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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1917)
i lino 11 I- 5' e Vi 3 Devoted Southern Wasco County VOL. 3, NO. 33 MAUPIM SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 1 , 1917 .THE YEAR $1.50 r 1 1 I I I II J EI N tfi T.. M OMJ H ft " t 5OVEK0R'S PROCLAMATION, - i J - ' "V Whkbeah, The Presidcn t of tlio United Stales has designated June 5th;1017, as the day upon which our citizens shall register in accor dance with the provisions of the selective draft law, and Whereas, on this day we face a Rlgnntlfl task now in our national history and one whoso proper con duct can only ho attained through the tlhitod copefation of every cit izen, and Whkueah, it Ih vitally dehirnble that the registration ho accompli shed with tlio thoroughness and dinpatch, both as a testimonial to tho efficiency of our democracy and as a moral example sliinalualing t j our Allies and depressing to our Alversaries, and jjftj it is especially fitting that this occasion bo made one of Patriotic festival fittingly celebrat ing the Natio'ns unity and tho willingness of its citizenship to serye our flpg and to make sacrifice if needs be, in a righteous cause, Now Therefore, I. James ilU ycomb, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Govenor of ti e State of Oregon, do proclaim Tuesday, June, 5th, 1917, as-War Census Day, and I do further de clare it a legal holiday, believing that by so doing the purposes above set forth will best be served. And Do You Realize? that we are limited by the whole sale grocers on some articles, do you know that conditions are get ting serious. Are you prepared for what is coming. Get in, buy now, while my stock is well assort, ed and the prices are right. My only guarantee is honest merchan- dise at fair prices. LAKE'S CASH STORE At Your Service Just In A FINE LINE OF ummmer Hats and Caps SHATTUCK BROS. THE STORE OF EETTER SERVICE r I call upon the patriotic men1 and women of Oregon, and their Sons and laubtrs to make of this day an occosion raetiiorsMi M . (!Ve history of our state, marking as it does, a great forward step ia the efficient utilizatiau of our man hood upon the sido of Nomocracy and justice iu the World War, to the end that world peace may the sooner be restorod and permanent ly assured. In Testimony Wiihkhof, I have hereto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Statu nl Oregon to be hereunto alliixcd this 'iCtli day bf May, 1017. Jamks With ycomb, Goyonor. Facts About Liberty Loan. Purposk This loan is a bond issue authorized by congresB to pay costs of the war against Germany, to make a'd varices to the allies, and above all to bring tfobtii k gpeetfy and successful end of the world" conflict. Amount of Loan-$2000,000,000 Pacific Coast's Siiarf 166,000, 000. Sizk of Bomps $50 $100, $500, 1000 and upward. Ratk'op interest 8-1-2 per cent per year. Terms of Bonds The bonds run for o0 years. The government re- serves tho right to buy them back at face value at end of 15 years, BuV'Trie.sE Bonos .Now Became lThese bonds are the safest in vestment known. 2 By so doiDg- you serve your mUtif: !-.-y,y,.:y- 8 Democracy akSdi Us dollars for defence, not tribute.' ' 5 These botlds aro backed by the credit of the whole United Stales, the richest country in tho world. 5 Every $1000 invested will bring you $.'15 a year income. 6 The government 'guarantees to pay you more, inconio if future loans carry : higher interest rates. 7 Yen ' cirfi buy them on tho in- Htallmeilt tii. ' 7 Your money'"' will ' If rpoht wholly in America. How To Buy These BoNos-Every bank is authorized to take sub. scriptions for the government. You can subscribe now by paying to your bank only 2 per cent of your purchase, rnd balance as fol lower 18 per toent on June 28 20 pW fcihioh Jaly 30-30 per cent on August lS-80' per' cent on August 80. Auction Sale. 7 head of Mule, 2 head of Horses, 2 Milch Cows, 2 Calves, ii head of Hogs, One 16 in. Gang Plow, 2 Graiu lirills, .1 Harrow 3 sections, 2 sets of Har ness, 1 Right Lap or Disc, House hold goods two numerous to men tion. Everybody welcome. Sale starts at 10, a. m. Saturday, June 2nd. Meet tls at the Homo llaneh Free Lunch, bring own Coffee citp Terms Six month or One Year's time at 8 per cent int. Apr. Secu. Clerk, Maupin State Bank. O. B. Dirthic Owner, J. T. Harper Auct. Whether 111 road bonds are voted Of ibt the auto license and the ralllage tax Wlii have to be paid just the same. 'Wherfi toiild there be any economy In voting Aw dwB-M. Mlnnvilla Register. Those who argue against obtaining fcfitside nidney through the sU mil lion ooua jssno ara winning swu the improvetneu't &f t by-roads or laterals which they Claiui to eham pion. fyndleton East Oregoulaii "This is the greatest measure ever contemplated by the state of Oregon," said Governor Withycombe, discuss ing the $6,009,000 rod bond bill at the state-wide good , roads rally in Portland. "It means more to the state than any measure la Its history, be cause the one thing we need 1 high ways In Oregon." Industrial preparedness, military' preparedness, eeonomio insurance and common horse sense rise up to slap" the contrary Mr. Spence's statements In the face. The bond issue IS prac tical, IS necessary, IS .without tax obligation, uuiis mane me pw unn- i er bear ALL the burden and SHOULD carry. Astoria Astorian, Eighty per cent of the automobiles t n n nnrnnd ttV Israelii, llV. Ill UlUfeUIl BIO U'.U VI wuv-nu ... lng in ths cities, and not one cent ' jr of the proposed $6,000,000 bond issue is to be used on roads in cities. All the money goes on county roads, aurt as only 20 per cent of the auto license j will be paid by those living in the ; country, that means that tho auto ! owners living In incorporated cities will pay $4,800,000 of the $6,000,000 ( bond Issue. Tillamook Headlight, i . I It Is time for us to get out of tho ; mud. We need and must have good roads. They will add to the wealth, ! thrift and happiness of our people and our state. This measure ($6,000,000 road bond bill) does not add one far thing to our taxes; it simply capital izes waste. No sane man or woman should offer a single word of opposi tion to this movement. Governor I Withycombo at state-wide good road3 ; rally in Portland. Six years ago the people of Califor ! nla voted $18,000,000 bonds for good ' roads. The measure rweivrd only a small majority. 'Last Novcmhor they voted an' additional $15,000,000 of : bends for further road work. Tho vote at the second election was i to 1 for the bonds. There's a reason. Cal ' lfornians were satisfied with their first Investemnt. Road construction i In California has yielded satisfactory i dividends tg the people of that sta'.ev MAU PIN'S GROWTH. Seven years ago the first of last March, Maupin was not known of by many. A small Merchandise store in a building lux 2 ft wag started by W. II. Staata & Ctt, and one month later the Post Office was adjocl. Then for some lime the town was on a standstill. lint look at it now, tliorc id everything here that you would find in anytown of it's size in ths state. Three large stores, owned and opperatc! respectively by, YV. II. Staats & Co-, whom cary a full line of everything. Shattuck Bros,, in their own modern store building, where you can purchase anything. The Opera House is on the upper floor of this build ind. And Lake'3 Cash Store, on the east side of the river, who is up to date on all lines. Next a first das3 Drug store, operated by the Maupin Drug Co, Dr. Fhvood who is connected with same1 is our able Physician. The Maupiu Su-ita' Ba:k. with a capi tal stock of SIS. 000, J- M. Con- klin, President, P. V. Steward, Cashier. Three first cvass eat ing' bouses and two Hotels'- The Hotel Kelly, which is as modorn as the best, with Mr. Reel Prop. The Maupin Hotel which is crow ded all tho time, Mrs. L Miller, Prop-, and Ilarphan's Confec tionery, Ice Cream and pool Parlor, where short orders are a Specialty. Two Blacksmith shops one owned by B. N- Fra- ley. who is an expert on Wheat Boxes the othe is run by Alex Martin. Vanderpool Bros- have a fire proof Garage 45 by 90 on the west side, and the up to date Kisher Garage on the east side. The Tumaliun Lumber Co. cary a full line of building material. Adjoining them is the High School with an enrollment of 0), Prof. Kellog, Principal. Hunt's,' Ferry and Warehouse Go-, with a second elevator to be built soon Two Railroad;!, TheS-.P- AS and the Union Pacific. Our Post ofliice with Mr. Talket as Post master is growing rapidly. Jack Donnely with the draying and transfer buisness of the town. Two Barber Shops owned by F. J. Styer and Mr. Keiser.Mr. Wil helm is in the Contracting' and f.t fiaiipni j S j 4 ; M At PRESCRIPTIONS OUR raw imw.wiii laWKmttnfmtn mji mv SOME OF TSSE (JIVE US A MAUPIN Building . business, and has all that be can do. Thus you can Bee the progress Maupin has made from less than a dozen inhabitants to a popula of , 1350, all in the short time of seven years, and on Saturdays one would imagine the popula tion seyeral times as great. ' .Hunger 'Wright and (!raliiu:i returned fimi Clackamas I.uko and report from '2 to 6 ft of snow across tho summit all tho hij;!i range ,wiH be lato- The farmers don't heein to be satisfied unless they uro skinned, (live Dad Coalo a chance, lie buys all kinds of pelts, hides Kleins and wool. p Portland Painless Dentist. We Extract, Crown, and Bridgo your teetli ahsolutely Painless; wo em ploy only Kxperienced and Regis tered men; fifteon years guarantee on all work. Seventeen years con tinual practice in Portland, Ore. Bring this card with you, it is worth nionoy. Portland Prices. Portland Painless Dentist, 1505 Second St., The Dulles, Ore. Op posite A. M. Williams Co. Phone Main 8831. Are you using The Times liner column when you have, any thing to sell or want to buy .some article that your neighbor may have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad in that column. YYc are sure that it will bring results. i Build. All of Europe will have to be rebuilt and when the war is over, prices are going to soar skyward. Your delay i:s going to be expensive. Regardless of thy kind of building or alteration you 'have in mind investigate our PRFB PLAN 'SERVICE to "customers; Our Service Department is at your command in all building matters. Talk it o'-"- with us. "See Peter K'ilburg about it" fa Dr A PURE DRUGvS Reasonable Price THINGS THAT WC DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YOUR FARM FOR YOU, RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT POX, LUY YOUR WHEAT, PARLEY AND OA'JP. TAKE CAR!:! OF YOUR BANKING RUSlNiv,?. D() YOUR UNTIED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK TRIAL, WE CAN AND STATE COM TRACT FOR WOOD.-"; Clon'.ract for 25 cords of good sound wood, 111 in. Pine and Fir, ., Delivered on the Maupin school ..' ground, wiil be awarded Monday, ,, Juno Isili, ID17. Leave; your J scaled bids with tho Clerk, at the Tiinialum Lumber Co. Office. ;; No bids will bo accepted after date set. . l'oter Kilbing .. - :v Clerk, School Dist. No. 84.,,, '" , , . - - " At The Hotels 1 Maupin Hotel. Mr, '.Mrs Walker, Portland is 1: Mitts, " ' W M. Jackson, . 11 Ji Harris, D L llaynes. M It J. P. Wilder, The Dal Howard Palmer, " W S Cantal, Condon, Albera Bios Mr and MrsGoodvurn, T J. Hardy, O W II N, G Morris. F. Hoik and wife, San Fran, 'F A Batnie'iirdtier, C K Calpiers, C Picket i Morris Arthur Farger, City, Tom Marchel, Eedm, II E Mulkins, H L Muyhew Duiu'r, K J Decdon, La Tine, K Pasel, Cam pboll, Cal, Pelhcrt WcCoy, Warn, Wilder, Conklin, O W It N. Grass Valley ball to-.m, Ed Poiulin, Jack Simpson, F:s Kngle Jas JUirton, F K Van N)-!, Geo. iOllanl, Chauf, Frickson, i reaher, Vinton, Turner and F V uton. N 3 I.- liJM I.V.I. GO. 1, i raae f 3 p SPECIALTY CAN DO TOR YOU WILL MAKE GOOD BANK .'J I