The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 23, 1917, Image 3

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Grasp this opportunity to become a skilled mechanic
learn Gasoline, Electric and Tractor Engineering and earn
twice or three times your present wage. Use your spare
time it means money to you if used to good advantage,
and we can show you how. It costs but little and you
pay only as you receive instruction. Write us now.
TeL East 8068. 20th and Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore.
HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 20th and Hawthorne
Ave., Portland! Ore., .
Gentlemen: Please send me without charge or obliga
tion full particulars regarding your Correspondence Course.
Sign name and
address here and
mail today.
Only three blocks from Depots and Docks. Op
posite City Hall Park and Court House.
With detached bath, 1 person, $1.00 $1.50
2 persona, 11.60 $2.00
With private bath, 1 person, $2.00 $2.60 $3.00
2 persons, $3.00 $3.60 $4.00
"When In Seattle Try the Frye"
New Houston Hotel
Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new
management. Ail rooms newly decorated.
Rates 50c, 75c $1, $1.50 Per Day.
Erie V. Hauser, President.
i550 re A. 75
oms JS"M Sampler
hSl.00 II SMSitilr: Rooms,
MUS39 $2 Up
3AlIar of America's Exceptional Holelst
rif Tin VeaI Pork Beef
I r Poultry, Butter, Eggs
and Farm Produce
to the Old Reliable Everdlni house with a
record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and
be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street Portland, Oreron
W want all you have. Write lor prices and snipping tags
THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wo.
b the title of a booklet. We will mail you one
free. Address Dept C,
1107 Third Ave., Seattle,
Do Your Own Plumbing
By buyint? direct from as t wholesale prices
and save the plumber's profit. Write us to
day your needs. We will ijive you our rock
bottom "direct-to-you" prices, t a b. rail or
boat. We actually save you from 10 to 86 per
cent All goods guaranteed.
Northwest headquarters for Leader Water
Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines.
212 Third Street. Portland. Oregon
Second -Hand Machin
ery bought, sold and
exchantred: e n nri nea.
boilers, sawmills, etc, J. E. Martin Co., 88 1st
Bt., Portland, send lor Stock List and prices.
For their good Darta. Parts at half crice. We
can duplicate most any part. We have wrecked
over 100 different makes of cars of recent date. If
In need of any write to Auto Wrecking; Co.. 59
North Broadway. Portland, Oregon.
LEARN A TRADE. Cas Tractor and Auto
mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com
plete course in both for the price of one tuition,
for a short time only. Large class now graduat
ing and have room for few more men. Cfttnloir
and detailB free. ' Hemphill'. Trade Schooli, 20th I HiwDwh
Portland, Oregon.
FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney.
Organizer and Developer. Patents secured or Fee
Kelunded. KbfcJ, Toy A-Kay Plate; shows every
Done in your noay nirnt tnrouflrn your ciottiinsr.
Suites 701, 701A, 701B, 701C. Central bldg., Seattle
STUDY bookkeeDintr. shorthand, teleoranhv.
salesmanship. EmrliBh branches, at an accredited
school; write, or phone Main two for catalogue;
graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker
Business College, 167 4th Street, near Morrison,
Portland, Oregon.
"C. B." MINERS & CO.
Stock & Bond Broker,
102 First Ave. South, Seattle, Wash.
All active stocks, listed and unlisted, handled
yn commissi on. Buying and selling orders
promptly executed.
I WILL BUY Alaska Petroleum A Coal stock.
Write, giving number of shares and lowest cash
I WILL SELL Western Smelting ft Power, 60c;
Mount Rainier Mining Co., 16c.
The Western Smelter plant Is now completed.
operations will start the coming summer. Mount
Kainier Mining Co. has been installing machinery
ana getting ready lor active operations tins sum
mer. You cannot, in my judgment make a mis-
take in buying these stocks to the limit of yoar
capacity. I believe them to be good for dividends
this year. Correspondence solicited, Write me
about any stocks you may hold. If they have a
market value l can sell them.
P. N. U.
NO. 12, 1917
Every Ford Car should carry one ex
tra tire it save changing on the road!
fits both front and rear wheel. Applied In 6 min
utes. SaveB time, clothes, temper and religion,
Price $6.60. Sent parcel post prepaid, upon re
ceipt of price.
0RE00N VULCANI1INQ CO.. "The lire Shop."
333-336 Burnside st, Portland, Oregon
$40 and Up
Write for list A of rebuilt Hurley.
DavidBons, Indians. Excelsiors, Etc
Harley - Davidson Service Center
for the Northwest. Largest exclu-
Ij sive dealers of Motorcycles in N. W,
209 Fourth St Portland. Ore
Into The Scrap Heap.
Another Injustice lies In the fact
that the thoughtful, Industrious and
conscientious man who has earned
the right to a peaceful and dignified
existence is the very one a lot of peo
ple think ought to be picked up and
hurled into congress. Washington
The Difference.
"What's the difference between a
socialist and a plutocrat?"
"There are many, but the leading
One Is that the former fights for his
principle and the latter for his In
terest." Baltimore American.
What a Kilowatt la.
Kilowatt Is the electrlo term most
used for describing the amount of
electricity used. A kilowatt is equal
to about one and a third horsepower,
In cities where electricity is paid for
by meter the rate averages about 10
cents per kilowatt hour. A kilowatt
hour Is the use of a kilowatt tor an
hour's time. Farm and Fireside.
Cure 8lck Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
BreathCandy Cathartlo
Washintgon, D. C The eight-hour
standard for railroad wages, provided
in the Adamson law, waB held consti
tutional Monday by the Supreme court
The Supreme court s decision, hold
ing the entire Adamson act constitu
tional, was announced by Chief Justice
White. ' -.
In announcing the opinion, the Chief
justice reviewed the negotiations lead
ing to enactment of the law. He did
not read from a prepared opinion, giv
ing it apparently from memory. He
told of the President's efforts to avert
the strike last September.
He suggested arbitration. The
employes accepted and the employes
refused, said the Chief justice. ' He
then suggested a basic eight-hour-day
standard. The employers rejected
that and the employes accepted. "
How the President went to congress
was then recited.
"Congress passed the law that is be
fore us and the carriers refused to re
cognize it," he recited. He said the
agreement to expedite the case was
'very laudable."
In the early course of the opinion
the Chief justice said that the law was
both an eight-hour day act and also a
wage-fixing statute. He said it
'strips the parties of power of con
tract" as to wages. He said the
eight-hour provision was the para
mount feature.
As to whether the law fixes the
hours of laboror fixes wages, the Chief
justice said it did both. He said the
right to fix hours of labor by congress
was out of the cases unqestioned.
Wilson Sees Way Clear in Strike
Decision to Urge Arbitration Law
Washington, D. C President Wil
son, it is learned on good autnomy
Wednesday, will strongly urge upon
congress, in special session, the en
actment of a complusory arbitration
act, basing his demand on the decision
of the Supreme court in the Adamson
case, which foretells that such a law
will be held constitutional.
The President, according to those
who have seen him since the decision,
will be more vigorous in his demand
than in the past two sessions, and will
use the full power of the administra
tion in favor of a law similar to that
of Canada. One feature which the
President probably will insist upon
will make it, unlawful for employes of
interstate railroads to strike pending
the arbitration of differences.
It is also learned from authentic
sources that the leaders of the Amer-
Federaton of Labor are deeply
alarmed over the ruling of the Su
preme court as to compulsory arbitra
tion, and fear that if this principle is
rigidly applied by congress labor un
ions will be deprived of an important
and hitherto effective weapon.
Ex-Czar of Russia May Quit
Native Land for Switzerland
Petrograd, via London The former
Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna
who was at Kiev, went to meet her
son. former umperor JNicnoias, as ne
was returning after his abdication.
She had long resented the influence
over Nicholas wielded by the Empress
Alexandra, Gregory Rasputin, the
mystic monk, and Mademoiselle Gru-
bava, lady-in-waiting to the Empress
and Alexandra's best friend, who had
introduced RaBputin to the Empress.
Marie Feodorovna saw Alexandra
only when court functions required.
Since early in January she had been at
Kiev and had refused to come to the
capital. Her meeting with Nicholas
was said to have been affecting.
The object of her visit to him was
to advise with him as to her future
residence. It. is reported that she in
tends to go to Denmark, her ifutive
It is expected that Nicholas Roman'
off, as the former Emperor is now
known, will eventually go to Switzer
land or France, his stay in the Crimea
being temporary. Most of the mem
bers of his suite have acknowledge the
new government.
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They Imme
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
No humbug! Any corn, whether
hard, soft or between the . toes, will
loosen right up and lift out, without
a particle of pain or soreness.
This drug is called freezone and Is
a compound of ether discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug store for a small
bottle of freezone, which will cost but
a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's
feet of every corn or callous.
Put a few drops directly upon any
tender, aching corn or callous. In
stantly the soreness disappears and
shortly the corn or callous will loosen
and can be lifted off with the fingers,
This drug freezone doesn't eat out
the corns or callouses but shrivels
them without even irritating the sur
rounding skin.
Just think! No pain at all; no sore
ness or smarting when applying it or
afterwards. If your druggist don't
have freezone have him order it for
"the shoe that holds its shape"
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 aJ8Mn
nt . . . v . . v. w
save money Dy wearing w. l Douglas
hoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers.
The Best Known Shoes in the World.
WA I Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot
" torn of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the
price paid for them.
"The quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision of experienced men. all workincr with an Annxr
determination to make the best shoes tor the price that money
Ask your shoe' dealer f or W. I Douglas shoes. If he can
not supply you with the kind you want, take no other
make. Write for intrstiiis; booklet explaining how to
ret , 1, .. 1. 1 ..1 1 1 ... .fl . .1 .
6, tu "spaEST" " HU""' pr,oe' I J Boys' Shoes
innr rnn w I n t ,if'it Beetle the World
nam. d th. 'retail price $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00
.tamped on the bottom. XX'''
-4::J V
- Where She Excelled.
Jack Timid I er suppose
your daughter has told you er the
object of my er visit to you er
this evening?
Her Dad Yes, young man, and she
told It a hang sight better than you
seem able to. Boston Transcript
Freddie My pa is awful rich. I
guess he's rich enough to buy all
Bobby My pa's a lot richer than
that. I heard him tell ma this morn
ing he was going to buy New York,
New Haven and Hartford. Boston
An Omission. " '
"Mamma," said little Elsie, "Ruth
says her name is in the Bible."
"So it Is, dear."
"Isn't my name in it?"
"No, dear." ...
"Didn't Qod make me, mamma?"
"Why, yes, of course."
"Then why didn't he say something
about it?" Boston Transcript
The Kind It Was.
"How did that smart yachting party
get on?"
"They found the sea very rough."
"Then it was a real swell affair."
Baltimore American.
Pure' Blood is essential to GoodlHealth.
Garfield Tea dispels impurities, cleanses the
systemfeand eradicates disease.
Foiled. ,
"Dearest, I ordered to be sent home
today a most beautiful hat for only
fit), its a perfect love!"
"My darling, your love will be re
turned." Puck.
Apt To Come.
"I expect it any day now with white
paper as high as It is."
"What's that you expect?"
"An embargo on poetry." Louisville
Nut Cake
is simply delicious when made with
K Baking Powder
Pure Healthful Economical
The highest grade of baking powder pos
sible to buy and your money refunded
if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer.
Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago
Too Brilliant, Perhaps.
"What became of that new poem of
yours called "The Lamp of Life?"
The editor turned It down." Bos
ton Transcript.
Women, more than men, have excitable nerves, because
tiring work and physical strain tax their more delicate
nervous systems and bring premature age and chronic
weakness unless treated intelligently. ,
Drug-laden pills and alcoholic concoctions cannot build up a
woman's strength, but the concentrated medicinal food properties in
it it fin
Doubts The Saying.
I don't believe that time is money,
do you?"
No, I usually have time to spare.
'Pape's Dlaptpsln" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fins
In five minutes.
If what you lust ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape s Diapepsln from any drug store,
You realize In five minutes how need
less it is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor in the world. Its wonderful.
H Cures While You Walk. ' T '
Allan's Font. 1,'nun 1 awtal
.. . , ,a uv.4.u,i, .mo iur uut.
sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Bold
by all Druggists. Price 26c. Uon't accent any
ubstltute. Trial package FHEli. Address
AllonS, Olmntcd, Le Kuy, N. Y.
build strength from its very source and are helping thousands
of women to gain control of their nerve power overcome
tiredness, nervousness, impatience and irritability.
SCOTT'S is a liquid-food free from alcohol.
Scott Downs, Bloomf iold. N. J. IS-7
Keep It
Ward off attacks of grip,
colds and indigestion by timely
medication with the thoroughly test,
ed and reliable remedy of the Ameri
can household
It's better to be safe than sorry.
Many a load spell of distressing sickness
mignt nave Deen prevented u tins proved
remedy had been resorted to la the first
atflfleB. Anv article that has been efficiently
used for nearly half a century has proved
Ua value. Tablet form if you desire it.
At your druggists.
i irivswm iii
Garfield, Tea, taken roeularly, will correct
both liver and kidney disorders.
Dr.' Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic.
I'ne Marine after Exposure In Cold,
Cutting Winds and Dust. It Itestores,
RefrcHhes and Promotes Eye Health.
Good for all Eyes that Need Care.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,
Sends Eye Book on request.
New Peace Move Hinted.
London A dispatch from The Hague
asserts that a new German peace move
is on foot. Prominent Germans have
recently visited Holland and Switzer
land under instructions to ascertain
what the present attitude - of Great
Britain is toward a possible cessation
of hostilities. The emissary to Hol
land, disclaiming authority to speak
for the German government, is quoted
as saying the Russian revolution has
changed the situation, since Germany
could no longer claim that she wished
to free the Russian Baltic provinces.
Four Die From Greens.
Boise, Idaho Claude Richards, aged
22, member of the Richards family, of
Carey, poisoned last week by eating
canned greens, died Wednesday. He
is the fourth victim to succumb, his
mother and two sisters having died
Sunday and Monday. The father,
Samuel P. Richards, is- very low, but
his physician now entertains hope for
his recovery. A hired man, who also
ate some of the poisoned herbs, is con
siderably improved and will recover.
Slayer of Judge Is Killed.
Birmingham. Ala. David D. Over
ton, the ex-county court clerk under
death sentence for the murder of
Judge W. T. Lawler, was shot to death
in a Birmingham suburb Wednesday
night by a sheriff's posse sent out to
capture him and six other prisoners
who had escaped from the county jail
8ave your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle
of Danderlne right now Also
tops Itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is mute evidence o a neglected
scalp: of dandruff that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, Its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and i lng of the scalp, which
If not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die then the
hair falls out fast A little Danderlne
tonight now any time will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'i
Danderlne from any drug store. You
surely can have beautiful hair. and
lots of it If you will just try a little
danderlne. Save your halrl .Try ltl
"Don't you miss the noise and bustle
of the city now that you live in the
'Not if I catch my tram to town."
Botifht, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnside, ear. loth. Portland. Ore.
trMh. tetutilt
p reletfd by
wMtera xk-
pretwt tvtier tthir
0 WittBtortJooklwltMtitiiocUh.
iD-MMBhcllacklMPIrlt. 11.00
Wlstta akc laaalM nits. S4.M
Mm Mr taJejcWC, but Cirrtsjr"i tJmplrtt twl rate.
Th tupcHorltr ot Cum produm if duj to om If
mrtonp-tsiiisi la VArriNia and iiiftuMt
TIM iSSf Ufcfttyy, tiitttnAt
fer Women
For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has Relieved
the Sufferings of Women.
It hardly seems possible that there is a woman in this
country who continues to suffer without giving Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Cempound a trial after all the evi
dence that is continually being published, proving beyond
contradiction that this grand old medicine has relieved
more suffering among women than any other medicine in
the world.
Mrs. Klcso Cured After Seven Month's Illness.
Aurora. 111. "For seven lone months I suffered
from a female- trouble, with severe pains in my hack
iiud sides unLil I became so weak 1 could hardly
walk from chair to ehuir, and got so nervous 1
would jump at the slightest noise. I was entire y
unlit to do my house work, I was giving up hope of
ever being well, when my sister asked nie to try
Lydia E. l'inkham'a Vegetable Compound. I took
six bottles and today I am a healthy woman able to
Mo my own housework:. 1 wish every sunering
woman would try Lydia K. l'inkliam's vegetable
jComttound, and find out for herself how good
it is." Mils. Ivaul A. Kieso, BOO North Ave, Aurora, 111.
Could Hardly Get Off Her lied.
(Snrinnati. Ohio. "I want you to know the good Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was in such bail
health from female troubles, that I could hardly get off my bed. I
had been doctoring for a long time and my mother said, 'I want you
to try Lydia E. l'inkliam's Vegutablo Compound' So I did, and it
has certainly made me a well woman. I am able to do my house work
and am so happy as I never expected to go around the way I do again,
and I want others to know what Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetabla
Compound has done for me." Mrs. Josib Coi'ner, 1008 Harrison Ave,
Fainnount, Cincinnati, Ohio. '
If you want spwlul advice write to Lydln K. PlnVliam Medi
cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will he opened,
read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. a
1 1 j Hi" A I 1
i A)
early in the day.