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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
THE. MAUFfiN mm ! it Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 3, NO. 23 MAUPIN. SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 16, 1917 THE YEAH $1.50 Grain Bins. Here is another idea for a port able grain bin. This bin is made somewhat like a barrel exeept the itaves are straight and parallel instead of being curved, and the hoops are made of heavy wire. The staves are made of 1x6 fenc ing, only first class stuff being used. To make such a bin cut enongh staves of proper length (to make the capacity desired and lay them down on a floor all parallel. Lay the heavy wire across these and staple the wire to each stave where it crosses. This makes a sort of draper or wide belt of the staves, which, when stood up and bent until the ends of the wires meet, forms a sort of cylindrical tank which is self bracing. Suitable fastenings at the ens of the wires make the cylinder complete, When the bin r. FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Peljvery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON Here we are ! lo lbs. of Fruit and Berry sug'ar free with every $10 Cash purchase arid an extra pound for each dollar above $f0. Remem ber this is Saturday only of each week: Big' spec ial starts Saturday, March 17. Come early and take advantage of this big offer. . LAKE'S CASH STORE Right Mde. at Right Price Maupin Hotel IN THE Heart of Business Section SHATTUCK & MILLER, Props. Meats Can be Had at Any Time "The country state is a ihighty good place to trade in these days of adtanced prUes." . , Our stock is larger than H has" ever been and we are pre'ard 6 fill yotir wants in ffre best possible manner. The majority ofotfr stock was extracted befcre the present hib prices and we are inf a better position than erer to meet competition. iSHATTUCK BROS. THE STORE OF BETTER SERVICE it not in use it can be rolled up with the wire or hoop side inner most and laid away in the dry. It will be Been that when cylin der is in use with the hopps on the outside, the edges of all the staves will be pressed tightly together, but when it is rolled in the other direction with the wire innermost the staves will separate, thus allowing a shorter bend and making a comparativly small roll. The details of floor and roof can be worked out as in other portable bins. Wapinitia Items Somewore winter here; about 13 inches of enow fell here Thurs day night, which will be of great benefit, as there was no frost in the ground, and practically all of it will gink in. About three inches still remain. Mrs. N. G. Hediri and little daughter Nova returned to their home near here after six weeks' viHit with relatives in Portland. Mrs. Alice Batty left here Fri day for The Dalles where she and Lois expect to make their future home. J Ean Barzee has installed the Carbon lighting system in their hotel here. Fred Delco spent several days in The Dalles last week and while th ere purchased an Overland car. Miss Derthick our primary teicher and Miss Erma Smith are keeping bachelors' hall since Mrs. B Uty left. A dance was given at the home of D. Woodside'g Friday night. Elmer Snodgrass and Ellis Doughton from Tygh were here Tuesday. Hank Harphan was peddling beef in this vicinity Monday. Mack Hollman has sufficiently recovered from his receut illuet-e to be able to open hia place of business again, Archie Tapp has purchased Geo. Huitz' interest in the moving pic ture machine and it is now owned by Robert aud Archie Tapp, They put on their first show Saturday night in the old store building and expect to get uew Elms in the near future and give regular shows Leander Walters is cutting wood with a gasolene wood saw outfit on V. B, Tapp's wood ranch, BUI Mayuards are putting an addition to their house, having taken down the Knopf house and making, use of it. Ora Maynard has just completed filling his big forty thousand gal' Ion cistern with water Harold Rutherford of Portland is visiting at the home of bis lister Mrs. N, 0. Hedin. Buttercups are blooming among the mow drifts on the south slopes lere. The High school play entitled A Perplexing Situation, will be given in the Evick Hall Friday night;' special mini and the male quartet will be some or the fea tures of the evening. An admis sion of K) cents will be charged, which will go to- help standardize the school. It is reported- that the Govern uient it taking- up the matter of seeing that the dogs are properly muzzled nv ibis section. Reuorti are still Co nring in J hat the rabid coyotefafe getting more numer ous on the reservation. Frank Gabel was inThe Ballet this week.' ThS little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas, Gable is much improv ed. Mrs. Lucore, who is slowly im proving. Ray Tunison and family return ed from Juniper Sunday. Miss, Gertrude Crabtree spent the week end at Wamio. Mrs. Emma Morrow returned to her home on Happy Ridge Mon day. Mrs, Brittain is very ill at her home. Mrs. Laura Kellogg is at home caring for her. Little Lewis Brown has been quite sick with lagrippe this week. Roaring March hasn't settled down yet. We had a mixture of leet mi'l S,;iow all day Tuesday. Local Items Mr. Shearer of Kentucky arrived Monday and is the guest of JT, S. Fleming, who was showing him our little city Tuesday morning. The $500 reward ottered by Fleming aud Connolly for evidence iu cattle theft still stands good. The Misses Daphene Oonley and Nuomi Smith walked to the form er's White Riyer home Saturday.' Roy Slusher and Jack Staats haye been busy the last few days clearing the rocks from the lot be tween Staats' tnuchiiiery shed and Johu Donaldson's residence. The lot and park strip will be fenced lawn, trees and shubbry planted. A tagging crew from Wamic passed through here Tuesday go ing to John Karlin's. Mr. aud" Mrs. A. A. Derthick moved to Dufur reccutly, where they have purchased property. E. A. Mayhew aud family will move to their country home in a Tew days and D. M. Sbattuok and family will move into their house. John Deltelia and family will come to town shortly and occupy their residence when D. M. Shai tuclts vacate. Vauderpool Bros, will commence the construction of a garage build mg 45x70 Mondity, opposite Fra ley'y blacksmith shop. L, C. Wilheim is continuing the improvement of his place by pre paring for fencing and making lawn and garden. G. W. Bargainholt was In from Smock 3atttrday and again Wed nesday when he brought his daugh ter, Mrs. Cora Smith to receive medical treatment. The latter is staying at this office A. A Britton and staler Miss L. Britton went to Hood River Tuesday to attend the' marriage of their niece, Miss Beatrice Florerj- Mr. Hood, an experience me chanic from Walla Walla and The Dalles is employed in the repair department of Fischer's garage. J. Sbspflin was in from Wapi nitia Wsdnesday. Dr. and Mrs. Irvine arrived home Tuesday from a two years' sojourn in Alaska. Notice Wamic, Ore., Feb. 6, 1917. Any one west of, the Deschutes river and south of Tygh Valley wishing to become a member of White River Federal Farm Loan Association, please apply to our secretary, W. H. Mayfield, R. 1 New Sleeping Car .Service VIA OREGON TRUNK RY; CENTRAL OREGON LINE A standard Pullman sleeping car is now operated between Portland and Gentral Oregon points as follows: LV. CENTRAL OREGON MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY , LV. PORTLAND SUNDAY TUESDAY THVR5DAY This is in addition to the Daily Tour ist Sleeping Car service which is continued. Both sleeping cars are handled from Portland on North Bank Limited No. 3, leaving at 7;10 p. m. instead of on Local Train No. 8 as formerly leaving at 6 p. m Arrive Bend 7:20 . to; Call on or address Agents' J. T. HARDY, TRAV. FR. SL PASS. AGf . R. H. CROZIER ASSf GEN. PASS, AGf i PORTLAND l Our Spring Opening LaMeS Axti gentlemen' LATEST FASHION ih modern, attractive, step saving moderate priced Hames, together5 with a splendid showing of the new scientifically planned barns; silos, garflges, churches; sChrio( house, poultry hduses, hog houses, grain bins, and other buildings which will be ALL theVog'utf this yea fbr housing and proteetlhg Pe"op1e, Poultry or Produce. tour Personal Visit is earnestly invited Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Maupirf; tire. unumi T T 1 m r mm tt p 1 f P m is u ii n u Soon be Time for Good Roads W&rfe they are bad phone" your wants to Maupin Drug Store A Safe Place to trade. Pure Drug at Reasonable Prices White River Mrs. Bonney has recovered suf ficiently to be st home again.' Mrs", Anna Ellis is staying with T 1 SOME OF THE THINGS TH&r WE CAM DO FOR YOt DO'YOUR fJOTARY W0R&' sell your farm for you,' . rent you a safety deposit box. , . buy Your1 wheat,'. barley and oats; . . take Care of your banking business.' . DO YOUR' UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK.' A TRIAL, WE CAVj AND WILL MAKE g6od' GIVE' t i US rvfAUPlN STATE