The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 19, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
MQL.0, tlO. 15
THE YEAR $1. 50
n TrTr'
-James E Kennedy and wf. to
Win. H. Johnston, W. D. swl-4,
Sw14se1-4 sac. 18, Tp. 4 s, r 12 K.
Fred G, Buskuhl and wife to
Newell E. Whitcomb W. D. Lot 23
Buakuhl Tracts.
John Foley to T, A. Connolly
W. D. land in sees. 23, 2G, 27, Tp
5 s, r 14 E.
James A. Glassy and wf. to
Ewen McLennan W. D. land in
,cs. 15 and 22 Tp. 7 g, r 15 e
'Elizubcth Palmateer to Laura E.
'"Kennedy W. D. 18 1-2 acres in
BBC, ;14, Tp, 4 s, r 12 K.
Wamic News
Clifton Condon of The Dalles
was here Monday,
T. C, Lowry of The Dalles was
inspecting the long distance tele
phone line Monday.
Mrs. Mary Waldon who visited
her mother, Mrs. Retta Steed, . re
cently, returned to Friend Thurs
day. Win Hull was here Thursday
from his home on the Deschutes
Merchandise at a cheap
price is common, but real
Merchandise at a cheap
price is a rarity.
Honest Mdse. at nonest
prices is my slogan.
Start right and I will
keep you right.
Get the cash habit; you will be pleased
with the results.
For the Big DolIarV-Worth
Rock Bottom Prices on
Barbed Wire
Wire Nails
A car just in
Wholesale Prices in
Charles Pariah is up from the
Willamette Valley visiting his
aunt, Mrs. N. Farlow.
Mrs. N. Swaqle left Wednesday
for Portland.
Henry Miller made a trip to
The Dalles Wednesday.
Dr. Shannon made several pro
fessional calls here last week.
Mrs. Ekie Campbell was on the
sick list last week.
Guy Harvey made a business
trip to The Dalles last week.
Mrs. Guy Harvey acoompanied
by her mother, Mrs. M. Ljenberg,
arrived the former part of last
week from a visit to Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kambeau,
guests last week at the Frank Ma
gill home left Thursday for Gate
way' Mrs, H. F. Wc.odcaok and Cecil
Woodcock came out from The
Dalles Saturday.
A midnight dance was given in
the hall Saturday night,
A. C- Sanford of Great Falls,
Montana, visited relatives here
last week.
Mrs, Ada Snodgrass aud Miss
May Miller came over from Juni-
per Saturday and attended the;
dance, They remained over night
at the Mike Kennedy home.
Mrs. Marion Burlingame went
to The Dalles Monday.
Many persons here are purchas
ing the Aladdin lamps which seem
to be very satisfactory.
This place ia experiencing a
very cold spell of weather.
Plowing has been stopped by the
recent freese-up.
There are several canes of la-
grippe here, but none are qf a ser
ious nature. -
A dance will be given here on
the 27th.
Mrs. Martha Dean entertained
at dinner baturday, her guests be
ing Mrs, Lydia McCowau ami Mrs
Nettie Miller.
Wapinitia Items
Our beautiful Spring Wmitiicr
has suddenly vanished and .e are
experiencing some real cold weath
er, the thermometer registering
only six above Zero, but the days
are bright aud sunny.
Mrs. Sarah Mayuard is on the
sick list this week being luid up
with lagrippe.
N. W. Flinn went to The Dalles
Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
David Sharpe taking him to
Maupin to meet the train.
David Sharpe has purchased; 40
acres of school land near the Kelly
Springs, rented the Kelly bouse
and will move there in a fuw days.
A dance was given at the home
of W. A. Dane Friday night; 4fi
large ci$wd was present.
Chester Britian was a caller at
tha Flinn home Sunday.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Walters has been quite sick
the past week, but is improving.
Mrs. Lottie Charles and children
of Vale are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Charles' father, Marion Hus
Tommy Kingsley who is spend-....
ing tne winter trapping 111 the
moutains came out here last week.
He reports only five feet of snow
on the summit of the mountains.
A number of men of the com.
munity met at the school houxe
Saturday and with several teams
graded and leveled up the grounds
The ladies furnished dinner for
them at the school house, and
Monday the directors built a Doard
walk from the gate, to the school
A little son was bom January
10th to Mr. and .Mrs. Jake Tuneh
cer. A surprise parly wis given Mr,
nd JArt. Fkycr Eubanka it their
home last Friday eveuing.
Several new cases of whooping
cough have developed lately and a
number of the pld ones are still
whooping. Qrval Flinn has been
quite sick with it the past week,
Several pupils are preparing to
take the eighth grade examination
at the Oak Grove school Thursday
and Friday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Lu Henneghan
were visitors at the home of Mrs.
Batty Sunday.
Several new blackboards, a dic
tionary and some new maps have
been received at the school here.
A literary and debating society
has been organized at the school.
Cottage prayer meetings are be
ing held among the neighbors.
Last Thursday evening abmit 0
met at the home of N. W- Flinn.
This coming Thursday it will be
at the home of Jackson Rice, '
A surprise party was given at
the home of lien Richarii.-ou Sat
urday evening.
A dance and ;inriv r-n
was given at ,et.Nii
Tuesday evening, ,
Tygh Valley 2
J. T. Harper sp-nt t he k cek end
at his ranch.
Elmer Munier and Leigh Oliver
have been worhjng on the tele-,
phone lines near town.
W. 0. Stillwell has sold his farm
in Butler Canyon, The Imye ,
Mr. Miller of Hillnboro intends to
move here immediately
R, G. Weiibeck lelurned from
Maupin Sunday,
: C. A, Duncan of Smock passed
through towp .Mjpnday on hit way
to Sherman county.
The new whooping cough pa
tients are Andrew Gibbs, Raymond
Ulrick and the McCorkle children.
Geo. Young ami family were in
town Monday.
V. C. Stillwell lias been work
ing ai the power plant where some
new utuchinery i being iunlulled.
lr. Stovitll of Maupin piiHHed
IhiiHigh here Tnt.-ilay on bi.i way
t Wamic.
Installation of oflicers was held
by the Valley Rein-kali Lodge No.
,197 Tuesday evening January 9,
when the follow in; ollicers were
installed; Must) Harper, N. G.;
Pearl Thompson, V. G. ;M. Jean
Lent, Sec, Ercell Stakely, Treas.
District Depuiy IVh. Bessie Bon
ney and Dictrici Deputy Grand
Marshal were the installing oflicers
Following i lit- l je eerenionies a
supper and a go f.i itme wt.s i njuy
ed by all.
Tygh Valley boasts tf u group
of very industrious wood cutters.
Those engaged in this oeenpation
last week are: H. U. Butler, A.
M'. Young. R. G. Weisbeck, Wm.
Btckwith, T, W. Reel and C. M.
C. R. Polwtou has been making
some improvements on his proper
ty in the south part of town.
Janette Harper has been very
ill with Lagrippe for the past week
F. C. Butler and wife with T.
W. Reel aud vife made a trip to
Maupin Sunday.
ilustie Johnson has been driving
the stage the past few days. '
J. H. Fitzpaterick mape a busi
ness trip to The Dalles the Utter
part of last week.
R. C. Stakely of Smock was in
town Tuesday. .
Big Gasoline Tank
E. J. Fischer received his big
ten barrel gasoline tank d five
gallon stroke pump Wednesday.
These will be installed right away
and together with other- improve
ments being added will make
Fischer's Oarage equally equipped
with anything of the kind in a
city, In addition to handling the
agencies of ehont all modem
makes of machines. Mr. F'seher is.
preparing an adequate work shop
for the repairing and upkeep of
them and will employ a number of
expert a,u,tpuiobile mechanics this)
coming season-
The telephone service between
here and Tygh was discontinued
from Friday until "Tuesday,
During this time, the lines of corm
rnunication leading front Tygh tq
Juniper Flat were being changed
from the course of the old Whita
river grade to the new one.
W. C. Vanderpool has a number
of cars in his garBije and is kept
quit busy des,;iita tiie- fact ihe
building is, not yet epwji'nteti. '
home l TO V
Those assisting The Times to
pay for our new press this w"tk by
remitting the price of new -inscriptions
and triicwals arc: C.
TI. Crofooti Win. lrle, Wm Heck
man, R. Johnson, P. A. Coule,
Michael Wirtzfeld, D. M. Stan
cliff, G. E. Wood, D. W. Parker,
J. C. Fowler.
The Times, $50 a year.
T 1 1 Ml?
11 you contemplate Duuaing, repainnf?, or
remodeling any of your buildings and if .any of
the ideuB or plans of farm buildings shown in our
plan books comply with your ideas we will furnish
any plan you select,
Free of Charge
Our Free Service Department will oo-operate with
you, furnish information and suggestions, the
latest ideas and tno Urn methods, put your ideas
into a definite plan and furnish you a complete
estimate on material required.
Come in and we'll talk it over together.
One Piece or a Carload
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Peter Kilburg, Manager
Walt Mason Says:
"When my tinging makna me hoarse, which hnppenii, a a hii g of courne,
Stenrni' Zymole Trokeya mnkei my throat produce a clem and golden note.
These Trokeya are the fine it thinga a ble9ing to the man who tinga, and
to the orator, whose speech t'-.rough hoarscn-as "ft becomes a screech. 'Be
sure,' I often tell my spouse, to have tome Trokeya in the house, for every
time I catch a cold I grt so hoarse I cannot scold, and then I leach for on
or two, and I'm again ee good aa new.' " ,
- For hiuky throats
TTic nation- wide popularity of ZymoleTit key cauiM ua to tot ukIa this week lot Ota fmrpoM
Ot uttroUucini these littla cherry -red. qi k ncting, throat aoothar to thoae of our cuatumara
who M this tima ok tha ynr sua always hnKral with hoar ngaa. throat tirktlinar anil inn.
put ary kaa of votca. When you ace our ytnul Iraki? dtaplay 14 it ramtrul you to came
in and a parlvtitr, ftnp a ymola 1 rnkey under your tongua. You 0
j-. v . I:L I I li I . C .1 . T.l -
lias it pi-avians, win h iiiiir (jtiwa truat w your Utfoai. i aan
oMn fettfinKJ t Will slowly melt in your mouth and allay that cough.
Nw triplet paxkatu lonuininK throt littU vaat-pockt suad bona-ai canta.
Maupin Drug Store
Bl&ckmith Shop m Gaurag i
A fine power Bsnd Saw has just been installed
Wagon Making, General Repairing, Horseshoeing