Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1917)
tllll The Maupin Times Publishd Eeviry Friday at Maupin, Orgon, Mrs, W. L. Morrison, ;rvtUber Subscription: On Year, $l.50.Six Entered aa second class mail post office at Maupin, Oregon, Wapinitia Items Some warm"wethr thia week I which is very much appreciated by veryone as we've bad very little growing weather yet tbt spring, Geo, Ledford of Suwck waa in our burg Monday, r Mr. Welch of The Dalles aDd Lenard Wileon were telling and delivering Overland cars on the Flat last week. Mrs. Hank Harphan and chil dren who Imve teen staying with her mother at Aurora returned to her home near herd a few days ago Mrp. Staats an it several ether ladies were up from Mupin Tues day in a Ford. Mrs, Gabel and Ben Gabel snd wife were called to 1 he Dalle Uf week to be with Mr. Oaber what very sick. The family were- ail called to The Dilles Saturday to be with their father. They return d home Sunday evening, Mr. Oabel undergoing a change for the better dur ng the day. Ernest Tune vho taught the Oak drove school last term arrived few days ago and la Vmi.loyed on the VV. 0. Wilson farm. Spring seeding iB about co uilet d in this section: Wapinitia had its first teacher's institute here Suturday in the school taougj with a large crowd of tsuohers present, and quite a num ber of the neighbor her who furnished dinner for everyone, served in cafeteria style, 'leach en present were, Supt, Clyde T. Bonney, Crystal Pratt and T. J. Skirvin, Wamic; W, J. Patterson, Smock; Bexsie A. Bonney, R. D, Hewitt, Gertrude Crabtree, Tygh; ana oyron, jonn Auuersoii, sni. !.. O I . t 1 . and Mrf. Kellogg, Phyllis Fischer, Maupin; Paul Murray, Boyd; Miss Grace L. May, Mary Ewmg, The 'Dalits; lea Oerthick, M. H. Stains Wlpiriitia; L. P. Harrington, state InduKtrinl worker. Mr,, and Mrs. I. Wright, Joe 'Graham an 1 Katie Amen left Bun day for' The Dalles. Nib. James pray was laid up last week, her foot and ankle be . lug badly swolttn. More Dclore Jr. who has had the tnensles is able to be out again Mrs. Ada Delore and son N'rri are the last canes reported. Pearl Evlck went to The Dalle Sunday, ' , Robert, . Vlnnent and Winnh T p r roe over fnm Dufur Frl ilat evening and remained till Sunday afternoon when Vincent and Winnie returned to their school, Robert staying home to help with the farm work Archie Tapp came home from The Dalles Friday. His arm which wag broken seems to be do ing nicely. He returned to bis school Monday, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sharps wars out Monday improving the road between their place and Pine Grove, D. VV. using the pick and shovel to remove rocks, snd tb Mrs. drove thoir Ford with a two section harrow hitch on behind Tbey now report the lane in good baps for cars. A. P. Evick was doing business In Msupin Saturday. V. B. Tapp says prosperity has sorely struck his farm as one of his milk cows is the proud mother of twin heifer calves. N. G. Hedin reports their mill in !, Gu'th almoKt completed. Fred Delco has his new Over land car a luYh he pueh-ed tiuMi ago Mr' Ben Gabel wa guile U M"d). Dr. alld. sWk a Months 75cti, Three MonthvSOc matter September 2, 1914. at the under the Act of March' 3. 1S74 Smock Items E. E. Parria, T. C. Jones and Miss Lou Jones, were, Sunday guests at C. S. McCorkle's. Mrs. G. W. Bargeuholt and grandchildren were Thursday ..vis itors st Wapinitia. . Saturday. April 28th. R.A. Ward ol: the biological survey, with County Agent A. R. Chase organised a Squirrel and Gopher!, club wltn 1. 1;. Jones president and Walter Ledford secreiary-j W ill 111 Mer.singer, Mary McKu treasurer arid a qiembership of ten v" lrnce L Sickles, Aid H poison mixture was distributed to club members. Mulvaneys run their planer, three days last week and expect to begin sawing in the near .future. Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Morrison TW"W Sunday witu Mrs. Mor taon'a mother. Mra. Ella Diabruw T, j. Wbitcomb transacteJ bun - , . .... insts at the county, seat Wednes- day. A. J. Hill and Glunn Large are plowing the Geo. Ledford ranch which tbey have rented Miss Ella Syron went to The Dalles Tuesday to . meet her baby sister, Mrs. Noah Grant bringing ths child from Vancouver' Wn. F. E. Spoor is suffering with lsgrtpps. R, C, Duncan was a businesx visitor in Dufur Friday. S. H. Mulvanty made a trip to fygh Valley Wednesday with th car." His gut trip of the season. Wilbur Mulvapsy delivered , load f lumber iu Tygh Valley Wednesday, .1 ' White River Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson motored to The Dalles Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Doering and Mr L 'cure motored to The Dallec Mi 'lay, Raymond going tliHt far with bin to hi wort., He had beer here on bis vacation. Mr, and Mrs. I,wi Olds motot ed -over to UHitaius from Gr Valley Sunday. B rt Brown has a new Overland delivered this week. Grace Tunison cme overtoils J. 0. Home Thursday evening Ray Tunison snd family nmd a trip to Juniper and Manpiu St urday. Two large bands of cattle of over 100 head went through on Sherar grade this week. Chss Labsch is working on the grade on the opposite side of the Deschutes river, which has needed fixing for some time. John Aeord has been on the sick list this week. Monday, wbrts descending Bake. oven grade will) wheat two four horse teams ot John Karlin had trouble In which one ol the ani mals was injured so badly that it had to be killed. It seems that the head team became frightened and erowded over the grade. While the driver of thn rear team was assisting (ih ths frightened horses the rear team ran away, SHparating ths front wheele from the main part ol ths wagon aud piled Op at Baktqveo bridge. Portland Painless DentUt. Wm y ''', ' accorded the Katract. Crown, Bridge yourl"!l T!f '"T "ml M . ' , ' '" innnleste in bi or her pi ace- teeth abnoluiely Painless; wa em. jj ploy only Experienced and Regia.jThia noiificmioii is given by term! men; fifteen years guarantee!"" hnrily of the President of ihe 011 all work. Seventeen years con tinual practice iu Port land, Ore. Bring title card iitli )ou. it i wank inmimt. JVrt1an4 Prir. fMtl4 TwinWm Drnlint, 305 1 u WMm.'i.. w .' M.IU oBA4 Good Hugon and new California raok for mle, inquire Morriixm'r Shop, T.gli Vallwy. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION fW- (PCBIISHKK) 'Detriment ot ttt In tenor, U. S. Land Office at 'Hie Dalles, Orrgui, ' 1 1 r 1 19 h, 1917. ' NO'liCb is lieiehy given that, Sarah E. 1'laster, of Shauiko, 're;ou, who 00 July 2ud, 1912, in de Homtstead En try, no. oliou2, and on januarx nth, 1915, made additional Home stead Euiry no. 014334, fur sei 4, Si 2SWI-4, Section 34, wi 2MVI-4, Section 35, Township 6 Souu., Range 16 East, Willamette Meii ian, has tiled notice of inteiuioi to make Final three year Proof', to claim to the land an dcrilv-d, beloie . H. C. R.nip. , legon, on tne 2SU1 a. y 1 1 may Ciaiiunnt names as witmsse.v ,J . ,Vnnn ' keaisier- .---- noTICK FOR PUBLICATION ( I'uir.ihei ) ' Department of the Interior U. S Land Office st The Dalles. 0reim - AP,n .91st; ,, , None is hereby given .-that G vVtLsos. deserted wife of Jacob M. Wilson, of Sluiniko, Oregon, who on Sept 'ember 12ih. 1912, made lloniesKiii Entry No. 010092. and on May 4tl 1914, imido additional Homesteiii Enlry No. 013105 for s!-2nwI-4 Sec. 14, s1-2nk1-4, bk1-4nw1-4 Section 15, Towiiship 7 Somli Riinae 14 East,' WilUinetip Mt-riit ian, has filed u tice of intention to make Final three venr Proof to emtahlitdi claim to the laud above deHdihed, before Reiiisler and Re. ceiver, U f. Land Offiop, nt T:n Dalles, Oregon, on the 6th day of I one, 1917 Ihe entry nan, Jnoob M. Wilson, is notified that, b submiHsiori of said proof, hU wife, Grace WiUon, seeks to obtain pai ent for the land iu ber own name; Claimant nuin s 11 s witnessee: A. E. Fine, K E. Fine, both o' fjhaniko. Oregon. Olaude Wilson of Bakeoven, Oregon, George" E Fine, of Phnniko, Orpaon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK tip Reisier WARNING TO ALIENS Notice is hereby given officially to ail alien enemies, which term at this date Includes all persons bori in the German 'Emj it e who have not yet received tlieir last citizen ship papers from -tin.- United S'ate.- Governmen,1 ieoii:rinr all such iliens within twenty-four hours t surrender to the local civil authot- ilies all firmnns, weapons nr ini plemeiiis of War of everv nature whatever .that they may have in t nir possession, including explo sives, material used tit the inanu factuteof explosives, any aircraft or wiree s apparatus, any form of signaling device, any form of cipher code, or any paper, docu ment or book written or printed iu cipher, or in which theie is inyisi. I'le writing. The shove articles must be deliv ered to the sheriff of Wasco County at The' Dalles, Oregon, wiihin tweiitv.fntir hours or the domicile or temporary abode of any such alien ei emv will be subject to seated by local tui'i'ary and civil authorities and summary arrests will follow in case any wea nn or firearm or other of the articles named herein ae fond iu such 'o:iiciie or hliode. The shetiff wtl! give receipts lor all atlicle received and they will b- return d to the owners when peace shall havr bieu declared. This m.tice means exactly what it M's aml no txe ti'tia will Ix granted in its application. 0i the otlijr hand every citizen of the G rnsii F.mpiie who shall iniplio. i'lv obrv this order, all laws of the Sute of Oregon and the onlinances o' nn citv thereof in which thev United States through the IVpait nient of I nsi ice pnrsnnnt to the P'i claniaion ol the Executive of Apiil 6, 1917, of which veiy ci i. ten of the United tutr is especi ally enj ined to take notice wi II a et-h official of each stute, cootrtv at fl dty therein. nilrii l At v .'OTICE OF 1R1VATE SALE In the Conn'v dmrt of the Itate of Oregon tor VVa co Count) . In the itrttter of the Estate of ohuKotter, Deceased. ' Under Hittltority of an ord'ei .ranted by the Count v C"itit,of the nlate of Oregon for Wasco County, lated April 18th. 1917, the nnder jigued Adiiiinistrator will sell at rtvate s e the fo'lowittg described eal ppiptrtv belonging to said s'ate. to-wit:- Somh.hnlf of ihe Jontiiwct 3'iarter, the Northeast ptarter of-ihe Southwest quarter, ind the Soutliwet-t quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec'.iott Eight n Township Four, South of Range Fourteen, East of Willamette Meridian. W; Sco County, Oregou, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more, or less, save and ex cept therefrom a slpp of land one 'Kindred feet wide, being fifty feet on eath side of the' center line of he railway of the Oregon Trunk ine acioss mid upon the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter ot said township.. . Section and Range, which was conveyed by lecendt.'itt by need recorded in Vol. 49, page ,s3, deed records of said county The sale will be made pn and after May 2 1st, 1 017, and bids will be teceived at the ofh"ce of George D. Brodie, Dtiiitr, Otegoti,. At torney lor t lie Adiiiinistrator, or at the residence of the undersigned at Ivgh Valley, Oregon. The terms of the sale are cah in hand. Dated April 18, iqi7. Emil Mertz, Administrator of the estate ot John ' Kottejr, De ceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) a Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles,' OrCgon, April 2, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that . Thomas A. St. Dennis of Maupin Oregon, who on Nov ember 2jit1i, 1910, made Home, stead Entry, no 07750, and on November oth, 1914, made addi tional lomestead Entry no. 014043 for ki-2 of the E1-2, Sec 17, E 1-2 NEI.4, Sec. 20, W1-2NWI-4 Sec. 21, Township 5 South, Range 14 Enst, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D.Stuart, U. S.. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 12th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: B. F. Turner, L. D Kelly, VV, H Williams, W. C. Richards, all ot Maupin, Oregon. H. Fkank Woodcock, P Register.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior-'' U S. Land Office at Tne Dalles, Oregon, March 21st, 1917. Notice is hereby given William F. Johnson of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on Augusr 6th, 1912, inside Homestead -Butty No. 010573,11 nd on January' 1 1,191s made iidcliiionnl Homestead Entrx No. 014335 fr 11WI-4SWI-4, si-2 11WI-4, si-2iiei-4, nel-4ttei-4, Sec. 34, wi 211WI-4 Section js, Town ship 7 South, Range 16 East, Wil lameite Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three yea' Proof, 10 establish claim to th land above described, before II, C. Roover, U. S Conunissionei-,' at Anfelope, Oregon, on ihe 30th day of April, 1917. Claimant mimes as witnesses: W illiam II. Wonistaff, Sanford M. Black, Archie L- Hauna, William M. Mersinger, all of Shaniko, Ore gon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTlCt; FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher' Department of the Interior. U s. 1 .a iul Office at The Dalles Oregon, Adul, 5, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that Carl A. Labsch "f Tygh Valley, Ortgon, who on Aprd 26th, 1912, made llomesiend Entry No. 010234 for subset-4, Stc.33, si-2swi-4, nei-4swi.4, Sei tion 34, Township 3 South. Range; 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has hied notice of intention to make three vear Proof, to estab lish claim to the land alwve des. cribed, before F. D. Stuart, United Staie.s Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 14th day ofjdav, 1917. Claimant name as witnesses; J (;. Tunison. H. A. Muller. G. L. Hr.mii, V. C. Lucore, all of Tygh Valley, Oregon. - H Frank Woodcock, j Register. Cuatemala Breaks With Germany, Washington. Guatemala hag sev ered diplomatic relations with Ger many and offered all her resources to the United States. . Change in French Command, Paris. The appointment qt General Petaiu, the hero of Verdun, as chief of staff to succeed General Nivelle, is generally welcomed. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Club 92.65; bluestem J2.70;' red Russian $2.60; forty-fold, $2.65. Barley No. 1 Feed, $5.25 per ton. Hay Timothy, $30 per ton; alfalfa, ?23. Butter Creamery, 35c. . Eggs Ranch31c. ' i , Wool Eastern Oregon, 44c; valley, 46c. Hops 1916 crop, 36c; 1917 con tracts, nominal, Seattle. Wheat Bluestem $2.71; club $2.64; forty-fold, $2.65; red Russian, $2.61; fife, $2.64; turkey red, $2.71. Barley $55 per ton. Butter Creamery, 39c. Eggs 37c. Notic Wamic, Ore., Feb. (i, 1917. Any one west of tli De-chnti river and south of Tygh Vnlle wishing to become a member of White. River Farm Lai Association, please apply, to out secretary, V. H. MavrieM, R 1 Fire WHEN IN Proof PORTLAND MAKE YOUR HOME AT THE v Palace Hotel Washington Street & Twelvth the Cleanest Rooms in the City Modern in Every Detail Large Grand Floor Lobby Close in to Shopping and Theatre District ; Good Ssrvice Finely COMFORT BY NIGHT TO PORTLAND Standard nnd Tourist sleeping Gars TOURIST SLEEPER DAILY EACH WAY Standard S!eep3r leaves Maupin, Monday Wednesday, Friday Leaves Portland Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday at 7:10 p. m. H0MESEEKERS' FARES ROUND TRIPS Reduced round trip from Middle From Missouri River, St. Paul, West to CENTRAL OREGON Sioux City, etc., $52.50 on the first and third Tuesday of St. Louis . 65.00 each month till December in- Chicago , 57.f.0 lusive. f Prepaid tickets delivered by wire Stopovers at all points. Final Return Limit 25 Jayg CALIFORNIA-'-North Bank Road" and SS ''Northern Pacific" . At yuir sei vice for travel and information, . 1 . J. T. HARDY C. J. LIVINGSTON. Trav. Fjjht. & Pass A?ent, Band, Ore. . Agent Maupin Send or ask for Oregon Trunk's Potato Book FISCHER'S . . r Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outinf Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIiV It Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p- m. V. ROBERTS. Prop. L. I.O. O.F. WAPINITIA Luitge No. 20, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem bers always welcome. Job Crabtree, NG. , ; t W. H. Talcott, Sfeaetary. 1 Valley Produce Co. ' PAY CASH TOR VAL. HOGS, POULTRY, EGGS. BUTTER, HipSS, ETC. f 115 Fiont St., Portland, re. Dr. I awrence S. Stovall VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or resident Maupin, Oregon Furnished Free Phones Steam Heat OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LIKE GARAGE OREGON