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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1917)
UfMIIMl 14 A I II li-RII P II A II A. L'J-t I f-. I J - I I If Of CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR BUSY READERS Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other I ... Things Worth Knowing. The Oregon house of representatives has passed the "bone-dry" law by 63 to 7. It now goesto the senate. The British government has tight ened the German blockade which in volves portions of the Danish and 1 Dutch coasts. Robbers at Los Gatos, Cal., carry away a safe from the office of the newspaper ' Mail-News, containing books and records and $5 in money. Instead of building a fine club house with money appropriated for that pur pose, the Rocky Mountain club of New York voted to Bend the money to relief of the Belgians. Special examinations will be held in the universities of France before East er ' for students belonging to contin gents of the recruits of 1918, which probably will be called to the army in the spring. An ordinance against cats running at large in Portland will come up at the next council meeting. Both advo cates and opponents of the felines are expected to appear before the meeting in full force. A petition in bankruptcy and for a receiver against Van Frantzius Co., big stock brokerage house of Chi cago, was filed by creditors, who al lege that liabilities of $2,750,000 ex ceed the assetB by about $1,000,000. Russia Is experiencing famine in the midst of plenty, according to an un dated article in the London Times from a correspondent in that country. The article refers chiefly, but not ex clusively, to Petrograd and Moscow. General discussion of President Wil son's world peace address is expected in the senate soon, Senator Cummins having given notice of his intention to call up his resolution to' set aside special time for debate on the subject. The ceremony of saluting the en tente allies' flag by Greece was car ried out Monday in the Zappeion, in accordance with the arrangement re cently entered into between the Greek government and the entente powers, says a dispatch from Athens. The new revenue bill, embracing ex cess profits and increased inheritance taxes, designed to produce $248,000, 000, and a bond issue not exceeding $100,000,000 to meet the threatened deficit next year, is reported by the house ways and means committee. Revelation of strong-arm methods, of the employment of sluggers and gunmen, of bitter warfare between union factions, of intrigue and arson, that all made up the conspiracy to block building construction work in Chicago, is made from the witness stand in a Chicago court room. Ex-President Taft, in an address at Bangor, Me.,, declared President Wil son's recent address to the senate was "an epoch in the history of our foreign policy, " and his advocacy of our par ticipation in a world league was a most powerful aid to its formation. ' Five hundred women invaded the church of Rev. Paul Smith in San Francisco Thursday to find out what he proposed to do about women of the un derworld in carrying out a vice cru sade he has been leading. They took the position that they were directly Interested. '. Groundwork for the expected attack in the senate on President Wilson's proposal that the United States join in a league for peace was laid Thursday in a resolution introduced by Senator Borah reaffirming as a national policy the doctrine of no entangling alliances laid down by Washington and Jeffer son. ' Flat denials were authorized by the White House and Secretary Lansing of published reports that Mr. Lansing is preparing to resign. Representations by the United StateB for a fair trial for two Mexican priests sentenced to death at Zacatecas on charge of aiding Villa have been successful. The American embassy in Mexico City hag been informed that as result they will not be tried under a law which gives them no opportunity for defense. Sale of the Hill steamer Minnesota was confirmed Thursday by L. W. Hill, president of the Great Northern rail road. The ship is said to have sold for $2,750,000. ' Lewiston, Idaho A silver-tip fox pelt estimated to be worth its size in $100 bills is being exhibited in. the Central Idaho country by John Hanson, a Leeuburg mining man, who made the lucky capture. It is two feet long from tip to tip and almost black ex cept for a snowball at the end of the brush and a few white spines along the back. "Bone-Dry" Prohibition Law Passes House by 53 to 7 Salem Callan, Kubli, Lewis, Mac- kay, Schimpff, Stott and Willett these are the names of the only mem bers who voted against the bone-dry prohibition bill Monday. The bill went through the house late in the afternoon after a four-hour siege of oratory, by a vote of 63 to 7. As soon as the vote had been taken members of the house were served with individual half-pint bottles of loganberry juice, and the entire assem bly rested while the bottles were drained. The bill, as passed, merely carries into effect the constitutional amend ment adoDted bv the neoDle at the No vember election prohibiting the impor tation of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes. It also remedies the exist ing prohibition laws go that it will be impossible to buy pure grain alcohol excepting on prescription of a physi cian or permit of a district attorney Inasmuch as the measure carries an emergency clause it will become a law as soon as it is signed by the governor probably before the end of the week. Five days are allowed, however, after the governor signs the bill, for the express companies to deliver goods already ordered or in transit. Grange and Labor Merge Support for Modified Consolidation Bills Salem Representatives of the State federation of labor, the State grange and the Farmers' union, following a long conference the first of the week, issued a statement indicating their combined attitudes on questions of leg islation pending or proposed. They suggest a form of consolida tion for the offices relating . to labor, modified from that suggested by the consolidation committee; declare in favor of state aid in marketing prob lems and outline their position on var ious other phases of the legislative sit uation. "We, the organized farmers and la borers of Oregon, are unanimously ask ing your Bupport of the following," they say in a statement addressed to the various members of the legislature. Free Textbooks Rejected. Salem Free text books in public schools were voted down by the house at noon Tuesday, 38 opposing the measure, 22 favoring it and 4 absent. The measure had been looked upon with suspicion Bince its introduction, and when it went to the committee it was badly revamped before it saw the light again. The section providing that text books could be secured free by other than public schools was but one feature eliminated before the bat tle on the floor was staged. Represen tative Tichenor made a warm defense of his bill, claiming that it was a bill for the benefit of "the poor kids." Limit Put on Commission. Salem Representative Burdick has introduced a bill in the house provid ing a complete code of procedure for the operation of a county government. It defines the duties of county commis sioners, who are empowered to esti mate the amount of money to be raised for county purposes and to make levies in specified sums. The county court is restricted under this bill from under taking the erection of any courthouse or other public buildings costing more than $5000 without the approval of a majority of the voters. Hearing Likely This Week. Salem A public hearing probably will be held this week to consider the provisions of the Eaton bill to increase the rate of the state inheritance tax. The Eaton bill, which follows the outlines of Governor Withycombe's message, increases the present rate, but many members of the house be lieve that it does not go far enough. It would levy a tax of 1 per cent on all bequeBts over $5000 and up to $20,000, and 2 per cent on all above $20,000. The first $5000, as under the present law, 1b to be exempt. Apprentice Limit Attacked. Salem Representative Callan has introduced a bill in the house intended to make it unlawful to restrict the number of persons learning a trade in any given profession. Labor unionists on the ground are opposing the meas ure already. They say that it will prevent them from enforcing their con tracts with employers which fix the ratio of apprentices to skilled mechan ics employed in various industries oper ating under closed-shop agreements. Four Appropriations Submitted. Salem Four appropriation bills came into the house the first of the week from the ways and means com mittee, but did not get onto the calen dar, as the house already had passed that order of business. They provide appropriations as follows: Oregon National guard, $165,000; Naval mil itia, $15,000; Insane hospital, $666, 936; Tuberculosis hospital, $75,562. 60; total, $902,493.60. Labor Against Prison Plan, Salem Organized labor will oppose the recommendation made in the re port of the Prison survey commission that the law prohibiting the sale of convict-made goods on the open market be repealed. Labor is strong against such a proposal, but have counter pro posal of their own, which, they be lieve.will solve the problem of idleness at the penitentiary. Early Water Power Legislation Asked in Memorial to Congress Salem Early development of the water-power resources of the nation is something that this legislature wants congress to provide. The house, by unanimous vote. adopted Senator Gill's joint memorial urging upon congress "the absolute and urgent necessity of the develop ment of water power in order that the natural resources may be utilized . to create new wealth by the settlement of lands, the development of agricul ture, the establishment of manufac tures of varied nature, the economy and comfort of rail facilities of trans portation, the means of transportation enlarged and made cheaper, and traffic congestion relieved by opening to navi gation waterways incapable of use be cause of natural obstructions remov able by water-power development in navigable streams, and adequate Na tional defense may be aided, all of which will contribute to the increase and diversification of agriculture, com merce and industry, and as a conse quence promote economic security." the memorial already had passed the senate and now will go forward to Washington with the view of impress ing upon congress the vital interest of the people of Oregon in the pending water-power legislation. The measure did not even evoke de bate in the house, so well acquinated and so satisfied were the members with its provisions. Five Days of Grace Likely. Portland Within 30 days after the "bone-dry" prohibition law is enacted by the legislature and goes into effect the express companies must banish from the state of Oregon the last bot tle of booze. Such is one provision of the proposed act, but it must not be construed as affording 30 additional days to a thirsty public for stocking-up purposes. Five days' grace may be given, how ever, if rumor is substantiated. Al though the proposed law at present contains no such clause, its insertion iB anticipated. "We have learned unofficially," said A. P. Peterson, general agent of Wells, Fargo & Co., "that a clause may be added to house bill 100 permit ting five days in which to dispose of shipments en route to Portland or to other points within the state at the time of hte passage of the law." If this provision is made, it will amount to the extending of five days of grace, in which packages of liquor already at the express offices or in transit may be claimed. The 30-day provision of the law merely defines the time in which the companies must re move all undelivered consignments from the state. House Does Big Lot of Work. Salem Thursday was one of the busiest days that the house has had since the session opened. A big grist of bills was passed, an aggregate of 40 new bills was received, half a dozen important memorials and resolutions were disposed of and a big volume of routine business was transacted. The house ran twice through its reg ular order of business and most of the new bills were Bent to committees. A big batch of committee reports came in the morning and half a dozen measures were sent to oblivion over the indefinite postponement route. The first lot of appropriaiton bills came in from the ways and means committee. They provide revenue for the conduct of the executive, secretary of state and treasury department, for the special apprehenison of criminals, the State Training school, the school for the Deaf, the attorney General's office and the Capitol and Supreme court buildings. Ashland Site Favored. Salem The special committee of the joint ways and means committee named to investigate the feasibility of transferring the Industrial school for girls form Salem either to Weston, Drain or Ashland probably will be able to report next week. The scheme had its Inception in the mind of Representative Ashley, and he was closely seconded by Representa tive Childs, who is chairman of the committee. The Industrial school for girls has asked for new buildings in the budget and the School for feeble-minded also has requested money for permanent improvement in the way of new build ings. Premium Cut Advised. Salem Pure-bred livestock men of Oregon, at their convention here, rec ommended that the Oregon State Fair's request for $50,000 for livestock pre miums be cut to $40,000. They urged, however, that a livestock coliseum be built at the fair grounds. They also went on record as favoring the Jones bill for a tax on dogs, the money from which would be used to reimburse own ers of sheep that are killed by dogs. The stockmen are opposed to the Agri cultural commission, as proposed in House bill 172. Board Would Get Rise. Salem Representative Mann intro duced a bill in the house fixing the sal aries of Multnomah county commis sioners at $3000 a year and requiring them to give all their time to the work. Their present salary is $1800 a year, but they do not have to be on the job all the time. Efforts were made to get the whole Multnomah county delegation back of the bill, but they refused to take action. OF llHE ETHEL HUESTON ILLUSTRATED BY W.C.TANNE (Copyright, by the IT WAS A LUSCIOUS APPLE THAT GOT OLD MOTHER EVE INTO TROUBLE, AND APPLES IT IS THAT MAKE TROUBLE FOR CONNIE AND THE TWINS. Mr. Starr, a widower Methodist minister, has been assigned to the congregation at Mount Mark, la. He has five daughters, -Prudence, the eldest, who keeps house; Fairy, Carol and Lark. who are twins, and Constance. Their advent stirs the curiosity of all Mount Mark, and members of the Ladies' Aid lose no time In getting acquainted and asking a million questions. Prudence, who is nineteen, has her hands full with the mischievous twins and Connie, but is moved to defend them valiantly when some of the good ladies of the congregation sug gest that an older woman is needed to run the family. CHAPTER 111 Continued. "Indeed they are not," cried Pru dence loyally. "They are young, lively, mischievous, I know and I am glad of it. But I have lived with them ever since they were born, and I ought to know them. They are unselfish, they are sympathetic, they are always gen erous. They do foolish and Irritating things but never things that are hate ful and mean. They are all right at heart, and that Is all that counts. They are not bad girls 1 What have they done today? They were exasperating, and humiliating, too, but what did they do that was really mean? They em barrassed and mortified me, but not Intentionally I I can't punish them for the effect on me, you knowl Would that be Just or fair? At heart, they meant no harm." ' It must be confessed that there were many serious faces among the Ladles. Some cheeks were flushed, some eyes were downcast, some Hps were com pressed and some were trembling. Ev ery mother there was asking in her heart, "Did I punish my children just for the effect on me? Did I judge my children by what was in their hearts, or just by the trouble they made me?" And the silence lasted so long that It became awkward. Finally Mrs. Pren tiss crossed the room and stood by Prudence's side. She laid a hand ten derly on the young girl's arm, and said In a voice that was slightly tremulous : "I believe you are right, my dear. It Is what girls are at heart that really counts. I believe your sisters are all you say they are. And one thing I am very sure of they are happy girls to have a sister so patient and loving and Just. Not all real mothers have as much to their credit 1" CHAPTER IV. A Secret Society. Carol and Lark, In keeping with their twinshlp, were the dearest chums and comrades. To them the great, rambling barn back of the parsonage was a most delightful place. It had a big cowshed on one side, and horse stalls on the other, with a "heavenly" haymow over all, and with "chutes" for the descent of hay and twins I i Now the twins had a secret society of which they were the founders, the officers and the membership body. Its name was Skull and Crossbones. Lark furnished the brain power for the or ganization, but her sister was an en thusiastic and energetic second. Car ol's club name was Lady Gwendolyn, and Lark's was Sir Alfred Angelcourt ordinarily, although subject to frequent change. The old barn saw stirring times after the coming of the new par sonage family. "Hark 1 Hark !" sounded a hissing whisper from the corncrib, and Connie, eavesdropping outside the barn, shiv ered sympathetically. "What Is it I Oh, what Is It?" wailed the unfortunate lady. ! "Look! Look! Run for your life 1" , Then while Connie clutched the barn door In a frenzy, there was a sound of rattling corn as the twins scrambled upward, a silence, a low thud, and an unromantlc "Ouch!" as Curol bumped her head and stumbled, i "Are you assaulted?" shouted the bold Sir Alfred, and Connie heard a wild scuffle as he rescued his compan ion from the clutches of the old halter on which she had stumbled. Up the haymow ladder they hurried, and then slid recklessly down the hay chutes. Presently the barn door was flung open, and the "society" knocked Con nie flying backward, ran madly around the barn a few times, and scurried un der the fence and luto the chicken coop. j A little later Connie, nssailed with shots of corncobs, ran bitterly toward the house. "Peeking" was strictly for bidden when the twins were engaged in Skull and Crossbones activities. I And Connie's soul burned with de sire. She felt that this secret society wag threatening not only her happi ness, but also her health, for she could not sleep for horrid dreads of Skulls and Crossbones at night, and could not eat for envying the twins their secret and mysterious joys. Finally she ap plied to Prudence, and received assist ance, The afternoon mall brought to the parsonage an envelope addressed to "Misses Carol and Lark Starr, the Methodist Parsonage, Mount Mark, PAR.; J1 ON Bnbbs - Merrill Company,) Iowa," and in the lower left-hand cor ner was a suggestive drawing of a Skull and Crossbones. The eyes of the mischievous twins twinkled with de light when they saw It, and they car ried It to the barn for prompt perusal. It read as follows : Mlsa Constance Starr humbly and re spectfully craves admittance Into the An cient and Honorable Organization of Skull and Crossbones. The twins pondered long on a fitting reply, and the next afternoon the post man brought a letter for Connie, wait ing Impatiently for it. She had ap proached the twins about It at noon that day. "Did you get my application?" she had whispered nervously. But the twins had Btared her out of countenance, and Connie realized that she had committed a serious breach of secret society etiquette. But here was the letter! Her fin gers trembled as she opened it. It was decorated lavishly with skulls and crossbones, splashed with red Ink, sup posedly blood, and written In the same suggestive color. Skull and Crossbones, great In mercv and In condescension, has listened graci ously to tne prayer of Constance, the Seeker. Hear the will of the Great Spirit! If the Seeker will, for the length of two weeks, submit herself to the will of Skull and Crossbones, she shall be admitted In to the Ancient and Honorable Order. The week that followed was a gala one for the twins of Skull and Cross bones. Constance swept their room, made their bed, washed their dishes, did their chores, and In every way be haved as a model pledge of the ancient and honorable. The twins were gra cious but firm. There was no arguing and no faltering. "It is the will of Skull and Crossbones that the damsel do this," they would say. And the damsel did it. Prudence did not feel it was a case that called for her Interference. So she sat back and watched, while- the twins told stories, read and frolicked, and Constance did their dally tasks. A week passed, ten days, and twelve Then came a golden October afternoon when the twins sat In the haymow looking out upon a mellow world. Con stance was In the yard, reading a fairy story. The situation was a tense one, for the twins were hungry, and time was heavy on their hands. "The apple trees in Avery's orchard are just loaded," said Lark. "And there are lots on the ground, too. I saw them when I was out in the field this morning." Carol gazed down Into the yard where Constance was absorbed in her book. "Constance oughtn't to read as much as she does," she argued. "It's so bad for the eyes." "Yes, and what's more, she's been getting off too easy for the last few days. The time Is nearly up." "That's so," said Lark. "Let's call her up here." This was done at once, and the unfortunate Constance stood before them respectfully, as they had Instructed her to stand. The twins hesitated, each secretly hoping the other would voice the order. But Lark, as usual, was obliged to be the spokes man. "Damsel," she said, "It Is the will of Skull and Crossbones that you hie ye to yonder orchard Avery's I mean and bring hither some of the golden apples basking in the sun." "What !" ejaculated Connie, startled out of her respect. Carol frowned. Connie hastened to modify her tone. "Did they say you might have them?" she Inquired politely. "That concerns thee not ; 'tis for thee only to render obedience to the orders of the Society. Go out through our field and sneak under the fence where the wires are loose, and hurry back. We're awfully hungry. The trees are near the fence. There isn't any dan ger." . "But It's stealing," objected Connie. "What will Prudence" "Damsel!" And Connie turned to obey with despair in her heart. "Bring twelve," Carol called after her, "that'll be four apiece. And hurry, Connie. And see they don't catch you while you're about IL" After she had gone the twins lay back thoughtfully on the hay and stared at the cobwebby roof above them In silence for a while. Something was hurting 'them, but whether it was their fear of the wrath of Prudence, or the twinges of tender consciences who can say?" "She's an unearthly long time about It," exclaimed Lark at last. "Do you suppose they caught her?" This was an awful thought, and the girls were temporarily suffocated. But they heard the barn door swinging be neath them, and sighed with relief. It was Connie I She climbed the ladder skillfully, and poured her golden treas ure before the arch-thieves, Skull and Crossbones. There were eight big, tempting apples. "Hum ! Eight !" said Carol sternly. "I said twelve." "Yes, but I was afraid someone was coming. I heard such a noise through i the grapevines, so I got what I could and ran for it. There's three apiece for you, and two for me," said Connie, sitting down sociably beside them on the hay. But Carol rose. "Damsel, begone," she ordered. "When Skull and Cross bones feast, thou canst not yet share the festive board. Rise thee, and speed." Connie rose, and walked soberly toward the ladder. But before she dis appeared she fired this parting shot, "I don't want any of them. Stolen apples don't taste very good, I reckon." Carol and Lark had the grace to ) flush a little at this, but however the stolen apples tasted, the twins had no difficulty In disposing of them. Then, full almost beyond the point of com fort, they slid down the hay chutes, went out the bock way, fumed the cor ner, and came quietly In through the front door of the parsonage. Prudence was In the kitchen prepar ing the evening meal. Fairy was In the sitting room, busy with her books. The twins set the table conscientiously, filled the woodbox, and la every way lubored Irreproachably. But Prudence had no word of praise for them that evening. She hardly seemed to know they were about the place. She went about her work with a pale face, and never a smile to be seen. Supper was nearly ready when Con nie sauntered in from the barn. After leaving the haymow, she had found a cozy corner In the corncrib, with two -. heavy laprobes discarded by the twins In their flight from wolves, and had settled down there to finish her story. As she stepped into the kitchen Pru dence turned to her with such a sorry, f reproachful gaze that Connie was frightened. "Are you sick, Prue?" she gasped. Prudence did not answer. She went to the door and called Fairy. "Finish getting supper, will you, Fairy? And when you are all ready, you and the twins go right on eating. Don't wait for father he Isn't coming home until evening. Come upstairs with me, Con nie ; I want to talk to you." Connie followed her sister soberly, and the twins flashed at each other ) startling and questioning looks. The three girls were at table when Prudence came Into the dining room alone. She fixed a tray-supper quietly and carried It off upstairs. Then she came back and sat down by the table. But her face bore marks of tears, and she had no appetite. The twins had felt small liking for their food before ; now each mouthful seemed to choke them. But they dared not ask a ques tion. They were devoutly thankful when Fairy finally voiced their Interest. "What is the matter? Has Connie been in mischief?" "It's worse than that," faltered Pru dence, tears rushing to her eyes again. "Why, Prudence I What In the world has she done?" "I may as well tell you, I suppose you'll have to know it sooner or later. She went out Into Avery's orchard and stole some apples this afternoon. I was back in the alley seeing if Mrs. Moon could do the washing, and I saw her from the other side. She went from tree to tree, and when she got through the fence she ran. There's no mistake about It she confessed." The twins looked up In agony, but Pru dence's face reassured them. Con stance had told no tales. "I have told her she must spend all of her time up stairs alone for a week, taking her meals there, too. She will go to school, of course, but that Is all. I want her to see the awfulness of It. I told her I didn't think we wanted to eat with a thief just yet I I said we must get used to the Idea of it first. She Is heartbroken, but I must make her see It!" If you were in Prudence's place would you turn In and give Connie and the twins each a sound- spanking as the most effective sort of punishment? ITO BE CONTINUED.) Pleasure in Well-Dolng. Pleasure has a way of coming Indi rectly where least you look for her and when least you expect her. She lurks In the happiness of work well done. She lingers in the consciousness of honest bookkeeping with life, and she always Is to be found in the Joy of growth and progress. In all these ways honest pleasure Is to be found. This isn't meant to be a dull preach ment against anything but work. But It does mean to say that happiness lies In doing and the consciousness of well doing. Cane Nearly Century Old. William A. J. Giles of Concord, N. H., bought a cane In an auction shop, some weeks ago, to help him In hi lameness. He supposed It was an or dinary cane, but William H. Harris, when inspecting it, pulled oft the han dle, and with It a steel blade about M Inches In length. On the blade was en graved the words: "William M.rfr. ' June 2, 1832."