The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 08, 1916, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing:.
German newspapers advocating peace
are opposed to President Wilson as ar
bitrator. John D. Archbold, president of the
Standard Oil company, dies and leaves
a fortune of $100,000,000.
According to figures compiled in
Denmark, the allies have lost 15,100,
000 soldiers in the war to date.
Artillery duels and small maneuvers
by patrol parties have featured the
fighting on the Austro-Italian front.
Petrograd admits its failure to check
the Germans' march on Roumania's
capital, and its fall is momentarily ex
pected. ' In an engagement between San Do
minican rebels and U. S. marines a
dozen Americans were wounded, sev
eral seriously.
A Russian attack against the Geman
lines south of Dvinsk failed with
heavy casualties to the Russians, ac
cording to Berin.
Pennsylvania crude oil advances 15
cents, making $2.75 a barrel paid to
producers, the highest price in the his
tory of the oil industry.
Reporting on the casualties among
foreigners in Chihuahua City, a Car
ranza commander Btates that "only a
few Chinese were killed by Villa."
The quarantine on Canadian potatoes
is lifted by the government, and the
influx of these tubers is expected to
reduce the price in the United States.
Pope Benedict denounces the aerial
bombardment of open cities and con
demns "all those who had defied the
laws of God and man in the present
Thomas Campbell, Republican, was
elected governor of Arizona at the re
cent election by a plurality of 32 votes
over Governor George W. P. Hunt, it
is announced officially.-
Berlin scientists discover that lack
of sugar in that country is the cause
of the high Infant mortality. To each
infant born after December 1, an half
pound additional monthly iB allowed.
Lloyd's shipping agency announced
that the British Bhip King Bleddyn has
been sunk. The King Bleddyn, of
4387 tons gross, sailed from New York
on November 16 for Havre.
Proprietors of laundries in Paris and
the neighboring districts have decided
to close their establishments on De
cember 20 unless the government guar
antees an adequate supply of coal.
The British cabinet is to be recon
stituted, but the changes that are to
be made will not bring about a policy
different from that which has been
pursued since the beginning of the
The gift by an anonymous donor of
1600,000 to Columbia University. New
York, to meet the cost of constructing
and equipping a building for the newly
established gchool of business was an
nounced by the trustees of the univer
sity. Carranza's troops are reported flee
ing northward and In disorder.
Germany proposes to conserve her
coal supply by regulating its use in
saloons and places of amusement.
A two and one-half cent piece Is
demanded by the country, according
to the director of the mint. His an
nual report recommends the passage of
a law authorizing coins of that denom
ination from copper and nickel. -
Prohibition carried in Montana by a
majority of 28,886 votes. Ollicial fig
ures compiled from every county in the
state give for prohibition 102,776,
against 73,8110 votes. Lewis and
Clarke, Deer Lodge and Silver Bow are
the only three counties in the state
which give a majority against prohi
bition. .
The services of the Federal Board of
Mediation and Conciliation were asked
for Thursday by President Peyton, of
the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis
railway, to adjust a controversy with
the road's employes, which already had
resulted in the brotherhood memberB
voting overwhelmingly in favor of a
The Roumanian town of Tsomana,
16 miles south of Bucharest, has been
captured by Teutonic forces, the Rus
sian war office announces.
Chancellor von Bethmann-Holtweg,
addressing the reichstag, declares that
Germany is ready for peace that will
guarantee the future existence of that
Bessie Norton, 21, and Joseph Bowl
ing, 26, were married on top of a 200
foot concrete smokeBtack in an oil
plant at Florence, Cal., Thanksgiving
Day. Practically the entire city wit
nessed the ceremony.
German newspapers deny that
U-boat operations on the Atlantic
coast can be construed as a blockade,
' The state of Oregon will not become
"bone-dry" until the legislature meets
and fixes a penalty for importation of
wet goods, j
Eleven Industrial Workers of the
World in jail at Stockton, Cal., on
vagrancy charges, went on a hunger
. strike Thursday when they were
served with only two meals and no tur
key. Prison fare consisted of mush,
bread And coffee for breakfast and beef
stew, bread and coffee for dinner.
President's Message to Congress Urges "Eight-Hour Day Basis," "Right to
Draft for Military Purposes" and "Raise in Freight Rates" if Necessity Arises.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 6. The text of
President Wilson's address to Con
gress Is:
"Gentlomcn of the Congress In ful
filling at this time the duty laid upon
me by the Constitution of communicat
ing to you from time to time Informa
tion of the state of the Union and reo
omendlns to your consideration such
legislative measures as may be judged
necessary and expedient, I shall con
tinue the practice, which I hope has
been acceptable to you, of leaving to
the reports of the several heads of the
executive departments the elaboration
of the detailed needs of the public serv
ice and confine myself to those matters
of more general public policy with
which It seems necessary and feasible
to deal at the present session of the
"I realize the limitations of time un
der which you will necessarily act at
this session and shall make my sug
gestions as few as possible; but there
were some things left undone at the
last session which there will now be
time to complete and which It seems
necessary In the Interest of the public
to do at once.
Hallway Labor I.f nllalon Urged.
"In the first place, it seems to me
Imperatively necessary that the earliest
possible consideration and action
should be accorded the remaining
measures of the programme of settle
ment and regulation which I had oc
casion to recommend to you at the close
of your last session In view of the pub
lic dangers disclosed by the unaccom
modated difficulties which then existed,
and which still unhappily continue to
exist, between the railroads of the
country and their locomotive engineers,
conductors and trainmen.
"I then recommended:
"First, immediate provision for the
enlargement and administrative reor
ganization of the Interstate Commerce
Commission along the lines embodied
In the bill recently passed by the House
of Hepresentatlves and now awaiting
action by the Senate, In order that the
Commission may be enabled to deal
with the many great and various duties
now devolving upon it with a prompt
ness and thoroughness which are, with
Its present constitution and means of
action, practically impossible.
"Second, the establishment of an
eight-hour day as the legal basis alike
of work and of wages in the employ
ment of all railway employes who are
actually engaged In the work of oper
ating trains In Interstate transporta
tion. "Third, the authorization of the ap
pointment by the President of a small
body of men to observe the actual re
sults In experience of the adoption of
the eight-hour day in railway trans
portation alike for the men and for the
"Fourth, explicit approval by the
Congress of the consideration by the
Interstate Commerce Commission of an
Increase of freight rates to meet such
additional expenditures by the rail
roads aB may have been rendered nec
essary by the adoption of the eight
hour day and which have not been off
set by administrative readjustments
and economies, should the facts dis
closed justify the increase.
Compulnory Invenllvntlon Advocated.
"Fifth, an amendment of the exist
ing Federal statute which provides for
the mediation, conciliation and arbitra
tion of such controversies as the pres
ent by adding to it a provision that,
in case the methods of accommodation
now provided for should fall, a full
public Investigation of the merits of
every such dispute shall be Instituted
and completed before a Btrlke or lock
out may lawfully be attempted.
"And, Blxth, the lodgement In thi
hands of the Executive of the power,
In case of military necessity, to take
control of such portions and such roll
ing stock of the railways of the ooun
try as may be required for military use
and to operate them for military pur
poses, with authority to draft Into the
military service of the United States
such train crews and administrative of
ficials as the circumstances require for
their safe and efticlent use.
"The second and third of those recom
mendations the Congress immediately
acted on: it established the eight-hour
day as the legal basis of work and
wages In train service and it authorized
the appointment of a commission to
observe nnd report upon the practical
results, deeming these the measures
most Immediately needed;, but It post
poned action upon the other sugges
tions until an opportunity should be
offered for a more deliberate consid
eration of them. The fourth recom
mendatlon I do not deem It necessary
to renew. Tho power of the Inter
state Commerce Commission to grant
an increase of rates on tho ground re
ferred to Is Indisputably olear and a
recommendation by the Congress with
regard to such a matter might seem
to draw In question tho scope of the
Commission's authority or Its Inclina
tion to do justice when there is no
reason to doubt either.
Other ltecniiiiiieiutatloiia Renewed
"Tho other suggestions the lncreaso
in the Interstate Commerce Commts
sion's membership and in Its fa
duties for performing its man!
fold duties, tho provision for full
publto investigation and assess
ment of industrial disputes, and
the grant to the Executive of the
power to control and operate tho rail
wavs when necessary In time of war or
other like public ticcessity I now very
earnestly renew.
"The necessity for such legislation is
manifest and pressing. Those who
have entrusted us with the responsl
blllty and duty of serving and safe
guarding them in such matters would
find It hard. 1 believe, to excuse a fnll
uro to act upon these grave mattors
or nny unnecessary postponement of
action upon them.
'Not only does the Interstate Com
merce Commission now find It practi
cally Impossible, with Its present mem
bership and organisation, to perforin
Its great functions promptly and tho
roughly, but it Is not unlikely that it
may presently be found advisable to
add to its duties still others equally
heavy nnd exacting. It must first bo
perfected as an administrative Instru
ment. "The country cannot and should not
consent to remain any longer exposed
to profound industrial disturbances
for lack of additional means of arbi
tration and conciliation which the Con
gress can easily and promptly supply.
High Living Cost Issue.
Washington, D. C The high cost
of living and what steps the Federal
government can take to control it,
assumed proportions as a national
question with the convening of con
gress. The possibility that President
Wilson will deal With the subject in a
special address grew stronger, al
though it was thought probable that
the President would select a separate
occasion for it. Eleven bills, seeking
to check the soaring prices by stopping
shipments to Europe, and reducing
pontage on foodstuffs, were introduced.
No Cars; Road Must Pay.
Washington, D. C A damage ver
diet of $145,830 against the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Co., secured by the
Sonman Shaft Coal Co., of Cambria
county, Penn., of which Chairman
Vance C. McCormick, of Harrisburg,
Pa., is treasurer and a principal stock
holder, for failure or refusal to furnish
cars for shipping coal, was affirmed by
the Supreme court. Interstate Com
merce Commission findings, the Su
preme court decided in another case,
are prima facie evidence on liability
of railroads for discrimination.
And all will agree that there must be
no doubt as to the power of the Exe
cutive to make immodlate and uninter
rupted use of the railroads for the con
centration of the military forces of the
Nation wherever they are needed and
whenever they are needed.
Tills Is a programme of regulation,
prevention and administrative effi
ciency which argues Its own case In
the mere statement of It. With regard
to one of Its items, the increase In
tho efficiency of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, the House of Hep
resentatlves has already acted; its ac
tion needs only the concurrence of the
Industrial I'rocem Must Not Stop.
I would hesitate to recommend, and
I dure say the Congress would hosltate
to act upon the suggestion should 1
make It, that any man In any occupa
tion should be obliged by law to con
tinue in an employment which he de
sired to leave. To pass a law which
forbade or prevented the Individual
workman to leave his work before re
ceiving the approval of society in do
ing so would be to adopt a new prin
ciple Into our Jurisprudence which 1
take It for granted we are not prepared
to Introduce. But the proposal that the
operation of the railways of the coun
try shall not be stopped or interrupted
by the concerted action of organized
bodies of men until a public Investiga
tion shall have been Instituted which
shall make the whole question at' issue
plain for the judgment of the opinion
of the Nation Is not to propose any such
"It is based upon the very different
principle that the concerted action of
powerful bodies of men- shall not be
permitted to stop the Industrial proc
esses of the Nation, at any rate before
the Nation shall have had an oppor
tunity to acquaint Itself with the merits
of the case as between employe and
employer, time to form Its opinion
upon an impartial statement of the
merits, and opportunity to consider all
practicable means of conciliation or
arbitration. I can seo nothing in that
proposition but the justifiable safe
guarding by society of the necessary
processes of Its very life. There is
nothing arbitrary or unjust In its un
less It be arbitrarily and unjustly done.
It can and should ,be done with a full
and scrupulous regard for the Interests
and liberties of all concerned as well
as for the permanent Interests of so
clety Itself.
Three Important mils Await Senate.
"Three matters of capital Importance
await the action of the Senate which
have already been acted upon by the
House of Representatives: The bill
which seeks to extend greater froedom
of combination to those engaged In
promoting tho foreign commerce of the
country than Is now thought by some
to be legal under the terms of the
laws against monopoly; the bill amend
ing the present organic law of Porto
Itlco; and the bill proposing a more
thorough and systematic regulation of
the expenditure of money In elections.
comnionly called the corrupt practices
act. I need not labor my advice that
these measures be enacted into law.
Their urgency lies In the manifest cir
cumstances which render their adop
tion at this time not only opportune
but necessary. Even delay would Berl
ously jeopard the Interests of the coun
try and of the Government.'
"Immediate passage of the bill to
regulate the expenditure of money In
elections may seem to be less necessary
than the Immediate enactment of the
other measures to which I refer; because
at least two years will elapse 'before
another election in which Federal ofH
ces are to be filled; but it would great
ly relievo the public mind if this im
portant matter were dealt with while
the circumstances and the dangers to
tho public morals of the present method
of obtaining and spending campaign
funds stand clear under recent obser
vation and the methods of .expenditure
can be frankly studied In the light of
present experience; and a delay would
have tho further very serious disad
vantage of postponing action until an
other election was at hand and some
special object connected with it might
be thought to be In the mind of those
who urged It. Action can be taken now
with facts for guidance and without
suspicion of partisan purpose.
"I Bhall not argue at length the de
sirability of giving a freer hand in
the matter of combined and concerted
effort to those who shall undertake
the essential enterprise of building up
our export trade. That enterprise will
presently, will Immediately assume, has
Indeed already assumed, a magnitude
unprecedented in ou'r experience. We
have not the necessary Instrumentali
ties for Its prosecution; it is deemed
to be doubtful whether they could be
crented upon an adequate scale under
our present laws. We should clear
awny all legal obstacles and create a
basis of undoubted law for It which
will give freedom without permitting
unregulated license. The thing must
be done now, because the opportunity
Is hero and may escape us if we hesi
tate or delay. ,
I'orto llleo I.nw Needs Amendment.
"The argument for the proposed
amendments of the organlo law of
I'orto Kleo Is brief nnd conclusive. The
present laws governing the Island and
regulating the rights and privileges of
Its people are not just. We have cre
ated expectations of extended privi
lege which we have not satisfied. There
Is uneasiness among the people of the
Island and even a-susplclous doubt with
regard to our intentions concerning
them which the adoption of the pend
ing measure would happily remove. We
do not doubt what we wish to do In any
essential particular. We ought to do
it at once.
"There are other matters already ad
vanced to tho stage of conference be
tween the two houses of which It is
not necessary that I should spoak. Some
practicable basis of agreement con
cerning them will no doubt be found
and action taken upon them,
"Inasmuch ns this Is, gentlemen,
probably the last occasion I shall have
to address the 64th Congress, I hope
that you will permit me to say with
what genuine pleasure and satisfaction
I have co-operated with you in the
many measures of constructive policy
with which you have enriched the
legislative annals of the country. It
has been a privilege to labor in such
company. I take the liberty of con
grntulatlng you upon the completion
of a record of rare serviceablcness and
distinction. "
Inland Cities Lose Fight on Rates.
Washington, D. C. Inland cities of
the Pacific Slope lost their fight in the
Supreme court against an order of the
Interstate Commerce commission
granting lower trans-continental rail
road rates to San Francisco, Oakland,
Portland, Seattle and other Coast cit
ies. Associate Justice Brandeis an
nounced the unanimous decision of the
court dissolving an injunction against
enforcement of the order secured in
the California Federal court by the in
land cities, which contended that they
should be classed as Coast terminals.
Shevlin Estate Fixed.
St. Paul An estate valued at $3,-
189,965 was left by the late Thomas
L. Shevlin, former Yale football
player, according to a statement filed
at the capital by appraisers. The will
leaves to his widow $1,081,430, and
$824,996 each to his son and daughter.
John D. Archbold Dead.
Tarrytown, N. Y. John D. Arch
bold, president of the Standard Oil
company of New Jersey, died at his
home here early Tuesday, following an
operation for appendicitis.
I - 0 By Richard Parker
I : I ti ' i Bistd on ths drsmi of Sffl
1 JTIflPY0 V1VP RoiCorearue 1
ypi , ind Co-Author of KA
S5 Copyright, 1816, By Th. Miciuliy Company "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" SV
m 1 1
CHAPTER XIX, Continued. I
"What a delightful triangle we pre
lent!" Btreetman remarked with a
nasty smile. He adopted the poso of
forgetting the revolver In Cnptalu Red
mond's hand. And he moved, tenta
tively, to see what would happen. lie
found out quickly.
"I wouldn't move If I were you,"
Larry told him sharply.
"No?" Streetmnn Inquired with a
sarcastic smile. "Permit me to point
out that when someone enters this
"When someone does, If you say one
word, or do oue thing, I'll kill you so
help me God I will!" Larry promised
But the threat was far from alarm
ing the fellow.
"Afterward, you and the lndy will
follow me," be pointed out to his
'Terhtips!" Larry granted. "But
you'll go first. Remember that! If
(hey find me lu this uulform, I'm done
for anyhow, so I've nothing to lose.
, . . You have. You don't want to
die. You're a coward or you wouldn't
bave treated hor like that cheated,
robbed her!"
"It was a way to serve my country
and my country Is above all. For noth
ing else do I care," he announced
His hypocritical answer roused Ethel
to Ineffable scorn.
"Why, he Isn't a German!" she
scoffed. "He's a Russian In the Ger
man pay."
"A Russian, eh?" said Larry.
"What if I am?" Streetman retort
ed. "1 am loyal to Germany."
"So you're a traitor, too a traitor
to your own country!" Larry taunted
blm. "A renegade! Why, you're a dis
grace even to that uniform. You've got
a yellow streak, Strassman, and that's
what' II save us." -
The telephone sergeant stepped In
side the door, In obedience to Larry's
late command. Streetmnn was be
tween the fellow and Larry. And the
soldier did not seo Captain Redmond's
'It Is fifteen minutes" be began.
But Streetman gave him no time to flu
.Bh. "Sergeant!" he exclaimed eagerly.
"Remember, you go first!" Larry
warned blm In an undertone. And to
lie "noneom" he said, "You've tnter-
upted us, sergeant, on some Important
ousiness. There have been no mes
The sergeant saluted and retired,
"Yes, Captain Karl!" he bad said as
te turned.
"So you are Captain Karl!" Street-
man gasped. He wondered what fur-
iher revelations would take place.
"Now hand over your military pa-
pers!" Larry ordered him.
"I will not!"
"Yes, you will! A German would
rather die than betray his country to
the enemy; but you're not a German,
you dirty coward! You're not man
enough to stand up and take your
medicine. Come on!"
After that Streetman reached for his
papers. But Larry stopped blm sud
denly. He reflected that possibly the
fellow carried another revolver.
"No, on second thought, I'll get 'era
myself," be said. And he quickly ap
propriated Streetinan's treasured doc
uments. Among them he found a map
of the British iutreuehinents.
"You've marked Trench 27!" Larry
eiolulined. "What mischief have you
afoot for Trench 27?"
Streetman dived for Larry then.
But Captain Redmond was ready for
him. He threw the unhappy rascal
luto a chair. And thereupou Street-
man thought better of his lutentions,
Handing the revolver to Ethel, Larry
bade her keep their prisoner covered,
And then the resourceful Irishman pro
ceeded ta bind his captive.
"Wheu someone comes In to find me
like this, what do you think will hap
pen to you?" Streetman snarled.
"Nothing!" was the captalu's blithe
answer. "For I'll be proving with my
own Eugllsh papers I'll say I found on
you, that you're an English spy, and
that I captured you for the father-
"You dog!" the othor cried. Jle was
thoroughly alarmed now, ns he saw the
plausibility of the Irishman's ruse.
" Ti8 best you don't talk too much
cither," Larry cautioned him humor
ously. And he proceeded to gag the
helpless man. Then, to Ethel's sur
prise, no less thuu the renegade Rus
sian's, he opened the trapdoor and
dragged Streetman. whom he had tied
seated, to the chair, across the room
toward the stairs that led to the wlue
cellar. It was only a few seconds' work
to lower his victim to the botto:i of
tLe short (light. As the chair bumped
from step to step, Larry could not re-
fralu from a parting Jest. "'Tis many
a long day, I'll warrant, since you rode
In a Jaunting car, he remarked.
Little Jeanne Squares Accounts.
With the venomous Streetmau safely
disposed of, Captalu Redmond swiftly
I) ti (tied through the packet of papers
he bad filched from the fellow.
"Ah! His pass!" be exclaimed Joy
ously. And then b gave an exclama
tlou of surprise. "A copy of their or
ders!" be exulted. "The whole plau
against the British army!" Larry said
breathlessly as he scanned one of the
documents. "The crown prince Is to
march against Paris wbllt Von Kluck
is flanking us from Tournay and Le
Gateau. If they succeed, it will clear
the road to Paris. . . .' Do you see
what It means?" ha asked Ethel.
"It means everything If wt can only
1st the British know," sht answered.
"New tak his car that's outside
you most know bow to drive It," Larry
Mid. "His pass will get you through
to Tourviu,"
"Oh, Larry Come with me!"
She could not bear the thought of
leaving blm.
"The pass says 'For bearer!' 'TIs no
good for two. I'd not get twenty yards
till I was stopped . . . You must
go aloue for England!" be urged her.
"Then I've got to," she said.
"That's the brave girl!" be praised
her warmly. "And listen! At Tour
vllle go to the mayor's house. Walt
for me. Somehowiaiilght under cover
of darkness I'll manage to get there
to you, and there we'll find the English
lines together. . . . Now, hurryl"
he added. "For every second counts
for England."
There was no time even for the
shortest goodby. But Ethel took one
fleeting look Into his honest, loving
eyes. Then be opened the door for ber
and she left him.
Captain Redmond, as he turned
away from the door that shut even the
view of her departure away from him,
found that the German sergeant bad
slipped lu by means of another en
trance. ,
Larry told him there had been no
messages, and a look of vast relief
came over the gallant Irishman's face
aj he heard the cough of a motor start
ing outside. There followed the notes
of a horn, which grew rapidly faluter.
And he knew then that Ethel had
made her escape unhindered.
"Do you know which is my room?"
hi asked the sergeant.
The fellow told him; and Larry was
on the point of leaving him when Lieu
tenant Baum brought word that Major
von Brenig wished to see Captain Karl
at once.
'Any news, sergeant?" the lieuten
ant inquired, after Larry had gone.
"None, Herr Lieutenant."
"What is that?" Baum asked pres
ently. A curious, persistent tapping
caught their attention, coming, appar
ently, from beneath their feet.
"Why it is the code!" the sergeant
"What does It say?" Baum contin
The sergeant listened intently, while
he spelled out the signal.
"Help!" he Interpreted.
"Oh-r-it Is the woman spy," the lien-
tenant said contemptuously. And their
Interest ceased for the time being. But
soon the alert ear of the sergeant beard
something that startled him.
"It Is from one of our men," he de
clared, as the tapping continued. "He
has the password."
'Then open the door, quickly!" Baum
The sergeant obeyed, and, looking
down Into the cellar he cried:
"Gott in HImmel! It is Herr Captain
Strassman, bound and gagged I"
In a few moments they had released
"I was taken at a great disadvan
tage and unexpectedly attacked by an
Englishman," Streetman told them, In
response to their anxious questioning,
"Have either of you seen Captain
"He is with Major von Brenig,"
Lieutenant Baum replied.
A sinister gleam came Into Street
man's eyes. '
"Lieutenant, go to Captain Karl at
once. Say that someone Is here with
a message from Tourvllle," he said.
"And as soon as Captain Karl leaves
the room, Inform Major von Brenig
"Ths Whole Plan Against the British
Army I"
that 1 alone, single-handed, have cap
lured an English spy." Already Street
man was gloating over his intended re
prisal. Before executing bis errand Lieuten
ant Baum at Streetinan's request
handed his revolver to the spy from the
"Sergeant send for a military auto
mobile. Hare It come here at once: I
have ft little matter at Tourvllle to
atteud to. personally," Streetman said.
As he lay bound in the cellar he had
heard almost every word of Larry's
Instructions to th pseudo Madams de
"Your bands np this time!" Street
man snapped the moment Captain Red
mond stepped tuslds ths public room
of ths Lion d'Or.
Larry obeyed with lightning alac
rity. And he gased at Streetman open
mouthed. "How the devil did yon get looser
he tsked.
"You are going to die, my friend,"
the other said. He was In no mood
for footless explanations. Essentials
were all that Interested him nt the mo
ment. "Well, go ahead, and hurry!" Larry
said somewhat bitterly. It was hard
to lose, when he had come so near to
winning the game. " 'Tis not so pleas
ant standlu' here waltln' for death as
you seem to think," he told Streetman.
But his enemy was not yet ready.
"No, you' shall not die as a soldier,
but as a spy," he threatened. "I could
have shot you as you came In that
door, but I wanted to give you a
This Is a hell of a chancel" Larry
"At least your Information will
never reach the English," Streetman
Informed him. "I have sent for a mo
tor and I shall find the lady of Tour
vllle. And as you die, I want you to
take with you the thought that not
only has (hat lady"
What taunt lay upon the fellow's lips
Larry never knew. For the moment,
Captain Redmond forgot his own dan
ger as he caught sight of a" small,
light figure that crept up behind Street
man. It was Jeanne Chrlstophe but
not the quaint little Joanne whom
Charlie Brown had known. Pale, In
tense, silent, she stole up to Street-
man like some avenging fate. In ber
hand gleamed a long knife. And It
was already raised when Larry gave
a smothered shout
"Look out, Streetman! Look out be
hind you!" bs called.
But Henry Streetman only smiled
"Oh, that is an old trick!" he an
swered. "I do not take my eyes from
Something . stayed Jeanne's band
even as it lingered In the air. Perhaps
she quailed at the thought of what
she was about to do. Perhaps it was
that she paused to gloat over her vic
tim. "My God, girl! What are you do
ing? No not like that! Give him a
chance!" Larry bogged ber. But little
Jeanne did not seem to hear him.
"Very dramatic!" Streetman said
with a contemptuous curl of his Hp.
He was positive that Larry was sham
ming. And then Jeanne Chrlstophe struck.
With all ber strength she sheathed the
knife in Streetman's back.
He gave one groan and toppled for
ward upon the floor at Larry's feet
"What bave you done?" Larry cried,
horrified at the tragedy.
Little Jeanne was quite calm. She
was no longer frightened. Something
akin to an ecstasy filled her with a
strange elation. Her great eyes seemed
not to see Captain Redmond. And
with her white, pathetic face raised
heavenward she said
"He killed my father. ... A
life for n life! . . . Father, you are
Larry took one, swift look at that
figure huddled upon the floor. Street-
man had not moved.
"Hurry, girl, hurry! They'll shoot
you!" he said.
Her auiftver filled him with amaze
"No, m'sleu, they will not," she told
blm. "They will think you did It. I
was there llsteulug. He has sent a
soldier to inform them that he has cap
tured you, Captain Karl."
"And the girl did he tell him about
the girl at Tourvllle?" Larry asked
her, while a horrid fear clutched his
"No, m'sleu he did not. He had
sent for on automobile to go there. He
would attend to that matter himself."
Captain Redmond breathed a prayer
of thanksgiving. Ethel was still safe.
Jeanne Chrtophe urged him to hide.
But Larry's first thoughts were of the
little Belgian girl. Hurriedly he di
rected her to go to Tourvllle, where
Madame de Lorde would aid her. "Tell
madame not to wait for me." Larry
said, "but to go on alone." Even as
he spoke he heard footsteps. "Say I
have escaped that I went that way!"
he whispered to Jeanne, pointing down
the road lu the opposite direction'
from that In which Tourvllle lay. Then
Captain Redmond crouched behind the
counter, where Ethel had successfully
When the major and his men found
the strlckeu spy In a heap on the floor
Jeaune Chrlstophe explained that as
she came luto the room another otlicer
had pulled out a knife and stabbed
The man was not dead. As his
frlcuds bent over him he raised him
self on his elbow and tried to speak.
But he could only mutter a few dis
connected words.
"The English spy? Where did he
go?" Von Brenig asked him.
By a mighty effort Streetman man
aged to answer him.
' Tourvllle!" he said.
The German- lost no time In call
ing out the guard. They did not In
tend to let their quarry escape. Aud
they at once rushed out of the Inn
and hurried down the street.
Finding himself alone In the room.
Captain Redmond picked up the tele
phone the Instrument that Ethel bad
tried so unsuccessfully to use.
"Hello, hello! This Is Courvolsler!"
he said to the person who Immediately
answered -him In French. "They're
marching by the left fork, at mid
night!" He dropped the telephone
then. Aud he glanced at Streetman,
who lay quite still. "Trench 27 eh?"
Larry said reflectively. Already be
was altering his plans to suit the re
quirements of the occasion. Then his
hand traveled swiftly to his revolver
butt as a German soldier-chauffeur
threw open the door and saluted.
"What Is It?" Larry asked.
"An officer here ordered an auto
mobile. For whom is It?"
"An, yes It Is for me," Captain
Redmond said. He remembered then
(hat Streetmau had sent for a car,
with the intention of following Ethel.
"To Tourvllle?" the driver Inquired,
as they both turned toward the door.
"Not To the British lines!" ths
Irishman answered. He sprang Into
the car. And the driver promptly en
gaged his clutch. "Drive like helll"
Captain Redmond cried.
The chauffeur proceeded to follow
those instructions so far as his limi
tations would allow him. With muffler
wide open, they went tearing up tb
And back there In the Lion d'Or
Streetman struggled to rise. Falllug
that, he endeavored to drag himself
to the door. But be was not equal to
He Gave One Groan and Toppled For
the ordeal. He could only murmur
"Stop him! Stop him!" in ft weak
voice. And since there was none to
hear him, he soon ceased his frantic
efforts and lay quietly in the middle
of the floor.
An Interrupted Game of Cards.
While the oncoming horde of Ger
mans had been pushing their way
through Belgium, smashing forts,
burning villages, terrorizing the peace
loving inhabitants of that little coun
try, the French and English had don
what they could to prepare for th
Impending shock of the Teuton attack.
The worst of it was, the Germans
were ready, and the allies were not.
The British expeditionary force num
bered but a handful of men, compared
to the hosts from across the Rhine.
But that "thin red line of 'eroes"
only they were uniformed In khakt
now set about its superhuman task
with bulldog determination. They had
swept out as far as they dared to
meet the Invader. And then they In
trenched themselves; and there they
Tree Frog and Locust Hav Been
Called So by Some, But Observa
tion Shows Otherwise.
The folk In, the little brown house
cull the two musicians one who
makes music In, the maple tree at th
edge of the sidewalk and the other in
the apple tree behind the house "sing
ers." But this, like much of our cur
rent Information, is Incorrect snys th
Indianapolis News. They are not vocal
ists at nil, neither of them. They are
Instrumentalists. The one at th
front of the house u.rna up about mid
afternoon nnd as the sun goes down
his notes rise higher and higher until
about eight o'clock, when he censes. It
Is then that the backyard performer
begins. The performer In tho mtipl
tree Is the cicada, which Is usually and
Improperly called the locust; the one
In the upple tree Is the hyln versicolor,
Hint Is, the tree froR. Both are credited
with prophetic power; the tailless l
trnehinn is held to be u precllcter of
ruin nnd the cicada In his shrill In
sistence announces that n froit Is
coming, coining in six weeks from the
evening when he flrtt began his noc
turne. But, It must be said, that little
reliance can be placed on either of
these minor prophets. The tree frog
Is a drummer. The instrument he
thumps upon Is 1:1s own abdomen, nnd
as drumsticks he uses his own toes and
fingers. The musical apparatus of the
cicada Is nt the base of the abdomen.
He Is a fiddler not a violinist nnd he
produces his nuislc by drawing his
wings nnd legs across his handy Uttlo
fiddle. ,
With Due Allowances.
It hnppened at a little town la Ohio.
A visiting Easterner stood on th
veranda of a little hotel there wutch
Ing the sun go down In a splendor of
purple and gold.
"By george !" he exclaimed to an Im
passive native lounging against a post
"That's a gorgeous sjnset, Isn't It?"
Th native slanted kis head little
and looked at the glowing west
"Not bad," he drawled. "Not bad for
a little place like HoopvlUe."
Mad Difference.
Elsie, aged five, was sent upstair
by her mother to get washed. In few
minutes Elsie called down : "Mother,
should I wtah tot long or abort