiy falls on
Juno 6 he must register. If a man Is
21 years old the day of the census, he
must register.
Failure to register means Imprison
ment with no alternative of fine.
Men seckinir excniol ion from servlne
b'Taimq the MinHht't Mile fit'- ilirtfB A'Z-
Vw-iits must be sure that the person
they have in mind Is "solely" depend
ent On them. Otherwise they must not
"hide behind petticoats or children."
The mere fact that one claims exemp
Hon will not necessarily exempt him
The Question upon which exemption
ui uiubo wim acpeBQQnis wm db aes
tefmihed, feads!
"hav foil. father; Mother; wife;
child under 12, or a sister or brother,
under 12, solely dependent ution von
for support? (Specify which.)"
The Brit.iuh transport Transylvania
was torpedoed in the Mediterranean'
with the loss of 413 persons.
General Oadnrna's brilliant offensive
cnnlinues unchecked, each day finding
the Italian line projecting a little far
ther down the Carso plateau toward
A total of 22,410 Germans and Aus
trians were taken prisoners by Italian
troops during their advance along the
Julian front between May 14 and May
25, according to official figures.
French forces have occupied most of
the Chevreux wood, east of Craonne.
after Inflicting heavy losses on the
Germans and taking 30 prisoners. Two
German battalions were almost anni
hilated by the French.
Germany's submarine campaign ap
parentty is still falling far short of
German expectations. The report of
the British admiralty on tonnage sunk
last week shows that 18 merchantmen
of more than 1600 tnns nmi mo
less tonnage were sent to the Worn.
This is far below the million tons 0
month expected by Germany.
Balance of Trada Favors Japan.
Washington. Normal trade move
ments resulting from an enormously
expanding export trade was the ex
planation given at 'the Japanese em
bassy for the large withdrawal of
gold from America within the last
few months.
Filipinos to Raise One Army Division.
Saa Francisco. Filipinos are to
raise an entire army division for serv
ice with the armies of thn Tlnitoa
States in the European war, according
to DrlgadieriGeneral Herman Hall
chief of the Philippine constabulary,
Race Riot In East St. Louis!
East St. Louis, 111. Three white
men and three negroes were wounded
in a riot that started after a meeting
to protest gnatnst the whole-sale im
portation of negro laborers. Six com
panies of Illinois Kaional Guardsmen
patrolled the streets.
Anti-War Stickers Spread About City.
Portland Lndcr cover of darkness,
alleged agents ot the Seattle Nnn-rw
I ftnrintinn T aooha (h.j.j
ud Plastered the city with sticks
jurginj mga resist vjucrlptipn, j
At s iA -1 - ' t
oooooooooooooo 9 0OO00OOOOO0OCO3
JL. B. Fox R. T.Yates J
n n
a Makers of Abstracts That q
o Protect. o :
0 ; Books Posted to Date.P.aily... 0 1
1 Plant Second ioNoni4Sl
. r . nil.-. L'.ntn
o First Nutioual BauU Uuiiauig o )
o ' " Phone Black 2831 6'"
0 Tim ilnlles. Orecon , . 0
oudoooooouoooo 0 060O00000O00090
Valley Produce Co.
: . '. etc.
115 Front St., Portland, Ore,. v,
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall r .1
M(edictii'':;V- .c
Surgery ''".'
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable , ; . . -Satisfaction
Call Drug store or resideue .
Maupin, Oregon 5
ijtyj FERRY
Corrected -
As couceming errors in our type
last vveeK.
Financial statement at the close
of business, April 30, 1917.
Cash in Bank' $
Cash on hand
Bills Reeejyftbls ,
Accounts Receivable
Mdae. (Inventory)
Handling Charges ( In
ventory) 1
Permanet Improvements 14,208.08
Total $18,932.40
Capitai Slock faid itl 114,606.69
Accounts Payable 2.80
Bills Payable 2630.00
Loss and Gain for 1916-
1917 2067.47
Undivided Profits
balance 1915-1916 .,..23213
fotai ?li;s52.49
Cash Receipts and Expenditures
for fiscal year:
Cash ou hand May 1
1916 $ 513.41
Cash received during
fiscal year $57.016.14
Total $57,529.55
Cash paid out during
fiscal year $57,423.74
Cash on hand April 80
1917 $105.81
Total $5775103
Local Items
Don't blame your clock-
needs cleanina. Emmom
do it for you and guarantee it.
If the other fellow could not Hz
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
For sale 4 work mules, well
broke, weight 1000. 3 to 3 veara
old. Claud Wil
If you want some baby calves to
raise, see Bonney, vou can
after harvest if vou wish.
Big bargains in brake blocks
and brake shoes at Lake's Store
Will th DSODlK frnm M. lt.-i...
be benefitted, inauires J ir Hfi..
son, of Douglas Countv.
cation to the Roseburg News. Thert
3 no question about that, he replies
In answering hia own nnti, tv.
bonds mean better roads for every
cection of the county and better roads
mean many things. The farm or
ranch can be sold for more moner If
one wishes tn mil un,k..
facilitated and the cost U
Tbe sooner we get permanent roads
the sooner will taxes erow le. nA
roals cost less to maintain if
dump our money each vmt it .
few mud holes and keep It np from
year to year we have benefitted no
one. not even thn man mi .v.
- uw uu ma
Tthe Tie, 00 W "