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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1916)
4 THE MAUPfiN TI Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 3, NO. 10 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15, 9I6 THE YEAR $1.50 MES Card of Thank A note of thanks mid highest sppeciatiou is extended to all the Mud friends and neighbors who fiided Benjamin F. Ricnardsou and fiiinily in their great sorrow, occa sinned by the loss of their beloved wife and mother Mary Catherine Richardson. Signed on behalf of the children tuid relatives and for himself by. Benjamink F. Rjcharson. SENT IN BY OUR Wamic News Many were in attendance at the Thanksgiving dance given here a week ago last Thursday night, a number of persons coming from FIXIN' UP Do your roofa leak? Are your barns warm? Are your cattle and implements protected? You insure against Possible Fire, have That shelf you promised the wife The playroom in the attic made of Tum-Lum Wallboard you painted against CER we showed you this TAIN DEPRECIATION? fai. proper repairs Have you thought of doing repair work "between seasons"? there is no BETWEEN SEASON This is the RAPAIR SEASON . There will be many days when the weather makes outside work disagreeaqle or even impossible. Do the INSIDE REPAIRS then. add to the VALUE of your property as well as convenience, List down the items and let us tell you how little the material will cost you. WE HAVE THE GOODS. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO PLAY THE GAME "See Peter Kilburg about it" "Tum-A-LuKiber" "a buy word for good building "Tum-A-Lump" material." 'all that's good in coal or wood" CANDIES for Christmas. The big gest and best assort ment in the city. See my special on all Christmas Candy ord ers, it will pay you. A wonderful delight for a Christmas gift or any occasion. A glance vill convince you LAKE'S CASH STORE For Pleasing Service other places. Parties from Ma upin, Juniper Flat, Tygh, Smock and Oufur participated in tho pleasant enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller gave the supper for the dances, serving oysters and other good things. Mack Palmateer and Uncle Kd Driver are among those who are confined to their beds with an at' tack of lagrippe, W. E, Woodcock now drives a Ford, having purchased the car while in The Palles recently. The school children will give a play here the 22nd inst. Lula Wing of Wallace, Idaho, is visiting her. father, Lh Wi"gi and other relatives here. Mrs. A. E. Lake celebrated Mr, Lake's birthday with a nice din- nor, inviting a few of his friends who enjoyed the elegant repast, The Dramatic Club has begun rehersals for an entertainment to be given before Christinas. Roy. G. E. Wood of Wapinitia preached a sermon in the church here Sunday and in the evouing he gave a practical lecture. Mrs. IJffieSwift is suffering with a carbuncle on her left arm, and had to go to Tygh to consult a physiciau. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Swift are visiting relatives in Portland, A. E. Lake had several loads of freight brought from the station last week, Tom and Frest Swift hauling the freight, Miss Katie Spath spent week be fore last with her parents here, re turning again to Dufur, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harvey went to their home on the Deschutes Monday. Harvey Bros, and C. S, Mc Corkle shipped a carload of hogs to . Prrtland Saturday. Henry Wing assisted Mr. McCoi'kle in getting the bogs to Sherur. T. E. Kennedy returned Sunday eveuing from Portland where he accompanied Mrs. Kennedy and daughter Lucile, who will spend the winter In the city. Many children are still suffering from whoopinu cough. Delbert McCoy is very sick with tousilitis. Miss Dorothy McCorkle came out from lhe Dalles and spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Miss Crystal Pratt came over from Juniper to spend Thanksgiv ing day with her parents. She hud an agreeable surprise when arriving home, her father present ing her with an elegant cedar hope chest which he had daintily fash ioued. The ground here has a covering of about four inches of snow, six or more inches fell a week ago. SEE. US FOR o o o 0 0 o o f5 RUBBER FOOTWEAR g We have the Famous None Better Prices Right Ball Brand Wool Sox for Men SHATTUCK BROS. White River John Horn killed a beef las week and has taken it to town. He expects to bring home a new wagon also tlia buggy they had to leave at Dufur when they returned from The Dalles. On account of bad roads, they had to ride horse back from there. As soon as the roads are good they expect to bring out their Butok. Mr. Moore resumod his duties at Sherar station Wednesday morning. Mr. Kelson is ,on his vacation and Huston Johnson is looking after the iutorests of Sherar bridge Ray and Cecil Tunison were in The Dalles on business last week.' On account of the snow and had weather the ladies of Wapinitia could not get to White River with the Bazaar articles, and owing to the same cause the supper wasn't as well attended as we had plan- nep ou. Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Tunisou left last Saturday for Porland and Cor vallis where Mr. Tunison's brother is quite ill. Mrs. Emma Morrow and Mabel came home from Haines where she has peen caring for Mrs. Haines and the three bays who have been quity sick with whouping cough. Jas. Cook was called to Maupin this week by tho illnesB of his sis ter, Mrs. Johnson. A carload of hogs were ehipped from Sherar Saturday night, Har vey M'H'tin overseeing thein to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Tunison and daughter Vera have gone to Port land to spend the holidays with Earl Tunison's. C. E, was also called to Corvallia on account of his brother's sickness. t While hauling wheat to the platform Mouday Harold Curtis broke a hind Vheel of his wagon. Waniio Saturday returning Mon day. John Lewis preached in the church here Sunday evening, Geo. Flinn has been visiting at the homo of his brother N. U. Fliun the past week. Mr, and Mrs, Lu Woodside have both been sick with the Lagrippe but are reported tq be some hotter at this writing. A number of girl friends of Vivian Burzee were invited to her home Saturday afternoon to help celebrate her eleventh birthday. A Bplcnduid lunch was served by Mrs, M irzpc. All seomd to enjoy themselves, and wished Vivian many more such happy returns of the (lav- A party was given in ( ! i f'.ick hall last Wednesday by Lis Batty in honor of V da Evans, who was visiting Lois. Miss Evans left the last of the week for her school at Bakenveu. Gid Raines is very poorely at present, lining din lined to his bed most of the time thtfyast week. Julius Shepllin and Geo. Plyhley is busily engaged putting up wood, They expect to have 200 ricks by Ghrislmas. Ray Beuuett who has been em ployed on lhe ditch the past season, lelt tor bis home at Clack' amas last Thursday. Joe Graham left here Monday for Clackamas lake, Dee Wright taking him part of the way with a team and he expects to make the rest of ibe trip on skein. Bill Maynard and Al Daniels .eft here Tuesday for Keeps null going in to move out Mr. Daniels things. G. E, Wood purchased several head of cattle, Monday of Ollis Bothwell. Saturday was hog day here, a number taking hogs to Maupin. Wapinitia Items Court House Notes Deeds Caroline Harvey et al to J. W. Hoech W. D. lots 2 and 3, sel-4 nwl-4, el-2 swl-1. Louis C. Dickinson & wile to Floid S. McKelvey W. D. lots 12 8, sel-4 nwl-4, Sec. 6r. 8 S., R. 17 E. Eweti MuLennan to C. A. Duus W. D. sel-4 swl-4 Sec. 5 T. 6 S , R 15 E. Ewen McLennen to pling W. D. nl-2 sel T. 6 S R. 15 E. The Proper Place to Get Presents forr CHRISTMAS I i -K. - . , , If M A cbinook wind struck here Monday causing most of the snow to disappear, oreeks to run and ponds to fill, and water hauling is about over. Prof. Paterson was over from Smock last Saturday calling on old friends. lamie Abbott left last week for his school in Portland. Ernest Parqnett who has been gone the past year, returned to his home hero last Saturday. 0. L Paqnctt went to Portland the irtt of the week taking a ear load of hogs, Bill McClain met with quite an accident the first of the week. He was lo;i(ling hogs with a team and a chain they were using flew hitting him on the head injuring him quite severely, but seems about 0. K. now. Mr. and Mrs. Keller who have n sided on a homestead near here have moved to Maupin. A Christmas program is being prepared and will be given in the i;hool home. A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Beehe last Friday, but passed away Saturday morning. T) n An- It was nuneo in me jv.miy eein- 4 Sec. HI, ;elery. Mr. and Mrs G. Wood went to Changed Hands Thursday afteruoo:' W. L. Morrison purchased the black smith stand at Tygh Valley form. erly owned by 0, M. Fraley. Mr. Horn, who has owned the shop the past few months will retire to the farm the first of the year, when Mr. Morrison will take charge of the shop. Local Items of OPERA HOUSE TO OPENDEC, I6TH Home Talent One of the most valuable assets from a social and educational standpoint to this community will have been established upon the completion of Shattuck Bros. hull. There will be a grand opening Saturday uight the i6th, when the four act military drama, Her Friend the Enemy will be present ed. No expense has been spared to make this a success. The latest improvement is the erection of a modern up-to-date stage including everything from foot lights to drop-curtains. The permanent scenery which is being built by A. C. Moad and B. Shat tuck is being artistically painted Mr9. Morgenscn. fhe painting of the scenery includes the painting of all curtains and wings, A sufficient number of collapsa ble benches with backs are being constructed to make seating ca pacity for 500 peoplij, ' Fatal Jump, Monday morning an automobile' oarrying several commercial men from Bend to Madras skidded while rounding an icy curve, and went over an embankment, 250 teet. Mr. Suthwick was killed, Mr. Burch seriously injured and not expected to live Tim rest of the party escaped uninjured, Thos. Flanagan and family at tempted making the trip to Port' land last week by auto, but were compelled to desert the idea and complete the trip by train, leaving their car' ut The Dalles until, . the and completed in every detail by j roads are in better condition. querade Xmas Dance iSat. Dec. 23rd New Years Mas Ball Sat. Dec. 30 Six Piece Orchestra Special Decorations Supper at Miller's Hotel 1 1 I ! I i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith Harrysville, North Carolinia ar rived last Wednesday and are stop. ping at E. K. Hansen's for a short time. Mr, Smith says they have returned to Oregon for good; that it looks better to them than N. C. Shattuck Bros have successfully installed a Delco electric light system in the new residence of 0, B. Derthick. The first liphts were turned on a few days ago. R. W. McShane returned home Monday from Moxee City, Wu., where he attended the funeral of ,his father, who died very sudden ly a couple weeks ago of gastritus A Christmas program will he given at the church here Christmas evening, Jiveryone is invited to attend and an enjoyable time is anticipated, EHAUPIN STATE o) m t5 ii m m aupin Drug Store We can suit the whole family. Come in and let us help you make a selection. Prices within reach of everybody mmmmwM 4 1 FISCHER the FORD' man Is also agent for the follow ing Popular Cars: ST UPEEAKE1 ODGE . BUICK m Let him tell you about terms S'5 ooooooooooooooooooooo asm