Supplement to The Maupin Times, Vol. 2, No. 23 Maupin, Southern Wasco Co., Ore., Friday, March 16, 1917 . Fire Proof WHEN IN PORTLAND Free Phones MAKE YOUR HOME AT THE Palace Hotel Washington Street & Twelvth the Cleanest Rooms in the City Modern in Every Detail Large Grand Floor Lobby Close in to Shopping and Good TheatreDistrict Service Finely Furnished Heat Smock Items F. E Spoor and Wayne went afler tbeir horses Tuesday return ing Wednesday. They found that they had lost three of the best hordes. Mr. and Mrs. John Howell are going to Portland next Wednes day fur Mr. Howell's health. Tne Smock Telephone Co. have signed contract with the Wamic Board by which we will have free switching with Wamic for one year. j elms Farlow made a business trip to Ma n pin Wednesday. Evan Parii-h and Roy Fleck have teen cutting wood on T. C. Juiiet,' place. Mrs. 1. T. Court right's sister-in-law, Wru. McNeil, in with her now with her during her illness. Church Notice Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. Evening 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday , evening Maupin hah nrguii'zed a base ball team for the teasou of 1917, with L. D. Kelly M'gr. and Arthur Morris Captain. . A practice game will he played Sunday, March 18. The opening game n ill he plajed on the horn" diamond. Sunday, March 25. Maupin vs. Tvgh Val ley, game called at 2 p n The farmers don't (-ecni t tie satisfied u i) I ecu they are i-kimied. Give Dad Cnale a chance. He buys all kinds of pelts, hides skins and wool. p Good wagon and new California rack for sale, inquire Morrison's Shop, Tygh Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Haines were down from Frieda for the week end. E. E. Lesan returned ' to Port 1 md Friday. Wanted to trade wood for Fresh Milohcow. C. E. Knopf, Wapi nitia. 3tp One day last week Daniel Gibbx of Tygh Valley had the mistortune to get a leg broken while playing ball. Messers C. E. Knopf and Weber were in from Wapinitia Monday. Melvin Smith, who has been working for B, D. Flaley, is at his Sandy home for a few days. Mr. Hume has completed the painting of G. W. Vanderpool residence and is now painting the Tum-A-Lum office. J. R. Fleming was a business visitor in town Wednesday. D, M. Ucetjen and family will move to their Criterion homestead in a few days. Roy Morrow has quit school and gone to work. Seven head of work horses for sale, Claud Wilson, Bakeoven. 4p Dr. Elwood made a trip to the Wainio tectioo yesterday, calling on Fred Simson and Grandma Sanford, and Mrs. Ona Morris at Tyib. Lawson of Th Dalles, the auto man was out yesterday. Geo. Snipes of The Dalle Dia mond tnillx pasted though here yesterday. Subscribers, if you fail to re ceive a copy of this paper regular, please let us know, and if possible tlie lost paper will be replaced. It has always been our intention to send all subscribers their papers each week, and will try to replace copies lost in delivery. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line and storage of machinery.