P Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 3, NO. 12 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 THE MAU N TIMES Sharpc-Flinn Wedding (Wapiuitia) A quiet wedding took place Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock t the borne of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Flinn, when their -eldest daughter Ivy May wai united in "marriage to David W. Sharpe. v ' Rev. J. I. 'Parker, an uncle of , the bride officiated. The groom was formerly a resi dent of Medford, but hai lived Lire the past rive years. The bride has lived here for the 'past nineteen years. Both are well ltiicwn by every one in this Com timnity. The bride was dressed -hit. ioile. Only the immedi. , te members of the fatriily were present. The wedding Inarch was played by the bride's sister, Miss Cilia. The ring ceremony was us,i. . Yii young couple will make their home here at present. E. J. Fischer has been remodel ing the interior of the garage re "titly. The front part of the building is partioned off for the fflqe' and stock room while the Jear is left for atoVage and repair hp. ' Mr.' Fischer expects to put Jai addition on the south side of ti e garage in the near future, Jasy Asbley was over from Wn. fitnt&kf till Thursday. - SENT IN BY OUR Tygh Valley miss ients, tne leacner, is spending the vacation with rela tives in the Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Huitt left Satur day to be gone during holidays. Many attended the exercises and tree at the ball Saturday night. Mrs. Frank Wing has been on the sick list, but is improving. Mr. Stillwell is putting up a new building in town. Wapinitia Items Some snow and real cold weath er here the past few day. David Sharpe and Ivy Flinn re turned borne from Stevenson Sun day evening. Nathan Hill arrived here Sun day evening from Fort Rock coun try to spend the holidays with his uncle J. 8. Brown. Rev. T. 1. Parker and son Oren of Marshfield spent Christmas at the N. W. Flinn home. Mrs. Flinn is a sister of his. Lincoln Hartmnn arrived home from The Dalles Friday and will remain till after the holidays. The New Year thanks to the loyal sup port of the country peo ple, finds me better established, a bigger purchasing' power and in a position to offer you even bigger values than in the past. Start the New Year right, open an account with me, you will be pleased with the service afd values. i LAKE'S CASH STORE For Continual Service S t O Rock Bottom Prices on Barbed Wire Wire Nails A car just in Wholesale Prices in Quantities SHATTUCK BROS, S 6 4 :!3 tip future ft WONDERFUL year is be (f1 hind us and we believe a still more wonderful year is ' ahead of us. Your friendship and goodwill during 1916 have been enjoyed and appreciated. ' We shall do our utmost to deserve a continuation and an " increase of same during 1917, and thus help as well as our seWes enjoy a full measure of New Year's happihess. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER Co. Robert, Vincent and Winnie- Tapp are spending the holidays at home. W. 0. Wilsons moved back to their home from Tygh the last of the week. Rev. J. I. Parker occupied the pulpit here Sunday. Miss Celia Flinn and George Flinn left here Thurspay tor Mad ras to visit with relatives. Wamic News Alvie Simson's brother Frank and his wife arrived Thursday from The Dalles and will remain with Mr. Simpson at his farm home the rest of the winter. John Hana of Boyd was a Visit or here Saturday. Th former part of the wet k was pleasant with an occasional shower of rain until Friday when a lieht snow fell, Mrs. Frank Magill was the re cipient of a number of useful pieces of household furniture Christmas, Mrs. Torn Swift is recovering from an attack of blood poison in her arm. Bill Johnson broke an axle of his wagon Saturday while driving from town. Wilbur Mulvany sttfck in the Swift barn yard Sunday morning with his heavily loaded wagon, breaking the tongue. Mrs. Lois McCowan and baby arrived Friday from Bakeoven. Tom and Frestus Swift hauled several loads of freight from the Sherar station last Week. The school entertainment ffere Frtday night was very good. The ehildren evidenced much good training ijrven them on the part of theif teacher, Prof. T. J. Skir vin. Both the cantata and the play were well rendered and gave great satisfaction to the immenpe iMdience which' responded with hearty applause Misses Katie Spath and Bell Me Murry who are attending school in DUfur arrived the latter parr" of last wefck to spend the holi day at their respective homes. ., Jre. Veva Driver, Miss Emma Heroun and ;W. fatlersori kf Satnrday morning for Portland1 to of J. W. Heilmere Christmas eve.: The people of the Middlebrook vi cinity attended, A children's Christmas tree was had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodcock Saturday night. Plaris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Zumwalt, has an attack of niBsslfS. Mr. and Mrs, Jake Davidson of Juniper and Mrs. Lizzie Allen of Warm Springs were guests of the A. J. Swift home Monday. Criterion about D, B. Appling has juBt completed bis new. house, Saturday, the 28rd, the patron of the Criterion postofllce met and organised a phone company and will immediately commence the building of a line from there to Maupin. Edwin Kidder is home from The Dalles, where he is atiunding high school, for the holidays, A few of the neighbors gathered at tbt home of D, L. Rutherford on Wednesday evening and spent a very enjoyable time at cards and dancing and eats. J. E. Miller is hauling lumber to build a kitchen.- Mrs. Patrick of Prosstr, Wn.j is visiting her daughter,' Mrs. D. B. Applinu. J. 0. Nosker and wife are spend ing the holidays with friends near Kingsley, W. S. Orcutt of Kent spent a few days with hfs Bister, Mrs. Jf B. Miller. SOCIAL DOINGS OF PAST WEEK .Christmas Program The Christmas program at the church was witnessed by crowded house. The songs and recitations were good and especially good was the little folks part in which twelve small children recited and sang without an error. Mrs. Lesan and her assistants had worked very hard on this part of the program, which was certainly a success. Treats of apples, candy and nuts were passtd, enough for all. And the Unique feature of it was. no one seemed to know who hud furnished them as no collection for that purpose bud been taken, Five Hundred Last evening Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kelly invited their friends in to play progressive Five Hundred. This is the tlrst purty for Five Hundred to be given in this vicini ty and will probably be followed by others. Lunoh was served and the evening slipped swiiy quickly, Birthday Party Christmus day was Holly Moads sixth birthday, hut to celebrate the two events at once would be too much, so it was put off till Wednesday afternoon when a dos en of her little friends were tnvited in to honor the event. Games were played and refresh inents of chocolate, candy and nuts, and a cake with real candles on it were served to the delight of the youngsters, by Mrs. Moad as sisted by Mrs. Vanderpool and Mrs. Kaiser. Those present were Holly Moad, Raymond Vanderpool, ArvillaLe nan, Eva Slusher, Jack Sfiattuck, Winifred Kaiser, Frank Morrison, Boby and Charles McShane, Alvin, Nona and Jack Styer. The birthdays of Charles and Boby McShau occurring on Thuri. day and Saturday of last week, Mrs. McShane gave them a little party Friday and Invited Holly Moad and Winifred Kaiser, F. D, Stuart and family return ed from Mosier Tuesday afternood where they spent Christmas, and Mrs. Stuart and Crystal had been with ber parents the past week. Tygh Valley Shop General BlacKsmithing And Wagon Work Heavy and Light Horse Shoeing a Specialty ' First Class Plow Work ' Cast Plow Shares Ground Break Blocks Heavy and Light Ready Made up Don't forget the Old Stand and its new manager Wm. L. MORRISON Phone in Shop May God speed the day When Strife shall cease, And guide oar steps From War to Peace. rrrrn u fvHAUPIN STATE jo M &S the Proper Plate (8 fist PfeSefcU forr CHRISTMAS Maupin Drag Store We? can suit the wlefe amir. Code iri Snd lei lis help you make a selection Price withid reaeli 61 everybody spend the holidays. i A tree wac given at the residence