New Sleeping Car vService VIA (OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE A standard Pullman sleeping car is now operated between Portland and Central Oregon points as follows: LV. CXNfRAL OK.CGON MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY LV, POR TLAND SUNDAY - TUESDAY - THURSDAY This is in addition to the Daily Tour ist Slaeping Car1 service which is continued. ( Both i-let-pina I'm- hp- handled from Fintland on North Bunk Limited No. 2, leaving at 7:10 p. m. inKt-a.l of on Train No. 8 us formerly 1-aving at 6 p. in. Arrive Bend 7:20 a. ni. Call on or address Agents J. T. HARDY. TRAV. FRT. (SL PASS. AGT. R. H. CROZ1ER ' '"' SyASS'l' OEM. PASS, AGT. the general eqni ptr'ient, as the pro jected larger plant except in come of the minor detail, and in thin feature alone it is expected that u legitimate profit can be made on the investment. Friends of the institution have suggested that a. corporation be formed and that stock be sold in sufficient amount to build the first unit, after which the Hospital would pay for the buildings com prising the other units, disrlacing, finally, the wooden (structure now in use. The Dalles Hospital would t hen be possessed of a plant which would be second to none west of the Rocky Mountains and have but few equals to the east. The medical and Burgical staff of this institution is composed of men who devote their entire time to the study and practice of their professions and specialties and, although unusually well equipped for the practice of their profession before identifying themselves with the institution,, the experience gained in the various surgical operations, of which there have been over 4000 recorded in the register of the Hospital, and in the treatment of considerably over four thousand four hundred medi cal cases, has been of such mag nitude as could only be gained bv a lifetime of practice if working alone. The staff of the Hospital con sists of the following: J. A. Reuter, M. D., Surgeon and Manager, F. F. Thompson, Obstrician and First Ass't. Surgeon. Thompson Cob'erth, General Medicine and Ass't. Surgeon. R. C. Yenney, M. D., Medicine. Miss Lydia Bottemiller. Suner- intenpent of Hospital, Mrs. Eva E. Willif,. Superin tendent of nurses. ' V Visiting Physicians and Sur geons James W. Donnelly. M. D . Arlington, Oregon. Hiram C. Dodds, M. D., Dufur. Oregon. Millard B. Taylor, M. D.. Grass Valley, Oregon. Thomas A. Long, M. D., Mad ras, Oregon. H. B. Haile, M. D., Madras. H. C. Fortner, M. D., Antelope, Oregon. Robert H. Jenkins, M. D., Mitchell, Oregon. J. H. Rosenberg, M. D., Prine ville, Oregon. John L. Elwood, M. D., Maupin Willard N. Morse, M. D., Was co, Oregon, Win. Huckin, M. D., Wasco. W. C. Trowbridge, Goldendale, Washington. Frank H. Collins,- Goldendale. Arthur G. Belsheim, Guler, Wn. Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Mallatt of Bakeoven attended the dance Sat urday night. Th Valley 2 . Frank Campbel has purchased the Joe Snejal place and has moved onto it. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Harrison at Gresharn, March 6th. T. J. Swift was running a drag on the roads near here Tuesday. The High School pupils have been very busy practising the play The Deacon's Tribulation, to be given Friday. C. B. Dahl and S. W. Hauser made a business trip to Bakeoven Sunday. Grant Mays came out from Portland Tuesday evening to spend a few days. . Jas. Thrall spent Monday even ing; in Tygh, being on his way to Howell's sale.