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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1916)
The Maupin Times Publishd Eevery Friday at Maupin, Orgon, Mrs, W. L. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: On Year, $1.50. Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c Entered as ssecond class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Local Overflow Telephone Meeting The annual meeting of the tele phone company, the line coming into Maupin, will be held the sec ond Saturday in December at Vic tor to elect officers for the coming year and transact other business. A. C. Maktin, Pres., ' E. H. SNOOGHASS, SfC The supper given Wednesday night at the Miller hotel was a sumptuous rhiinkegiving feed, and a credit to any cook. Mr. R. Johnson who nttendid lhe North. Western Apple Flow at Spokane Washington, returned home Mo iduy, Permanently Located I am permanently located in my present p'ace. of business and ex pect to remain here. . I will ap preciate work brought me and will guarantee satisfaction. A. F. MARTIN, The Dance Wednesday night was a success in every' way, TUere were 58.00 worth of num bers sold. . , The lannsen-Mcfhane diillerc are working dcuble Bbift on the well being drilied for J. S. Fraley. SliatUicli's ThankBgiving show window this week arranged by Bates Shatttick is a beauty and equal to any city display. SG0 HON PACIFIC Scenery Follows the matchless Deschutes and Columbia River Gorges for i8f miles and parallels the famous Columbia River Highway a daylight ride nowhere excelled. Service Trains leave every morning on a con venient and fast schedule, connecting with the justly popular OREGON' WASHINGTON LIMITED for and fromPortland,the East and California. Equipment Strictly first-chas all-steel trains; car built especially for this service; no change of cars to and from Portland. Other itnv. rs wiiy, and liavel mid 'transportation advice gladly given by R. D. BELL, AGENT. MAUPIN Nice lot of perfumes at the Maupin Drug Store. Dolphua Mayhew came home from The Dalles for the holiday p. Formaldehyde at the Maupin Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs..Hanna of The Dalles are guests at the Gray home this week. New line of candies at the Drug Store. Mrs Jessey, a sister of Mrs. E. j Johnson, returned to her Colorado home a few days ago. These cold nights call for more bedding. See U. C. Jory before you buy. G. L. Harphan has improved his confectionery with the instalk- tion of plate glass show windows. R. C. Jory has moved his stock of blankets to Harphan's con fectionery. - Much interest was taken in the turkey shooting acrosB the river the two diiys previous to Thanks giving. 'Get your winter apples at Burt- ner's, Dufur, Ore. Best varieties, by the box, sack or wagon load at prices that will pay you to come after them." Mcs. Ralph Kaiser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Griihn and little granddaughter are here from lone this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tindal of The Dalles are visiting this week Mr. Tindall is a brother of Mrs G L. Harpan. Don't blame your clock It needs cleanina. Emmons will do it for you and guarantee it, Fraley's big blacksmith shop ie now completed and is one of the most Bpacious and neatest looking workshops in the county. Wben in Tygh Valley stop at the Sugar Bowl for mealsj confec tions, cigars aud tobacco. ' C. V. Woodruff, Prop. William Burk left Tuesday evening for Dayton Oregon to spend Thanksgiving with his family. The farmers don't seem to be satisfied unless they are t-kiniied. Give Dad Coale a chance. He buys all kinds of pell, hides, 000000000000000 000000000000000 00000000000000 0 ooooooooooooooo L B. Fox 11. T. Yates o WASCO COUNTY o ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That Protect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None In The State. Condon Building Phone Black 3691 The Dalles, Oregon I. O. O F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, '-o meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem bers always welcome. V. B. Doty, N. G. F. D. Stuart, Secretary. Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p. V. ROBERTS. Prop. Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonabl n Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or residence Maupin, Oregon Notice is hereby given that this office its application to select BERT MCCREADY under the provisions of the act of of Criterion, Oregon, who on Apr. Congress, approved July 1, 1898 Tdth inn marie Homestead Entry f 30 Stat. 597. 620.) Lot 3 See. 1, 011554, and on June 12, 1914. made ,Twp. 5 South, range 16 East W-M Any ana an persons claiming hu verselv the lands described or de- ni-2 I siring to object because of the M111- additional Homestead Entry No. 011429. for wl-2 sel-4, ei-2 swi-4 Sec. s, m-2 iiei-4, Sec 7 Pasture for cattle and . horses Plenty of straw and some bunch grass, running water in pasture 1240 acres in pasture. Call or - j .. . . write A. J. Lindley. N 10-4 tp. ,' DR. F. E. BURGESS Eye Specialist will make regular monthly visits to Maupin and Tygh Valley watch this paper for dates Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line and storage of machinery. Tygh Valley Blacksmith Shop All worn uuaraiiir Prices Right Call and see JOHN HORN, Proprietor OCt. 3, lll-i iicrj , I "6 ' J nwi-4, Sec. 8, Township 7 South, eral character of the land, or any nana tc Hast. Willamette Men- other reason, to tne aisposai 10 ay- dian has filed notice of intention plicant. should file their affidavits to make three year Proof, to estab- of protest in this office, on or be- lish claim to the land above des- fore the 23rd ot Deeemoer, wo. cribed. before F. D. Stuart, United H. Frank Woodcock, Register. States Commissioner, at Maupm, Oregon, on the 13th day of Decern- NqticE FOR PUBLICATION eri!?,!,.'r,t ompc a witnesses: (PUBLISHER) TV R. Arnilimr. Edmot.d Herslinc. Department of the Interior, P I. Kirsch all of Griterion, Ore- United States Land Office at The gon, and H. 0. 'lodd, of Shaniko,' Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 23rd, 1916. The Priscilla Club met Mrs. Mayhew this week. with Oregon. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (pubushkr) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 13, 1916, NOTICE is hereby giveu that, HUSTON DENT of Maupin, Oregon, who on Sept ember 7th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015369, for KI-2NEI-4, E1-2SE1-4, Sec. 12, Township 6 south, Range 14 East, Lot 7, ei-2- swi-4, Sec. 6, Lot 1, section 7, Township 6 south, range 15 eaRt, Willamette Meridian, has tikcl notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 23rd day of October, 1916, Claimant names as witnesses: W. E. Hunt, C E. Matthews, Clark Richardson, Ray Aubery, all of Maupin, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. skins and wool, Wamic News ! Real EsUe ' Some real bargains to be bad from the m fS) n Maupfo, Oregon H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE is hereby given mat ZELLA B. BUZAN formerly Zella B. Morrill, of Cri terion, Oregon, who on Dec. and, , TT . 1 I..-.. 191 2, maae xiomesieau uuuy 010965 and on July 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead bntry NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ( Publisher 1 . . c t. TT o T. nfflr.. at The Flalles No 035P7i for SeI-4 sWl"4. WI-2 Oregon, Oct, 28th, 1916 swl-i, Sec. 17, sei-4 sei-4, Sec. 18, . 0.-.: T L of Criterion, Oregon, who on JuK L. . rpp w prrtrf t0 7th, 1913, made Homestead Entry! . - . ,,. ,,.. 011911 and on Dec. 21, 1914, made ' . .' D stlliirt additional Homestead Entry fto. Commissioner, at J r o w ' t nc nprprnhpr. Toifi. Lots 3, 4, ei-a swl-4. Sec. 18. nei 4 nwt-d, swt -4 sei-4, Sec. 19, Tp. Claimant names as witnesses: r t t! r r 01 'T7 5 P,,. k. , j iV'- J. Buzan all of Criterion, Oregon, jlZ C. E. Matthews of MaJpin, Orel llsh claim to the, land above des erjbed, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 12th day of Decem ber, 1916 Claimant names . as. witnesses: C. G.r Skogsbufg, A. Duns, T. A. Giav. H. M. Green all of Criterion, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. gon. H. Frank Woodcock,' Register. NOTICE PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION, PORT LAND, DECEMAER 4-9 FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Sn-vwc Auto Dtflhcry Tru,k Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Lie of Automobile Aocessoriss MAUPIN. ORF.GON NATIONAL FOOD KXPOS1TION, POKILAMl NOV. 9 TO IS PACIFIC LIVESTOCK SHOW. PORTLAND DECEMBER 4 TO 9 George Crawford sold a fine fot of turkeys last week, shipping them to the Portland markets. Win Hull moved his family to his homestead last week. The Ladies Social Club called : special meeting Saturday to com plete some important business. A dance will be t'un l'ie hall Thursday night. A Cattle Growers Association was organized here last Tuendav. The deuce fog which liung 'ocr this place last week has lifted and heavy rains have been falling since Friday night. The Dramatic Club is contem plating an entertainment here some time after the Thanksgiving holli- days.. The school children are prepar ing a play to be giveit soon, . The k End brothers have been awarded tlif 'Contract for furnish, ing cement posts for the Four Corners cemetery by the Ladies Social, Club which has put the move tarward for a cement post feuee around the cemetry. County School Supt. C. A. Bon- ney and Miss. Cowgill visited this place Fiiday remaining over night Miss. Cowgill gave a hferoptieon f,"Cture, showing the prize winners at the different fairs. 320 acres $4060-160 acres plow land good house and barn and drilled well, lies on county road, 8 miles from rail road; $1000 down, balance on easy terms. 200 acres, 175 acres plow land all in crop -purchaser gets 1-3 o- II IP 1 .1 1 1 crop in neiu u soia oeiore nnrv est tor .iouuu; piow uown. iw ance terms. 3J0 acre tract. 250 acres plof land; $1000; $1000 down balance on easy terms; 10 miles from railroad. 500 nere tract, $G000, $2500 down; 300 acres of plow land, good house and barn drilled well on pluce; on county road, 15 miles from railroad. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) J Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 28th, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that John W. WilsoJt ofShaniko, Oregon, who ou Feb ruary 24th, 1913, made Homestead Entry No. 011328, for W1-2NE1-4, NEl-4Swl-4, NWI-4SE1-4, Section 22, Township 7 south, Range 15 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Orecon, on the 6th day of November, 1916, Claimant names as witnesses: J. A. Glassev, of ghaniko, Oregon, Bert K. Davis, of Maupin, Oregon, C. D. Wilson, of Shanlko,- Oregon, W. T Wilson, of ShariikO, Ofegon. H. FiatfK WootJCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (, ' ISOLATED TRACT (publisher) ,, Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, November 14, 1916. None is hereby given that, as PUBLICATION directed by. the Commissioner of the General Land ottice, un der provisions of Sec 2455, R. S,, pursuant to the application of Uhzubeth J. Rooper, benal JNO.015' 375, we W1" otter at Pl'Dllc sale 10 the highest btdder, hut at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 9:45 o'clock a. m., 011 flie 16th day or auuary, next, at this omce, the tonowiug tract of land: SRi-4SWt4, Section FOR (Publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 28th, 1916. NofiCE is hereby eiven that JOHN G. SItOGSBERG, of Criterion, Oregon, who on 'Mar, nth, 1913, made Homestead Entry oinl4. and oil July. 2nd. ,1914 mane additional Ilomestea I tintry j8, a"d NKI-4NWI-4, NI-2NEI-4,heC No. iIj(57'4.": fw seI"4, ci-2 swi-4, 9i Township 7 South", Range 18 swi-4 nei-4, aec. n, nwi-4 nei-4 gast. Willamette Meridian luon- Sec. 14, Tp. 6 South, Range 14 tabling t6o Acres). "This, tract is East, Willamette Meridian, has ordered into the market on a show- filed notice of intention to make ie tlat the greater portion thereof three year Proof, to establish claim js nionntaiiiotts or too rotlgli for to the land above described, betore cultivation." r... ,1 C-i-i "I....-- m. . .... .. , . 1- . . p . u, aiuarr unucu oiaitrs v-uiu-i The sale Win not tie Kepi open ( missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on but will be declared closed wheri the 12th day of December, 1916. those present at the hour named Claiment names as witnesses, have ceased blddldi?. The persor Fred Horuduist, H. M. Green, C. makiue the- highest bid will be re- As-Duus and Elmer Miller all of quired to immediately pay to the! Criterion. Oregon. i H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. List yoar property with us for sale or trad CLAUDE WILSON. President CENTRAL OREGON 'OWL' Saves A Day fAfaer Way PORTLAND end CENTRAL OREGON California Trii at This-Time of Year via The North Bank $if and1 Ocean Route are Idealt All Kail or Rail aud Dteatt Houtis. The Voyage via the "Twin Palaces" Exceeds Your Fondest Kxpectatations of Comfort and Pleasuie. Fares Include Meakvand Berth. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE PORTLAND TO SPOKANE AND THE FAST . , A. LOCKE, Agent MAUPINf (OREGON TRUNK RY. V CENTRAL OREGON LINE Church Notice Sunday School at 10 A. f. Preaching at 11 A. M. Song Service at 7:30 P. Mv Preaching at 8:00 Son)j Practice Tuesday evening at 7:11b1 followed by Sunday School Teachers meeting, Prayer" meeting Thursday even ing at, 7:30. These services are be-' ing well Attended by our young people and we want more to help hVi. We are solicting the help of every young person in the town for the Xnias. program and for our Sunday Scliool. VCe will have the'' organized classes in our school from now on. Help Oa-t'o imike it a standard school. We need you both old and young, K. 10. t.Bsitn Pastor, Are you using The Times liner column when you have any thing to sell or want to buy some article that your neighbor nray have or wishes to dispose, of? If not try a want ad in that column. We are sure that it will bring results. 1 Dr, F..E. ftufgess of W asco Ore, was a caller in Maupin last Fiida'y nui will make regular visi.-fto Maupin and Tygh Valley. If the other fellow cmtd not fit your watch briny it to Emmons the jemle " NOTICE OF1 WAD MEETING We, the uudefsigned kgal fetters and tax payers of Road District Xo, 36, Wasco county, Oregon, hereby give notice that on Satur day, the 2'5th day of November, I916, at 8f o'clock p. m. a meeting will be held )n the school hoiise ot school district No. 85, Wasco Co., Ore., the object of said meeting be ing to ,vote -to' levy an additional ,road tax for the improvement of the roads of said road district No 36." Lila B. Miller, T. E. Trouttnan, P. J. Kirsch,. Arrthur Bouney, Leon A. Green, D. L- RutlwYford, H. M, Green, Mrs. P, J. Kirsch, L. 13. DeCamp, ZejW Mi Bnzan, Frank Buzan Mrs. H. DeCamp; J. B. Kidder, Henry Kramer, J. H. Baxter, Cora Baxter, B. 0. Nosker,' Mrs. Dale Bonney, G. W. Miller. Dale Bouney, j, E. Miller. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior, U S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ofegon. Oct. 28th, l9i6. Notice is hereby giyen tnat DAVID B. APPLING of Criterion. Oregon, who, 011 Receiver the arriouilt thereof. Any persons clairfiitlg adversely the above-described Wild are advis--ed,to file their claims, or objections ion or before tile time designated for sale. np L- A. BdoTH, Receiver. NOTICE FO& PUBLICATION (PUBUSPItJi) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Tune 4th, iqiv made Homestead Oregon. October Zdt. 1016. Entry 01 1763 and ou July 2nd, notice is hereby given that 1914, maae additional nomesteaa Eutry Not. of&f, for sei-4 sei-4, Sec 3I, swi-4, wl-2 sei-4, swi-4 nwi-4, Section 52V Tp. 6 bouth, Rapge 15 East, Willamette Men dian, has filed ntice of intention to make' three year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above des' cribed, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Maupin BEN H. GABEL of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on Nov; 22nd, 19H, rHade Homestead En try 09697 and oil May 1'2'th, 1915, made additional Homestead Entry, No. 014580; for si-2 nwi-4, ni-i .swi-4, SWI-4 swi-4, Sec. 32, Tp. 5 S., K; 13 W.,. Xv'OtS 3, 4, SWI-4- uwi-i Sec. A Tp'. 6 South, Range CluhbiM Rates With OREGONIAM , MAUPIN TIMES Wanted Weekly News' - letters from each section of Southern Wasco County natires as witnesses: P J Knseh, J. E, Miller,- W. M Suelson and Edniond Herrling all fof Criterion, Oregon. H; FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register, oihi "'"- . - ,3 East, Willamette Meridian, has Oregoh on the (jth day of Decern- ucr, 1910. Claimant NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S. Land' Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 23rd, 1916. NOTICE is hereby Riven that EfcB L. KISOR, of Shaniko, Oregon, who,- on Sept. 24th, 1912, made Homestead tntiy No. 0107S1. for rti-2 nei-4!, 111-2 nwi-4, section s, ip. 0 souin, Range 17 East, Willamette Meri dian, has filed notice of uiteuuon to make three year Proof, to estab. lisli claim to the land above describ ed, before H. C. Rooper, United States Commissioner- at Antelope,' Orexon, ou the 4th day of Decem ber 19 1 6.- Claimant names as witnesses: Lou S. Baker, ofShaniko, Oregon, William C. Guytori, William H. Hclyer and Johu 0. Adams all of Kent,- Oregon. . H. FRANK WOODCOCK, up " ' " Register. NOTICE f6r publication (Publisher). Department of the Interior U S. Land Ofee tti The Dalles, Oregon,. Oct 24, 191. N'otfCe is hereby given that tAl'RA J. MORGAN, of Shaniko, Oregon, who, ou July 15th, I$3, made Homestead Entry No. 011892", for sei-4 nei-4, ni.2 sei-4, nei-4 swi-4 Sec. 10, Tp. 7 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three year Proof, to Establish ClainV to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, ot Maupin, Oregon, on the ;th day of December 6'. Claimant , mimes as"" witnesses: Evven McLeuunn. tames Glas- sey, Horace Tomlinson, of Shaniko, Oregon, and Edward C- Wilson of Corbett, Oregon H. Frank W'obddock, . Register. three year proof, to establish claim' to the land above described; before F. D; Stdart United' States Com-missionef1,- at Maupin,- Oregon, on' the 6th day of Decehiber, 1916. Claintant names as witnessesf Emil Hachler, Charles Gabel, H. I? tJW,Voi r.A PKJ alt of Wapinitia, Oregon, H( FftANK WOOCOCK, p' Regiser. NOTICE FOR ; PUBLICATION' ' (Publishct) . Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct, 30th, 1916. (1675) The Dalles' 327 List No 0115G87 tJOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION' U. S, Laud Office at the Dalles, Ore eon. November 6, roi6,' Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Com pany, whose post office addres is St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 6th day of November, I916; filed in COPY Of NdffCE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL NOTICE1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School Dis trict No. 84, of Wasco County, State pi Oregon; that a Special, School Meeting of said District wilf be held at the Sehoolhouse on the 24th day of November, 1916, atF two o'clock in the afternoon, to' voir on the propoM'ion of levying a' special- District Tax. The purposes for which the mon. ey to be raised by this levy shall be expended, are shown by the following itemized budget, which is hereby made s part of this notice Teachers Salaries : $1850.00.' New schbolhbtrse and' oth- r '; er Impmt iso.oo' Janitor1 - 160.00' Furniture 200.00 ramting- new scuooinouse 40.00 fuel' , 50.00' To take up outstanding wa rants aud' pay iuterest on sanie 1250.00 ' , , : , 4OOO.OO1 Dated this 24th day of October,' 1916, . - . Attest: Petkr Kilburg, L. D. Kelt,y, Chairmau Bbatd of Direstorsi-