The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 06, 1917, Supplement, Image 5

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    Supplement to The Maupin Times, Vol. 2, No. 26
Maupin, Southern Wasco Co., Ore., Friday, April 6, 1917
W V Ifotne Bend Tuesday and will visit at the
YYapmUia liemS home of her daughter, Mrs. L. A.
. Rice.
Cold winds, snow storms, rains, little daughter was born about
Hiid a little sunshine past week. , tw0 weeks ago to Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. MoBeDelore, Mo?e Bud Washburn of Snplee. Mrs.
Jr., and Mrs. Mabel Sturgis werel Washburn was formerly Miss
visiting and transacting business Edith Abbott of this place,
in The Dalles the last of to.e week, j ftjr. an(j Mrs. A. F. Evick gave
Joe Graham returned the last of a chjcken dinner to a number of
the week from a trip to Clackamas' their relatives Sunday, the occa
Lake. He reports the snow there sjon being the eighteenth anniver-
'.) 1-2, feet deep, 4 feet at Clacka
mas Prarie, 8 feet at Bear Treek.
lie made the trip on skies from
the Dane ranch in.
Kurtz, the hog buyer was in our
cmntnuuity buying up hogs last
week. Lewis Walters, J. I. Went,
with a number of others delivered
hogs at Maupin Saturday, receiv
ing 18 1-2 cents.
J, P. Abbott reports over 600
lambs so far and all doing nicely
in spite of the cold weather.
G. N, Fliun returned Monday
from Friend , where be . has been
visiting at the Miller home.
Dr .Elwood was called Wednes
day to see Mrs. Ira Flinn who has
been quite sick. Miss Celia Flinn
spent the week end with them.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Woodside and
E. A. Hartman made a round trip
to The Dalles Thursday.
H. A. Hartman has been ap
pointed administrator of the Rains
estate here. - t
Rufus Abbott of Hood River ar
rived here Thursday, and is em
ployed at his Uncle's J. P. Abbott.
Supt. Bouney visited our school
Wednesday. The school board
held a meeting Wednesday and de
cided to order the necessary equip
ment for our school to become
W. 0. Wilson and family visit
ed at the Buzari home at Criterion
Mrs, Fanton came down from
ings all this week and over next
Our road superviser and crew of
men and teams worked on the
school grounds Tuesday, taking
out rock and leveling and grading
Harry Pratt is sick this week.
Clyde Flinn was laid up Monday
and Tuesday with lumbago. ,
A number of drummers were
calling on local nieachants the last
of the week.
sary of Mr. Evick's entering the
mercantile business at Victor.
Mrs. J. P. Abbott left here
Tliun-day for Portland to be with
her son Jamie who is confined in
St. Vincent's hospital with scarlet
fever and measles.
Mack Hollman has "greatly im
o ovi-d the apDeurance of his
property here by erecting a fine
(lirke! fence around it.
Tlif L dies' Aid society meets
every Wednesday in the old store
building of V. B. Tnpp, which is
furnished with m heating stove and
chairs. At present they have a
quilt in and all Indies are cordiayy
invited to ring their thimbles and
show their skill at quilling.
Ed Dhvm of Pine Grove made a
trip to D(ifur Tuesday returning
Wednesday bringing a thorough
bred calf for B. L. Foreman which
he recently purchased of Mel
Sigman. ,. ,
i.The stockmen of this section
met Thuisday at Lu Kelly's. G.
E, Wood and B. L. Foreman
branded and dehorned their calves
preparatory to turning' out on the
Our little burg has taken a most
patriotic air, flags are flying from
most all the buildings.
The school bouse floors received
a new coat of paint Saturday.
Rev. G. E. McDonald arrived
here Tuesday and delivered a
splendid sermon that night. Meet-
Local Items
E. E. Lesan came home from
Portland Tuesday, returning yes
terday morning.
Harold Lock walked down from
their homestead Thursday.
Welch & Lumis were out from
The Dalles Tuesday.
, Ray Aubrey is leaving the hotel
to work on their homestead.
The Tygh Valley high school
play rendered here Saturday night
was well attended, and represented
good work on the part of the team.
Terry Jones and Fred Bichsel
were down from Smock Wednes
day. Slusher Bros, are over from Du
fur for spring work on their farm
here. ,
j Dolph Moad aud family leave
Sunday for Prineville.
Mrs. Cora Smith is assisting
Mrs. Miller at the Maupin hotel.
Mrs. Nosker went to her home
near Tygh to recover from a bad
cold. .
Geo. Morris and Kenneth Miller
joined the National Guards in the
metropolis this week.
J. A. Lake has installed a tele
phone in his store this week. In
addition to connecting on the line
to Tygh, he has a switch and a
private line to the drug store