miasma NjViU Ul li LJ IMN LARGEST HOTEL IN THF NOBTH J WEST- REOPENED 0CT0BER-KM916 utntmi?aTtii ANn DCMnvurn ,550 fmJ,-. 50F0OT r ki ii ii i.i r "cwa -s .at! 'j anii l til BO ;S;fi:! mom? SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 4547 Front Street Portland, Oregon yfK (W.yfift Co For Real Musical Instruments in truest harmonv. Made to Bee how good they can be; not how much they will bring. Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Ukelele. Slogan: "If you don't find 'em better than any, send 'em back at our expense." 311 to 315 Labbe Bid., 227! Wash. St., Portland, Ore. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MCHAiR. We want all you nave. Write (or prices and shipping tags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wn. ARE YOU OOBNG EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates on household goods to all points. Fast through service. Pacific Coast Forwarding Company, 2ltl Wilcox Building, Portland, Ore. Marshall 2467. Oregon Vulcanizing Company moved to 333 to 337 Burnside St., Port land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant in the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Poat. FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney, Organizer and Developer; patents Becured or FEE REFUNDED; free book on patents. Suites 701, 70J-A, 701-B and 701-C. Central building, Seattle. Most Worthy. "Why do you seek admittance here?" asked St. Peter. "On earth many blessed me and said I would surely go to heaven when I died," answered the shade. "How did you win such gratitude?" "I was always kind and considerate to people who owned Fords." "Enter," said the saint. "A place Is prepared for you." Philadelphia Ledger. Too Literal. "I like to see a man with some spirit In him, don't you?" "No, indeed! I'm a strict prohibi tionist." Boston Transcript. The Influence OF GoodDigestion is far reaching. It means Better Appetite Proper Assimilation Liver and Bowel Health To Aid Digestion-TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It Helps Nature in Every Way An Unmistakable Result. "Has the investigation of the high cost of living had any result?" "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "I think it has called the attention of everybody who had anything to sell to the fashion of shoving up the price." Washington Star. Popped Out at The Popping. Aunt I suppose, Edith, you said "This is so sudden!" when Mr. Slow boy proposed? Niece No; I fully intended to, but I was so excited I forgot and exclaim ed "At last!" Boston Transcript. NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest! About Oregon 1917 State Millage Tax ' Fund Lower Than Last Year Salem Millage taxes to be raised for the Oregon Normal School Univer sity of Oregon, Oregon Agricultural college and state road fund show a combined slump of $54,873.78 for 1917 from the tax raised for the same funds during the year 1916. j The total raised in 1918 for the four funds was $924,850.08, as compared to $869,976.30 to be raised during the coming year. , In 1917 the following sums are to be raised by millage taxes for the four funds: Normal School, $33,150.56; road fund, $219,690.89; Oregon Agri cultural college, $351,505.58; Univer sity of Oregon, $263,629.18. In 1916 the following sums were raised for the same funds: Normal School, $37,379.80; road fund, $233,. 623.76; Oregon Agricultural college, $373,798.01; University of Oregon, $280,348.51. The reason for the slump is in the approximate $55,000,000 decrease of the assessed valuation for the entire state. While the millage taxes have de creased because of the drop .in the total assessed valuation, this did not affect the amounht of the levy for all state purposes to be raised during the year 1917, and as a result a decrease in the amount to be raised by millage taxes allows a similar increase in the amount of money that might be ap propriated for other purposes. But this applies only to the 1917 taxes. The next legislature has the question of a biennium to consider, and as a result it is faced by the possi ble contingencies which may arise in 1918. If the assessed valuation in creases materially in 1918, the amount that will be raised on millage taxes for that year will show a consequent increase. As a rseult of such an in crease, if it occurred, the amount of money that could be appropriated for other purposes would be proportionate ly less. Control Budget $15,000. Salem The Oregon State board of control asks for $15,000 for the next biennium in its budget presented to the secretary of state, an amount equal to that eiven for the preceding two years. This board manages the Ore gon state hopsital, the Eastern Oregon state hospital, State Institution for the feeble-minded, Oregon state training school, State penitentiary. State school for the blind, State school for the deaf. State tuberculosis hospital, Sol diers' home, Industrial school for girls, and also has charge of making specific improvements at the Capitol building and Supreme court building. . The appropriaiton is asked to cover the salaries of three employes, which aggregate $9550 for the two years, and general maintenance which cost is estimated at $5450. $20,300 Asked for Tests. Salem Three hundred dollars less is asked by the department education for the State board examiners for the next two years than was given for the past two years. The total amount asked for the coming biennium is $20,300. The legislature of 1911 abolished the 34 county boards for examining applicants for teachers' certificates and placed the work upon the State superintendent and a State board of examiners. The number of applicants at each examination are held in June and December of each year. During the past year about 21,910 letters have been received relating to certificates and as many answered. In eluded in the estimated cost are salar ies and traveling expenses of em ployes and general maintenance. IF KIDNEYS ACI BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache is sign you have been eating too much meat. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region It generally means you have been eat ing too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get slug gish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; remov ing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the wea ther is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, wa ter scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful- in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life Baver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent lithia-water drink. Cranberry Juice Falls From "Water Wagon" Portland Cranberry culture, which thrives at North Beach, Wash., in the district Berved by the fifth division of the O.-W. R. & N. company, has a most consistent booster in the person of "Captain" Budd, superintendent of the division. On a trip to Ilwaco last week "Cap tain" Budd was presented with four bottles of the cranberry liquid. He in turn gave the beverage to friends re siding at the Hotel Imperial, urging them to parake thereof frequently, as it was positively non-intoxicating, was a rejuvenator, carried only good effects, and in general was the coming dry favorite. But when kept in the hotel tempera ture for a few days the cranberry juice became peeish, switched from a non- hilarious fluid to a roisterous, foment ing, capricious extract and blew corks and contents over walU and ceilings. Investigating Epidemic of Rabies. North Yakima Dr. H. T. Graves, acting commissioner of agriculture, will spend several days, here giving personal consideration to the rabies situation. In controlling the outbreak which appears to have originated in the White Swan district on the Yaki ma Indian reservation, three weeks ago, the department is greaty ham pered by the lack of assistance and the distances to travel. A number of ani mals, including three of J. T. Harrah'B airedale hounds, have died, and many others, suspected, have been killed. Try this easy way to heal your skin The first use of Resinol Ointment and Resmo! Soap usually stops all itching and burning atd makes your tortured skin feel cool and comfortable at last, yon'tyou try the easy Resinol way to heal eczema or similar skin-eruptions? Soldbyalldrugfrists. Sample free, Dtpt. 2-Tx Rtttnol iiaittmort. VAGRIPPC AchM.altw Bating fever ,i,J philla. mean LaGRIPPB. Try BREAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS $14,599,065 From Yakima Valley, xakima According to the crop re port for 1916, prepared by the same authority which has for several years past compiled the figures on Yakima crop production, there was grown in the Yakima valley this year, including only those portions in Yakima and Benton counties and actually shipped to market or now being held in storage for shipment later, produce valued at $14,599,065. This is an increase nearly $5,000,000 over a year ago. The Bawling Out of Julia. A deserted husband out west thus advertises his spouse's delinquency: Julia, my wife, has grown quite rude, She has left me in a lonesome mood; She has left my board, She has took my bed, She has given away my meat and bread; She has left me in spite of friends and church, She has carried with her all my shirts. Now ye take note who read this paper, Since Julia's cut this reckless caper I will not pay one single fraction Of any debt of her contraction. Bos ton Transcript PLASTERS i r r i urn The World's Grtatett External Remedy Backache, Rheumatism, . Lumbago, -Any Local Pain. Insist on Havtntc ALLCOCK'S. AFTER ANY SICKNESS your nervous system is shattered; your strength is wasted; your digestion weakened, your blood impoverished. i is the rich tonic-food to nourish your nerve-centers, repair the wasted tissue, improve your blood-power, sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish your strength. 6et SCOTT'S for yourself, or remind some ailing friend that SCOTT'S has proven these words for thousands of others. Look for this Trade-Mark. Scott & Bowp- Bloomfield, N. J. TREES SHIPPED ANYWHEREFREIGHT PAID Small orders as well as bisr. Ornamentals, Fruit Trees, Etc. Hardy and guaranteed. Largest Nursery between Rockies and Cascades. 14th Year. 15,000 Orders Last Year. WZtf1 WASHINGTON NURSERY CO. mi Granulated Eyelids, of Eyes I often prevent . ri- QRft . , tutaoKedatUcJt. wu St .11 nn .tore Cattle Wintered in Yakima. North Yakima From 10,000 to 12, 000 head of cattle are being fed in the Yakima valley this winter, with the idea of finishing them for market on grass in the early spring. Stockmen find this a profitable business. Rail roads have moved 600 cars of fat catte from the valley this season just past to market, of which about 200 cars were of home production and the re mainder stock brought in for fattening. No Novelty. "Did you see where that girl made a record flight in her aeroplane?" "That's nothing. My wife was a high flyer long before aeroplanes were thought of." Baltimore American. Shifting Desires. The talk of Christmas started be tween hands at the bridge club. "Well, I don't know what I want," a half dozen women said falsely. "Well, I know what I want," the ro bust blonde remarked. "I told my hus band at breakfast this morning that I'd like to have a mink muff and then I remembered that I needed a scrub bucket" Indianapolis News. Inconsiderate Biddies. "Are your hens laying?" "Yes; laying off." Boston Transcript. A Different Atmosphere. "I'm looking for employment, sir. I'll be frank with you. I've just been released from prison." "Ahem! One, of the model prisons?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I'm willing to give you a chance, but every man we employ is expected to hustle. If you think you can get down to hard work and long hours after the life of elegant leisure you have doubtless enjoyed in prison, I'll make a place for you." Exchange. Offer for Flax is Vague. Salem The State of Control has re ceived a cablegram replying to its re cent proposal to sell flax to Agnew & Hamilton, importers, of Belfast, Ire land. The cablegram, while apparent ly accepting the board's offer of $2.75 f. o. b. Salem, was vague in its terms, and the board sent a second cablegram reiterating its first offer. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT I t B-Ji M P At DTrt:HHtf r) Feed Stun KKuidil.al pMIT 48SOCTATJOH OU tniwiut. vu P. N. U. No. I. 1817 Irish Flax Bid Canceled. Salem Cabled arguments which have been going back and forth be tween Salem, Or., and Belfast, Ireland, for the past several days relative to the purchase of 2500 bushels of flax by the Agnew Hamilton company, of Bel fast, came to an abrupt close Monday, when Secretary R. B. Goodin, of the State board of control, received a terse cablegram: Cancel offer; shipment too late." What disposition will be made of the seed is not known, but it is likely the board will sell much of it now to Oregon buyers. The board in structed Superintendent Crawford to start threshing immediately to be ready for shipment on the Belfast or der. Final Smoke is Enjoyed. McMinnville McMinnville residents were worried by smoke prevalent in the atmosphere Sunday, but investiga tion showed it to be due to groups of college students about the streets, who, in view of the anti-tobacco-in-all-forms" ruling recently made by Presi dent Riley, of the local college, were enjoying Lady Nicotine for the last time. Tobacco shops report depleted stocks, due to the anti-weed mandate. The students, however, accept the measure with the best of spirits, and the smokers have forsworn smoking. Bounty Payments Begin, Salem A score or more of persons arrived at the county clerk's office Wednesday with gopher scalps, to col lect the 10-cent bounty provided for uuder the law. The legislature of 1915 directed the county clerk of Mar ion county to raise 1-10 of a mill in taxation for that purpose. Hopes Women Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn- helps us look and feel 1 ? clean, sweet, fresh, J 1 i Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from Illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wreoka," "rundowns," "brain f and pessimists we should see a virile, optimiBtic throng of rosy-cheeked peo ple everywhere. An Inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate In it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before put ting more food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion, and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and. remark able change In both health and ap pearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation, We must remem ber that Inside cleanliness Is nore Im portant than outside, because the skin does not absorb impurities to contam tnate the blood, wall the pores in the thirty feet of bowels de. Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.44 fortyfold, $1.40; club, $1.40; red Rus sian, $1.35. Oats No. 1 white feed, $35.00. Barley No. 1 white, $37.00. Flour Patents, $7.80; straights, $6.607.00; exports, $6.80; valley, $7.30; whole wheat, $8.00; graham, $7.80. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $26.50 per ton; shorts, $30.50; rolled barley, $40.0041.50. Corn Whole, $46.00 per ton; cracked, $47.00. Hay Producers' prices : Timothy, Eastern Oregon, $19.U0(a)21.U0 per ton; timothy, valley, $16.0017.00; alfalfa, $17.00 18.00; valley grain hay, $13.0015.00; clover, $12.50. Butter OubeB, extras, 35e per pound; prime, firsts, 33c; firsts, 32jc, Jobbing prices: Prime extras, 35 38c; cartons, lc extra; butterfat, No, 1, 38c; No. 2, 36c, Portland. EggB Oregon ranch, current re ceipts, 36c per dozen; Oregon ranch, candled, 3840c; Oregon ranch, se lects, 42c. Poultry Hens, 1315c per pound springs, 15fcfinc; turkeys, live, 22 23c; dressed, 30c; ducks, 1516c geese, 12Jc. Veal Fancy, 13Jc per pound. Pork Fancy, lljc per pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 90c(f$l. 10 per dozen; tomatoes, nominal; cab bage, $22.25 per hundred; eggplant. 25c per pound; lettuce, $1.85 per box cucumbers, $l(Sil. 25 per dozen; celery, California, $4.50 per crate; pumpkins. lljc per pound; cauliflower, $2 per crate. Potatoes Oregon buying prices $1.25ftp.40 per hundred; sweets, $4.00 per hundred. Onions Oregon buying prices, $2.76 per sack, country points. Green Fruits Apples, 60c(g$1.50 per box; pears, $1.602.50; cranber ries, $1212.50 per barrel. HopB 1916 crop, 610ic pound. Tallow, 89c per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 24ra) 30c per pound; coarse, 33(a36c; val ley, 3335c; mohair, 35fiJ45c. Cascara Bark Old and new, BJe per pound. Cattle Steers, prime, $7.508.25; good, $7.007.35; common to good, $6.00(i6.85; cows, choice, $5.606.50; medium to good, $5.25(5.50; ordinary to fair, $4. 50aS. 00; heifers, $5. 00(a) 6.00; bulls, $2.755.00; calves, $3.00 7.00. Hogs Prime, $9.50(9.85; good to prime mixed, $9.40fi49.60; rough heavy, $8.509.10; pigs and skips, $8.608.75. Sheep Lambs, $7.0010.25; year ling wethers, $7.50(88.76; old wethers, $6.757.00; ewes, $5.007.60. Eyes inflamed by expo- quickly relieved by Murine, Eye Remedy. No Smarting, lust Eve Comfort. At Vour Drugglft's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salvein 1 ubei Z5C r or uuun ui iucljci Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago SAGE TEA TO DAND Y - DARKEN A For Backward Bunnies. "Pupil?" "Well, Rutherford" "I have just figured out why bun nies have fuzzy little tails." "That's fine. What is the reason?" "Bunnies live in holes, you know." "Exactly." "And I suppose many of the holes are so narrow the bunnies can't turn round in them very well." "Very likely." "Well, that's the reason." "I don't quite get your line of thought." "The fuzzy little tails keep them from hurting themselves when they back Into things." Youngstown Telegram. Pimples, boils.'carbuncles. dry up and disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, in tablets or liquid. Common Fault Among Ministers. "Mr. Asquith was prime minister of Great Britain, wasn't he?" inquired Mrs. Leonidas W. Van Quentin yester day morning. 'He was, replied her husband. 'And he has been removed?" 'The same." 'What was the matter? Couldn't he preach good enough?' 'Oh, I guess he preached ail right, but he prayed too long." Kansas City Star. It's Grandmother's Recipe Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. , to You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 60-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, be cause it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one er two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxuriant ly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, bo get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. This preparation is a toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. Garfield Tea was your Grandmother's Remedy for every .stomach and intes tinal ill. This good old-fashioned herb home remedy for constipation, stomach ills and other derangements of the sys tem so prevalent these days is in even greater favor as a family medicine than in your grandmother s day. Both of Them. One day a professor and his com' panion became involved in an argu ment as to which was the handsomer man of the two. Not being able to arrive at a settle ment of the question they agreed, in a spirit of fun, to leave it to the de cision of a Chinaman who was seen approaching them. The matter being laid before him. the Oriental considered long and care fully, then he onnounced in a tone of finality: "Both are worse." Chicago News. It Does Happen. "I don't think the truth of that Cin derella story ever came out." "No?" "I think she took off her slipper be cause it hurt her. I've seen ladies da that in restaurants many a time." Louisville Courier-Journal. Natural Magic. "The amateur magician who enter tained us did some wonderful tricks. He made a chicken turn rabbit right before our eyes." "That's nothing. Any ordinary speeder can make an automobile turn turtle without half trying." Baltimore American. Both Surprised. Mr. Goodleigh I was surprised to see you in a helplessly intoxicated condition last evening. Tipples I was surprised myself. I thought I could stand a lot more. Exchange. Jordan Wilkins, who are you go ing to room with next year? Wilkins My wife. College Record. The Reason Why. "I wonder why X was selected as the symbol of the unknown quantity." "Because none of your friends ever have one when you want t borrow it." Baltimore American. The Earl and the Girl. Family tree, Wealth by chance, Here we see True romance. Kansas City Journal. Every Niqht For Constipation Headdchejndicjestion.etc, ISRANIilSETII Safe and Sure Iff fflf liOIITTT Suffered Great Pain Letter Tells of Lang hxled-for Prescription, Dear Mr. Editor 1 am making a per sonal appeal to your readers who are bothered with kldnuy and bladder trouble and rheumatism, to give up tho use of harsh salts, or alcoholic Kidney medi cines and In their placo take a short treatment of "Anuric" and bo convinced of Its wonderful virtues as I was. 1 suf fered great pain, had a groat doal of Irritation, water became foul. 1 tried evervthlnrr advised but with no results. I gout for a box of "Anuric Tablets "and Soon discovered tliat they brought relief, I have used them since, and no. tho water Is natural, my health good, and appetite splendid. Homo of tho doctors iironounced my tronblo enlarged prostato. jow I have no more trouble and I most assuredly feel that this latest discovery of Dr. Pierce's Is the best remedy for bladder and kidney troubles that I know of. If I can Induce anyone to givo it a trial, I fool that ho will thank mo for calling attention to this groat boon that relieves this seemingly worst of nil troubles that human hush can fall heir to, (Signed) H. H. Funsinsii ' Anuric lc, nut by the has Note; Cd to this time. not been on sale to the nubile. persuasion of many patients and the Increased demand for this wonderful healing tablet, Doctor Plerco has finally decided to put It Into the drug stores of this country within Immediate reach, of send 10 cents for largo trial package. Hlmply ask for Doctor Plerco's Anurle Tablets. There can be no Imitation. Every package of "Anuric" Is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will llnd tho signature on tbo package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tho ovor famous friend to oiling women, and Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Discovery, proven by years to to the groatost general tonic and reconstructor for anv one. 01 hopo until jusl At any rate don't give up bointr cured of vour maladv i a few doses of "Anuric" have proven that It will inako you fool like a dlilur tnt person. Editor Ploase Insert this lottor la some conspicuous place In your paper.