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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1917)
I tie MaiiDm limes Tui.lUJul i'evvry I'ViJay Mis. W. I.. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: On Yeor, $1.00. Six Months 75cts, Three Monllis 50c Entered :is sec, i, l ci;wa triui! matter Septembers, DLL at the I (if;!, oflk'g Manpin, Or.:r.m, under the Act of March 3, 1879 SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN i0 4o'' ! i;1. 1 "''(' K.'T.S .-J ' If, , . g -..A,. ;... J ., ,,i ai.iw..M I. :.,. iJ.iwil' 'Si. .. 4, ...ii,! Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon, who holds the Impbrtant phca of chairman of the seriate military af fairs committee. WaiiMn.'ilor,. Arlliur ,1. nuirour, Boorcliiry nf win)., for forciKii iill'iiirs ill' IIki JlrKiiili ciiiiin wan .niven nil v iM ion witi'ii In: npiicarcil ijcl'oio the liniiNi) of rcpr. iirnliilivoM. Tho rw.ep lion arcoi'ilfl Rir. IU-ll'mir anil tlx; IiimkIh of Ih.-i liritlHli wur mlHiiion wan fin jtl 1 nI in a I'm' il iiiiii'IciI tin; I'init limit wllliin the iii"mnry nt' 111:111 when the iircMideiit el' llm Unlled liliili'.l Iiim iiiciipied a r.allery neat 111 the chamber. Tin? enniiiiK of (he pn nhleut to pay thin Kpeeial honor In Mr. Ilall'our went niinolleed until after Mr. and Ha Wilson bad been nealed in tlie I'ront row oT the (eeulive e,,'!b'ry I'or hcv oral mlniiteH. They arrived uiian lioiineeil. Mr. Ilalliiiir delivered a warm ki t- In'! from the l.ritiyh purliii nicitt and nronsed bin liearorn to repeated ai plainie by prediel ini; that the caina' ol lb 1110. 101 y "narely iHinll eempier." jM'ler hia brief nddresrt be held a r--1 pi ion in the well id' the house, wort" of in. -inherit rilihR pant tottbuKe hi'' ha til, I'renl.letit W'ibton eanie down fn 1 1 Die paUery ami .innietl the li"e. An be apiu at'e.l on the floor he .a;t 1 Iieeted a: :iiit a:;. I tool; a phu-e jti-'i. aitt .i.l i.l pi-t nenlativo Jean in lie liaiihin. COND OFFERS ENORMOUS Liberty Lrn Wll I3o Oveisubsoribed Nearly 2.ifj Per Cent. ":::!i in, ton. 'l'be treasury was buried Iteit-ath an ava'anehe of sub 11 rtpliona In the liberty loan. KenlioH to the olierhiK came from virti.aliy mery pat-t of the world where the Ainerieau 1 in jt 1h flown. Hawaii, I'eito Uieo and the Philip pines proved that th'-y are not finan cial siaelo in by i-iiblini; Kulmtanllal ruliM ripiioi-1.- I'a'rl:anks, Alaska, the liorllieiiiin t-;t city la the wealern wnrhl, l.- i-.i-apbetl a J.'t'i.umi subaerlp lion. I'l'ttei every r-late in (lie union the reply wan in cru ho inin:;. Shouhl the pieaeiit ratio lie lualiiialned, the l i iil.n ami Iboir cus'otuers will have Hiihserthed to approima!e!y Jti.MIO, in. .1,11, hi wottli of the bnn l.t, an over huiii i ion oi mure than "en percent. V'Ml'V) Fo. d Aid Promised Orerjon Wllehill'O.IU, I'reilidellt W. J, Ccl T, of the lltveon t-iciliiiial Colletie lli'l-'f a (we, lav toiiieicuee with kov e-liinellt oil':, ;-tl-, left I'cr home bear be', a Min-T. !! at net I, s-i $;al, I'M of f,.l. . ,1 felt:':,- , be a'ioltcd to I I, . :-. 01 I .( II: ' enipbe in ml of IS ci-an! v.- "I : ami .",! a istium to eo late v.'ih em , ahcely in the f ' ' et'ei-' aid to lai me, a ii.l siriv in ; li. ie. 1 ,r e t 01 eon a crop produe lion ilea a.', J,i(-Jn f,'y Tril l fAiJijii n ta America. V.i i.n "1. 1 aa iii.n send a v .0' v . ii,:-,. ,. iea 10 the i mil 4 siutf. ! i,t baj;.,i.(.S in hlake block- I. u I brake tl.oi'd U'. I.aLu'ii Jlo:t , ! OVATION GY 1SJSEI at Maupin, Orgon, Paul milukoff 9 f f 9- "4 1 ' r. 1' 1 i-'J ' i ( ' oi .,7 1 f C1 f i, 1 71 - y ' it -V P Paul Milukoff, Russian minister of foreign anairs, wncse resignation was demanded by Petrojjrad mobs last week, PLANS TO G8MBAT U-BOATS FESFECTEO New York William L. Saundern, chairman of the Naval Consult inp, Hoard, announced hero that Hie board had forwarded to the government at I Washington a plan for usgrcsHive op eration againul subinarlnes which, in the opinion of. tho intinbera of the board, would soon put an end to the I lailniiariue menace. I lie milled thai a companion plan 1 for the destruction of (ieruian CKtali ' lit.hments on land In which the board bail eonl Idencu had also been sent to Washington. Without ceiuuiiltini; hini-'elf, he in timated that an at lack in i j , li t be made on the Kiel canal. Mr. Saunders said that the meas ures were not mailers of ttpeeulaun, hut ha-t been tested mid proved. EUROPEAN WAS (JEWS Nnrlhwest of Itlieints French troops took the first liu'mau line 011 a front of about two and a hidl' inilia, capiur In;; (il)(l prisoners in the opt rut ion. On the eastern end of the Vaueb r pialeau. the vlllay.e of Ciaonne was ci-liUired by the French, aa well a? ui veral poliitK of ttupport cast and nonh of Craonno. lb ruiany is pourlni; fri sli divleionp Into diiipu'ale fl.aliiiio; uloim all tin Soli sons-1! helms front In a dctermhiid altempt to stop (lie Fn a.;h lulvancc retake posilious lust in tl ucral Niv. Ib 'a recent drives. The Iti-Uish have pushed tledr way well within (he (own of llullccourt, lifter dcniierale hand to hard flKlitln;; The town lies absolutely astride tlu lliiulenbur..; line, the front trench and two systems of support tn lichen all belni; within the villiiKe limits. Way for the fianlilu'; of the Kaon pivot of the lierinan lllndniburR line Is open to the French. If tb-n, ral N'i velle can turn Hut trick and ctitflank the Hermann by the rupture of Loan In the Immediate future, niilliaiy utra li'KlstH believe the n tln nieiil of the leiinana to tho rroalhr line will In uccessary. Gompers Appeals to Russian Massts. U'ashinnloii. A plea melius! a pre mature peuce for Kussia and ri newed assurances that American wuse-vum-ors and the American people are in hearty sympathy with tlie liu.ssia:i ileiaoeratie inovemcnt are iucluilcd in a long cablegram sent by I'rcntdent Samuel (iompers, of Hie American Federation of I.nbor, to the executive cominlltee of Hie council of work men's uud soldiers' dclci.ati s at be Irogrud. French Mision'i Train I3 DerailcJ Areola, 111. --.Members of tlie Kren, li mission to the railed Stales were so vcrely shaken up luit otlierv.ue urin jnieil when Hie niuviat triiin utec.rJ vslucli llicy w ere rotiiraiiif, ca..t from ) tlu lr miilille tcitr ueiHa eil near hero. 4 1 sr&j vC!2 Good wagon and new California I'iO'k for ,-ale, inquire Morrison 's : Shop, Valloy. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION (fuhlisher) Depariiuent of the luteiior, U. S. Land Oflire at The Dalles, Oi t-i n, Apr 1 19 li. 1917. NO'l ICE is lierehy given that, Sakah E. Plaster, of Shatiiko, ' recoil, who on July iii'l, 1912, m de Homestead E11 tiy, No. olu3..2, and on januaiy 1 nil, 1915, made additional Hoiml stead Entiy no. 014334, for sei, 4, si 2Sv 1-4, S'Ction 34, Wl-2WI-4, S etioii 35, Township 6 f-'outl', Ranoe i6-East, Willamette Meiil ian, has liled nonce of intention to iiiuke Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land ah. ve deseiihed, beloie II. C. koop.i, U.S. Coininissionei , at Atltelop. , vieeon, 011 the 281I1 ch y 1 f May, 1917. Claiiiiniit names as witnesses: William Meringer, -Mary Mctvin-k-y, Laurence L. Sickles, Alda li. Johnson, all of Shaniko, Oiegon. ,11. Frank Woodcock, lip Register" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ( Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Apiil list, 1917. Noiic is hereby given that, Oiuci; Wilson, deserted wife of Jacob M. Wilson, of Shaniko, Oregon, who on Sept ember 12th, 19P2, made llomestead Entry No. 010092. and on May 4th HU, Hindu additional Homestead Entry No. 013105 for sI-'2nw1-4, See,. s1-2ne1-4, 8k1-4nw1-4. Section 15, Townnhip 7 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Merid ian, hiiH filed in tice of intention to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before .Register and Re ceiver, U. S. Lailti Ofliee, ut The Dalles, Oregon, on the 0th day of I imp, 1 U 1 7. 1 tie enlrytnan, Jacob M. Wilson, is notified that, by submission of said proof, his wife, Grace Wilson, Keeks to obtain pat ent for the land in her own name. Claimant nam -s hs witneasep: A. E. Fine, E. E. Fine, both of Shniiiko, Oregon, Claude Wilson, of Hakeoven, Oregon, George E Fine, of Shniiiko, Qrt'Kon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, np ' Keller. Repnrt of the Condition of the Maupin State Bank No. 224 at Maupin, in the slate of Ore gon, at the closf of business May 1, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and discounts $48,797.45 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 67 57 Bonds and warrants J,.Vi 15 Hanking house 2,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,1)74.39 Lhte from approved re serve hanks 79,591.25 Checks and other cash items 738 ?,?. Cash on hand 5,358.5 Total K-, -M.9 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 15,000. 00 Surplus fund 1,51)0.00 Undivided profits 1.520.53 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits sub ject to check 11S.003.O3 Demand certificates of deposit Cashier checks out standing 1,853.01 Time and Savings De- P"siU v 4.903,69 Total 112.810.ii9 Shle of Oregon, I County of Wasco 8S 1, F. 1). Stuart, Cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of 111 v knowl edge and belief. F. D. STUMtT, Cashier. Subscribed and sorn to be foie nie, this 5th day of May 1917. J. M. Conklin Notary Public Mv commission expires April 1, 1921. Correct Attest: F. D. Stuart. D. M. Shattuck, J. M Conklin, Directors. FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE ,., ... , . 1 (1'i.hhsher) Mt-Ourl illfnl of IIim foU.tiev , U. S. Lund 0Qi;e at The Dalles, Oregon, NLiv 8lh, 1917. ' Notice is henbv given that 1 1 AKltY A, V H AIT, of Wamic, Oiegon, who 011 JnK ;ud, 191;, made llomestead Euiry!ote Metidiuu, no. 010500, for xr-?ra; t -.p'Sce -,4 ni svv r-a. Si-dimi y., Toy h- 3-oiitli, Kane 1: i-.asi, Will me tt.-tio ih, i . i , . , 1 ,.1, -,k ,1, Meridian, has lib-d m.lire of inleii-'I'. I. Minn, !' S. C ton to male Final tire..- earat Manpin, Ou-on, Proof to eslablish claim to the d;u otj no-, ,,;. land shove described, before )". ; Ci tou.nit u me s , I). Stuart, U. S. ( cin ltnvii ncr, R. I,. lU-iiU . . ,. at Maupin, Oreeon, on the 20th St.. at, A.J ICis'in-r, a day of June, 1917 , ( beon. Claimant names as . 0 fssi s . W. II. Smith, of Tvgh V.dlev.l Oregon, John Gr 1-1111:111, i.f Vallev, Oregon, Philip Iiyrd, of j Wamic, Oregon,' E., tf Wandr, Oreyon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p U. ci -l. :' NOTICE OF I R IV A TIC SALIC In the County Court 1 f tie Stale of on goa for Wa-eo County. In the matter of tlie Iv-tate i f John Kotter, Deceased. Under aiilhorily of nil ridil granted bAhe Couniv Com 1 of the Slate of Oregon for Wasco daled April tSth, 1017, iho tintler signed Adniinistrator will sell a' private s tie the .fo'lo-ving des rii i.-, I rial property bcloiuii'io t.o said esiate, to-wit:- South half of if., Southwest rptaiter, the Northeast quarter of the Soul Invest quai te'-, and the Southv.est ipiartei of the Southeast quni ter of Section Eiehl in Township Four, South of Ranee Fourteen, East of Willamette Meridian, Wi'Kco Count v, Oregon, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or. less, save and ex cept therefrom a ship of laud one hundre 1 feet wide, beiny fifiv feel on each side of the center line of I he railway of the Oiegun Trunk line across and upon the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quaiter or said township, Section Range, flinch was conveyed hyij decendent by deed teooided in Vol. 49, page tj.'l, deed lecord.s of said couniy. The sale will he made on and after May "2 1 st , I917, and bids will be leeched at the ofliie of George I). Brodie, Dufur, ();egon, At torney for the Administrator, or af. the residence of the undersigned at Tygh Valley, Oregon. The terms of the sale are ca: h in hand. Dated April is, 1917. Emil Mett, Admitiis! rator ol the estate ot John Kollet, De ceased. NOTICIC FOR PUBLICATION (I'HHI.ISlllilO Department of the Inlerior, United Slates LandOiliee at The Dalles. Oregon, April 2 , 1017. NOTICE is heiehy given tltaij iitoMAS A. ST. I (in:-, is I of Maupin Oregon, who on Nov-1 ember 26th, 1910, made lloim-ir itead haitry, No 07750, and 011 j. November loth, 1 ij 14, made addi-j tional llomestead Entry no. orptp;!! for Kl-2 of the V.i-?. See 17', 1, i-jj NKU., Sec. 20, WI-2NWI-1 Sec. VI, ij Township 5 South, Range 14 l' il.:. Willamette Meridian, li;i- liled no-1 tice of iiitcniion to iiiab,. 1 ieal ' " three year Proof, to esiaMi-b e!ain to the land above desei ibed, bel'oii F. D. Stuart, U. S. Co.uiiiiv-ioncr at Manpin, Oiegcn, on tlu- igtl day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses B. F. Turner, L. D K.llv, V. II Williams, W. C. Richards, all o Maii)in, Oregon. H. F'kanic Woopcock, V INgii-ier. NOTICE FOR IT PLICATION (Publisher Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles Oregon. Adi il, o, 1017. NOTICE is beiebv e.iven that Ca k t. A. Lai'.Svjh . e '1. or 1 veil anev. i iiteon w 10 1.0 1 April .liiith, 191 j, made Uouiesii ad Entry No. oi..2;, for .-( 1-1 e..,, Si C. 3,1, Sl-:swi-., liel-.isw..r; Sc. . - - ;lion , Township 3 Sontb. Range 14 I'.ast, Willamette ftiei idian, has tiled notice of 1 1 t t it .m to make three r;ir Pro-if, t. estab lish claim to the land above des cribed, hefoie F. D. Stmirl, I'niltd, Stales Coinniissionei , at Manpin Oregon, on lh t ph day of Mai' 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: J. C.. Tunison, 11. A. Moll r, G. L. liiown, y. C. LlltMIe, nil ol Tygh Valley, Oregon. II Pi.mU oo lca L-, Legist, 1 . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tlie Interior, U. S. Land Ollice at Tlie Dalles, ;tegon, M.iy S h, 1017. ! N0T1.'E lu'u:'v "iv"' llut iaxckv jam; sa.k -of VVami0( (h uho im e ..... ... It, , 'in, 191-', 111. me u.ttneleel l.otiy j ' 01 '447 Hml on J.iiiu. iy j Igit, made additional Hnim L' try No. 011:30 for si-.-m i-. fchI - JNI - 4 SCTrB MAUPIN, Uuu, has tilcl none of yV ; ' 4 South, lllili. to ear l'.o- f .111.1 , I I '- ! lit -of W.U1-: II. FkAXK W, NOTICE FOR PUBLIC VTION (Publisher) Hepailmeiit of the Interior V S Lao. I I liliee at I'ne D.dlo !-', Miy , 1917. Nol.c- i. hneliv t'.i V 111 till M il'I!.-i-:i. II. Conui.y, Sitae.'.:.,, Oreo,,,, ,.A l,. on '. 6t itiii, li. nifs'tail 11pp. HI Ov) JO, "lllO.-i : I V 1 ma i;.- additional 1 1, nnesl ead ICiiln N ol.Vilo lul l.I.;N.:.., sv,- ' I , M-.'XIV I - . Ni:i- Sl .4 ,-,e- . !'' 'I. '1 f s . K . 15 li M oil Lot j, S-i tion 1 ), 'I owiislii; 0 " i 1 1 1 1 1 . Roll o 16 East, ','il l.illle.t Meridian, has Ilk, I uotj.-c 01 i-in-iuioii to mil;!.- fiee ,ai Proof, to o.;,,i-h claim to the l ill'l de-etlhcl, l.elnre II. C, lv 'i'l "!'. L . S I 'dim mis.-. ioaet , ' al .-'viieiop ., ( )rrg.ii, on (he 1(1, h da of June, 11,17. (e-iiniatit names ns Miltiesses: Ja aes D. r in, Maupin, ()ltT '.A'enter Spaiine.1 r, Shaniko, ( )u g'tii, Ivluin Waket lie, Shaniko, Oregon, I'aliiek, Couioy, Mtaniko ..lee.on. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Fire Proof VIIEN IN MAKE YOUR Tn "as Wasliington Sired ,c; Twelvth the Cleanest Rods s in the City Modern in Every Detail Large Grand lose in to Theatre District Finely Furnished! Good I Service COMFORT BY NBGHT TO PORTLAND )0REG0l IWK RY. oiannard brii loiinsl sleeaiiig Gars TtiUKlST SLEEI'Eu Sliri hird Sleeps loaves Maupin, Monday Wednesday, Friday 'lives Portland Sunday, Tuesday, Thiii'Siby at 7:10 p. in. HOMES i h K Fl IS ' F All E3 . POUND HHPS Li :- Le'htced round trip from Iliddle i West, p, CENTh'AL OREGON I, ,11 tho hrxl ;.nd tloc.l Ti,l.n. ,S ,,1, ,,,, ' ,: ' :. ! , 1 Rlopovers at all points. CALIFORNIA, "North Hank At vctir fteniie I'cr travel LI. L HARDY I'riv- Fght. & Pass. Airent, IL-n(l, Or . Age t, Maupin Semi or ask for Oregon Trunk's potato link Auto Passenger Service -- Aut ' Delivery Tr,n:k Pi'epatt-d for Long' Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Acie;,;'ori,.s t. 'j . 1 1 . iu n 1 iu onJ(jO s Leaves Maupin, H a. m. es Wapinitia, l.:'.t) p. m. . V. K-j-iERrS. Pro?. I.O. O F. V A !' 1 X 1 'IT A e No. 'Jlla loei ts rverv d. npiit, Oregon, liifthiv night in I tooa Idiaio s hall. iMHiig uiein hers :t I il s oie.oiie. J. ui Ck a f. 'H :-:i-:, X. (1 . W. II T-il C.lT, Secielarv. I'iiviv FUR Ii'RLlCAiiOX I). put nient of t he Interior S. Land Ollice at The Dalles. Or." .ton, May 4 19 7 rsOTUTJ iu '.. given th..t Ofl N. ' 1 i-; C. A 111: O V of T -it Villh-V Oiegon, who 11 DecMiiber I t lillO, made , , . -Pa1 v N... ..776S f 1 ' S 1 t Nul l, S". N.v...sw 1-1, S -lion 27, Ton n-oiip o South, Itanno 1 2 E 1 -I Wid 1 met to Mi i, Inn ilii-tl notiee of iiili-lilion o hi ;i k-u P'titai 'oe ii-:ir Proof, to establish laiin to I he la nd above described , before K. D. Sliiarl, U S. Com-nii--ioiiei, .11 M nijiiii. Oregon, 011 t he loili ,l:iv oi , I line f ',) 1 7. t iaiiuanl names a witnesses: f G. Tiinivon, M. I). Rowan, Ray Inni'iiii, J. li. Moi row. till of Tygh V.dlev. O . .- 1, 11. FRANK WOODCOCK, np Regisier. Free Phones HOME AT THE ootel Floor Lobby Shopping and Heat CENTRAL OREGON LINE DAILY EACH WAY From Missouri Liver St- Pan1 Sioux Cite. !,. ' 4k'. r., 'Or r " lZ"'n 'r,. 1 Prepaid tickets delivered hy wiie Final Return I irn't !S davs Road" and SS "N, rihrrn Pneine" arci infotniation, c. J. 1 Ivtnc ;tom OREGON