The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 13, 1917, Image 4

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    The Maupin
Publishd Eevery Friday
Ml'IS, VV. h. MuHRISON, J'lllilihlRT
SuUcrijlion: On Year, $ I. SO, Six
Entered as second class mail
post office at Maupin, Oregon,'
Wamic Mews
Wuniie, April '.).
S. A. Mulvaney ami Oorgtt Ivrnl
who huvu been lining Uih lioishing
work mi the Herman Gesli limine
Ht the Round I'laiii) plui'i. have
the work about coniJ(it-l.
The boys' Glee C'luh (iiive never
ttl enterlaiiiiiienls ami ihini'i'.s dur
ing the pant three weeks Hi nee the
urbanization of the ehih.
Much ruin has fallen here in
' the Iutt ten ilayn.
Mr. and Mrn. V. K. Woodcock,
Mrn. P, 15. Driver and A, K. Lake
made a trip to The Dulles I'ueHiluy
returning the next day. They
encountered mnch mud and bail
roads, rendered ho by the heavy
rains Sunday night and Monday
.Woodcock Brop. and I'. B,
Driver have finished their run of
woodeawinu for the pennon.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kuhanks of
Juniper visited -Mr. KtiUnks par
ents last week. Frankie Mctt, of Juniper,
who has been employed at the II.
E. Driver home the past two
weeks is now assisting ' with the
, house work at the Frank Miigill
' Mr, and Mrs. MikiC Kennedy .
celebrated the fiOielh Anniversary
of their wedding on the 2()ih ol
last month, vinn a dinner to
'their children and a few invited
guests. Those present besides the
host and hostess were M-.1 and
Mrs. Lee Kennedy, . K. Kennedy,
Mrs. Veva Driver, Miss Ida Dun
caa, Emm and Alma Driver.
Kres (Swift brought a load ot
flour from Maupin, Saturday for
the A. E. I.aki) store.
Much nf the full sown grain in
thU Vicinity has been frozen out
and many fields will have to be
Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Woodcock
.-took their little daughter, to Tygh
Thursday to consult Dr. Shannon
on the child's condition, IVrey
Driver also went for medical treat
ment for rheumatism.
The free switching of tho tele
phone lines which were connected
some two weeks ago itT 'proving
very satisfactory.
Ilammie Patison arrived home
Saturday after a week's stay in
The Dalles and l'ortlun.
Isaac Cuurlright was down from
Bmock T nes-day.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Fallow
were trading lit the local store
Here Wednesday. ,
Mrs, J. P, Illingsworth who vis
ited her sou Paul timl and family
at Metolius, returned ho:litf a wuk
ano Monday.
County (Sept. Knnney .visited
the school burn Tuesday,
t'has. W Smith of Maupin, who
visited his sister Mrs. John Hm
liiigimie at Wildcat Canpon week
before last, returned home Tuesday
Ceo. and Fiank Magill haye
bought Fori cars of the Maupin
agent. Frank will use his auto in
earning the Unlock rural mail,
J. K, KelUV'dy spent last week
at his pastures on the Hest hutes
wheie he has ht-eii h-i-diii) cattle.
Frank tiesli made a trip to the
Geo. Crofoot home on Juniper
Wednesday, gettn; a load of
wheat for l elvle i tison.
Mrs. Matilda lzcnberg who Inn
spent some time with her daught
ers, Mrs. Guy Harvey mid Mrs,
Jinimie Woodcock, returned to
Hood River a wet k ago Satimlav.
Miss Katie Spath spent Inst
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jakepath. She w ill return
tomorrow to The Dalles where she
is attending high school.
Mr. "d Mrs. Percy Driver en
tertained at dinner Sun-lay,- Mr.
And Mrs. D. A, Campbell, Mr. and
at Maupin, Orgon,
Months 75cts, Three Months 50
matter September 2, 1914. at the
under the Act of March 3, 18T'J
Mrs. S. H. Driver, Mr. anil Mrs.
II. E. Driver, Mrs. Guy Harvey,
Mrs. Hud Harvey and little daugli
ter Nadine, Mrs. Don Miller and
hO'i Ernia and Alma Driver and
Hamuli Patison,
A snhmdid Easter program was
rendered at the church Sunday
night. Uev. Harrison of 'Jygh
assisted in the exercises. A good
audience was in ut tendance.
Ltm ami Miss (Jryslal 1'ralt, as
sisted by Mrs. T. J. Skirvin, pre
pared. the program which was very
pleasing anil satisfactory.
Road Supervisor W. E. Wood
cock, assisted by Frank Magill,
Carl Pratl and Percy Driver began
work on the 'lygh grade today.
Much improvement will be made
nn the grade. A? E. Lake assist
ed in running out the survey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Magill
visitBii Mrs. Sophia Kistner in
Tygh Sunday.
French Butler came up from
Tygh Sunday, taking Don Miller
to Maupin to play in the Tygh
Wamic, Ore., Feb. 6, 1917.
Any one west. of the Deschutes
river anil snuthof Tygh Valley
wishing to become a member of
White liiver Federal Jfann Loan
Association, please apply to our
secretary, W. II. Mavlield, It. 1
Ray Kayler has a new Ford.
T. V. Heel was making garden
Thursday. 1 , () -1
A. F. jMurliniWus gardening
Remember Lake's big special on
Tony Connolly was in this city
(feo. Woodruir purchased a
Ford this week.
C. E. Alexander has purchased
a new Studclmkt r.
Kdwin Mays returned Thursday
from Portland.
Ernest Paiptet returned from
Portland esterday.
Saturday April 1
The Great Four Act Comedy
Flayed by
a full acting
with a moral
Wanted to trade wood fnr Fresh
Milch Cow. C. E. Knnpf, Wap.i
nilia. ,'!tp
I!ig bargains in brake blocl.s
and brake .-jlmes at Lake's Stole,
Ollie lint h well broaght in a loud
of wheat, yesterday.
Callio Young has discontinued
Behoof on iieruunt of illm-ss.
A well gotten up KxHter program
Was rendered in the chuicli Sun
day morning.
A number of cars iiim now heing
londed with grain at the warehouse
F'or sa'e 4 work mules, well
broke, weight ,1000, '.' to 'A years
old. Claud Wilson, liakeoveu. p
Dr. til wood spent the week end
in The Dulles.
Dewey Bothwel.l and Herb Ham
mer br night two loads of grain in
Tliiusda y.
Thos, Fhimigcn was in tow in
Mhursday on lui-iness.
Frank Bennett was out from
The Dalles.
Dolph Go.itjen nnil daughter
yisited Maupin Thursday.
(!eo. W. Haslett of Camus City
stopped at the Maupin hotel Mon
day. " .
V. J. Piders stopped at the
Maupin hotel Wednesday.
Marion Firlow in the city from
Smock on business.
E. V. Doty is able to be out
a Jain nfter a few days' illness.
The Maupin Hotel has eighteen
s'eady boarders and trancieut is
O. W, Lawson was out from
The Dalles in the interests of the
Sludebaker iinutnr cars.
Reports front Juniper Flat,
li ikeoven and' Criterion indicate a
large aeroage of spring grain.
The local (ilee Club is preparing
fir a musical treat in the near
ful ure.
Dolph Moad and wife and son
Harold lefirSiuuiay for Fiiueville
to be gone for some lime.
Dad Coale has collected consid
erable old rubber.
Henry Holland is moving his
will drilling machinery from Cri
terion to Juniper Flat.
Ray Kayler was in town Thurs
day on business.
The 11, S. Club will meet at home
of Mrs. II. L. Eiunious on Friday
the l3tb, all member requested to
he present.
John Morrow is going tomorrow
to enlist in tho navy.
Are you using The Times liner
column when you have miy thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that your neighbor may have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that it will biing results.
Price - She
One Night Only
Doors open 7:30 Curtain 8:30
Think These
. Questions
(& Why .
(r Trade
Doesn't it
help the local
Isn't a community judged
by its successful merchants ?
Isn't it easy to rectify a
mistake with the local mer
chants ?
Don't you know that the
local merchant is here to stay
and that he seeks your con
fident? Don t blame - your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it fot you ana guarantee it.
Portland Painless Dentist. We
Extract, Crown, and Bridge your
teeth absolutely Puinlesf; we em
ploy only Experienced and Regis
tered men; fifteen years guarantee
on all work. Seventeen years con
tinual practice in Portland, Ore.
Bring this card .with you, it , is
worth money. Portland Prices.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St., The Dalles. Ore. Op
posite A. M. Williams Co. ' Phone
Main Use I
You Will
laugh, you
will scream
Not a dull
White River
Mr. and Mis. Alfred Ferguson
and Mrs. Coberth were at Maupin
J. G. Tunison held services at
.Shady Brook Sunday morning
and Rev. Baker at White llivei
with an Easter program furnished
by the school. ' -
Chas Coiiley called Dr. Stovall
Saturday night to see a sick horse.
Mrs. AunaTEilis and little. Ber
niece ekpect to-leave for their
home at Wasco this week.
Mrs. Laura 'Kellogg leaves this
wejk for her home at Oregon City.
Mrs Ashley Sr. has arrived
from their southern home to try
again the western climate. She
tried to live in the weBt before but
tier health would not permit. '
Sid and Len Wilson took the
Tapp young people to their respec
tive schools Sunday afternoon.
County Commissioners, Clausen
and Butler were out looking over
the roads Wednesday and Thurs
day. 00000000000000 0 000000000000000
L. B. Fox R. T. Yates"
Makers of Abstracts That
Books Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
In The State.
First National Bank Building 0
Phone Black 2831 0
, 1 he Dalles, Oregon
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi o
White River Flour
Is CHEAPER because it makes MORE loavea
Don't be fooled into buying LOW PRICED
flour thinking jou are gellirg comething
cheaper than
White River Flour
PRICE does not decide the value of a barrel"
of flour as much as the NUMBER of LOAVES
of BREAD that can be made from the barrel,
of flour.
Every sack of "WHITE RJVER" flour U
GUARANTEED. Your Grocer will refund the
purchase price without argument if ycu do'
not find "WHITE RIVER" flour satisfactory
for every purpose.
Hunts Ferry Whse. Co.
, Local Distributors
Tygh Valley Shop
General BlacKsmithing
And Wag;on Work Heavy and Light
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
First Class Plow Work - Cast-Plow Shares Ground.
Break Blocks Heavy and LIKht Ready Made up
Don't forget the Old Stand and its new manager
Phone in Shop
Orders taken for loose grain
boxes Fraley style al,0 up-to-date
flaring boxes and Califnia racks
Auto Passenger Service - Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing- Parties
A Complete Line 'of Automobile Accessories
Smock Items
C. 1). Cline and (J. W. Bargen were Maupin business lust
-Ceo. Knd iindS. II. Mulvaney
are spending indefinite time ' at
I'ortjiiinl, Hond liiver and other -points
in view of a business loca
tion. .. '
Geo. Duncan anil C. A. Bargen
ImU went lo Sherman county last
week, tlin latter taking over a Ipnd
of lumber. The brought several
head of horses home which they
had in pasture. They roport the
horses looking fine.
Clay Wliitcnnib is spending
few days with his sister. Leone, at
C. S. McCorkles.'
The MuU'aney and Duncan
chililren aie absent from school
with seyere colds and lajjrippe.
Wayne Spooi1" and T. C. Jones
purchased a load of grain of Geo.
Crofoot on the Flat.
T. J. Wliilciunb nialle a trip to
Th Dulles the last of the week.
Miss Kihel Led ford is helping
Mrs, (). K. Fleck while Mr. Fleck
has men plowing. .
T. C. Jones has run hhj Ford all
Mrs. Hihel Magill is carrying
the mail this week as' Mr. Magill
is working nn the road.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
yonr'aiitoinobile accessories, gaso
line ami storage of machinery.
The Maupin Times and weekly
o'Oregonian one year $2.25, for
short time only.
f 1
50c V