The Maupia Times Published every Friday at Maupin, Oregon Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publishtr Subscription: One year, $1,50; six months, 75 cents; three months, 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1879. Maupin is a fine location for a first class Bttam laundry and borne bakery. Tbe amount of laundry sent from here to outtide points and the large quantities of baead and pastery shipped in weekly is amazing. Home indue tries of these types could get this trade and hold it, together with a Considerable patronage from out side and neighboring vicinities Somebody start something. Local Items If tlie other fellow could not fix your watch bring it to Emmons the jeweler. Notice Wamic, Ore., Feb. 6, 1917. Any one west of the Deschutes river and south of Tygh Valley wishing to become a member of White River Federal Farm Loan Association, please apply to our secretary, W. H. Mayfield, R. 1 Remember Lake's big special on Saturdays. Roy Morrow is assisting J. A. Lake in' the store. Mrs. Kellogg has bean ill sever al days recently. Have you got your 10 pounds of augar at Lake's yet? Mrs. J. E. Miller is yisiting at the Can field home. Roy Slusher was a week end vis itor in The Dalles. Mrs. T. A. Connolly left Thurs day for The Dalles and Portland. Miss Ora Martin of White River jpent the week end with friends in Maupin. Good wagon and new California rack for sale, inquire Morrison's Shop, Tygh Valley, Mrs. Courtright of Smock, who has been seriously ill for a number of weeks, is improving. Wanted to trade wood for Fresh Milch cow. C. E. Knopf, Wa pi- nitia. 3tp A. F, Evick, a Wapinitia mer chant, was in Maupin Wednesday on business, i The farmers don t seem to be satisfied unless they are skinned. Give Dad Coale a chance. He buys all kinds of pelts, hides skins and wool. p The Grand Encampment of the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assem bly 1.' O. O- F. will be held at Eugene, Oregon, May 21st to 26th 1917. The railroads have ruthor ized rates of one and one third fare round trip for this occasion. Final return limit, May 2Sth. Mesaers Fleck, Embree and Hill were over from Smock Saturday. Big bargains in brake blocks and brake shoes at Lake's Store. W. D. Roberts who has been employed by the o4T. Ry., is tak- ng a few weeks off in order to do the spring work on his claim and put in crops. Don't blame your clock It needs cleaning. Emmons will do it for you and guarantee it. Mr. Leader, traveling salesman for Folgers, in company with his wife, is spending a few days at the Kelly Hotel, and fishing. A card party was aiven at the J. L. Confer home Thursday even ing a weeK ago, at wnicn a num her of the local young people were present. G. L. Harphan returned Satur day from a couple weeks' stay in The Dalles. Mrs. Harphan was with him the fore part of the time Mrs, Lotta Miller gave a birth day party for Little Loraine Sto vall and some of her little friends Saturday, in honor of Loniine'e tenth birthday. Mr. m.d MrB, Marion Huston and Mr. and Mrs, John Powell made a business trip to the county seat Wednesday. Mies Gladys Westergrade arriv ed Tuesday afternoon from Port land to take a Dosition as book keeper at Shattuck Bros.' store. 8. L. Wiggins, the 0. W.'s T. F. and P. A. whs in town Monday. He recently returned from a trip east and is vury optomifitic over western conditions. W. B. BROWN AUCTIONEER Shaniko, Ore. Executrix of said Estate, Francis V. Galloway, Attorney for said Estate. Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or residence Maupin, Oregon ' Feed Dr. Hess PAN-A-CE otiltry -A A Tonic Not A Stimulant Makes Poultry Healthy Makes Hens Lay Makes Chicks Grow Now that mating time has arrived, it's up to you to see that your poultry get a tonic and fntemal antiseptics to make them vigorous and free of disease. Therefore feed Pari-a-ce-a In that condition your hens will lay better, you will get more healthy, fertile eggs and the ehieka will stand a better show of reaching maturity. Therefore, feed Pan-a-ce-a, And before the hatches come, I want to warn against gapes, leg weakness and indigestion for these ailments are responsible for half the baby-chick losses. Therelore, feed Part-a-ce-a. It will save you these losses. (FAIL ON W. H. STAATS CO. For These Goods. We Have a full Supply on Hand iiivi-c o a ncaiuu 1 WHITE RIVER FLOUR IS CHEAPER Think Before Buying' Don't be fooled into buying low priced flour think ing you are getting something cheaper than "White River" flow,. Lower priced' floilf will' only make from 27Q to 280 loaves of bread to the barrel. "White RiVr" flour is guaranteed to make' 300; therefore, at 5c a loaf. "White River" is worth $1.00 to $1-50 per barrel-more than the ordinary lower priced flour. Every Sack Guaranteed ( Brmg Back to us' any part of an unsatisfactory ' sack of White River Flour and we will give you a good sack in exchange. ' - " it- Hunts Ferry Warehouse Company Local Distributors DR. F. E. BURGESS Eye Specialist will make regular monthly visits to Maupin and Tygh Valley watch this paper for dates I.O. O. F. VAPINITIA Lwuge No. 20a, .vLiupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem bers always welcome. Job Crabtree, N. G. W. H. Talcott, Secretary. 1 Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p. m. If nnnrnxri n v, nuutitia. rrop. For Sale Field Pea Seed Carlton Variety Best for pasture or seed product tion. About 40 per cent of these peas are cracked and should be sown at rate of 100 pounds per acre. Price at Maupin 3c per poLirfd. J- R. Fleming Bakeoven Oregon. Portland Painless Dentist. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 1st, 1917. NUIILliis hereby given that, MOSES F. GOODENOUGH, of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on De cember i6th, 191s. made Home stead Entry, no. 015669, forswi-4 nwi-4, , NW1-4SWI-4, Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 12-East, Willamette Meridian; has filed notice of intention to make Com mutation Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Manpin, Oregon, on the nth day of April, 1917, Claimant names as witnesses: S. H. Goodenout;li, L. D. Wood side, C. B. Doyle; J. P. Abbott, all of Wapinitia, Oregon. x H. Frank Woodcock, np Register' Criterion, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 24, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that Daniel Lasckinger, of Wapinitia, Oregon who on January 8th, 1914, made Home stead Entry, no 012394, for EI-2 SE1-4, Sec 6, N1-2NE1.4, Section 7, Township 6 South, Range I East, Willamette Meridian, has filed No tice of intention to make rinal three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before b. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner. at Maupiu, Oregon, on the 6th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: L. D. Woodside, E. L. Nelson, J. P. Abbott, Frank McCoy, all of Wapinitia, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, P Register. We Extract, Crown and Bridge your teeth absolutely Painless- we employ only Experiencd and Reg istered men, fifteen years guar entee on all work. Seventeen years continual practice in Port land Ore- Bring this card with you it is worth money. PortlanrJ Prices. Portland Painless Dentist 305.Second St. The Dalles Ore. oposit A. M. Willams Col Phone Main 3831. A Powerful Light No wick, Smoke or mantle trouble, the safest lamp made, burns common coal oil, 60, to 80, hours on 1 gallon; fifteen times' brighter than the common Elect ric light. Price $7.00. Prepaid, if for any reason or no reason vou are dissatisfied return the lamp within 10 days and your moiiev will be returned", order from this add. Geo. Foste'? Larnont Wn. Seed Potatoes; Early Dawningsand LaiefRurflli New Yorker'. Grow on 'my farm Price $3.25 per hundred - H. A. Muller Tyjrh Valley Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE-' MENT. Notice is' hereby given that the' unersigned' Caroline Harvev, as lUeoutrix of the Estate and last Will' and" Testament of George Harvey, deceased, has filed her Final Account of the ndmini tion iinon said Estate in th ty Court of Vasco County, Oreyou and said .Court has, fixed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1917, at the hour of ten o'clock in' the forenoon of day at the County Court room in the County Courthouse at the Dalles, Wasco Connty, Oregon, m the time and place for tlie final' hearing of 'said Final Acer tint and for the Fiuar 'Settlement' of said' Estate. NOW THEREFORE, nil per sons Interested in said Estate are hereby notified and require.! 10 be and appear at sahl lime and place so appointed for the hearing of said Final Accoui.:' mil ti. ...i - tt,,,i nun there show cause, if i;ny exist, whv saui finaj Account should, not be allowed and approve.!, said Estate forever and fiimy settled and said Executrix discharged Dm hr bondsuiet) exonorated. i Dated this 23rd day of Febtrn'v CAKOUN Harvhv, ' J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 5th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Isaac N. Winfree, of Criterion, Oregon, who 011 January I2th, 1914 made iriomesteiid Entry no. 012401 and on July 2nd, 1914 made ad ditional Homestead Entry No. 013569, for HI-2NW1-4 & nei 4, Sec. 29, swi-4Ntvi-4,' Section 28, Towuship 6-South, Range 13 Hast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof to Establish' claim to the land aboye described, befdre b. D. Stuart, U. b. Commissioner, at Maupiu, Oregon,' ou the 16th day of April,' 1917 Claimant , names as witnesses. J. E. Miller, B. O. Nosker, D. B Appling, P. J. Kirsch, all of Cri terion, Qregon, H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 13, Igi7. NOTICE is hereby given that JaMEs BAxtER - of Criterion, Oregon, who on Oct ober 10th( 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 07543 and on July 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead ; Entry, No. 013561, for Sw1-4se1-4 Sue. 19, wl-2NKl-4j se1-4ne1-4, n1-2se1-4, sw1-4se1-4, Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 15 East Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of intention to made Final five year Proof, td establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Coin-' missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 16th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: C. A. Duus, R. H. DeCamp, H. M. Green, D. L. Rutherford, all Criterion, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (PUBLISPER) Department of the Interior, ' fj. S. Land Office at The Dalles,' Oregon, March 13th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that ' Rtrts H. DeCamp of Criterion, Oregon, who on May 7th, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 06707 and on July 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry No O18-506, for e1-2ne1-4, ne1-4 ,9e1-4, Sec. 19, wl-2Svvl-4, Section 20, Township & South, Range 15' liast,' Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to raak' Final five year Proof, to establish ., olaim to the land above described, .before D'. Stuart U. S. Com missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 16th day of April, 1917. Claimant names a? witnesses: H. M. Green, James Baxter, C. A,. Duus, D. L. Rutherford, all of Criterion, Oregon. H. Frank Woocock, p t Regiser. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, regon, March 5th, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that BURTLE O. NOSKKR, of Criterion, Oregon, 'who on Janu ary 26th.' IQIA, made Homestead entry no, 012402 and on July 2nd, 1914 made additional Homestead entry No. 013570 for W1-2SEI-4', El-2SWI'4; NWI-4SWI-4, WI-2NWI-4 Sec. 20.' NEi-4NEi-d Section to. Township 6 South, Range i.s East, Willamette . Meridian, . has filed notice of intention to make Final three vear Proof, to establish claim to the' land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 16th day of April,' 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: f. R. Miller, I. N! Wiuifree. D. B. Appling, P. J. Kirsch, all of Cri terion, Oregon.' H. Frank Woodcock, p Register. NOTfCE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher)' ' Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, March 18th, i9i7. Notice is hereby giyen that Herbert M. Green a. of Criterion, Oregon, who on Oct. 3rd, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 07505 and on July 2nd, 1914, made additiuf.l Homestead Entry No. 01357S, fur ke1-4, e1-2nw1-4, skMswM, sw1-4se 1-4, Section I3 Township C South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filwi notice of intention to . make Final five ye&r Proof, ' to establish clai'n tOjthe laud rAiove decribed, before F. D. Stuart, U.. S. Com-, ni'ssioner, at Maupin, Orjson, on the lCtU day of April," 1917. ,. . Claimant names as witnesses: Jame Baxter, R. H. Camp, C, A. Dnuj, D. L. Rutherford, ill 0! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' (Publisher)' Department of the Interior U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 13th, 191 7. Noiic; is hereby given that,' Chester A. Bargekholt, of Wamic,- Oregon, who on June 26th, 1911,'m'ade Homestead Entry No. 09175. for el-2NEl-4, se1-4nw-; .1-4, nw1-4se1'-4, Section 4, Town ship 5 Soirthy Range 12 East Wi llamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five' :year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,' at Maupiii, Oregon, on the 17th' day 'of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses;' S. G. Ledford, J. W. Ayres, F. E., Spoor, I. T. Courtright, all of Wamic, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, P Register. In the County Court of the State , of Oregon for the County of Wasco' In the matter of the estate of John Kotter, Dfceased Citation.' To the heirs of John Kotter, de ceased, names and residences unknown, greeting,' In the name of the State of Ore, gou, You'are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the County , Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco at the April, 1917, term of said Court, at the Court room thereof, at Dulles City, in said Countv, On Wedne sday the 18th day of'. April, 1017, at lo' o'clock, in tlie forenoon of that day, thpn and 'here to show cause if any you h u- ' w'hv an Ordnr nf Saie of the 1 '-;I i unmertv helmicrintr to s iid estate stnmld not be grant ed as prayed tor in lite Petition of Emil Mfir'z! Administrator of, -a -.! E-t-ii", 11, if. file herein, which, sui ! ., i.-.:,.v' described as, f.ilhiu 1. South half of the, iuiilh'i-esl iiuuriw, the Northeast ' quarter of the Southwest quarter, ar.d the Suuiuwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Eight . in Township Four, South of Range Fourteen, East of Willamette Me ridian, Wasco Connty, Oregon, containing J60 acres more or less, save and except, therefrom a strip . of land one hundred feet wide, be ing fifty feet on each" side of the , renter line of .the -railway of the Oregon Trunk Line across and . upon the.Southweet quarter of the Southeastoiiaripr nf S in Township Four, South of Range fourteen, -,st of Willamette Me ridian; Wasco. County, Oregon, which was conveyed by decedent to Oregon Trunk Line bv deed r. . corded, in Vol. 49 of Deeds, page 53, deed recortfs ol said county. itness, the. Hon. F. S. Gun-, nii;e, Judge of tbe said OnnnW Court, with the Seal of said Court affixed, this 7th day of March. A ' D. 1917. Attest: L. B. Fox, Clerk.