The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 23, 1917, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, tin
(ler the Act of March 3, 1879.
Church Notice
Quarterly meeting February 23
to 25 inclusive. All day services
Sunday. S. S. begins at 9:30;
kove feast 10:15; preaching at 11
a. m., followed by sacrament.
2:30 p. m. Home Missionary meet
ing. Special singing, exercises by
Juniors; preaching 7;30 p. m.,
special song by Glee Club. Their
song last fcunday night was well
rendered to an appreciative audi
ence, for which we thank them.
Come prepared to spend the day.
District Eldor F. L Burns will be
in Saturday and conduct the ser
vice. Preaching also Friday night,
everybody welcome.
i Pure Bred Jack owned by John
Ayres will make the stand for the
season of 1917 at Home Place on
Smock. Terms $10 for season, $15
and insure. The above Jack will
make an additional stand at the
Milt Morris place if enough busi
ness is offered to justify. Write
me or call on Phone through Tygh
switch. J p3t John Ayrks.
If th other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
ike jeweler.
Mrs, W. S. Ray of Prineville
passed through here on WedneS
day's morning; train.
Local Items
Fresh Smelt at Styer's Saturday
The piano for the new hotel ar
rived yesterday.
J. A. Lake has taken up his res
idence in the new hotel.
; E. J. Fischer and L. D. Kelly
went to The Dalles Tuesday.
A. F. Evick was a business visi
tor from Wapinitia Monday.
W. B. Brown purchased a Ford
from Shattuck Bros, this week.
Seven head of work horses for
sale, Claud Wilson, Bakeoven. 4p
Girl wanted lor general heuse
work. Inquire at Times office. f23
II. M. Green of Criterion was a
business visitor in town yesterday.
For sale or rent, the R. C. Jory
property, inquire of H. L. Emmons
Mrs, D. A. Moad is sick this
week with lagrippe and lumbago.
C. H. Crofoof left Wednesday
afternoon on a business trip to
Mrs. Phillips of lone, a sister
of Mrs. G. C. Allen, is here visit
ing. Irving Morris of Paulina was a
guest of Maupin friends the first of
the week.
E. J. Fischer is expecting his
sister from Fair Acres, Alberta, to
arrive soon for a visit.
Good wagon and new California
rack for sale, inquire Morrison's
Shop, Tygh Valley.
Mr. Beady, father of Mrs. John
McCorkle is over from Dufur for a
couple week's visit.
Miss Lois Batty left early Mon
day morning for The Dalles on a
business and pleasure trip.
Don't blame your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and gmrantee it.
One day last week John Wil
liams hail the misfortune to al
most sever a thumb with an axe.
One Jersey cow fresh, gives 2 1-2
gallons of milk, with calf for Bale,
John Horn's ranch,. Tygh Valley.
Tyg'h Valley Shop
General BlacKsmithing
And Wagon- Work Heavy and Light
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
First Class Plow Work - Cast Plow Shares Ground
Break Blocks Heavy and Light Ready Madeup
Don't forget the Old Stand and its new manager
Phone in Shop
Orders taken for loose grain
boxes Fraley style also up-to-date
flaring boxes and Calif'nia racks'
Peter Kilburg left Tuesday
morning to attend a convention of
Tum-A-Lum managers at Walla
Miss Phyllis Fischer went to
Wapinitia Friday night to attend
the dance, returning Sunday with
Mies lea Derthick.
The farmers don't seem to be
satisfied unless they are skinned
Give Dad Coale a chance. He
buys all kinds of pelts, hides,
skins and wooJ. p
John Anderson, our efficient
young teacher at the Hungry Kidge
school is contemplating a trip to
Honolulu in the Spring, where he
has an offer of a fine position
teaching our "Brown Brothers" of
the Orient.
Mrs. Fischer received a card
recently from Mrs. Harvey in
Florida, saying that was a beauti
ful, productive place, yet they
would like to ba back to Maupin.
Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Kelly have
been boarding at the hotel the
past two weeks. While Mrs. Kelly
is enjoying a rest from the cullin
ary art, she has improved her time
in dressmaking and needlecraft.
tor sale 0 Horses, o broke
horses weight from 1100 to 1600,
3 unbroke. Address H. L. Morris
Maupiu, or W. G. Morris, 1323
Jackson St., The Dalles. f!H4p
The local Odd Fellows will have
a big meeting and feed Saturday
night when the finishing of the
second and third degree work will
be put on five candidates, the Re
bekah's serving the banquet.
Fred Covey our prominent grain
buyer of the east side has returned
from Portland v here he attended
the Federal Grain Standardization
Conference, and reports having
splendid time, and that he gained
many new pointers in regard to
the grain business.
T. W, Reel the enterprising
manager of the new Hotel Kelly
has been able to secure for his
telephone ring, one short ring,
which will no doubt be very great
ly appreciated by the patrons of
our new hotel, and their peaceful
slumbers will not be disturbed
during the wee small hours of the
night by the late arrivals.
John M. Brown who is ftfeman
on Edward Mays' ranch has built
a new house on his homestead and
furnished it very comfortably and
cozy, which looks very suspicious
for a young bachelor, and we be
lieve he will spring a surprise 1 ft
the community in the nearfuturt,
and put one over on his youngei
brother Edward. Perhaps somu
kind friend wou Id give Ed a tim 1
ly tip, so that he might make ai
rangements to have it a double
. Shaniko, Ore. .
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, '8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p. m.
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
Eye Specialist
will make regular monthly visits
to Maupin and Tygh Valley
watch this paper for dates
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupinj Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visfting mem
bers always welcome.
Job Crabtree, N. G.
W. H. Tai.cott, Secretary.
Department of the Interior,'
U. s. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, Feb., 8th, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given thai
Mary A. Harvid, v
of Tygh Valley, Oregon,- who on
July 10th, 1911, made Homestead
Entry No. 09250 and on June 14th,
1917, made additional Homestead
Entiy No. 016200, for SWI-4SWI-4.
rec. 1,3, n1-2tiwi-4, ni-2tiei-4, See
tion 24, township 3 South, Range
14 fiast, Willamette Meridian,
nas tiled notice of intention
k mnke three year Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above des
cribed,, before F.- D. Stuart, United
stales Commissioner, at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 17th day of March,
Claimant names as witnesses
Robert E. Stow, Of Tygh Valley;
Oregon, Richard D. Williams, of
Tygh Valley. Oregon. Edward W
Hollenbtfck, of Tveh Valley. Ore
gon, Elniat Wmtlock of Grass'
Valley, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,'
Wamic, Ore., Feb. 6, 1917.
Any one west of the Deschutes
river and eyuth of Tygh Valley
wishing to become a member 0,
uhite River Federal Farm Loai
A . . 1
association, please apply to our
secretary, W. H. Mayfield, R, 1
"ThfC Best is the Cheapest"
Every Sack Guaranteed
Bring; Back' t6 us any part of an unsatisfactory
sack of White River Flour and we will refund the
full purchase price. We have made this statement,
repeatedly and have yet to see the first saclr returned
Hunts Ferry Warehouse Company
Local Distributors
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles.
Jnhilure8n. February 5; 1917.
iiuuce is nereoy given mat
John H. Thomas
of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on July
14th, 1913, made Homestead Entry
No. 011885, and on April if, 1916
made additional Homestead Entry
No. 015963 for sei-4nwii4J, swi-4
nei-4, ei-2tiei-4, sei-4; ,Sec. 23
Tp. 7 South, Range 14 East, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention Jo make three year
Proof, to establish claim' to the
lanl above described, before H. C.
tt ioper, u. a. Commissioner, at
Aiifelope, Oregon, on the 16th day
01 uiarcn, 19 1 7.
Claimant name's as witnesses:
James J. Wilson, Eben F,. Fine,
Charles H. Higgiiis,' John F.
Singer, of Shaniko, Oregon.
H, Frank Woodcock,
, Public Land Sle,
Department of the Interior,. '
U. S. Land Office at The nlW
Oregon, December lath, rot 6.
NOUCIi is hereby given that,
as directed by the Commissioner of
the Genenl Laud office, uodef pro
visions of Sec. 2455, R.:SU pttrSu.
ant to the application of
K. CfogIian DuiN,iN-rj,
Serial no; 0149.16, we offer at pub
lic sale, to ihe hiebest bidder, hm
at. not less than S2..C0 r,Pr . -t
iQico A. M. on the -th
February, next, at this office Hie
following tract of land: wi-sn- 3-a
vw,v,u o xowusiiip 7 SotJt,
Rneei5 Eist, W..M. (Containing
80 Acres).
The sale Trill iiot h. V.m
but declare! closed when
those present at th i..
have ceased bidding. - The person
making- the highest bid will be
reqnired to immediately pay to the
... -..v. ,t .mwiiii inereot.
t he-
vised to file their claims or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
L. A. Booth, Receiver.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Wvsco County.
W. A. Dalrymple, Plaintiff, ")
R. P. Taylor, Defendant, )
To R. P. Taylor, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint
filed herein on or before six weeks
from the date of the first publica.
tion of this summons hereinafter
stated and if yon fail to so appear
and answer said complaint, plain
tiff will take judgement against
vou for the sura of $15.00, together
with interest thereon at the legal
rate from January 17th, 1911, un
til paid and for plaintiff's costs and
disbursements of action made and
expended herein.
You are hereby notified that this
summons is served upon you by
publication thereof in the Maupin
Times, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation, published in
Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon,
by order of the above entitled
Court, Made the 22nd day of Jan
nary, 1917. f .
The date of the first publication
of this siirarhons is February 1st,
1917, and the date of the last pub.
lication thereof wlil be Ularch 15th,
'9i7 , ... J
J. W; AlLBN,
Justice of the Peace.
la the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Wasco County.
in the Matter of the Estate "J
John Kotfer, Deceased
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of
John Kotter, deceased by the Hon
orable County Court of . the State
of Oregon for Wasco County.; Al
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby: notified to pre
sent the same, properly verified, to
the undersigned at hit residence,
Tygh Valley, Wasco County, Ore
gon within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated this 23rd day of January,
Geo. D. Brodie, Atty for Ad
ministrator, Dufur, Wasco County,
Ben Richardson brought Mr,
and Mrs. Carslile in from the Oak
Grove the first of the week bo that
they could take the train for their
home in Fort Klamath. They
baye been visiting at the home of
Mrs. Carslile's sister, Mrs. Henry
Richardson, the past two months.
Mr, and Mrs. ff. W. Flinn went
to Portland the first of the week
on a business trip, they will stop
off at The Dalles oq their return,
Mr. Fllnti is still bothered consid
erable with his leg which he had
broken some nineteen months ago.
JohrJ Foley and his young bride
Kate Murphy are expeoted home'
in a day or two from San Francis
co, 'Mr. Foley having gone to
Frisco two weeks ago to'claim his
fair bride whom he had never seen
but had grown td lote through cor
respondence and receiving her pic
ture, and having a short talk with
her over the telephone on his ar
rival in Frisco. John has a cozy
home nicely furnished and in read
iness to receive his bride upon
their return from the honeymoon.
John's many friends congratulate
him on his manner in winning
such a fair bride.
' co now
ll J" " RoundTrip Fares km W
1 ' Dlrselor ila Sill like City fi'fBwl - 1
IISAN FRANCISCO LiteritUr, reeerv.. U'M, Jfe
Hi tioni, and tickets up- V
1,V, on application to jl VA
gl""" R. B. BELL', jJ V
fViKy BEND. VW.,
persons, claiming, .adversely I J SerVlfP I
aboveescflbed landare ad-jK-
Palace Hotel
V .
Washington Street & Twelvth
the Cleanest Rooms in the City
Modern in Every Detail
Lafge Gta4 iJElSbr. Lbbby
Close in to Shopping and
Theatre District
finely FurnisHed
-Heat y