Of CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED fOR BUSY READERS Events of Noted People, Government and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. Walter Clark, American landscape painter and winner of many art med als, died Tuesday in New York. President Carranza has re-established the capital in Mexico City. It is esti mated that Carranza received 1,600, 000 votes in the election for the presi dency Sunday. According to reports current in the financial district of New York, Russia is contributing largely to the continued heavy imports of gold for account of the entente powers. President Wilson sent to the senate about 1300 nominations' which failed of confirmation at the last session of the senate. Almost all are army and navy promotions and postmaster ap pointments. , About 60 German submarines were captured and destroyed between Janu ary 1 and February 15, according to reports reaching Washington, the first authoritative word of the entente suc cess in coping with the undersea boats. An appeal for the pardon of Maury I. Diggs and P. Drew Caminettl, con victed in California of violation of the Mann white slave law, and whose case reached the highest court in the land, where the conviction was upheld, has been made to President Wilson. The funeral of Count Zeppelin was held Tuesday at Stuttgart. Many years ago the late inventor erected his own vault and therefore Countess Zep pelin declined the offer made to her by the king of Wuerttemberg to give the body a tomb in the royal cemetery. Notwithstanding the German sub marine menace, exports from New York for February, 1917, were only $1,470,805 less than for February, 1916, which was one day longer, ac cording to figures made public. The total for the month this year was $223,464,136. Navy recruiting continues to show a great increase. For the first eight days in March the net gain was 716 men. On March 1 there were 59,037 enlisted men in the navy, and on March 8, 69,753. There are still need ed for mobilization, including regulars and reserves, 102,295. Scores of German reservists have croBBed into the Mexican state of So nora from points in Arizona within the laBt week, an agent of the department of Justice announces. Many of them, he said, are known to have had mili tary experience. The agent said they appeared to be scattering to all parts of Mexico. A recommendation that 16,000 In dian boys of the various Indian schools and reservations throughout the coun try be organized, armed and equipped and drilled under regular army officers was unanimously adopted by the Unit ed States Board of Indian Commission ers, which met at the Sherman Insti tute at Riverside, Cal., in Bpecial ses sion recently. By a vote of 81 to 47 the Minnesota house indefinitely postponed action on the Anderson statutory prohibition bill, The vote killed any chance for further legislation at this session to abolish the liquor traffic. Postmaster General Burleson has an nounced that after April 1 the appoint ments of all postmasters of the first, second and third class will be subject to competitive examinations. Nomina tions will be sent to the senate as in the past, but in making selections the President will be guided by the results of examinations and will send in the names at the head of the lints. Wheth er a civil service commission, under which fourth class postmasters are now named, will conduct the examint tions, has not been determined. Democrats and Republicans of the senate in a recent caucus cleared the . way for early modification of senate procedure so as to make filibusters such as defeated the armed neutrality bill Impossible in the future. Herbert A. Meyer, of Ohio, has been appointed assistant to the secretary of the Interior. Mr. Meyer, who has been private secretary to Secretary Lane, will have administrative charge of the Alaskan railroad now being built. The immediate breaking off of rela ! tions with Germany is expected in ! Pekin, and it is generally predicted - that China will join the entente. The jury that Is to hear the evidence In the trial of Mayor Gill, of Seattle, . and others indicted by a Federal grand ' jury for alleged conspiracy to violate the statutes of the United States by Importation of Intoxicating liquor into the state or W ashington, was complct d in the United State District court : Thursday and the opening statements of counsel were begun. DATE FOR GREAT STRIKE SET Railroad Trainmen to Walk Out if 8-Hour Demands Are Not Met. New York Information received by the national conference committee, composed of managers of the great railway systems, and made public Tuesday evening, indicates that the four railroad brotherhoods have com pleted arrangements for a progressive series of strikes, to begin at 6 o'clock, Eastern time, on Saturday night, if the conference on the eight-hour ques tion held here fails to reach a satis factory agreement. I he proposed strike program, cording to this information, is at lows: ac i fol- call Saturday. March 17, 6 p. m., out all trainment in freight service on the New York Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Erie, Altantic Coast line, South ern railway, Louisville & Nashville, and Seaboard Air Line. Such an or der would involve 40,000 men. Monday, March 19, 6 p. m., call out the freight trainmen on the Lehigh Valley, Lackawanna, Jersey Central, Pennsylvania, Long Island, Maine Central, Delaware & Hudson, Reading and all other roads in the southeastern territory or extending to New York. Tuesday, March 20, 6 p. m., call out all freight trainmen in the Northwest ern gourp, including te Hill roads and all those centering in Chicago. Wednesday, March 21, 6 p. m., if the railroads still refuse to grant the men's terms, extend the strike to all other freight trainmen and call out the passenger trainmen on every road in the country. Navy is Preparing to Build , 100 Small Boats for Patrol Washington, D. C- Preliminary steps were taken by the Navy depart ment Wednesday toward contracting for the quick construction of 100 of more high-speed coast patrol-boats of a new type for scouting against sub marines. "At a conference, in which a score of builders were represented, as surances were given that deliveries could begin within four months. There was no announcement, but it is understood the contracts will be awarded shortly. Plans prepared for the patrol-boats call for craft 110 feet long propelled by powerful steam en gines. Details of their armament and equipment are now being worked out, but probably will not be made public. They will be more seaworthy and have a much larger cruising raidus than the standard "submarine chaser," an 85-foot gasoline motor-boat. Some of the companies represented in the conference have turned out large numbers of "chasers" for the British government. They will have to make changes in their plants in order to build the larger boats wanted by the American government Representatives of the major ship builders also appeared at the depart ment bringing data concerning their corporations and plants for which Sec retary Daniels recently asked. , Labor to Stand by America if Crisis Comes With Germany Washington, D. C Organized labor in America, through ita representa tives in conference here Wednesday, offered its services to the country in every field of activity. This oner is made in the event that despite all endeavors and hopes, the United States should be drawn into war. . The action was taken by unanimous vote of more than 150 delegates from National and international trade un ions affiliated with the American Fed eration of Labor and five unaffiliated organizations, including the great railroad brotherhoods. In all, about 3,000,000 American workers were rep resented in the conference, called to determine and announce the part to be claimed by labor in National prepared ness plans. 245 Oregon Convicts Earn - $12,757 in Month of February Salem, Ore. Convicts on parole from the State penitentiary during February earned an average of (52.07 each at their respective employments, according to the report of Parole Offi cer Keller to Governor Withycombe. The report probably is the best show ing yet made by the convicts since the law went into effect. The total amount of earnings for 245 men for the month was $12,757.56. "Healer" Sent to Prison. Los Angeles A sentence of 18 moiiLlia in the Federal prison on Me Neil's Island, Wash., was imposed up on 'King rrancis Schlatter, self' styled divine healer, found guilty Sat unlay In the United States district court on a charge of using the mails to defraud. Schlatter called down the maledictions of God upon all concerned in the prosecution of his case and pre dicted they would "die within two years" when asked by Judge O. A, Trippet if he had anything to say be fore sentence was pronounced. Irish Membsrt Are Back, London The Irish Nationalists made their reappearance in the house of commons Wednesday and assured them selves of another early debate on the subject of home rule for Ireland by ob taining from the government a prom ise that the Irish estimate would be introduced some day next week. Ihe estimates will provide an oc casion for a debate on the whole Irish administration. CITY OF BAGDAD TAKEN BY BRITISH Maude's Army Enters Ancient City After Hard Drive. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BRIEF Turks Surprised, Despite Clear Moon light, When English Cross Diala River and Plant Big Force. London Bagdad, the chief Turkish city in Mesopotamia and formerly the capital of the empire of the Caliphs, has been captured by . the British forces. Announcement of the capitu lation of the city was made Sunday by the British official press bureau, on re ceipt of a telegram from General Maude saying the British forces had occupied Bagdad early Sunday morn ing. No details were contained in Gener al Maude's dispatch. The following official report was re ceived concerning the operations against Bagdad, carrying them up to Saturday morning, when the Turks had been forced back within three miles west and southwest of the city. "Our forces engaged with the Turks on the Diala line the night of the eighth, succeeded, despite the bright moonlight, in effecting a surprise crossing of the Diala and establishing a strong post on the right bank there of. Meanwhile, on the morning of the eighth, the Tigris having been bridged at some distance down Btream, a Brit ish detachment marched up the right bank and found the enemy holding a position about six miles southwest of Bagdad. "The enemy was driven from this position to another position two miles in the rear. During the night of the ninth a passage of the Diala was forced and our troops advanced some four miles toward Bagdad. "During the night our forces on the right bank of the Tigris drove the en emy from his second position, bivouack ing on the ground gained. This ad vantage, notwithstanding a blinding dust storm and a violent gale, was pressed on the morning of the 10th, the Turks being pushed back to within three miles west and southwest of TORNADO SWEEPS INDIANA Score or More Killed and Property Damage Great. Indianapolis A tornado swept over Central Eastern Indiana late Sunday, killing more than a score of persons at Newcastle and two children in Wayne county. The total number of injured will run over 200, some of whom are probably fatally hurt. The damage will total well over a million dollars at New castle and several thousand dollars in Wayne county. Newcastle, Ind. More than a score of persons were killed and 150 were in jured, some fatally, in a tornado which wrecked 300 residences in this city late Sunday. The property damage was estimated at $1,000,000. The storm swept over the city in a southeasterly direction, demolishing practically everything in a path almost two blocks wide and more than 10 blocks long. For several hours the city was entirely cut off from commu nication. , Governor Goodrich was asked to send troops to police the city. The exact number of dead may not be known for several days, as practi cally all the bodies thus far found have been dug out of the wreckage of their homes. The search was hampered by darkness, but it is believed more bodies will be found. Twenty-three bodies had been re covered and six persons missing. It was believed other bodies still were buried in the wreckage which had not been searched. America Gain Tonnage. Washington, D. C The American merchant marine has made a net gain of 351,114 gross tons through transfers of registry since the European war be gan, although on the same account it has sustained a net loss of 201 vessels. Figures made public by the department of Commerce show that ships trans ferred to the American flag numbered 204 of 664,925 tons. Vessels trans ferred to foreign flags numbered 405, but their average site was less than one-fourth that of ships gained, and their tonnage was only 313,811. Livestock Losses Heavy. Helena, Mont. Unless winter breaks soon livestock losses will be extremey heavy, according to Information given to Railroad Commissioner McCormick, who has just returned from a trip over the eastern and northern part of Mon tana. In Sheridan there have been large losses. In the Yellowstone and the Musselshell counties and the Milea City stock country there Is much suf fering. Cattle are unable to reach the grass because of deep snow. PRUDE of the illlilBIIIM PRUDENCE FINDS HERSELF BLUSHING AMD BREATHLESS EVERY TIME SHE LOOKS INTO THE EYES OF HER HANDSOME RESCUER Mr. Starr, widower Methodist minister at Mount Mark, la., has five charming daughters. Prudence, the eldest, keeps house for hlni. Fairy is a college freshman. Carol and Lark, twins, are In high school. Constance Is the "baby." The activities of the Starr girls Pru dence's work, Fuiry's school affairs, the pranks of the youngsters and the family perplexities, make the story. It Is simply a recital of homely incidents glorified by affection. The preceding install ment described the accident suffered by Prudence when she went for an early-morning bicycle ride and her rescue by a strange young man. CHAPTER VIII Continued. "Oh whatever will Mattle Moore say to me? It's borrowed. Oh, I see now, that it was just foolish pride that made me unwilling to ride during de cent hours. What a dunce I wos as usual." He looked at her curiously. This was beyond his comprehension. She ex plained and then was silent a while. "Fairy'll have to get breakfast, and she always gets father's eggs too hard." Silence again. "Maybe papa'll worry. But then, they know by this time that something always does hap pen to me, so they'll be prepared." She turned gravely to the young man beside her. He was looking down at her, too. And as their eyes met, and clung for nn instant, a slow, dark color rose in his face. Prudence felt a cuuious breuthlessness caused by her hurting ankle, undoubtedly. My name is Prudence Starr I am the Methodist minister's oldest daugh ter." "And my name is Jerrold Harmer." He was looking away Into the hickory grovo now. "My home Is In Des Moines." "Oh, Des Molucs is quite a city, isn't It? I've heard quite a lot about It. You might tell me about Des Moines. Is It very nice? Are there lots of rich people there? Of course, I do not really care any more about rich people tliun the others, but it al ways makes a city seem grand to have a lot of rich citizens, I think. Don't you?" So he told her about Des Moines, and Prudence lay with her eyes half closed, listening, and wondering why there was more music In his voice than lu most voices. Her ankle did not hurt very badly. She did not mind it at all. In fact, she never gave it a thought. From beneath her lids, she kept her eyes fastened on Jerrold Hurmer's long brown hands, clasped loosely about his knees. And when ever she could, she looked up Into his face. Am! always there was that eu rlous catching In her breath, and she looked away ngnln quickly, feeling Hint to look too long was dangerous. "I have talked my share now," he was saying, "tell me ull about your self, and the parsonage, and your fain lly. And who Is Fairy? And do you attend the college ut Mount Murk? You look like a college girl." "Uh, I am not," said Prudence, re luctant io iiinke the admission for the first time in her life. "1 am too stupid to be a college girl. I left high school live years ago and have been keeping house fur my father and sisters since iheu. I urn twenty years old. How old arc you':" "l inn twenty-seven," and he smiled. "Jerrold Harmer," she said slowly and veiy musically. "It Is such a nice mime. Do your friends cull you Jerry r "The boys nt school called me Itol dle, and sometimes Ilamtnlo. But my mother always tailed me Jerry. She Isn't llv'.ii! tow. cither. You cull nie Jerry, will you!" "Yes. I will, but It won't be proper. But that nevir makes any difference to me. except when It might shock the member. You want u:e to call you Jerry, don't you?" "Yes, I do. And when we are better acquainted, will you let me call you Prudence?" "Cull too that now. I can't be too particular, you oee, when I am lying on your coat and pillowed with your belonging. You might get cross, and take thciu awuy from me. Did you go to college?" "Yes, to Harvard, but I was not much of a student Thou I knocked around a while, looking at the world. and two years ago I went home to Del Moines. I havti been there ever since except (or little runs once In a while." Prudence e'.ghed. "My sister Fairy l gtilng lo college now. She's very deteroh, very. You'll like her, I am sure much better than yon do me, of course." Prcdence was strangely downcast. "I am sure I von't" said Jerrold Harmer, with unnecessary vehemence. "I don't care a thing for college girls. I like hows girls." Jerrold flipped over abruptly, and lay on the grass, his face on his arms turned toward her face. They were quiet for a while, but their (lances were clinging. "Did yon play football at college? You are so tall. Fairy's tall, too. SONAGE (Bobbi-Merrill, Copyright, W16) SV I! Fairy's very grand looking. I've tried my best to eat lots, and exercise, and make myself bigger, but I am a fizzle." "Yes, I played football. But girls do not need to be so tall as men. Don't you remember what Orlando said about Rosalind 'just as tall as my heart?' I Imagine you come about to my shoulder. We'll measure as soon as you are on your feet again." 'Are you going to live in Mount Mark now? Are you coming to stay?" Prudence was almost quivering as she asked this. It was of vital impor tance. "No, I will only be there a few days, Dut i snau probably be back every week or so. Is your father very strict? Maybe he would object to your writing to me. Oh, he Isn't strict at all. And he will be glad for me to write to you, I kuow. Is Des Moines just full of beau tiful girls?" "I should say not. I never saw a real beautiful girl In Des Moines In my life. Or any place else, for that matter, until I came You know when you come right down to It, there are mighty few girls that look just the way you want them to look." Prudence nodded. "That's the way with men, too. Of all the men I have seen In my life, I never saw one be fore that looked just the way I want ed him to." "Before?" he questioned eagerly. "Yes," said Prudence frankly. "You look just as I wish you to." CHAPTER IX. Father Starr Reads the Signs. And In the meanwhile, at the par sonage, Fairy was patiently getting breakfast. "Prudence went out for un early bicycle ride, so the members wouldn't catch her," she explained to the family. "And she Isn't back yet She'll probably stay out until after noon, and then rldo right by the gro cery store where the Ladles have their Saturday sale. That's Prudence, all "Do Your Friends Call you Jerry?" over. Oh, father, I did forget your egs again, I am afraid they are too hard. Here, twins, yon carry In the oatmeal, and we will eat No use to wait for Prudence, It would be like waiting for the next comet" Indeed, It was nearly noon when small, one-horse spring wagon drove Into the parsonage yard. Mr. Starr was In his study with a book, but he heard a piercing shriek from Connie, ind a shrill "Prudence I" from one of the twins. He was downstairs In three leans, and rushing wildly out to the little rickety wagon. And there was Prudence I "Don't be frightened, father. Pve Just sprained my ankle, and It doesn't hurt hardly any. But the bicycle Is broken, and we'll have to pay for It Xou can use my own money In the batik. Poor Mr. Davis had to walk all the way to town, because there wasn't any room for hi in In the wagon with me lying down like this. Will you carry me Inr Connie's single bed was hastily Jflii full GE By ETHEL HUESTON brought downstairs, and Prudence de posited upon it. "There's no use to put me upstairs," she assured them. "I won't stay there. I want to be down here where I can boss the girls." The doctor came In, and bandaged the swollen purple ankle. Then they had dinner they tried to remember to call It luncheon, but never succeed ed! After that the whole parsonage family grouped about the little single bed In the cheery sitting room. "Whose coat is this, Prudence?" asked Connie. , "And where in the world did yon get these towels and silk shirts?" add ed Fairy. Prudence blushed most exquisitely. "They are Mr. Harmer's," she said, and glanced nervously at her father. "Whose?" chorused the family. "If you will sit down and keep still, I will tell you all about It. But you must not Interrupt me. What time Is It, Fairy?" "Two o'clock." "Oh, two. Then I have plenty of time," and In her own frank way, she told the story. "Then Mr. Davis came along with his cart," she concluded, "and Jerry er Harmer, you know, helped put me In, and the cart was so small they both had to walk." "Where Is he now?" "Is he young?" "Is he handsome?" "Did he look rich?" "Don't be silly, girls. He went to the hotel, I suppose. Anyhow, he left us as soon as we reached town. He said he was In a hurry, and had some thing to look after. His coat was un derneath me In the wagon, and he wouldn't take It out for fear of hurt ing my ankle, so the poor soul Is prob ably wandering around this town In his shirt sleeves." Already, in the eyes of the girls, this Jerry er Hurmer, had tnken unto himself all the interest of the affair. , "He'll have to come for his coat," said Lark. "We're bound to see him.' Where does he live? What was he doing In the hickory grove?" inquired Mr. Starr with a strangely sinking heart for her eyes were alight with new and wonderful radiance. He lives in Des Moines. He was just walking Into town, and took a short cut through the grove." "Walking! From Des Moines?" Prudence flushed uncomfortably. "1 didn't think of that," she said. "But I do not see why he should not walk If he likes. He's strong and athletic. and fond of exercise. I guess he's plenty able to walk If he wants to. I'm sure he's no tramp, father, If that Is what you are thinking." I am not thinking anything of the kind, Prudence," he said with dignity. "But I do think it rather strange that a young man should set out to walk from Des Moines to Mount Mark. And why should he be at it so early in the morning? Doesn't he require sleep, as the rest of us do?" "How should I know? I guess if he likes to be out In the morning when it is fresh and sweet it Is all right I like the morning myself. He had as much right out early as I had. His clothes were nice, and he Is a Harvard graduate, and his shoes were dusty, i)ut not soiled or worn. Anyhow, he Is coming at four o'clock. If you want to ask If he Is a tramp, you can do It" And Frudence burst Into tears. Dramatic silence In the cheerful sit ting room! Then Fairy bn bustling about to bathe the face und throat of "poor little Prudence," and her father said sympathetically : "You're all nervous and wrought oa with the pain and excitement. Pru dence. Pm glad he Is comlnir sa we can thank him for his kindness. It was mighty lucky he happened along, wasn't It? A Harvard graduate! Yes. they are pretty strong on athletics at Harvard. You'd better straighten this room a little and have things looking nice when be gets here," said Father Starr, with great diplomacy. And he was rewarded, and startled, by observe Ing that Prudence brightened wonder fully at his words. "Yes, do," she urged eagerly. "Get some of the roses from the corner bush, and put them on the table there. And when you go upstairs, Fairy, you'd better bring down thut little lace spread In the bottom drawer of our dresser. It'll look very nice on this bed. Work hard, girls, and get every thing looking One. He'll be here at four, he said. You twins may wear your white dresses, and Connie must put on her blue and wear her blue bows. Fairy, do you think It would be all right for you to wear your silk dress? Of course, the silk Is rather grand for home, but you do look so beautiful In It Father, will you put on your black suit or are you too busy? And don't forget to wear the peart cull buttons Aunt Grace sent you." Do you think that the stranger is what he says he Is? In that ease, why should he be walking from Des Moines to Mount Mark, and why out so early? Might he not be an adventurer? iTO BE Cy.VTi.NUtD J