The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 04, 1917, Image 3

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers. .
Seventy-nine per cent ot the 1271
scales Inspected during the quarter
ending March 31, were correct, accord
ing to Deputy State Sealer Wortman.
E. T. Allen, of the forest service at
Portland, will be detained in 'Washing
ton indefinitely by reason ot his ap
pointment on the lumber advisory com
mittee named by the council ot nation
al defense.
That all growers of garden products
of every kind shall band together and
arree not to charge more than a cer
tain price for their products is a plan
troacted at Scio to reduce the high
:ost of living.
I - ta vi uci tuai diuuculb ut luc fliuauj
nnuOTTifiN Riii is
"TIis Bsst is ihe C(!(.-D(St" iM
- - - - r
" Portland will hold the rose festival
hls year las usual. . . "
A chapter of the American' Red
Cross soaiety has been organized at
Bend. !
The demand for loganberries prom ..high- school may have most of the
lies to ecllpBe all previous records this ! afierncdri to engage In gardening, a
Both Branches Vote for Select
ive Draft, 24 Opposing in
House, 8 in Senate.
Farmers of eastern Oregon expect a
good crop, although the season is de
layed. A branch of the federal reserve bank
at San Francisco is to be . established
In Portland.
ine uougias county court , nas or
. . dered a special county bond election to
, ie held on June 4, ,
The Union and Wallowa Counties
Fire association held Ub annual meet
ing at Ia Grande.
The Southern Oregon Association ot
Odd Fellows lodges assembled in
Grants Pass last week.
The Mrlon county Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor held its
convention at wooaourn.
The Albany commercial club and the
Albany Retail Merchants' association,
have decided not to.mcrge. . ; ,
j Quite a number of Umatilla county
farmers are showlug disposition to
contract their 1917 . wheat crop.
Approximately 4000 persons from all
. over Polk county witnessed a flag
raising ceremony held In Dal!a3.
Portland's recruiting office has pro-
Tided more than 1000 recruits for -the
United States navy since April 1.
Boy scouts of Portland are to co
operate with the state1 ilsh ".nd same
commission In the protection of game
apd fish.
The ninth annual commonwealth
conference will be held on the campus
of the University of Oregon at Eugene
May 17-19.
All but three counties of. the 36 to
Oregon were represented by delegates
attending the Btate-wide good rods
conference held In Portland last week.
Governor WIthycombe Is to be the
head-liner at the state encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic to be
held at Forest Grove June 26;. 27 and
Stockralsers In the Oregon national
forest regions Report the. past winter
to have been a hard one, and as a ti
suit stoqk conditions are below nor
mal. The war department has notified
Senator Chamberlain that authority
has been granted to recruit a battalion
of engineers for the Oregon national
Oregon was the second state, in the
union in proportionate recruiting for
, the regular army between April 1 and
24 by contributing B9.3 per cent of her
war quota.
Nine hundred ptipHa. representing
18 school district of Washington coun
ty, participated in .the annual county
spelling contest and juvenile carnival
In Hillsboro. " V ." ( '.
A meeting of ministers ;a'ncr laymen
of Unn, Benton and Lincoln counties
was held at Albany to organize for
the purpose of bettering moral con
ditions in the army '. .
' The Eugene chamber of .commerce
has decided to abandon the Lane coun
ty flax experiment for the coming
year, in view of the war and the de
mand for food crops.
Robert N. Stanfleld of Stanfleld,
speaker of the Oregon house of repre
sentatives, is representing Oregon at
the meeting of the council of national
defense at Washington.
Representatives of four Chinese
tongs, whkh have been engaged In
warfare intermittently since last Feb
ruary, have signed a permanent peace
agreement at Portland. - -
Bamnles of rock from a nitrate field.
said to cover 380 acres, in Lake and
Harney counties! have been brought to
Bend by residents of Burns, who have
, located claims on1 the tract. '
An increase in wages of 3 cents an
hour, amounting to more than $00,000
a year, was granted by the Portland
pU;n is proposed to begin school each
morning at 8 o'clock and close at 1:30
in the afternoon.
The date for thev Astoria regatta, the
big lower Columbia river festival, has
been changed from the flret pact of
September to July 4 to 8. The Inten
tion is to make the regatta a big
patriotic festival.
.Whenever a Hen of any kind exists
on land held in the state, no loans
will te made upon that land from the
state school fund or the rural credits
fund. This policy has been announced
by the state land board.
The Klamath city council has, ac
cepted the bid of Robert E. Strahorn,
of Portland, for the construction of
the Klamath Falls municipal railway
fi-cm Klamath Falls to Dairy, 20 miles
cast, for the sum of $300,000.
Drainage demonstrations which are
being carried out as part of the exten
sion service of the Oregon Agricultural
college will be given in Coos county
fome time next month by Professor
W. L. Powers and his associates.
Lieutenant A. Cantonl, of the Royal
Italian Flying corps, is visiting the
sawmills of Coos county inspecting the
lumber output, a portion of which in
liest grades of spruce is going for the
manufacture of aeroplanes for Italy.
Barring bad weather from now on
until July, it Is the opinion of H. E.
Momyer, in charge of Crater Lake na
tional park during the past winter,
that the tourist season there will open
on time this year between June IB and
July 1.
Instead of throwing down the bars to
the sale of revolvers in the state, as
h:s been the general impression, the
law of the 1917 legislature makes the
restriction surrounding their sale even
more stringent, according to Attorney
General Brown.
While weather conditions have Im
proved and cattle are being turned out
on the range, from the Long Creek
(section of Grant county comes a re-
Washington. The nation will raise
It army of 2,000,000 by selective con
scription, i
The draft army bill passed both
house and senate, the house by 397 to
24, and the senate by 81 to 8. I V
Senators voting against the ' bill
were: Borah, Gore, Gronna, Hard- rYj
wick. Kirby, La Follette, Thomas and gjj
Trammel. Senator Lane did not ap- Sl
pear In the senate and was not paired, i,
In the house, eight republicans, 14 Ji.
democrats and London, New York, so- $
ciallst, and Randall, California, prohl- 3
bitioniet, voted against the bill. 1
The others voting against it were:
Bacon, Michigan; Burnett, Alabama;
Church, California; Clark, Florida;
Claypool, Ohio; Dill Washington;
Dominlck, South Carolina; Gordon, W,
Ohio; Hayes, California; Hilllard. Col- fJ
orado; Huddleston, Alabama; Keating, Cj
Colorado; King, Illinois; La Follette, uk
Washington; Lundeen, Minnesota; Ma-
son. Illinois: Nolan, California; Pow
ers, Kentucky; Bears, Florida; Sher
wood, Ohio; Slsson, Mississippi.
Joint conferences this week must
settle differences between the meas
The senate bill would draft men be
tween 21 and 27; the house between
21 and 40. j
Every Sack Guaranteed
" '; . ' ......
Bring Eock to us any part of an unsatisfactory
sack of Wh'te River Flour and we will refund the
full purchase price - . :..':. .
Hunts Ferry Warehoui e Company
Local Distributors
i - w
Mount Vernon, Va. The flags of
Great Britain, France and the United
States floated proudly together Sun
day over the tomb of George Washing- j
ton. Beneam mem, BpoKesmen ui me
three great democracies paid homage
to America's soldier and statesman
and pledged themselves, each to the
other In the name of the dead, to
prosecute the present mighty struggle
n rra I not mitwrarv nn thp lines he htm
self had followed In bringing America "ho will head the American
into being commission xo ne sem 10 numa.
Marshal Joffre, victor of the Marne,
and idol of the French people, spoke
two brief sentences:
"In the French army all venerate
the name and memory of Washington.
I respectfully salute here the great
. Ellhu Root, former seoretary
port of heavy losses by sheepmen, hun- j soi,iier and lay upon bis tomb the palm
dreds of young lambs being lost as the we 0ffer our soldiers who have died
result of cold weather. or their country."
Arrangements were perfected at 9 Marshal Joffre passed back
Eugene for a series of meetings to amons the spectators Mr. Balfour
stimulate Interest in beangrowing to ; came forward with the British wreath
meet the national demand for food pro
duction, and it is hoped to secure the
planting, of 10,000 acres to beans in
the neighborhood of Eugene.
It is proposed by County School Su
perintendent Duncan, of Yamhill coun
ty, to release all high school students
from further school work this spring,
providing the pupils will agree to of
fer their services to farmers and or
chardlsts who are In need of help.
Attorney General Brown advises
Governor WIthycombe to institute
mandamus proceedings against the of
ficials 'of Curry county if they persist
In refusing to call a speclall election
for June 4 to give the electors an op
portunity to vote on, measures referred
by the recent legislature.
Specifications for roadbed sections,
of lilies and oak leaves tied with the
colors of trie three allied nations. He,
too, entered the tomb and placed the
British token beside the French.
Hero of Marne Acknowledges Ovation
With Words "Vive I'Amerlque."
Washington. -France's war mission,
headed by Rene Vivlanl, Marshal Jof
fre and Admiral Chocheprat, spent
more than half an hour Tuesday on
the floor of the senate and stirred
that body and galleries crowded to
capacity first to vigorous applause
and then to roars of cheers.
After the senators and members of
the house had grasped the hands of
Washington. The French conrmto-
sloners had assurance that the Ameri
can government is willing to send
troops to France one of the urgent
recommendations they brought to this
country when the allies telieve they
can afford to spare necessary ships
for transporting an army and its equip
ment across the Atlantic. ....
The administration has put aside
the objection of the army general
staff to sending any troops to the bat
tlefront until a big force has been
raised and trained for nearly a year,
and has decided that for the sake of
the moral effect of America's actual
participation in the trench battling
small contingent Bhall go forward as
soon as possible.
Whether the force first to carry the
Stars and Stripes Into battle In France
shall be made up of regulars or na
tional guardsmen, or both, has not
been worked out.
the distinguished visitors, and M. VI
culvert designs and grades have been vlan, vlce.premer an(j ieader of the
forwarded by State Highway Engineer
Nunn to the county courts of the state.
He has also forwarded copies of ap
plications to the commission for sur
vey and specifications for preparing
subgrade for hard surfacing.
mission, had delivered an address that
thrilled his hearers, the greatest out
burst of enthusiasm came. It was
tribute to the hero of the Marne.
In response to rousing cries of "Jot
re, Joffre, jonre, irom every corner
Out of 340 accidents reported to the . the chamber, the soldier responded
Industrial accident commission for the wlth eif,ht words of French and Eng
week from April 20 to April 26, in- jlshi whch all understood:
elusive, three were fatal. The fatall- ..i ,j0 not lpeak English. Vive
ties were H. L. Aumack, Mount Angel, j'Amerique!"
light and power employe; L. C. 8tlmp-,
son, Wheeler, sawmill employe; Jonn Oregon Prepares to Take War Census,
Carlson, Kerry, logging employe. i salem. Or. Governor WIthycombe
Following passage by the Portlana has sent to the sheriffs of the state
storage food, with the idea of forcing tion board. Following the lines laid
the releasing of large quantities ot jown j instructions received from
stored food. Secretary of War Baker the voting
Mark Woodruff, director oi me precinct will be the primary registra
tion area.
city council of an ordinance providing letters which mark the preliminary
a fine and imprisonment for any per 8tep that brings Into actual operation
jon refusing to admit a health In- i Orecon. conscription plsns. The
ii.v. a. pnwor comnany to soector Into a warehouse where food Is .OTernor has designated the sheriff,
it. i5oa'trlnmen on all lines. I stored, Mayor Albee Instructed health conty curk nd county physician of
That there Is not enough hay In j officials to start an investigation of each county as the official registra
Lane cqunty to last the farmers until
tHe first new hay Is cut and cured
was an assertion made by C. J. Hurd,
prominent farmer of Eugene.'
Wllford Allen of Grants Pass was ap
pointed! on the. state Industrial ac
cident commlisWtd fin the vacancy
caused by Lieutenant, Colonel Carle
Abrams being called to the colors.
The secretary: of war has notified
Benator Chamberlain he has decided to
purchase t tract of land near Holbrook
as t site for the rifle range for the
u of troops at Vancouver barracks.
Mobilisation of. all the boys In Ore
gon who are not experienced, or edu
i in farm work Into the United
Northwest Tourist association, has
been advised by the attorney-general's
office that the bill of the last legisla
ture appropriating $45,000 for the pro
motion of tourist publicity through
out the northwest. In conjunction with
eatod Is farm work Into the
a... Kiln' wnrklnt reserve, under
sf commerc and labor."
Peace Not Considered by Russia.
Petrograd, via London. Premier
Lvoff, speaking on the subject of
separate peace, said Russia will not
Washington and British Columbia, la and other nations were ssked not
valid In Us terms and that the appro- judge the coustry by the remarks or
prtatlon may be used. opinions of isolated socialists.
Secretary Daniels has assured Mayor
Harley, ot Autorla, that he will strong- China May Oeclars War on Germans.
ly Indorse the forthcoming report of . Pekin. A declaration or war
the Hilm board recommending the es- against Germsny by China Is expects
tablishmcnt of a submarine and naval within a fortnight
Brazil Ousts Gsrman Ex-Consuls.
Rio Janeiro The Bratlllan govern
tnent has decided that all German ex
governmental use. consuls must leava ins country.
berrlslon ot tht federal government, oase n..
pemsion oi uje i ,ending that report to congress
.tarted " "'J". " k th.t $300,000 be appropriated
Wltnycompe. - - -- . u fcr
wiium: nf tne a?Dartnn:u t""v -
Tyg'h Valley Shop
General BlacKsmithing
And Wagon Work Heavy and Light
, ' . Horse Shoeing a Specialty
First Class flow Work - Cast Plow Shares Ground
,. Break Blocks Heavy and Light Ready Made up
-.Don't forget the Old Stand and, its new manager
: ' ' ' Phone in Shop v .
Orders taken - for loose grain
"t ijpx'es Fraley style also up-to-date
flaring boxesstt.falifnia racks
er a ttM
(iililm were
MfViiinr Mr, A
ovhi frmirTynl' iruinliiv.
, .Hauy,. .Temple left fur . ''
M ike t 'i eii'i'-r ' 'vYimV in
Joliii'n.iii'i'ia -ii'ml ' fkp I'lban
we iii fi'iifi W'aiiiie MmiJay.
t'-fil AVv,.'l'''';fe"'i' 0V(M' f0m
Vamie Tii-mUv.
Mr. i:
Mi at Hi'
l' C. ii'.lU-r
r liin: v e -! '"f I .i
e crai.k ilmitTfi l.' L) Kellv'-
y broke yt'fflcrilay and the
machine is wn'U'ii fur rt-iiiiirs.
c- 'i.' If the other fellow could not fix
rjtVfur lVm'-wiatekbriiiy:- it 'to Emmons
Thos:'' FlanngHn j'tirchased Ihe
AJIicrl ' 1'iUiwcl ' jirupei ty U'rdneH
iIhv, and Will prohii'hly build soon.
n l.ii.-ine-H iii
IV, rl i:
r b'(.ial mi
:IS .1 ljllailH'-3 I'llll-
id l.miilv ure 1
novum in)" iiif 1 1 iiii.i ri'inlfiu'i .
A M'illiol .iiiiiiiiiK' ttas l.cld l.ii-t
lijilit for "itrl.ti't (eaclit r..
Hi' lai"iii. in lnl(H lilrcks
Seven Americans were killed In the j m.U li'.k.aW ni, l.ik; -.- Sim.;.
first day of the battle of Vimy ridge. '. .. u,e imU fiinulv
pt i'il Sti xiiiv al tiic i oimtiy hi ii
iTIiih. l'.iui'-iy.
i i l1 I i'i
ill. i.
the Canadian military department a
Two British destroyers on patrol
duty In the English channel off Dover . Want
came upon a flotilla of six German de-
stroyers and then ensued a battle. In
which four German ships were sunk..
French troops attacked German po
sltions near Courcy, northwest of
Rhelms, the war office announces.
They gained considerable ground and
took 150 prisoners. German attacks
In the Champagne failed.
Another trench system a barrier
to the forward march of Field Marshal
Halg's forces toward Doual has. been
taken over a front of a mile in most
sanguinary fighting. The new posi
tion lies south of Oppy and runs al
ini 1 ,ir r x li
Knopf, Wapl-Itp
A F.. M.i 1 1 in i." h "f k ing nl tli.
, AMiei"iise, Jit pifs-fiit, Tiiit nill rt
('pil; lil.J a I. til" Ial'i-'r on.
i if m'iu waul Mini-" l'.l,v c ilvri" In
tr.v rig I'.oni '.y, you cmi paj
.il t-k.liUIVi'.-l li ) OI i-li. ,.
; ..
Ml'-V I' 0 11101,-. J.oV."l lil'l lllil.lill
i-ry plork mi" i he ,yyt'illlct' huh
lllg I v.r i:'V. .. . .
: - I'or mi I iii-k mul',nell
n . I. ika mital.lpta rif f 1 1 r. ! I a
fighting slong the Alsne are esMmated' !). j, ( :". ) Urfkvwi.
at more than 200,000, with the proba J " i ,,. i ., . B,. Mrn.-lm-,
hi mi., ilij!mit.liiii.
lll' lll I'll ll'SlIhliiuV - IM'llJ. ;
Mi.- I.
blllty that the total reached 235.009. ! ur,JIA,
mese ngures inciu-ie niiifu, wuuuurn
and prisoners and constitute one
the most formidable totals of the pre
ent war.
Ijoii'l- llr.ui:-
ititir t lock-It
,t.naiutn. will
The Msupin Kaiser made a trip
to Dufur thia week.
John Moad ii fniployed Rt the
O. W. freight office.
F. D. Stuart and family are
home after a vacation.
Ky tn Naomi Smith re domi:
cilei in the Jory residence.
Id it ..,.:io" ",r tiiwiitif it.
Mk-. ;.i,i iiipl'- Iri'-'fi'i'lll liitlui
VI II If, livl.
"l !,. p.'.lll . - '
l'"i.i.V II " hi, c
.'th. II i -y''
iHio.1.; -ip ii I im.'iiU u
i- pit .
'1'lip fariiiers (lon't hhi'iii to he.
Hiilii-'litMl nnlesrt they ntf fkiniiPil.
Give flail Coiili; ii rliHiice. Ha
biivs nil 'kinds of ptlts, hides
uk'ins and wool. p
A iiiolm inrly cntiRsling of
Clarence ami Ait Farnlier, liny
ami Js'.H mi Siiiiili. iJaplme Con-1-y
and I'livllin FisVlir-r li ft Sun
day hio'ininj or'.v trip throngfs
Sherman roiint y.
': " '
(. 1 he crhool play Saturday i.itfif
wag.-pelj .alleiidefl. The kiddies
andjteiilitiH sio ed much careful
work an J Iraining in Ihe prepara-
.jiuKitlwyr varioun jiarta. The
a;ie.yiajjt nm-it:, was a very pleaKing
.J.- I'. ;h..iHtain corrects onr
statement of last week in regard
lo tlm lilies shipped. The three
farmers shipped n carlou I a piece
a'nd Kurt, a' rai IdiiiI.
fi, J. Fifdier rei entlv sold Mr.
Gahel a 7 pHssi-nger, 72 horsepower
Willys-Overland -car, said lo lie
the f, nest, in the '.country. Mr.
Fischer says he has sol I eleven
cars the. patt week-
Ur.Takott has iiiklalled in Ihn
postpfTce. on af the) Manning
Kerosene Oil, (.Iiicpredin'iiig htirn
rg for l!nngeor Heater. He will
Xhully ('emoiistnite nn.l give in
fin unit ion in regard to snnie.
Signed, If ry F. Temple.
Tlie.inot itiv assurance of
the. figure of AI jtipiii is given in
the fa(5',r acceptance hy the farm
ers oJLslckn th warehouse slid
e'eviitor to I e, rohstrucled at the
n w ..Oiegon Trunk' depot nite.
Other, are Ipjni of!ered snecial
ii 10 T-i v 1. 1 1 in 'iireiiirnti to locate a matill
lakin re4- jti'lnrisig estalilisliineiit here, the
the. O T..jituit o', which will not l.e di
vulged al the present time.