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A., and get an Illustrated Bulletin giving the com- -plete details of COST, TIME and CONDITIONS SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everdinj- house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKH1TE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon Irrigation Systems Pipe, Flume; Pumps, Gates, Weirs, Tanks, Troughs, Silos. We spe cialize on Irrigation and Drainage Work- A. L GAGE & SON 303 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Ore. i Granulated Eyelids, 3(ri5 Eyes inflamed by expo. v sure to Sun, Dns! and Wind quickly relieved by Murine W VRS EyeUemedy. No Smarting. 4 just Eye Comfort. At Vour Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve inTubes 2 Sc. For Beok el Ihe Eye Freeaslc Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicayo QorQQ Every Niqht For Constipation: Heidachejndiclestion.eta IRANDRETH PILL: Safe and Sure "'"""TrfT Not at All Likely. "Do you think the widow of the man who was lynched will win her damage suit against the mob? "I reckon not," replied Mr. Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge, Ark, "When a lady loses the kind of a husband that a mob would nacherly lynch she hasn't lost anything. And when a gang of prominent citizens take time from their own business to lynch a cuss just b'cuz he needs it, it hain't reasonable to expect 'em to pay for the privilege of doing the community a favor. That's the gen- er'l sediment of the voters in this neck of the woods, and I reckon the Jury, being mostly candidates for something now or in the future, will promptly decide to make It unani mous." Kansas City Star. A Man of Letters. "Nearly everybody has some distin guishing designation that permits him to attach a series of letters to his name." "Yes," replied Farmer Corntossel, "I muBt say I approve of It. I never got any regular degree, but it's a heap of satisfaction to me to see R U on the mail Bent to my address." Washington Star. Smartness. "Boys are a great deal smarter than when I was young," said Mr. urow Cher. "What makes you think so?" "They manage to get away with 'so many things that would have earned my brothers and me a fine whipping." Washington Star. Not Free. "Is this a free translation?" asked a customer In the book store. "No sir." replied the clerk. "It will cost you a dollar fifty." Boston Tran script. Mutual Dread. She I am bo afraid of bats getting In my head. He Yes; that's the worst of going on one. Baltimore American. LOYALTY TO YOUR STOMACH Is the first essential to continued good health when help is needed for THE THE THE THE APPETITE STOMACH LIVER OR BOWELS TRY O HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters 1 Under Fire (8 ' . Copyright, 1910, By The Macaulaty Coinpsny ' SYNOPSIS. 12 The chief characters are Ethel Wil loughby, Henry Streetman and Capt. Larry Redmond. The minor characters are Sir George WagstafT of the British admiralty and Charles Brown, a New York newspaper correspondent. Ethel, a resident of Sir George's household, secretly married to Streetman, a German spy, though she did not know him as such. Captain Redmond, her old lover, returns to England after long absence. From him she learns the truth about Streetman; furthermore, that he has betrayed her simply to learn naval se crets. The European war breaks out. Ethel prepares to accompany Streetman to Brussels as a German spy in order to get revenge and serve England. Captain Redmond, Ethel and Charlie Brown turn up at a Belgian inn as the German army comes. She is Madame de Lorde. She begins to work with a French spy. The Germans appear at the Inn. Madame de Lorde shows a German Becret service medal and convinces the Invaders that she is a German spy. Charlie Brown barely es capes execution. CHAPTER XVI Continued. "Quite so!" the major agreed, "par ticularly as I like Americans. . . . Aud I would not wish to see any of them come to harm," he added sig nlQcuntly. In his rply there was more than a hint that behind his urbanity and seem ing good nature there lay an Immeasur able capacity for the stern duties of a German patriot, who would unhesitat ingly kill any who might stand in the path of victory. "Again 1 get you," Mr. Brown said 'But what are you going to do with me; 'I shall give you a pass through our linos that will take you safely back to Brussels." Charlie heard him with dismay. "But I want to go to the front," he protested. You have surprised a certain move ment of the German army," the major pointed out to him. "It is best you go to Brussels." Some objection had already leaped to Charlie's lips when the door from the street was thrown open and a uni formed man an officer pushed across the threshold. Advancing into the room he exclaimed as he saluted: "Ah, my dear major!" Both officers clicked their heels to gether. And as he returned the salute Major von Brenig told the other that he bad been expecting him. Charlie Brown had started at the sight of the new arrival. And now he moved nearer to the man. "By George, it's old Streetman!" be cried. "I beg your pardon who is this man?" the arrogant Streetman (he was now Strassman) asked the major. Charles Brown, a Journalist from the United States," Major von Brenig explained. Henry Streetman remembered Charlie then. "Oh, yesl I recall him," he said dis agreeably. "What le he doing with us?" "We found him staying here," the major told bim. "My men nearly shot him as an English spy." "It seems almost a pity they didn't," Streetman observed, with a dark look at the newspaper man. "He may be in our way," he eald. Mr. Brown thought it about time to resent Streetman's Insolence. "Really, didn't I meet you in Russia some years ago he Inquired. Streetman eyed him coolly. "No, never!" he snapped. "I have never been In Russia." "Haven't you?" Charlie exclaimed "What le He Doing With Us?" with One show of Innocence. "Why I've heard" "You'd best keep what you've heard to yourself," Streetman Interrupted him. He stepped close to Charlie so that the major could not hear what he said. And he scowled at the American like the heavy villain of some melo drama. But Mr. Brown paid scant heed to the menace In the fellow's eyes. Some how, be felt that be had established fairly cordial relations with -the major Streetman's euperior officer. Ahd be did not believe that it lay within the ipy'l power to Injure him greatly. At the warning the fellow half whispered to bim Charlie merely smiled. "Tklnk so?" he taunted the threat enlng Streetman. "Tee! Remember now you are in side oar lines." And drawing the ma (or to one aide, Streetman said "lit Jor, what shall we do with him?" "Send bim back to Brussels," Ton Brenig told bim. "Perhaps we can Dud a better fate (or bim than that . . . If he safe here?" Henry Streetman remembered I that the American had shown plainly enough that afternoon at the house of Sir George Wagstaff that he was in sympathy with the enemies of Ger many. And now had come an oppor tunity to make the fellow pay for his animosity. "He is quite safe," von Brenig said. And turning to the sergeant he ordered him to remove the American to au ad joining room. Sergeant Schmidt at once proceeded to carry out instructions. And seizing one of Mr. Brown's ears in a firm grip he starred him out of the room. "You will remain here temporarily as my guest," the major explained. "But I should not advise you to at tempt to leave." "Listen, blondy " Mr. Brown ad jured his evil genius for so the enthu siastic sergeant appeared to him "con fidentially, because I know you won't repeat It, if the French army misses you I'll never forgive them." CHAPTER XVII. A Wall and a Firing Squad. As the door closed behind the Ber- gennt and his prey, Streetman turned to Major von Brenig. "The damned Americans, we shall have trouble with them yet," he as serted. "I hope not. They are not a bad peo ple," the more moderate major replied "Oh, major have my English clothes my civilian clothes arrived from Berlin?" Streetman asked. "Yes. They are upstairs with my kit." "Good! Then I can start tonight for tne British trendies," the spy ex claimed. The older man looked at him some what dubiously. "You think then that your plan to be captured by the English will suc ceed?" "It must succeed. This is a map of their positions." He drew a paper from his breast pocket and unfolded It. "The very keystone to their entrenchments!" he exulted. "It will be here ut trench 27" Streetman made a mark upon the map "It will be here that I shall be found," he said. "Trench 27!" von Brenig repeated. "Yes! I shall be skulking around and be taken prisoner. Then I shall give the English false Information about a surprise attack that will en able you to break through their lines and smash them!" "Splendid! Splendid!" Ton Brenig cried. "By the way " he added, as an Important detail came into his mind- a man arrived here this afternoon from the Wllhelmstrasse on a special mission." "Yes? Who is he?" "A Captain Karl!" Major Ton Brenig said. "You know him?" "No! And I must meet him." "You don't suspect" "No, no!" Streetman assured him At the Wllhelmstrasse few of us know one another; still we cannot be too careful." "He dines with us," the major ex plained. And then we shall look him over," Streetman said with satisfactlou, Auf wledersehen!" And Major von Brenig went to his room, congratulat ing himself the while upon the fact that he had so resourceful an assistant in that able young officer from the Wll helmstrasse. Henry Streetman lighted a cigarette, tossing the still blazing match into the fireplace. And he had not waited long before Henri Chrlstophe appeared. "Major von Brenig wishes to dine at once," the spy told him. "How soon can you be ready?" "In fifteen minutes, m'sleu." "Good! There will be three of us Major von Brenig, myself and Captain Karl." Yes, m'sleu." Henri had already turned to hurry back to the kitchen when a bright blaze in the fireplace met his astonished eyes. It was en tirely too warm an afternoon for a fire. Only a madman would have built one. Why, what is that?" he exclaimed. "I lit a cigarette," Streetman said, "I threw my match there." And to one of the soldiers be added, "Put It out at once! The man Otto hurried to the fire place. "Yes, yes, m'sleu! It le nothing! Only some tree branches It can do no barm," the innkeeper protested. In the meantime Otto had extin guished th blaze. He bad crawled bodily Inside the great opening of the fireplace, to make sure that be did bis work thoroughly. And now be emerged, sooty but triumphant, hearing some contrivance la his arms. "Here is a telephone!" be announced proudly. "What!" Streetman exclaimed. And be hastened to examine the find. "Oh, bol What's this?" be asked. Henri Chrlstophe was no less sur prised than the others. He took the in strument from Otto and turned It over curiously. "Why, m'sleu it is a telephone," be said with an air of the utmost mystifi cation. "I know, I know but what Is It do ing there?" Streetmsn asked Imperi ously. "I do not know, m'sleu," Chrlstophe stammered. In a Sash be saw that things looked very black for himself. "Why did you bide It J" Already Streetman bad found him guilty. "I did not bide it, m'sleu!" An Inspiration seized Streetman then. And be took the telephone Into bis ewn bands. "Who are you?" he asked In French, speaking directly Into the transmitter, The fellow received an Immediate reply. Aud be said to his men in the next breath, "It was a Frenchman whs spoke! That telephone leads to the "IT French. It Is the work of a spy." Anil then Streetman ordered Otto's comrade Hans to ask Major von Brenig to re turn. roor Henri Chrlstophe forgot all about his simple menu. He stood there, crestfallen. The whole affair was too much for his befogged brain. You were warned against any at tempt to communicate with the en emy," Streetman sai I never saw that telephone before," Chrlstophe declared. "Don't lie to me! You put It there!" "I swear to you " The innkeeper held both his hands aloft as he pro claimed his innocence. lint his pro testations had no effect upon the lu- dignant Streetman. The man seemed absolutely relentless, inhuman. "You are either u French spy or har boring a spy under your roof," he told Chrlstophe. "It Is an act of enmity to us. You must pay the penalty at once." "On my honor I have done nothing absolutely nothing!" Henri Chrlstophe cried. Even In that moment his thoughts were upon his daughter Jeanne rather than upon himself. He was afraid for her. 'Our proclamations have . told yon what to expect," Streetman snarled, 'It will he a good warning to the oth ers, lie atiuou grimly. The Belgian Innkeeper stared at him as if in a trance. Before God, I am Innocent!" he as serted. The callous Streetman paid not the slightest need to uis denials. In a most brisk and businesslike manner he com manded the corporal to call In the guard and make ready a tiring squad "agninst the wall outside," he said. Then little Jeanne Chrlstophe opened one of the doors timidly. Some errand had necessitated her entering the room, And when she saw her father's ashen face it needed little Intuition to tell bet that there was some tragedy impend ing. With a low cry she sprung to her father's side. "My father my father what Is it?" she asked him. "h Is a spy," Streetman said con temptuously. "Nou, lion, m'sleu!" she cried. "Wait! . . . Come here!" he or dered her roughly. And Henri Chrls tophe whispered to her to obey. "You have seen that telephone before?" Streetman Inquired. Already the cor poral unci returned with four men, bearing rifles. "No, no! Never in all my life!" the girl walled. "Your father hid it there," he In sisted. 4 "Nou, non, m'sleu!" she said with all the vehemence she could muster. "Enough of talking!" Streetman said with a cruel glance at her white face, "Take him out!" he ordered the cor poral, I1 or one brief moment father and daughter clasped each other in a last embrace. It is the end, my little Jeanne Good-by! Pray for me!" Henri Chrls tophe said brokenly. And in that In stant a new dignity came to hiin a dignity such as must have clothed the ancient martyrs, or that later tragic figure, for whom his own daughter was named Jeanne d'Arc when the su prome summons overtook them. "It is all over, ma petite," he repeated. And then he drew himself up to his fullest height and look d at his unyielding Judge unflinchingly. "I am Innocent m'sleu!" he said. , . . Those were the last words that Henr Chrlstophe spoke. Henry Streetman made a gesture of Impatience. The scene bored him Jeanne Chrlstophe burst Into a wild torrent of words. Alternately she ad dressed Streetman and her father. No, no, no!" she shrieked, as if she could not have that frightful thing- that monstrosity happen. "Oh, m'sleu For the love of God! . . . My fa ther ... I pray you. . . . No, not He Is my father. ... I love thee, I love thee!" she sobbed. , "Oh, m'sleu I beg you " "Take bliu out!" That was Street- man's only auswer. Little Jeanne would not leave her fa ther's side. As they dragged Hour Chrlstophe from the room she still clung to him. And still she shrieked: "tor the love of God! No, no! Oh, papa, oh, papa! I love thee. . . Major von Brenig looked inquiringly at his colleague from the Wllhelui strasse. "You wanted me, captain?" be asked "The proprietor here Is a spy," Street- man said. "Chrlstophe a spy? Are you sure? -Aosoiureiy surer' streetman re piled. "This telephone lends to the French. And I have scttlod the affair, Even as he spoke a scream from out side reached their cars a woman' scream. And immediately there fol lowed the sound of a volley. Major von Breulg turned hie head and listened. "Ah, mon perc!" It was Jeanne Chrlstophe sobbing. Already she had flung herself upon her father's riddled body. Major von Breulg cast a reproving glance at bis naughty fellow officer. "Good God eo soon? Without In vestlgatlon?" he exclaimed. "What he were innocent?" But Streetnmn bud no misgivings. "Ah! It will be a lesson to these others," he said carelessly. In the adjoining room Charlie Brown and the German sergeant bad beard those shots. And now they burst upon the two officers in great excltemeut "What happened? Is It the Fre-ach7" Charlie called. - ii is nnisnea we aemnea spy Streetman rejoined. "What's happened?" Charlie asked again. -A matter of war," the major told By Richard Parker Baaed on tha drami of Roi Cooper Megrue Author of "UNDER COVER" and Co-Author of PAYS TO ADVERTISE" m briefly "that is not on my con science." He was far from approving of Streetman's hasty action. "The execution of a spy!" Streetman interposed. Aud the words were hard- out of his mouth before several pri- ates squeezed through the entrance to I lie kecperlcss inn. There were two files; tuid between them they bore a tretcher, upon which there lay sonie- ling coveted with a sheet. A little distance behind the gruesome proces sion Jeanne Chrlstophe followed sob bing. One glance told Charlie Brown what rested upon that stretcher that it was the body of someone who but a few moments before had stood there in the uniting sunlight of the summer after noon and faced the firing squad. Out f respect he removed his hat. He id not know who the unfortunate might have been. Hut nevertheless he as profoundly shocked. "l'oor devil, I'ui sorry for bim whoever he was!" he said. Major von Brenig drew a paper from a pocket of his coat. 'Here is your pass," ho told the American as lie hauded hiin the doeu- ncnt. "We have decided Unit you shall o to Brussels," he added. The major appeared to bo in something of a "Against the Wall Outside," He Said, hurry to speed the parting guest. He was, as a matter of fact, disturbed that the unfortunate execution had taken place under the very nose of a New York newspaper man. And now he wished to hasten Mr. Brown upon his way before he had further opportunity to pry into the detail of the tragedy, But as I told you " Charlie Brown begun, taking the puss from the officer, "us I told you, I want to" "It is not a matter for argument," Major von Brenig said sillily, "And you had best start at ones," Streetman added. Charlie Brown saw that his aspira tions to proceed back of the German lines were doomed. And now he ac cepted the situation as cheerfully as he could. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Persian Easy to Learn. A new interest in Persia which the war has awakened muy tempt some of us to become ucquulntcd with the lan guage of the country. We need not be ufrnld of making the attempt, for Per sian shares with English the reputa tlon of being a singularly easy lan guage to leurn, the chief trouble being that it is written In Ihe Arabic char acters. It had, however, at one time three numbers und eight cases, and the Avestu, the chief book of I ho Zorous- trlans, is only to be understood by the ripe scholar. But uiodoru Persian has no cases, no declensions and uo gen dc-rs, und may therefore, be moHtered without tears und without ihe uppll- cutlou of wet towels to the head. Sympathy With Nature. Tls an evidence of how directly we are reluted to Nature, that we more or less sympathize with the weather and tuke on the color of the day, Goethe said he worked easiest on high barometer. Olio Is like a chim ney thut draws well some duys and won't draw at all on others, and the secret Is mainly In the condition the atmosphere. Anything positive and decided with the wcRther Is a good omen. A pouring rnln may be more auspicious than a sleeping sunshine. When the stove draws well the fogs and fumes will leuve your mind. Job Burroughs. Guaranteed Harmless. The old bachelor was dining at the home of a newly married friend. "Have a piece of this cake, Mr. Old bach?" said the fair hostess. "I made It myself." "No, thank you," rejoined the guest, "I er seldom eat cake." "Oh, you needn't be afruld of it, old man," said his friend the host. tried a piece of it on a tramp this morning and it never even made him sick." War's Inconveniences. New Zealand Is experiencing shortage of drugs, some of which have advanced in price 1.00U per cent Another example of uiipreparednsss Is a woman with a baby and atsgU Wrr J) !e,i.fs . safety iilu. W. L. 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Douglas shoes. Tf he en uot supply yon with the kind you want, take no other make, write for Interesting; booklet explaining how to get shoe, of the highest standard of quality for the price. Dj return iuhii, postage iree. LOOK FOR W. U Douglas name and the retail pries atamped on the bottom. TREES SHIPPED ANYWHEREFREIGHT PAID Smalt orders as well aa big. Ornamentals, Fruit Trees, Etc. Hardy and sruaranteed. Largest Nursery between Rockies and Cascades. 14th Year. 15,000 Orders Last Year. "sWr WASHINGTON NURSERY CO..... Mexican Army Promotions. For three hours the American con sul in a Mexican town had been Bit ting in the hotel dining room. At length the proprietor came to him. Pardon, sir, he said, with a low bow, "were you waiting for anything." Yes," replied the consul. "Yester day I told Ferdinand, your head wait er, that I would dine here at 6 o'clock. It's 9 o'clock and he hasn't appeared yet." Ferdinand joined the army early today," the proprietor informed him. If the senor" 'Gone, has he. The scoundrel! Why didn't he let me know he was going?" "More respect, please, slgnor, pro tested the Mexican, with dignity. Ferdinand has won steady promo tion and 1b now a general." Philadel phia PresB. Pensions for Re-married Widows. ' The remarried widows (if now a widow) of Givtl War Union soldiers, sailors and marines may now secure pension on tne service of Die first (Civil War) husband. Fee fixed by law and contingent upon success. Over 35 years experience. Taber s Whitman Co., Washington, D. C. Tell-Tale Parrot. They were sitting close together in the parlor. He I gave you that parrot as a birthday present, did I not, Matilda? She Yes, but surely, Albert, you are not going to speak of your gifts as It- He It was young and could not speak at the time? She Yes, and It has never been out of this parlor. He There are no other young la dies In this house? She No, there are not. He Then why why, when I kissed your photograph in the album while waiting for you did that wretched bird imitate your voice aud say: "Don't do that, Charlie; please don't?" Balti more American. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. ihey regulate liver and bowels. Flattery. Hello, George! I was just talking about you with Miss Van Peach. She said some very flattering things about you." 'She's a dear, sweet girl, and she thinks a lot of me more than 1 really deserve, I'm sure. What did she say?" T hate to tell you; I m afraid it will make you awfully conceited." "Oh, come on. Be a good fellow." "Well, if you insist. She said alio thought you were half-witted." As the Colonel Sees It. Hot weather note from tho Louis vlllo Courier-Journal: "Physicians say tho present hot spell is not causing many prostrations because ' persons have become accll mated. It is said that the only real objection to the Infernal regions is that life there is painful until one gets acclimated." Scientific Absorption. "What have you there, professor?" "A tube full of deadly germs." "I hope you are not thinking of let ting them out." "No, Indeed. I've been experiment ing with these germs bo long that I feel attached to each one." Birming ham Age-Ileruld. Candid Answer. "As everything belongs to the ani mal kingdom, can you tell mo, Willie, what I am?" "Oh, yes'm. You're a cat; ma says so." Baltimore American. DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM How many people, crippled and lame- from rheumatism, owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment! It is the exact combination of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as contained in that has made Scott's famous for relieving rheuma tism when other treatments have utterly failed. If you are a rheumatjsm sufferer, or feel its first symptoms, start on Scoff' Emulsion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Scott A Bowne, Bloomfi.U, N. J. is- Colds Coughs Catarrh It is of (Treat value when ally checking it and overcoming it in a few days. Ample evidence has proved that it is even of more value in over coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, enabling the diseased membranes to perform their natural functions, and toning up the entire system. ihe experience or mousanu is a saie guiae to wnac ic may oe ex pected to do for you. Liquid or tablets doui tested THE PERUNA COMPANY. r - - y 1 8FWAWE 0?"t J X J tt 7,.fl D CI vkS Best in the Werlc o nn to en a eonn President U W. T,. Douglas Shoe Co., Brockton, Mass. m esinol heals babies' skin troubles Reslnol Ointment and Rcsinol Soap have bus recommended by physicians and nurses for maay years in the treatment of infantile ecxema, teethinc mh.channf, etc. Theyconuianothlnswhichcould pnuibly injure or irritate the tenderest skin. Sold Wall druggista. RtsitvlSwf for laty's iatkttndt tQjrtviitt sktHrmiiltt, Its Likeness. "I suppose you couldn't tell me why a banana is like a wedding guest?" "Oh, yes, I can. It is always ready to throw the slipper when the paring Comes off." Baltimore American. A Painless Argument. "Why do you insist of reviving the Shakespearean-Bacon controversy ?" "It relieves my present cares. Neither of them is running for office." Washington Star. The Latest. Will Wilson take that cottage At Long Branch next season? No. At least we hear he is after A Villa In Mexico. Boston Transcript SUDDEN DEATH Caused by Disease of the Kidnejt. The olose connection which exist between the heart and the kidney is well known nowadays. As soon aa kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and tiie heart functions ara attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremia poisoning occurs and the person dieB, and tbj cause is often given as heart disease, or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such s risk to send 10 cents for a sample package of "Anr.ric" the latest dis covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send s sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic- pains here or thero, or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, it' time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion without chargt) absolutely freo. This I "Amino" of Doctor l'iercc'a is found to be 37 times more active than lithia, for it dissolves uric acid in tha system as hot water docs sugar. Simply nfk for Dr. Pierce a Anuno Tablets. Theru can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric" is sure to be Dr. Pieroe's. You will find the signa ture on the package juot aa you do on Dr. Pierce's Ooldeu Medical Discovery or blood and etomach. WORRY, DESPONDENCY, Kidney Disease Is suspnetod by medical men when patients complain of backache r sulfur with irregular urination, dis turbed, too frequent, scanty or painful passiiga. Tho general symptoms arorheu aialic pain3 or neuralgia, headaches, 3i.CT spells, Irritability, despondency, weakness and general misery. Worry is a frequent causo and sometimes a symptom of kidney disease. 'Thousands huvo testified to Immediate rollef from those symptoms a(U:r udiig lis, l'lurco'l Cntcrlc 'i'abluU. Pi N. U, No. 48, 1013 Ha A trinity of evils, closely allied, tHat afflict most people, and which follow one on the other, in the order naTed, until the last one is spread through the system, leading to many evils. But their course can be checked. PERUNA CONQUERS used promptly for a cold, usu Dy tne puouc anu approved. .... COLUMBUS, OHIO