0QQ Every Niqht For Constipation HedddcheJndiestion,ett ISinANDRETH VJJ POLLS HSafe and Sure B U 1 1 1 a a LyinrTTwYl LARGEST and FINEST1 J HOTEL mile NORTHWEST J Erie V. Hauser, President. M 55U fcJL 75 n Rooms rffsP Samnle ,$1.00 aiMiaj Room, r i L. .i - ... v K k J.ADomtr u Amena s txceptional HoteUl READY CUT GARAGES 10xl Ready Cut J37.00 10x18 Ready Cut 40.00 10x20 Ready Cut 43.00 Lumber, Shingles and Hardware compate, de lirered, P. O. B. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO. B'dway 149. 354 Ankeny St., PORTLAND, Or. SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everdinar house with a record of 46 years of Square Deahnjrfl. and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon Learn SHORTHAND By correspondence in your own home. Write today for information. SUCCESS SHORTHAND SCHOOL 308 Liberty Building. Seattle, Wash. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath Candy Cathartic No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get relief with Cascarets. They Imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. Advt You can Bring Back Color and Lustre with Sage Tea and Sulphur. The Farmers' Philosophy. "Don't you get tired of summer boarders who complain of the food?" "I used to," replied Farmer Corn tossel, "until I figured on It There's more profit in a boarder who kickB and doesn't eat than there is In one who eats and doesn't kick." Exchange. Amended. She Do you think it will be all right for us after we are married to settle a couple of squares away from my family? He I was going to say a couple of states. Dallas News. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so even ly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home Is mussy and troublesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use preparation, im proved by the addition of other Ingre dients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound." You lust dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign of old age, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready-to-use pre paration is a delightful toilet requisite and not a medicine. It is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. For a disordered liver, take Garfield lea, the Herb laxative. All druggists. Fair Enough. Please give a pore blind man a dime. "But you can see out of one eye.1 "Well, then, make it a nickel." TYPHOIDs no more ncccmuT thanSmallpox, Army experience has demooitxated the almost miraculous effi cacy, and hannlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, yoa and your family. It Is more Tltal than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine. fesults from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers, , THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAU MOOUCIN VACCINES HRUUS UKHI I. , OV. UCtMf Motorcycles $40 and Up Write for list A of rebuilt Harley Davidsons, Indians, Excelsiors, Etc. Harley - Davidson Service Center for the Northwest. Lareest exclu- sive dealers of Motorcycles in'N. W. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPIY.'CO. INC. 209 Fourth St. Portland. Ore Plenty of Privacy Then. "Is there such a place in the world as an ideal summer resort?" "Oh, yes," replied the cynical per son. "Name it." "Almost any summer resort in mid winter." Birmingham Age-Herald. Mrs. swal- Recklessness. "Charley, dear," said young Torkins, "the baby next door lowed a quarter." "It won't hurt the child." "I know. But isn't it terrible how careless some people are with mon ey?" Washington Star. The Ray of Joy. "So her husband was killed in a train wreck?" "Yes." "She must have felt terribly about It?" "She did, but as long as he had to die she was glad it happened that way because she collected double indem nity on his accident insurance." De troit Free Press. New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c 75c $1. $1.50 Per Day. "C. B." MINERS & CO. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP MTOMOIIU REPAIRIHQ AND REBUILDING. t, COR. FIFTH 1KD QllUN STS. PORTLAND, 'ORtQON. FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. Oraunizer and Develooer. Patents secured or Fee rtetunded. r KfcjfcJ, Toy X-Kay Plate; shows every bone in your body risrht throuirh your elo thine. Suites 701, 701A, 701B. 701C, Central bldg.,' Seattle LEARN A TRADE. Gas Tractor and Auto mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com plete course in both for the price of one tuition, for a short time only. Large class now oraduat' frig and have room for few more men. Catalog and details free. Hmphiit. Trade Sdwoit, 20tk I HawttwM f ortland, Uregon. WE WRECK AUTOMOBILES For their good parts. Parts at half price. We can duplicate most any part. We have wrecked over 100 different makes of cars of recent date. If in need ot any write to Auto Wrecking Co., 9 North Ja roadway, Portland. Oregon. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired Bumside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore, Machinery Second-Hand Machin ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines. boilers, sawmills, etc. J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st St., Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. Oregon Vulcanizing Company moved to 333 to 337 Bumside St., Port land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant in the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Post. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA'BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all you hare. Write lor prices mi shipping tigs THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wi, Without Operation Cancers II Habits and chronic diseases of C. J. STEEPLE, Stock & Bond Broker, 102 Firat Ave. South, Seattle, Wash. All active stocks, listwi and unliated, handled an commission. Buying and selling orders promptly executed. I WILL BUY Alaska Petroleum A Coal stock. Write, giving number of shares and lowest cash price. I WILL SELL Western Smelting & Power, 60c: Mount Rainier Mining Co., 15c. The Western Smelter plant is now completed, operations will start the coming summer. Mount Rainier Mining Co. has been installing machinery and getting ready for active operations this sum mer. You cannot, in my judgment, make a mis take in buying these stocks to the limit of your capacity. I believe them to be good for dividends this year. Correspondence solicited, Write me about any stocks you may hold. If they have a market value I can sell them. P. N. U. NO. 10, 1917 Gotten Tumors Apendicitis Rheumatism Eczema Catarrh Anpyiosis Hemorrhoids Asthma Diahetes Brighta disease. every description and kind. 1 have cured thousands of people in the last 12 years by the use of Radium, a Kay, t-lectnc Cur rents. Lights. Bakeovens, Vibra tors, Magnetic Waves, Ozone, Packs, Diet, Adjustments, Man ipulations, Massage and Baths. Consultation tree. vnte DR. W. E. MALLORY, 600-5 Broadway Bid. Portland. - Oregon WHEN IN SEATTLE (try Trovtr THE F i I JL SEATTLE'S LARGEST HOTEL Only three blocks from Depots and Docks. Op posite City Hall Y ark and Court House. THE FINEST DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA With detached bath. 1 person, SI. 00 SI 60 2 persons. SI. 50 S2.00 With private bath, 1 person. 12.00 12.50 COO 2 persons. S3.0O S3. 50 S4.0O "When In Seattle Try the Frye' Try "Spinal Adjustments" EASY 10 DARKEN GRAY HAIR END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape'a Diapepsln" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach-headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need less it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc tor in the world. It's wonderful. The Pride. of Race. "Darling, I have a confession to make." "I will not hear it" "But it relates to your happiness.' "Never' but say on." "With a half yard to go, my grand father fumbled the ball in the game with Penn 70 years ago." Horrors out of my sight forever. last Gossip of a Happy Home. 'His wife always gets the word." "Yes. But he usually gets last go at slamming the door." Washington Star. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Mother) If tongue Is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali fornia Syrup of rigs." Mothers can reit easy after giving California Syrup ot Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions tor babies, children ot all ages and tor grown-ups. Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa tion are relieved by barheld lea. Not Going That Way. An old lady once went up to a sailor and asked him why the ship had stopped. "Can't get along on account of the fog," said the sailor. "But can't you go by the stars?" said the old lady. "We're not going that way unless the boiler bursts, mum." Exchange. MEAT III THE KIDNEYS Take a tablespoonful of Salts if Back hurts or Bladder bothers. BRAD -EYES EARS NOSE THROAT, ARMS HEART LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS SMALL BOWEL LARGE BOWEL GENITAL ORGANS to you THJGHS & LEGS ment Your spine or backbone is the index to your physical condition. A perfect spine means perfect health. For those that are 'suffer ing from either chronic or acute diseases ,of any kind, spinal adjustment has ac complished what no other field can offer. Investiga tion costs nothing, and may mean health and happiness Phone for appoint- riNC or man DR. H. L. CHANDLER, 502-3-4. Broadway Building. PORTLAND, OREGON We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kid ney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the ellmlnatlve tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system when your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have sting ing pains in the back or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad der is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weather, get fr your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in glass of water before breakfast each morning and In a few days your kid neys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate closed k'dneys, to neu tralize the acids ro urine so it is no longer a source ot irritation, thus end tng urinary and Madder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent llthla-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. location thereof as they may deem proper. ' Section 9. The State Highway com mission is also authorized to adopt such other roads or routes connecting portions of the state and to provide for the construction of post roads or forest roads over such routes and the im provement and maintenance thereof, and to pay for the same from the fund created by House Bill No. 21, referred to by title in Section 8 hereof. Section 10. The State Highway commission is hereby authorized, em powered and directed whenever the county through which any portion of said hard-surfaced roads may be lo cated, shall have constructed all or any section of any such hard-surfaced road in accordance with plans and specifica tions prepared by the State Highway commission, along routes prescribed by said commission, and shall have pro vided for suitable drainage of said roads in accordance with the require ments of said commission and shall have prepared the foundation in ac cordance with the requirement of said commission, then said commission shall let contracts, or otherwise pro vide according to law for the comple tion of said hard-surfaced roads by causing said roads to be finished and hard-surfaced according to plans and specifications prepared by said com mission, and the funds required there for shall be derived from the sale of said bonds, provided for in Section 3 hereof. Section 11. The State Highway commission shall pay the interest upon said bonds as the same shall become due, from any funds subject to its control, from whatever source the same may come, and the payments upon the principal of said bonds, as the same shall become due, shall be paid by the said Highway commission from any funds within its control, without regard to the origin of said funds. Section 12. Any surplus or unex pended balance of the fees received under the operation of House Bill No. 509, passed by this legislative session, which bill is entitled "For an act to amend Chapter 174 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1911, as amended by Chapter 135 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1913, and as amended by Chapter 350 of the General Laws of the State of Oregon for 1915; provid ing for regulating the use, registra tion, license, identification, conduct and operation of vehicles operated upon the public roads, streets and highways of the State of Oregon; to regulate and license the persons who drive the same; to prescribe penalties for violation hereof and to prohibit the unauthorized possession or use of a vehicle and to provide a penalty there for; to license and identify ail motor vehicles; to limit the authority of cit ies and towns on like subjects con cerned with said vehicles; to prescribe the duties of the secretary of state as to certain provisions of this act; to provide for the handling and distribu tion of the funds derived from the operation of this act, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict here with, remaining after the payment of all claims incurred in carrying out the provisions thereof or estimated by the secretary of state as necessary to defray any further administration expenses for the balance of any license year, shall be transferred on the first day of April and the first day of Octo ber in each year by the secretary of state to an account to be expended un der the jurisdiction of the State high way commission in payment of the in terest and principal as same shall be come due upon bonded indebtedness of the state of Oregon, contracted for road purposes under the provisions of this act or the provisions of the said house bill No. 21 referred to by title in section 8, of this act. Any remain der of such surplus or unexpended bal ance so transferred to the jurisdiction of the State highway commission shall be subject to the payment of any other lawful claim or claims incurred or con tracted by said commission. Section 13. The State highway commission is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contract for the purpose of constructing the roads provided in this act; provided, how ever, that all contracts shall be let ac cording to law and in open and public session of said commission; provided further, that if, in the opinion of a majority of the members of said com mission, the lowest bid for the con struction of any of the roads or parts of roads herein authonzed to be con structed, shall be excessive, then and in that event, said commission shall have the right and it is hereby em powered and authorized to reject all bids and to construct under its own direction and supervision, all of Euch roads or any part thereof, and to thi end to accomplish this purpose said commission is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase or lease all necessary machinery, equipment, tools and appliances and to employ all nec essary help and labor and to do all things necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this act. Section 14. This act shall be re ferred to the people for their ratifica tion or rejection at a special election to be called in the manner priovded by law, said election to be held on the 4th day of June, 1917, and shall be in full force and effect as soon as ratified by the people at such election. Section 15. On account of the im portance of the early decision of this matter and the importance of getting funds for construction of roads, this act is necessary for the peace, health and safety of the people of the State of Oregon, and the special election hereinabove declared should not be de layed beyond the time hereinabove set, and for that reason an emergency is declared to exist; and this act shall be in full force and effect in acconlane with the terms and provisions therein set forth, from and after its passage, as regards said special election.) TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hairl Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine right now Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence o a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverlsh ness and t ing ot the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Kuowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little danderine. Save your hair! Try it! She's Surely Right. "Don't you think mothers should stay at home with their children?" asked a callow youth, eager to score on a well-known married suffragette who had just spoken. "Well," she said, her voice taking an earnest, intimate note, "I don't know about that, but I do think chil dren should stay at home with their mothers." Exchange. WHEN IN NEED OF A TONIC OR I APPETIZER You Should Try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Pretty Poor. Student I wish to ask a question about a tragedy. English Professor Yes? Student What's my grade? Take care of your health and wealth will take care of you. Garfield Tea promotes health. .Oq Your Own Plumbing By buyintr direct from aa at wholesale prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needs. We will aive you our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prices, tab. nil or boat We actually save you from 10 to 36 per cent All goods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines. . STARK-DAVISCO. 212 Third Street Portland, Oregon Anticipated Eye-Sores. Ma I think Josephine had better study painting Instead of music, then she won't make any noise practicing: Pa Oh, I don't know. There's an end to noise, but pictures will last for years. Boston Transcript. On To Him. Rowneder My dear, it was, of course, business that detained me till midnight Mrs. Rowneder Yes. Rowneder You know I wouldn't de ceive you. . Mrs. Rowneder No, Charlie, you wouldn't deceive me, no matter what jrou said. Chicago Herald. Stranger (arriving at scene of rail-, road wreck) Good heavens) What are you all waiting for? Why don't you rescue the passengers? Spokesman We are waiting for the moving picture men. Exchange. Snake Into Tour Shoes Alton's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, spuming, sweating feet Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Ray, N . Y. OUR LUNGS M DELICATE Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and wear the sensitive lung tissues. Dirai si should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds, or when strength is lowered from any cause. Its high nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is soothing and healing to the lung tissues. Refuse Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a 'drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts oft with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment it Is ap plied, and simply Bhrivels the corn or callous without inflaming or even ir ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened, callous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it at any wholesale drug bouse for you. WOMAN GOULD HARDLY STAND Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Dr. ' Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well, no alcohol Sold in tablets or liquid. "RUPTURE IT'S CAUSE AND CURE" Is the title of a booklot. We will'mail yoa one (re. Address Dept. C, A. LUNDBERG CO., 1107 Third Ave., Seattle. Fulton, N. Y. "Why will women pay out their money for treatment and receive no benefit. when so many have proved that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound will make them well? For over a year I suffered so from female weak ness I could hardly stand and was afraid to go on the street alone. Doc tors said medicines were useless and only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has proved it otherwise. I am now perfectly well and can do any kind of work." Mrs. Kklue Phelps, care of R. A. Rider, R.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have bad symptoms and do not understand the cause, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. for helpful advice given free. Catarrh for Years No Relief O'owicofioowg Three Bottles PERUNA Made Me Well. Mr. Ell Lefevre, Jr., 854 Brush St. Detroit, Mich., writes: "I had been troubled with catarrh for a number ot years, and bad been taking medicine for It, but they did me no good. In reading one of Dr. Hartman's books entitled 'Winter Catarrh,' I discovered that I'eruna was good for catarrh. After I had taken only three botles ot Peruna I was cured of the catarrh. I now advise everybody troubled with catarrh to take Or. Hartman's Peruna, as It is a sure cure for catarrh. "Friends to whom I recommend Pe runa tell me that It is also good for headache, dizziness, and pain in the stomach." Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tablets.