The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 22, 1916, Image 4

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Publishd Eevery Friday
Mrs, W. L. Morrison, Publisher
liubicription: On Year, $1.50, Six
Entered as second clasa mail
OHt office at Maupin, Oregon,
The bridge across Gate creek
twenty miles west of here is an
other valuable, improvement of
the public highways. This, to
our mind should have been put
in by the county ten years ago,
buc instead, the residents of the
, west side of the county hare
had to build their own roads
largely or have none. They
h;i e some very good roads in
that section and yet their efforts
are so well rewarded that it is
necesbary for them to build their
bridges by local donation.
The interest shown by some of
the Upper Juniper Flat farmers
"in the irrigation project now
opening to realization will be of
wonderful value to this whole
section. A number of them
have . agreed to cut up their
farms into small areas that can
be handled by irrigation and
made to produce immense values
in vegetation, enabling the same
, Follows the matchless Deschutes and
Columbia River Gorges for 185 miles
and parallels the famous Columbia
River Highway a daylight ride
nowhere excelled. .
Trains leave every morning on a con
venient and fast schedule, connecting
with the justly popular OREGON
from Portland, the East and California.
Strictly first-class all-steel trains; cars
built especially for this service; no
change of cars to and from
Oilier r?ason.t wiry, itnd trafvl and
transpoi tntion advice gladly yiveu by
the FOIRD man
Is also agent for the follow
ing Popular Cars:
Let him tell yon about terms
at Maupin, Orgon,
Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
matter September 2, 1914. at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879
ground to support a much larger
population. This will probably
ere long be a most profitable
dairying section
White River
and a few choice articles shipped
Tuesday to their home at Pocatella
Mr. and Mrs. Dohl of Portland
are being entertained at the home
of Dr. and Mrs.'hannon.
Mr. Taylor is spending the holi
days with his family at Salem.
Harry Brown and Judd Doering
are back after being gone harvest.
Smock Items
C A, Bargainholt began plowing
Monday on his father's rauch near
White River.
Chas. Cline and S. G. Ledford
were transacting business in Mau
pin Saturday.
Rev, Larson lilled the pulpit
here Saturday evening and Sunday
morning his regular appointment
the third Sunday of each month.
8. H. Mulvany and son Sidney
are building a bungalow on the
Hound Prarie ranch near Wamic
G. It. Ledford was in Portland a
few days last week.
C. S. McCorkle shipped twelve
hogs less than eight months of age
weighing 203 1-4 lbs average each
They had not been fed grain until
they were taken up to fatten and
were grown on alfalfa meadow.
Marion Duncan of Kent visited
hia parents, R. C. Duncan and
wife last Thursday.
F. E. Spoor is making improve
meat by putting up.a neat fence
in front of the new house using
sawed poets.
Iilaine Disbrow is home after
working for J. VV. Ayres for some
Virgil Mayfield is working for
Sam Brown on the Flat.
Miss JMIa hyron came home
Sunday from her school and Tues
day to The Dalles to attend teach
era' examination,
Wayne Spoor arrived Thursday
from Catalow valley, after spend
ing several weeks on his home
stead and reports snowfall of two
inches, while old Sinock has had
ten inches of snow, but all gone
now and waiting for the expected
The stork visited T. E. Farlow's
Saturday morning, leaving a fine
girl babe, and Mr. Farlow promise
ed his boys he would kill stork if
ever returned, so Monday morning
he fulfilled the promise by shoot
ing a beautiful blue crane that
had lived on Gate creek for the
past three or more years.
Twelve men and three teams
finished the work on Barlow Gate
bridge Saturday.
C. N, Farlow is suffering with
C. A. Syron and T. J. Whit-
comb are making the wood fly
with their new 4-horse power gaso,
line wood saw.
Miss Ora Duncan is absent from
school, being quite ill. Mips Lou
Tones is numbered with the sick.
In almost every home one or more
members are sick.
Grandma Farlow visited her son
T. E. and family Monday.
Wamic News
Ilustie Johnson returned Mon
day from a week's stay at Sherar
Bridge where he had charge of the
hotel in the absence of J. Nelson,
who made a week's visit in Port
Lee Kennedy drove to Sherar
Toesday bringing home the Here
ford calf purchased by J. E. Ken
nedy in Portland at the stock show.
A chinook wind blew here Tues
day which melted the snow very
J. P. Illhtgsworth arrived from
Metoliua Tuesday where he had
speut some time visiting his son
Paul Olingsworth and family.
Henry Miller returned Tuesday
from Madras where he has been
engaged in threshing, running the
Mrs. Martha E. Dean received
fifty lbs of bunch grass fed beef
from her eon Albert Smith of Sup
plee, Crook county, coming by
parcel post Monday,
VV, E. Woodcock sold a span of
horses Tuesday to Marion Bivhcs'n.
Marion Duncan took a load of
lumber from the saw mill here to
his homestead niar Kent. He
Ml r - 1 1 TT 1 , 1 - -
I wm mum a nnru. ins urouier
George also took a load and will
remain until the bam is completed
Joe Traxell'g house at Happy
Ridge was consumed by fire last
Tuesday, Nothing was saved but
a feather bed and a sewing ma
chine. Mrs. Traxell who was
alone at the time,- managed to pet
these articles out of the house.
Mr. Traxell was working a half
mile from the house over a ridg
and did not know of the flr until
the house had fallen.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Magill
were visitors to Sherar Bridge
Willis Norvel has purchased the
Pirm Hollow pi ice ftma K. M.
Tatison, paying $2000. ... -1
Aivie Simeon of the Dallei is
here looking after his farms.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Swift re
turned from Portland Tuesday.
,'Jho play, The Merchant of
Venis Up to Date, will be given
by the school children Friday
night. Much preparation is be
ing made by the children and Prof
Skirvin, and the play promises to
be an entortaining affair.
A chinook rain Monday and a
shower of rain today is the present
order of weather. Most of the
recent fall of snow is melted away
and some yery spring like days
were felt her the past week.
Jim Kennedy purchased a fine
Hereford cow and calf while at the
recent stock show in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Vard Norual of
Juniper were guests ar the Marion
Burlingame homo the latter part
of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nor
vel returned receutly from a three
weeks stay at Huutington where
they visited Mrs. Burlingame's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Prout.
Tygh Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Dohl who have
been visiting at Tygh returned to
Portlynd last Tuesday,
The horse . buyers were in here
the first of the week getting seven
al horses.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morris have
moved to the valley,
Frank Wing's folks have moved
to town to send the children to
school and are occupying the Still-
well house.
Mr. Ulrick has moved his family
into the Lou Young house.
Arniiclle Staats and bus. to W.
H. Cunningham, W. D. Lot 13,
Block 9, Maupin.
Albert M. Patison and wf. to
Willis R. Norval, VV. I). e1-2se1-4
nw1-4sf,1-4, ne1-4sw1-4, Sec. 12,
rP. 4 S, 11 12 E.
J. H. Cohlenlz to E. S, Doering
W. D. Lots 5, 6, 7, El-2swl-4,
se1-4.nw1-4 Sec. 0, Tp. 4 S, R 14 K
Church Notice
Sunday School nt 10 A. M.
Preaching at 11 A. M.
Song Service at 7:30 P. M. ,
Preaching at 8:00
Song Practice Tuesday evening
at 7:30 followed by Sunday School
Teachers meeting.
Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7;30. These services are be
ing well attended by our young
people and we want more to help
us. We are solicting the help of
every yoUng person in' the town
for the Xmis. program and for our
Sunday School. We will have
the organized classes in our school
from now on. Help us to make it
a standard school. We need you
both old and young'.
E. E. Lesa'rf Pastor.
Mr. Taleott having taken the
agency for 1I16 Troy Laundry at
Portland, now prepared to re
ceive all kind of Woi'k at the
postoflice and most all be in
ready to send out on the 11 o'clock
train Monday morning and will
be received ba'ok here Friday
afternoon on the 3:30 train. All
work guaranteed.
Wniniti 1 11 tn Ctunn
iujiiiii!u nuu uiue
Leaves Maapin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 130 p. m
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
Eye Specialist
will make regular monthly visits
to Maupin and Tygh Valley
watch this paper for dates
Trie Times, i. jo a year.
Auto Passenger Service' Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
Local Items
Toys for the kiddies at the Mau
pin Drug Store.
J, S. Brown was a business visi
tor in Maupin Monday.
Box candies for your sweetheart
at the Meupin Drug Store. v
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rutherford
were in from Criterion Tuesday.
The Wapinitia Hotel and feed
baru for rent. John A. Evick.
Wm. Beckwith has rented his
farm to Ray'd and Earl Crabtree.
Get Sister a nice box of station
ery at the Drug Stor Maupin,
The Maupin Times and weekly
Oregonian one year, $2 25, for
short time only.
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
Messers Thrall nod ttidwell
shipped eight horse from here
These cold nights call for more
bedding. See It." C. Jry before
yutt buy.
George Thornton's of Smock
have a baby girl, she having ar
rived one day la: f. week.
R. C, Jory has moved his stock
of blankets to Harphan'a con
Christmas program at the
Church Sunday evening, Decem
ber 24th. Everybody invited.
Don't blame your dock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
The local stores are making at
tractive decoratins in honor of the
festal occasion drawing near. i
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line and storage of machinery.
When in Tygh Valley stop it
the Sugar Bowl for meals, confec
tions, cigars atid tobacco.
C. V. Woodruff; Prop,
The fanners don't seehi to be
satisfied unless they are skinned.
Give Dad Coale a chance. He
buys sill kinds of pelts, hides,
skins and wool. p
Christmas Mail
Postmasters should impress upon
their patrons the necessity of coop
erating with the 'postal service to
the fullesf possible extent in pre
paring and mailing their Christmas
parcels and in fhfs connections
should emphasize that the careful
observance of the following simple
condition's by mailers is of the ut
most importance in accomplishing
the end desired:
Prepay postage fully on all par
Address parcels fully and plainly
Place name and address of send
er on all matter.
Pack articles carefully and wrap
them' securely, but do' not sea!
them, as sealed1 pp reels are subject
to postage at the letter rate.
Mail parcels earlyjthey may bt
marked "Do' not open until Christ
mas.'' insure valuable parcels.
Written inscriptions" t such as
"Merry Ch'ritmas," " Happy New
Year," "With Best Wishes," and
numbers, names or letters for pur
pose of description, are permisstbli
additions to fourth-class (parce'
post) mail. Books may bear sim
ple dedicatory inscription not ol
a personal nature. Other writtei
additions Subject parcels to lette
postage. Communications prepaii
at first-class rate may be sent witl
parcels prepaid at fourth-class rate
proviuu iiu arc placed in enve
lopes secured etUi-hed t.. outsidV
of parcels.
f Shortest daylight of the year.
The past week has been seem
ingly like the month of April in
stead of December.
J, II. Chastain and family left
on yesterday morning's train for
Yamhill to spend the holidays with
relatives. ,
E C. Smith of Bend who some
time ago purchased the Harvey
ranch was unloading an emigrant
car of holses and machinery yea
terday to be taken there.
Claud Taleott spent Monday
with his father, Postmster Taleott
while enrou e from Narrows, Ore
gon to Roseburg.
Mrs. Emerson Hid Mrs. Hood
'eft Tuesday for their homo in
aneridan. Mrs. Emerson had not
recovered from her recent illness)
but improving. Mrs, Hood sprain
I'd n'r ankle Minoav evemnc and
was hardly able to use the foot.
Albert Hill and family were in
from Smock Monday, J. W. Ayres
and Blaine Disbrow were also ov
er with a load of turkeys.
Bonnie Morrow of Wasco has
enrolled in our H. S. and will
spend the remainder of the school
year iu Maupin.
The pupils in Miss Fischer's
room will have a Christmas tree
with appropriated exercises this
afternoon. Old Santa is expected
and nil are planning for a good
I.O. O F,
Lodge No. 209, Maupin; Oregon;
meets eyery Saturday night, ill
Donaldfdn's hall. Visiting metti;
bers always welcome.
V. B. Doty, N. G.
F. D. Stuart, SecreUiy.
oooooododooooo o ooboooocooooood
L. B. Fox R. T. Yatei
Makers of Abstracts That
Protect. .'
Books Posted to Date Daily
Piant Second to None
In The State.
Condon Building
Phone Black 3691
The .Dalles, Oregon
000000000000000 ooooooooooooobb
Shahiko, Ore.
Public Land .Sale.
Department of the Interior
U, S Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 14, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of ,
the General Land office, , un
der provisions of Sed 245, R. a...
pursuant ,to the application' of
Elizabeth J. Rooper; Serial N0.015-
373, we will offer at public sale to
the highest bidder, but at not Ifcis
lhan $2.50 per acre, at 9':4S 0 clock
1. nx., on the 16th day of January,
next, at this office, the following
iract of laud: SEr-4''swi-4, Section
18, and NEI-4NWI-4, NI-2NEi-4",Sec
19, Township 7 South, Range 16
East, Willamette Meridian (Con
taining l'6o Acres)'. "This tract is'
ordered into the market on a show
ing that the greater portion thereof
is mountainous or too rough for
The sale will not be kept open,
nit will be declared closed when
hoss present nt the hour named
have ceased bidt'hig. The pern
nakiug the highes bid will be re-.
juird to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
ihe above-described land are advia
.d to file their claims, or objections,
n or before the time designated
for ale, . , ,
up L. A. Booth, Receiver.'