The Maupin Times Publishd Eevery Friday at Maupin, Orgon, Mrs, W. L. Morkison, Publisher Subscription: On Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1872- of , art of th :w. K":!, Hauaer made a trip to Several from hare are working! on the telephone line that runs to Maupin. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Reel went to Maupin Sunday to view the new hotel. Tom Swift was' down from Wamic Monday. The Lenards from Grass Valley are hauling wood through here. Church Notice It Is Here At last, the long; sought for printing press is the property of the Maupin Times and occupying Its place in operating condition iu 0 ur little work shop. We are rather brief on local pews this week, and if you will pardon us this time, we'll try to do better again. It has taken con siderable time to adjust the new machine and what youngster would not have to look at their now toy a little while, especially after twenty months experience trying to turn a newspaper on a little old one- page Armory press and it borrow ed? We hope we shall not have to use it again. ''Our" press is net a new one, but an up-to-date patent Diamond and made with power attachment, capable of considerable speed. Tygh Valley 1 F. C. Butler made a trip to The Dalles last week. Bill Cantrell from Dufur is in town. Jim Mace left for Jersey Station where he is to work on the rail road. His family will leave in about a week. Mrs. limma Kowan lias pur chased the large flock of turkeys from J. Mace, She will dispose M. M. lifomia CALLS YOU-Enjoy this winter out'of-ddors Polo, golf, tennis; automobilirig over California's Wonderful highways; and a wide variety of places to go and things to see makes a visit to California brim full of pleasure. UN10H PACIFIC SYSTEM representatives are;Jw;iys delighted to help plan California trips, literature, informal tion and specify soviet! upon application to S. L. WIGGINS, 1. F, a P. A., BEND, ORE. 1mm $ I J MAt I Smock Items Mr. and Mrs. W. C. May field visited C. H. Yockey and family Sunday. M. J. Farlow and family visited his mother Saturday and Sunday, T. J. Whitcomb. and son are numbered among the sick at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mrs. I. T. Courtright. Mrs. C. S. McCorkle reports the roads fins for motoring. J, W. Ayrcs and C. A. Bargain holt are building fence on Mr. Bargaiuholt'a homestead joining Mr. Ayres. R. 0. Stakely and N. E. Whit comb are cutting wood on Gab Stakely's place. Sunday Frank French and Frank Oesh took the saddle horse recently purchased by the former from N. E. Whitcomb, aud called at Mr. Gesh's sister' Mrs. Betty Duncan. C. A. Syrou was a busii.e- vis itor at Sara Brown's Mondin. F. E. Spoor and son are making fence posts. S. H. Mulvaney spent Sunday with his family and re porta the house getting along nicely tlii ideal weather. Herman Gesli ul. came up with his wife and chil dren who are stopping with Mrs. Gesh's mother while the new house is building. Mack Mayfield is breaking a mule to drive single, Geo. Ledford is breaking a of mules. Sunday School at 10 A, Preaching at 11 A. M. Song Service at 7:30 P, Preaching at 8:00 Song Practice Tuesday evening at 7:30 followed by Sunday School Teachers meeting. Prayer meeting Thuri lay even ing at 7;30. These services are be ing well attended by our young people and we want more to help UB. E. E. Lesan Pastor, The pupils of Mrs. Kellogg's room are rehearsing a play "The Podunk Limited" which will be giyen at Shattuck's hall, Saturday evening, January 20, The play will be given free, af ter which a basket Social will be given. Everybody invited. Pro ceeds will be used for school pur po . t FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger" Service Auto fJelivery truck Prepared for Long Tripa or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories' MAUPIN, OREGON Tygh Valley Shop General BlacKsmithing And Wagon Work Heavy and Lieht Horse Shoeing a Specialty First Class Plow Work Cast Plow Shares Ground Break Blocks Heavy and Light Ready Made up Don't forget the Old Stand and its new manager Wm. l. Morrison Phone in Shop Orders taken for loose grain boxes Fraley style also up-to-date flaring boxes and CallPnia racks -rrM! JMLTTT Cleo Lesan and Callie Young are taking eighth grade final ex- aminations this week. The tenth grade wrote their final algerbra yesterday, two of the class also writing final physiology. Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield left Tues day for 'J he Dalles and Portland and will be absent for some time They expect to attend the auto mobile show in the metropolis this wee(t. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line nud storage of machinery. Basket Social Dr. Lawrence S. Standi VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or resideo Maupin, Oregon Subscribers, if you fail to re ceive a copy of this paper regular, please let us know, and If posniblt the lost oaner will be replaced. It has always been our intention to send all subscribers their papers each week, and will try to replace copies lost in delivery. Dave D&naldson is said to have coaxed a fellow companion up the Deschutes Wednesday with the enticing prophecy that the fish would bite, but the boys were kept too busy buildiiie fires trying to warm their hands, to get any fish ' If ivtf a few thousand loiln at, 7 per cent on rt'.il estate Security. iii -nut of sin per cent money. Par! V. Childers, The Dalles. t2 dnIUrs tn improved Limited Are you using The Times liner column when you liaye any thing to sell or want to bUy some article that your neighbor may have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a wiint ad in that column. We are -ure that it will bring results. Dr. Stovall and family moved Wednesday from the Oakley reai dece to appdrtmefits in the Miller hotol. span Local Items Note the date opposite your name on your paper for expira' tion of subscription. Who started that new furniture store in Maupin? So far we have been unable to find the omnfef. Dr. P. E. Burgess, Eye Specia 1st, will be in Maupin, Saturday January 27, and in Tyt'h Valley Friday, January 26th. ' Lost in Maupin, car laca an wrench; leave at Times office. DR. r. E. BURGESS Eye Specialist will make regular monthly tisita to Maupin and Tygh Valley watch this paper for dates. I.O. O F. V7APINITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem- bers always welcome. V. B. DotY, N. G. F. D. StuarT, Secretary. 000000000OO000 0 OOOOfjOOOQOOftOOO L. B. Fox R, T. Yates' WASCO COUNTY o ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That Protect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None In The State. Condon Building I'Uone Black 3691 The Dalles, Uiegotl ooooodoooooooo 0 000000000000000 W. B. BROWN AUCTIONEER Shaniko, Ore. Fresh Fish at Styer's Some cold weather, this. I). B. Appling was in from Cri terion yesterday. II. A. Mullet was up from Slier- ar Monday. J. C( Fuwltir over from Wainii! yesterday, Tim YVrtpiniihi Hotel and feed barn for rent. Julm A. ivick. Mrs. It. C. fory returned Wed nesday from a trip to I'tmd It-tun Large sheets of carbon pxpi r lur embroidery bUmpin ut iUv limes H. L. Emmons h off duty at Shattuck's store Wednesday with a bad cold. The Maupin Times ah! weekly Oregonlan one year, 2 25, fnf short time only. Mr. and Mrs; Slants ur1 expect ed home from Port In ml m a few days. If the other fellow could not fu your watch bring it to Emmons the jeweler John k.irlin hippd a carload of cattle ami hogs fr-Jm here Wed nesday, Don't blame your dock It needs denning. Emmons will do it for yon and guarantee it. W. C. and G. W. Yanderpool motored to The Dalles Monday re turning Tuesday. Earl Bursee lost a life chain be tween here and Wapinitia, finder please leave at Harphan'i, Dr. Klwood was called to Elleni burg, Ws'lilngton the fore part of this week ' bv fh" Illness of bis mother j Wanted to fraite for work horses, or iiuilcs, Krell Solo Grand Auto! il'hucr Pimm and music. Piano ni't new, A 1 shnp and tune,' Mr Km ma Kowan, Tygh Valley.' ! Phone. " J12np I S. 0. WatUns and O. B. Bov.V man from Philomath are herein! j contemplation of locating if the , country looks" good to theru. I The fatfneri don't seem to be i-Ht'if'Vd unless they are skinned. Oie Dad Coale a clianee. II buys l kinds f pelts, hides, kins arts wool; y Clubbing Rates SPECIAL OFFER 1 The Maupid Times with any of toe following One Year Evening Telegram $6.00 Daily Oregonian 5.5 Daily and dunday loo Dalles Morning Suit 5.5c TIMES Alone erne year, 1.50 I Until Feb. k fP St. Louis $70.00 The Double Daily Service Route East Chicago $725o Direct Routes. Liberal Mi poveri Fare apply from PORTLAND AND ALL POINTS ON THE BANK ROAD. XnD CENTRAL OREGON ON THE OREGON TRUNK RY.' NORTH POrNTS; ONE WAY THROVGH CALIFORNIA1. GOING (JR RETURNING. AT CORRESPONDING LOW FARES FROM CENTRAL OREGON POINTS Ticket SaU Jan 20 and 21 Return Limit February IS For further Detail tee Agent OREGOi, TRUNK RY. cehtt l mm mi Q. 3. L1V1NGSVON, Agt Wapinitia Auto Staga Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, l iiu p. m V. ROBERTS. Prop. N0TIC3 fOR PUBLICATION ISNLATED TRACT. (Publish!) Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec, !2th, 1916. Notice is hereby giver! tltsf is directed by the ConimiHmiet of the Geueral Land Office, Unpsf provisions o( Sec. 2455. R. S.i ptitt uant to the application of James W. Pishkr, Serial No. 015483, we will offer it public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not left than $2.50 per acre at 9:45 o'clock A. M., on the 20th ;iy of February, next,. fet thfel ffJ (ice, the following tract of land: swMneM, ne1-4.vw!-4, Section1 14. townihin 7 sutith. Rauee 16 east, (Containing 80 Acres) This tract is ordered into the market 0:1 a ehowing that the greater portion thereof is moun tainous or too fouga for cultivation." The lale will not he kept open,- but will be declared cloned when thoPH present at the hour named have ceased bidding. Tht pi-:on naking the highest bid will he :v quired to immediately pay to the Koceiver the amount thereof. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described land ire advised to file their claims, of objections, on or before the tiine1 designated for sale, p t. A. Board, Receiver. NOTICB FOR PUULICATfOj Isolated tract (publisher) Piiblic Laud Sale. Department of tde Iiinn ,, U. Lund Office :it The U.ilk..-, Oregon;, December 1 2th, 1916. hereby given that;, as directed by the CummUsioner 0 the General Land office, noder pro-f visions of Sec. 2455, R. Sn pursu.' aut to trie application of E. CfioGHAN DrjMfjlNG, Serial 10. 0140.6, we. offer at pub.' lie sale, to the highest bidder, but' t not less th"an ji.jfo per acie.: at' to:oo A- M on the aoth day ci February, next, at this office, the following tract of laud: . wi-jnki-4 Seetion 8, Township 7 . South, Range 15 East, W. hi. (Containing 80 Acres). The sale will not be kept open,' but will be declared closed when those present at the hour nsnie hart ceased bidding. The persotf making the highest bid will id required to immediately pay to the Receiver the atnonnt thereof. Any persons claiming adversely ihe aboveAlescribed land are ad-' rised to file tbeir claims or objec' tions, on or before the time desig.' iiated for sale. . . ) I ' LT. A. Bteva; K'ivr;