1 LARGEST HOTEL IN TUP NnUTU. "I WEST- REOPENED OCTORE D. in-IQIr, Y I J... LI 1J109 NJSil ROOMS 1 SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everdlng house with a record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Frent Street Portland, Oregon AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL The school where you should net your training must be practical and live you a good shop ex perience. The Portland T. . C. a. AiTOMtllLI SCHOOL IS THAT PLACE Address The Registrar, Portland Y. M. C. A., and get an Illustrated Bulletin giving the corn pie te details of COST, TIME and CONDITIONS Learn SHORTHAND By correspondence In yonr own home. Write today (or information. SUCCESS SHORTHAND SCHOOL 308 Liberty Bulldlag. Seattle, Wash. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES T and from all point on houMhold foods, pianos, and autoroutulM. Information cheerfully given. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., 'S ELECTRIC MOTORS Bousht, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Burnaide, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. IffEGON VUICANIZ1N0 COMPANY moved to 833 to 3117 Burnaide St., Port land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant in the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Post. SALTS FINE FOR We eat too much meat which clogs Kidneys, then the Back hurts. Moat folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish find clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else we hay backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. Tou simply must keep your kidneys actlye and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with llthia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neu tralizes the acids In the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while It is only trouble. Afterward. Jones (who has called round to see if his friend has . recovered from a wild night) Is Mr. Wuzzy up yet? Landlady (sternly) Yes, he got up an hour ago, drank his bath, and went back to bed. London Notes. Not Always So. "A man learns most who begins at the bottom," remarked the parlor philosopher. A "How about the fellow who is learn ing to swim?" asked the mere man. Judge. Fatal Kindness. Minnie So sorry to hear of your motor accident! Lionel Oh, thanks; it's nothing. Ex pect to live through many more. Minnie Oh, but I hope not! Cin cinnati Commercial Tribune. It Makes a Difference. The young wife Some women don't like to have a husband hang around the house all the time, evening after evening. I'm sure I don't mind it, do you? Married friend Whose Husband? Strictly Temperate. He Let's go out and have a tete-a-tete. She All right, but don't let 'em . make mine too strong. Baltimore American. Little Elsie had been chastised for misbehavior. "What's the matter dear?" asked grandma. "Did you have an accident? "N-no, grandma," sobbed Elsie, "it wasn't an a-accident. M-mamma did It on p-purpose." Chicago Daily News. You can get rid of itching with Resinol . Resinol Ointment end Resinol Soap easily bell most cases ol enema and similar sLin-erupuons. The first appUcstion usually stops the itching and burning iitstmntly. Sold by aU uroefists. For sam ple oi each free, write to Dept. I-T, Resinol. Ealu mure, aid. V iitttMal Jafrt com 32 -dtf! d i ZD -tJV yfK.rnaiWHrs, B4gS o ACHING P. N. U. No. 60, 1913 IS PROMISED RUSSIA Dardanelles Also to Be Turned Over on Victory of Allies. HELP IS SENT TO BUCHAREST New Russian Effort to Check Advance of Von Mackcnsen is Seen South of Roumanian Capital City. London An event surDassintr in far. reaching importance the aetiml mlli. tary operations of the war came Sun- J A I 1 . uay in ine puwic announcement by the new nusBian Premier, Alexander Tre poff, that, by an agreement concluded in 1915 and subsequently adhered to by Italv. the allies llefinirplv aaraViliariBrl Russia's right to Constantinople and the Straits. Simultaneously, with thn fata nf Bucharest still hanging in the balance, came the news that Russia wait male. ing heroic efforts to turn the tide of events in Roumania, in addition to ex erting vigorous pressure againBt Von Falkenhayn in Moldavia, where the Russians have gained a footing at Kir libaba. The new Russian effort was viaililo south of Bucharest in an imnortant at tack on Field Marshal Von Macken- sen's rear, which, according to the RuSBian official renort. was nr-onm. panied by some Buccess, the Germans and Bulgarians having been .driven from Tzomana and Gostinari. The Russians are also suceesafiillv nnnlvinc v i i v n pressure in Dobrudja. These Russian attacks on the two extreme flanks of the central forces may change the complexion of the Roumanian campaign, as there is no indication as yet that the central pow ers have succeeded in cutting off any considerable portion of the Roumanian armies. Carranza Forces Again Occupy Looted City of Chihuahua Juarez, Mex. Carranza forces were again in control of Chihuahua City Sunday and Villa had fled to the moun tains to the west of the capital city, it was announced by Genral Francisco Gonzales, commander of the Chihuahua brigade here. General Francisco Murguia, the Car ranza commander, who has been mov ing slowly northward from Torreon, was also reported to have entered the city after having defeated the Villa column 30 miles south of Chihuahua City. No Americans have been killed in Chihuahua City by Villa, according to a private message received here from that city. The message said that the only foreigners to suffer were the Chinese, for whom the bandits showed no mercy. General Murguia and Tre- vino were both in Chihuahua City. Red Tape Costs Property. Sheridan, Or. William H. Dins- more, of Sheridan, will lose his claim secured at the Colville land drawing last spring. Mr. Dinsmore sent his check for the firBt payment, which was due, and the government refused the check, demanding cash. Mr. Dinsmore was not notified until it was too late to deposit the required coin, and was informed he was out of the race. The claim was an exceptionally fine one, adjoining cultivated land on two sides valued at $100 an acre, and Mr. Dinsmore feels the loss keenly. Buffalo Are Increasing, Washington, D. C. The buffalo, once threatened with extinction, is in creasing in numbers on government reservations, according to the annual report of the biological survey. Five big game preserves and 67 bird reser vations are maintained by the survey. The report urges that more tracts of land not suitable for agricultural pur poses be converted into breeding grounds for birds. Many thousand acres of marsh lands, it declares, could be turned easily into breeding grounds for water fowl. Motion for Haste Ready. Washington, D. C. Preparations were made Monday to submit to the Supreme court when it reconvenes, the motion to expedite the Missouri, Okla homa & Gulf railroad case, to deter mine the constitutionality of the Adamson law. The motion for expedi tion was sent to Supreme court cham bers by Solicitor General Davis. Rail road counsel are expected to be in court and concur. The railroad brotherhoods probably will not have counsel partici pating, the defense being in charge of the department of Justice. Cuban Vote Still in Doubt. Havana, Cuba Although a month has elapsed since Cuba's presidential election, the result still remains in doubt and many months may elapse be fore the outcome is definitely known. Partial re-elections must be held m two provinces where fraud or coercion interfered. The returns give President Menocal a majority in Matanzas, Pinar del Rio and Oriente provinces. Dr, Alfredo Zayaa, liberal candidate, car ried Havana and Camagtiey provinces, Road Headquarters Go to Portland, Washington, D. C. The department of Agriculture has decided to locate at Portland headquarters of the North western public road and rural engineer ing district, created under the new Federal good roads act Government road construction in Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho will be supervised from Portland. Turkish War Budget Increased, Amsterdam, via London A Constan tinople dispatch sys the Turkish chamber of deputies has accepted a proposal to increase this year's budget for the war ministry by 50,000,000, NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest About Oregon University Students Live Well on 8-Cent Meals by Clubbing Salem The riddle of the high cost of living apparently has been solved by the Commons Co-operative Club of Willamette University, composed of 26 students. This club during October furnished its members with three meals a day for an average cost of 24.8 cents a day each, or 8.3 cents a meal. This cost also included the salary of the cook, fuel and light. . The actual price paid for foodstuffs was 18.8 cents a day, or 6.3 cents a meal. The students do all the buying, serv ing of meals, washing dishes and other work. The meals are served in the basement of Walter hall. F. E. Prid dy and C. E. Womer are the two stu dents who have charge of the purchase of food supplies, and despite the low cost they said that they were able to obtain a wide variety of food and sat isfy the appetites of the club mem bers. "In October," said Mr. Priddy, "it cost our club only $7.70 for each mem ber for food, and we gave a well balanced ration. We pay our cook $35 a month and board, our wood for fuel purposes costs $12 and lights $1 for the month. For food we paid out $152.20 in the 81 days of the month." For breakfast the students are served with griddle cakes, cereal, hash, bread and butter and coffee. For luncheon there are three kinds of veg etables, bread and butter, tea or coffee. No meat or dessert is served. The dinner in the evening includes vege tables, meats, bread and butter, des sert of some kind, and either coffee or cocoa. State Tax Levy Test Begun; Six Per Cent Limitation in Court Salem A state tax which will pro vide for all the requirements of the state government will be certified to the various counties by the State Tax commission, it was announced Tuesday at a meeting attended by the governor, secretary of Btate and state treasurer. The board will make the certifica tion without regard to the 6 per cent tax limitation amendment adopted at the recent general election and thus the question of whether the amend ment is applicable to the state levy will be brought before the courts for decision. An early settlement of the question is desired bo the legislature may be in formed whether or not additional legis lation to put amendment in operation is needed. The Tax commission is not deemed a tax levying body and the point has been raised that it is the counties which make the state levy and not the tax commission. Cornerstone is Laid. Roseburg Two thousand people saw the cornerstone of Roseburg's new Fed eral building laid Monday afternoon by the acting officer 8 of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Oregon. Former Grand Worshipful Master J. C. Fullerton had charge of the ceremony, and ex-Con gressman Binger Herrman was orator of the day. The business houses were closed and the High school Btudents marched to the Federal building in honor of the event. In the usual copper box placed for historical recollection, if the build ing should be destoyed, were copies of local papers, the names of the city government and the acting officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons. New Road Plan Proposed. Salem The members of the State Highway commission are in favor of being relieved of duties connected with the highway development of the state and having the work placed in the hands of a non-political commis sion. This was the information given to a sub-committee of the Oregon Good Roads committee, which met with the Highway commission. This commit tee is framing practical road legisl tion with a view of preparing a bill for action by the next legislature. Redmond Growers Sell Potatoes. Redmond, Or. The News Letter, is sued by R. A. Blanchard, county agri culturist, at Redmond, recently to the members of the Deschutes Valley Po tato Growers' association contained the information that the first pool of the season wbb sold by Manager R. H Parsons, consisting of five cars of po tatoes, which go to San Francisco. These potatoes were sold through the R. W. Faulkner company, of Sacra mento. Buyers have paid as high as $2 a sack, representing 35 cents above the market price. Mexican Right Obtained. Marshfield A. M. Conard, of So- nora, Mexico; John Nielson and J. P, Olson, of Bandon, have organized a $500,000 company for the purpose of operating a fishing concession on the Gulf of California and expect to com mence in 1917. Mr. Conard obtained the concession from President Car ranza. There is no fish canning com pany operating in Lower California peninsula, and this company wilj han dle oysters, shrimps and many varieties of fish, abundant in those waters. The company will also handle turtles. Prunes Are Shipped East, Sheridan Sheridan shipped east 1, 037,000 pounds of prunes, Wednesday, this shipment comprising the output of 10 of the large orchards around Shen dan. Seven to seven and one half cents was the price brought. The prunes were of the finest quality. Next year more acreage will come into bearing and the output may be doubled. Portland Man Appointed. Salem J. H. Gault, of Portland has been appointed chief engineer at the Eastern Oregon state hospital to suc ceed Charles Murphy, recently named as superintendent of the Oregon peni tentiary. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the atomaoh, liver, and bowel poisons before) breakfast To feel your best day In and day out, to feel clean Inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no constipa tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on the Inside like you bathe outside. This is vastly more Important, because the Bkln pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, while the bowel porea do, says a well-known physician. To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the Btomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimen tary tract, before putting more food Into the Btomach. Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a Bourlsh twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your sys tem of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles . became saturated with an accumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment and above all, keep it up! As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and hot water before breakfast, act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. In the Same Boat. ' "I ask you to pay me this bill,' ' said tailor to a waggish debtor. "Do you owe anybody anything?" asked the wag. "No, sir," replied the tailor. "Then you can afford to wait," And he walked off. A day or two afterward the latter called again. Our wag was not at his wit's end, so turning to bis creditor, he Bald: "Are you in debt to anybody?" "Yes, sir, I am sorry to say I am." "Well, why don't you pay?" "I haven't got the money," replied the tailor, with a woebegone counten ance. "That's just my case, my dear sir. I am glad to perceive that you can ap preciate my position. I always respect your judgment, sir. Give me your hand, sir." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. To keen clean and healthv take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Thev resru- late liver, bowels and stomach. Choice of Evils. The brute of a father was convers ing with his daughter's schoolmaster. "I want my girl to study sinEing," he said emphatically. "But, my dear sir," protested he of the cap and gown, "why not let her take part In the noble joys of art or literature?" 'No fear," was the reply. "Art spoils canvas, while literature wastes reams of paper and drives half the edi tors to drink. No, It'll be singing; that only causes a temporary disturb ance of the atmosphere." London Ideas. . LAND FOR SALE In Solano County, California 160 acres known as Northwest Quarter, Section 28, Township 20, Range 2 West, in northwestern part of Solano County. low price ana easy terms to the right man. Address M. A. Green. 822 Mission Street, San Francisco, California. Nothing Very 8erlous. Mrs. Casey Och, Pat, whin the doc- ther told yez ye had something wid a Latin name to it a yar-rd long, didn't it scare yez? Casey Faith, it did, Norah, darlin'! But whin he only charged me a dol lar Ol knew It didn't amount to much. Corrected. The Sheriff Have you anything to say before you are hanged? The Prisoner (originally from Bos ton) You don't expect me to talk af terwards, do you? Judge. A Fatal Mistake. A westerner had hanged himself to the bedpost by his suspenders. The verdict of the coroner's jury ran: "De ceased came to his death by coming home full and mistaking himself for his pants." Philadelphia Ledger. Comedy and Pathos. "A man looks comical when he pro poses." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne, "He's fortunate if he can let it go at that and not look pathetic after he Is mar ried." Washington Star. ' Hobbs' Scheme. "So you think Hobbs is miserly." "Miserly! Why, he makes a point of going out to lunch early before his appetite comes on, so that he can save money. Boston Transcript. TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION AGAINST A SPELL OF INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION COLDS, GRIPPE OR MALARIA RESORT TO HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters AT THE FIRST SIGN OF TROUBLE H American Scientist Who Died in London Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, scientist and inventor, who quit the United States in 1884 when his semi-automatic rapid fire gun was rejected by the United States and accepted by the British government, has just died in London. In 1887 he was knighted by Queen Victoria for his work in inven tion and science. Price of Horses Will Advance. Lewiston, Idaho That the price of horses will continue to advance !b the opinion of E. E. Flood, ex-president of the Northwest Livestock Show. D. O. Lieth, buyer for a large exporting company in Kansas City, Mo., who spent several months in this territory purchasing hundreds of horses, wired Mr. Flood that he would Boon return to the Northwest and renew his purchases of animals suitable for use on Euro pean battlefields. "The prices for horses are rapidly advancing, due to the fact that the allies have taken so many out of this territory and Bhipped them to Europe," said Mr. Flood. "Mr. Lieth will find prices advanced even since he left here a short time ago. I take it that the allied forces are not expecing any let up in hostilities in Europe when they send their agents back here for more war horses." Mr. Murphy Takes Charge. Salem The members of the State board of control Tuesday vested Char les A. Murphy, ex-chief engineer at the Eastern Oregon state hospital and recently appointed superintendent of the penitentiary to succeed J. W. Min to, with full authority over the prison management. Mr. Murphy assumed charge of the prison Wednesday. A system of accounting will be in stalled at the prison and a full inven tory of the stock and equipment on hand will be taken before any changes are made. Ridgefield Potatoes Are Selling, Ridgefield, Wash Because local po tato buyers are unable to get cars for making Eastern shipments, hundreds of sacks of potatoes are being shipped by water to Portland, where they are placed in cars there, while some are put aboard vessels for California points. Last Wednesday 1000 sacks of were shipped from the warehouse here to Portland, and on Friday 800 sacks were sent. Despite the heavy shipments the warehouse is again full, while the storeroom in a large feed store has several hundred sacks. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.48; forty-fold, $1.43; club, $1.42; red Rus sian, $1.38. Oats No. 1 white feed, $35.00. Barley No. 1 feed, $37.50. Flour Patents, $8; straights, $6.80 7.20; exports, $6.80; valley, $7.50; wholewheat, $8.20; graham, $8.00. Millfeed Spot prices; Bran, $26.50(27.00 per ton; shorts, $30.50 31.00; rolled barley, $40.0041.50. Corn Whole, $47 per ton; cracked $48. Hay Producers' prices: Timothy, Eastern Oregon, $1720 per ton; tim othy, valley, $1617; alfalfa, $16 17.00; valley grain hay, $1315; clover, $12.50. Butter Cubes, extras, 3738c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 40c. butterfat, No. 1, 40c; No. 2, 38c, Portland. Eggs Oregon ranch, current re ceipts, 40c per dozen; Oregon ranch,Jcandled, 45c; selects, 47c. Poultry Hens, 12M)14c; springs, 14 15c per pound; turkeys, live, 18( 20c; dressed, 2324c; ducks, 1416c; geese, 10c. Veal Fancy 11 l12c per pound. Pork Fancy, 1212Jc per pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 75c(ip.l0 per dozen; tomatoes, 75cfii$1.25 per crate; cabbage, 75c$2.00 per hun dred; peppers, 57c per pound; egg plant, b(iJ,8c; lettuce, $2.50; cucumbers, $11.50 per box; celery, 6575c per dozen; pumpkins, lc per pound; squash, lfu,ljc per pound. . Potatoes Oregon, buying price, $1.40 1.50 per hundred, country points; sweets, $2.75 per hundred. Onions Oregon buying prices, $2.50 per sack, country points. Green Fruits Apples, new, 60cft,$2 per box; pears, $11.50; grapes, $1 2; casabas, lie; cranberries, $10.50 12.50 per barrel. - Hops 1916 crop, 810c per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, fine," 25 Z7c; coarse, 3334c; valley, 83c. Mohair 3545c per pound. Cascara bark Old and new, 5Jc per pound. Cattle Steers, prime, $6.75(?i7.25; good, $6.406.76; common to fair, $5 6.00; cowb, choice, $5.25(6; medium to good, $4.605; ordinary to fair, $3.604; heifers, $46; bulls, $3 4.25; calves, $47.50. Hogs Prime, $9.259.75; good to prime mixed, $8.25(3;!); rough heavy, $8!8.25; pigs and skips, $8(48.25. Sheep Lambs, $8(o;8.75; yearlings, wether, $77.60; old wethers, $6.25 6.50; ewes, $55.60. ?v $ -- igt x i ? Iff 1 J MGS Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and wear the sensitive lung tissues. . should be taken promptly for or when strength is lowered from any cause. Its high nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick-, ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is soothing and healing to the lung tissues. Refute Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil. .... TREES SHIPPED ANYWHERE-FREIGHT PAID Small orders as well as btpr. Ornamentals, Fruit Trees, Etc. Hardy and truarantoed. Largest Nursery between Rockies and Cascades. Hth Year. 15,000 Orden Lut Year. Mft?4 WASHINGTON NURSERY C0.ws.,w LAND FOR SALE In Kern County, California 20 acres fenced and having old Well, about five miles from Bakersfield, Cal ifornia, near highway. Good alfalfa land or potatoes ar.d other vegetables. Good crop is being raised on adjoining land. Near good homes and schools. Only five miles from Bakersfield. Low price and easy terms to the right man who wants some good hind and good location where he can do well. Address M. A. Green. 822 Mission Street. San Francisco, California. Forest Notes. The National Forests contain the most extensive publio playgrounds In the world, and are open to the free use of the people. Lightning caused 27Va per cent of the 1091 forest fires suppressed by the Forest Service In Oregon, Wash ington and Alaska during the season of 1916. The timber and grazing resources In the National ForestB of Oregon, Washington and Alaska have an esti mated value of $233,000,000. , Y Nobody can Tell when you Darken Gray, Faded Hair with Sage Tea. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot tle of this old-time recipe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, all ready to use, for about 60 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been ap pliedIt's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb of soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, It Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. This preparation is a delightful tollot requisite. It is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Loves Hla Liza. "Look here, Sam," "Yes, Liza." "I begins t' think yer doesn't love me no mo . "NoiiBense, Liza; what put that In yo head? "Why, you just sits there by the fire and sees me work." "Why, Liza, the more I sits here by this fire an' sees yer workln', the more l loves yer, honey." Buffalo News The Crank's View. Society Reporter I understand you are making plans to marry Miss New- rich next year, Count Brokinsky. Count Broklnsky-Ha! You are quite correct. But I have ze plans all fin isned. we are now working on ze budget." Exchange. Of Course. Feminist Just think, If the girls were taken away from this college what would follow? Chorus of roughs We would. Chapparal. Nothing Unemployed. "Talk about people who put every thing to use,' Mrs. Blank Is the limit.' "Is she?" "Why, that woman would use the family skeloton for a dresss form." Boston Transcript. A Chappie's Lament. In Shakespearean times young bloods sat on the stage." "And we think we know it all. Why, the best we can do today Is to put ex tra chairs In the orchestra pit. -Louisville Courier-Journal. The French Tribunal. Doctor Why were you rejected? Applicant (smiling) For Imbecility "What do you do for a living?" "Nothing; I have an Income of 60 000 francs." "Are you married?" "Yes." "What does your wife do?" "Nothing; Bhe is richer than I." "You are no Imbecile. Passed for general servlce'Loudon Daily News. C5 AMv Granulated Eyelids, lrij Eyes inflamed by expo "" sure to Sun, Dust and Wina . ,- - cmir-klr relieved hy Murine fiL V t2" t ye Hemsdy. No Smarting, iJ Ju,t Eye Comfort At Your Drugpit's 50c per Bottle. Murine lye Salve inTubes25c. ForBeokoltheEyefreeask Druggiiu or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ML III! LOOK m DELICATE 1 hard coughs, unyielding colds, Peruna eases the burden of the housekeeper by keep ing away the danger of illness resulting from colds, coughs, and indigestion due to catarrhal condi tion. It speedily re lieves and overcomes these. Its tonic properties build np the strength of the physically weak and run down, and its use In oonvalesceDSfl. especially after grip, is remarkably benefjdal. KEEP IT ON HAND The wise housekoepor has Peruna on hand (or Instant use cvosifcatarrhal troubles do noH:all for Its regular ad ministration. A doeo or two in time often prevents a long Ulness. . , Liquid or tablet form. Manalln tublots are a splendid laxative for home use. Ask the druflglat THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio True to Life. "Tell me honestly," said the novel reader to the novel writer, "did you ever see a woman who stood and tap ped on the floor impatiently with her toe for Beveral moments, as you de scribe?" "Yes," was the thoughtful reply. "I did once." "Who was she?" "She was a clog dancer." Tit-Bits. A Useful Lap Dog. Mistress (overjoyed at the unex pected recovery of her long-lost Fldo) And tell me, Peters, where did you find my sweet little darling? Peters Well, mum er the fact is, a low sort of fellow had him tied to a pole and was washing windows with him. London Passing Show. Mr. Meek Objects. "The subject of white slavery " "Pardon me," Bald skimpy little Mr. Meek, "but I prefer not to talk about my condition." Judge. Due Caution. 'Prisoner at the bar, will you be tried by Jury or by the court?" "By Jury, your honor by Juryl" "Humph! Why er haven't I seen you before sdmewhere?" 'Yes, your honor. I sell you Ice In summer and do your plumbing in win ter." Richmond Times-Dispatch. Young Husband You are always right, dearl Young Wife-Do you really think so? Young Husband Oh, yes, and I am always wrong about everything. Modern Life. "Well, how did things come out in your school contests?" "Trifle mixed. A girl won the ham mer throwing contest and a boy took first prize for fruit cake." Louis ville Courier-Journal. What Is Uric Acid ? THE CAUSB OF BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, GRAVEl, AND SUDDEN DEATH. Ever since the discovery of nrio acid In the blood by Hcheele, in 1775, and the bad effect it had upon the body, scientists and physicians have striven to rid the tissues and the blood of this poiBon. Because of its over abundance in the system it causes backache, pains here and there, rheu matism, gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica. It was Dr. Pierce who dis covered a new agent, called "Amine," which will throw out and completely eradicate this uric acid from the sys tem. "Anuric" has proved to be 37 times more potent than lithia, and consequently you need no longer fear muscular or articular rheumatism or inut, or many other diaeasos which are dependent on an accumulation of nrio acid within the body. Bend to Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., for a pamphlet on "Anuric," or send 10 cents fur a trial pad-age of " Annric Tablets." If you feel that tired, worn-out feeling, backache, neuralgia, or if your Bleep is disturbed by too frequent urination, go to your best drug store and ask for Dr. Tierce's Anuria Tablets. Ibey are put up in 60-cent packages. Doctor Pierce's reputation is back of this medicine and yoa know that hia "Golden Medical Discovery" for the blood and his "Favorite Prescription for the ills of women have had a splen did reputation for the past fifty years. Doctor Pierce's relicts are unequaled 83 a Liver Pill. Out liny SijM -tuaUd Vellct a Ihst. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the Liwr, fctouiadv aud Bowels. . a