The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 05, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 3, NO. 13
the Year $i.50
Native Girl Wed
; " . ' . -'.-!
A quiet home wedding occurred
at noon New ' Year's day at (fie
home of the bride's parents, Mr;
find Mrs. Andrew Crabtree when
Mr. William Barnet and Mrs. Vida
Orossman wire united in marriage,
JusMce Harper 6f Tygh, offioiating
About twenty-five relatives and
Triends were present and enjoyed a
liounteous New Year's dinner.
The bride was'tastlly gowned in
a white flowered net trimmed 'in
:uhite ribbon' and blue sash. The
groom wore dark brown.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Barnet went to
I? ifur Tuesday to visit the'l'atter's
ter there a'slibft time before go-'j-
to their farm'hohie near Kent,
v'ue Times joins their many friends
)4 wishing theui a long,' happy life
Dr. Stovall and family returned
Mi nday from Philomath. '
Wapiniiia Items
A welcome chinook wind struck
here Sunday1 night and lias rapidly
melted the snow.
Celia and George Flinn returned
Tuesday from Madras. ' '
Rev. Parker and sou went to
Wamic Thursday to visit' his sister,
Mrs. Geo. Magill. '' ' 1
'Mrs. Dee Woodside has been
laid up with rheumatism 'the past
ten days, but is some better,
Uncle Gid Rains who has been
confined to his bed .with lagrip'pe,
is able" to sit up a ' l'ittle'. Hia
daughter, Mrs. Bruriner has been
bmi A Spp AP (G$rag$
A fine power Band Saw has just been installed
Wagon Making, General Repairing, Horseshoeing
B. D.
Rock Bottom Prices on 2
Barbed Wire
Wirg Nails
A car just in
Wholesale Prices in
The New Year
thanks to the loyal sup
port of the country pep
pie, findsme. better established,
a big'g'er purchasing power
and ifi a position to offer
you $ven big'g'er values
than in the past
.Starf the New Year right, pper
an account with pie, you will be
pleased wh, te $ervjce apd
for ppntfnual Service
staying with them during holidays
Fred Pratt of galem arrived
some time ago to spend the winter
with his, G. E.
Wood. 1
' A surprise was tendered Mr. and
Mrs. Wood at their home Tuesday
evening. ' Most of the young peo-
pie of this community were pres
ent. Games were" played, taffy
pulled, and music indulged in
The fact that they remained till 2
a. m. proves a good time enjoyed.
Pro. Patterson 6f Smock was a
guest at the Barzee hotel Sunday
and Monday.
Mike Speiehinger of The Dalles
visited last week at the home 'of
his daughter' Mrs. Ben Gabel, also
visiting Monday at the Tapp home.
1 Mr. and Mrs. David Sharp in
vited a number of the yoring people
to the home of N. W. Finn Friday
evening, which was spent in game
and sineitle. Refreshments were
served and all seemed "to have an
enjoyable tithe. ' ' ' ' - -
School was' resumed Tuesday af.
ter a week's vacation.
1 S. S. officers were elected Sun
day as follows: John Lewis, Supi,,
G. E. Wood, 'As'st., Alice Olsen,
Sec.', Mrs. Wood, Treas.
Mr. and 'Mrs; Henry Delco of
The Dalles spent the holidays'here
visiting relatives. " ' 1 '
'Sidney Wilson made a trip to
Dufur Monday taking Robert, 'Vin
cent'and Mis 'Winnie'1 Tapp back
to their'school. ' "''.
Messers Hedin, Henry Richard
son, and Sam Carlisle were em
ployed last Week building a spill'
way and headgate on the ditch. "
' Little Margaret 'Stains has been
quite bad with whooping 'cough,
dut is some better now, ' '
Oscar Hammer ' arrived here
from St. Helena 'a few days ago'. "'
J. S. Endersby left for Portland
Tuesday1 on a business trip. " ''
G; E. Wood and Fred Heckler
were looking' after cattle on'Sun
flower Fat 'this week'.
Calvin McCorkle lost a valuable
horse last 'weekl ' ' .'
A. F. Evick made a , business
trip to Portland last week.
! Mrs. Elmer Hainmer, formerly
Eva Riggles of this place,' was1 vis
iting relatives here during holidays
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown were
visitors at The Dalles recently,
Mrs. Fanton who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs.' L. A. Rice
went to Bend Tuesday to visit her
soii. ' '' . I
'Lincoln Hartman returned to his
school iu The Dalles Monday.
Rova Huston who is attending
school in Parkdale spent the holi
days at her home here. 1
Ora Maynard has just completed
putting down new floors in their
kitchen and dining-room. ''
Wamic Newj
Wmic, January 1, 1917.
The play, Down in Dme, given
by the Dramatic Club Saturday
night attracted a large crowd wbo
howed their appreciation of the
splendid performance by their
fn-quent and hearty . applause.
Many came from distant places to
se. tpe performance and all seem
ed to feel that they were well en
tertained. 1
Mike Urban had a dieastrous
run-a-way last Tnaiday; the hors
es becoming badly frightened ran
some distance when the buggy wai
upset, throwing its ocoupants, Mr.
Urban and John IJanna out, drag
King the former some distance and
badly demolishing the buggy. No
lerious mishap befell the men.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Duncau
left for Kent.
F. A. Dnncan'ind J. R. Wood
cock made a trip to Sherar Satur
day. Jirfffeva Driver returned 8at-
jrtlB'y ifttr a-visit with br par
euts, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Stogsdill
in The Dalles.
The taany friends of Mr, and
Mrs. Johnie May field iwhV were
m'arried in The. Dalles last week
are congratulating them and wish
ing them a long happy journy of
married life. "- '
The Wse of little Claris Zumwalt
thought to be measles, provfed not
to be'ahytbihg bo Berioua, It waa
chicken-pox, perhaps. Other-children
in' the neighborhood have
been similarly 'affected.
Cecil Woodcock ' who spent a
part of the holidays here returned
to The Dalles Friday.' Mr. Wood
cock was on the train when a car
jumped the track on the'DeBchutPe
road,' and the train being too hut-
to catch' the' train for this place.
he went ou to Mapin before reach
ing his destination.
Hahimie Patison left Tuesdny
for Portland; " ' ' '
Miss Frnncis Morrm' spent inst
week with her home fo.ksi"
No mail rsaahed thie place Tues
day.' A derailed 'car made the
train too late for' the stage connec
tion. ! ' '. '''- ;'
Very cold weather prevailed
here the latter 'part of last week,
the mercury dropping to 'eight
above.' .''' ' "' ' '
Mr. and Mr?. Ruff McCorkle of
Juniper attended the 'entertuiu
merit Saturday 'night.
Jesse Parker of Bandon is visit-'
ing his sister Mrs.' Nellie MayilL:
A girl baby ' born to Mi. and
Mrs.- Frestus' Swift Sunday was
buried here today,' . "
Mra, Sarah Kennedy served New
Year's dinner to a number of in
vited guests, Those,, present were
E. Kennedy, Mrs. Vev'a Driver,
Mr! arid 'Mrs. Lee Kennedy, Mr.
mi'i Mrs. s. Jo. Driver, Marion
Burlinganie. Eriiia anil Alma Dri
ver, the hostess and her husband,
Mike Ke.i'nedv'
Be it enacted by the Senate and
the House of Representatives of
U. S. A. in Congress 'assembled,
that from and after the' pa'snage of
this Act it shall'be lawful for any
person qualified to make entry
under the homestead laws of the
US. to make a stock-raising
homestead entry for not exceeding
640 acres of unappropriated unre
served public land .in reasonably
compact form: Provided, howev
er, that the laud bo entered Hhull
theretofore have been HeHijjmited
by the Secretary of the Interior as
"stock-raising Ian d.s," '
That the Secretary of the Inter
ior is hereby authorized, on appli
cation or otherwise.'to designate
as stock-raising a'nds , subject"' to
entry ' under this Act lands,' the
surface of which is, in his opinion,
chiefly valuable for grazing and
raising forage crops, do not oon
tain mercantantable timber, are
not susceptible of irrigatiort front
any known source of water supply,
and are of such character that
640 acres are reasonably required
for the support of a family: Pro1.
Tided that where any person qual
ified to make original or addition
al entry under the provisions o
this Act shall make application t6
enter any unappropriated public
land which has not beeri designate
ed as subject to entry (provided
said application is accompanied
and supported by property' corrob
orated affidavit of 'the' applioant',
in duplicate! showing prima fncie
that the land spplied for js of the
character contemplated 'by this
Act),' such application, tpaethei-
with' the regular fees and coxumis-
sions, shall be' received bythe reg-
:.i ii 1. ' 1 . . . . 't . ...
ittier aim receiver oi ine lana ais
'4-:-' L;u ' j . i ' . -
mv. i in wuicii saiu iana is iocaie
and suspended until' it eball hav
been determined by the Secretary
of the interior whether said land
is actually p'f that character Thai
during such suspension the lan
described in the 'application slial
not be disposed of; and if the sai
A danotV was given Saturday
night" by Mr. and Mrs. Julii 8
Shepflin lit their home in the edge
of the timber.' Ab'oht forty were
present and everybody enjoyed a
fine time. ' Unfortunately, howev
er, one'geiitfeniaii who live with'
Mr. Siieprlin, h-iviug a natural
fear of 'women .folks' made his
escape to Dana's mill before dark.
The New Year's dtinc-e given
in 'Shiittuck's hall Satnrdny night
was one of the best of I I'm season.
Many took advantage of the mas
querade regalia gotten in specially
for the occasion by Shattuck Bros,
which was of high class material,
some of the costumes being very
elaborate and beautiful. Mrs. T,
A. Connolly, representing Colum
bia, took the' Indies' prize for best
sustained character, and Van Moad
was adjudged the most stunning
page boy of the evening.
Among business visitors over
from Tygh yesterday were, Elmer
Munier, John Morrow and family
and Mrs. F. C. Butler.
J. A. Lake purchased the lot ad
joining his store of V. H. Wil
liams Wednesday.
you contemplate Ouuding, repairing, or
remodeling any of your buildings arid uijr 'any ty
the ideas or plans of farm buildings 'shown jri1 our
plan books comply with' your ideas we Will furnish
any plan you' select. " ; y"" ' f" " ' " ; "
PVpe 9f Ghargg
Our Free Service Department will co-operate with
you, furnish' , 'inforrhatipri' and suggestions, the
latest ideas and modern methods, put your ideas
into a definite pla'ri and furnish you a complete
estimate 6n material required. ' '
Come in and we'll talk it over together.
' One Piece or a Carload ' " '
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Ptter Kilburg, Manager
.,..! 4 'f'
K 1
JT-i " .TM". "V " IF "
, WE WISH you A
Happy and Prosper New Year
Maupin Drug Store