FIN TSM Devoted tp the Interests of Southern Wasco County O O O o o o s o o o o o o VOL 3, NO. 7 Outside Mention C. A. Sjron, If. M,'-Driver, J. E. Woodcock and H. E. Driver are Wamic residents visiting in The Dallei today. L. B. Kelly of Maupin, K. l. Hauserand Pierce Mays of Tygb Valley went to: Portland yesterday pn business. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome uzan of Bakeoven were viiitpra in The Palles today. Thos. Fargher, Jr., of Maupin b transacting buBinees here. H. E. Woodcock is a Wamic resident visiting in this city. B. L. Foreman of Wapinitia is a local business visitor. r-Dalles Chronicle Nov. 18. The Harvey ranch, three miles west of Bakeoven, was Bold to J. W. Hoech cashier of the Eastern Oregon Banking company,- for 12,000, says a Shaniko dispatch to the Oregonian, Besides 640 pores of land there are eleven Thanksgiving' i Is Not Complete without i well filled table' Now is th$ time to make your selection of good thing's to eat at the right price. A full line of every thing' that delights the palate. Favor me with your holiday order LAKE'S CASH STORE For Service RflAUPIN BMP a To Reduce Our tftocK We Will Offer Hood River Yellow New town and Spitzenburg Apples at 85c per box SHATTUCIt BROS, hor.ees, 500, bushels of, grain, two cows, three wagons, a small car, hogs, chickens, canned fruit and other . chattels included in the transaction. One hundred and fifty acres have been reseeded for spring wheat. W. R. Smith of Bend has rented the place. F. M,. Confer of Maupin return ed bome today after spending a short time in this city ou business. Chronicle, Nov. 20. Telephone Meeting "The annual meeting of the tele phone company, the line coming injo, Maupin., will be held the sec ond Saturday in December at Vic tor to elect officers for the coming year and transact other business. A. C. Martin, Pres., E. II. Ssodgrass, Sec. The Priscilla Club met Mrs. Mayhew this week. with and Prices STAT m It'll o o o o o o o o o o o o o o MAUPm, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24 1916 Hotel Arrivals W. Bf Heath, Glen D. Hart, Ed Secord, Arch Wocdard, B. Shattuck, V. O, Miller, New York, W. L. Webb, Portland; P. D. Brace, Seattle; Mrs. W. A. Bryant, Los Angeles; Chas. C. Martin, Germany; W. T. X Tear, Port lad; Mrs. F. Vanderpool, Dufur; Pearl Thompson, Tygh Valley; D. Conley, 'Tygh Valley; Percy Thompson, Tygh Valley; O. B. Murray, Boyd; T. ' C. Lovvry, The Des; Thos. Carter, Podenk; V. B. Snow, Portland; Rollo F. Arley Portand; Arthur Fargher, C. A, Bracken, Portland; J. M. Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. Nosker, Criterion; C. C. Carter, Portland; K. K. Walker, Grass Valley; J. R. Wat kins, F. M. Kennedy, Portland; C. J. Liyiugston, J. H. Hollister, W. if. Sneison, D. B Appling, S. M. Woodard, Kennedy, Portland ; Frank C. Corray, The Dalles; E. D. Cook, Olympia; O. W. Zoellell, Portland; F. J. Richards, Portland; R. p. Maxon, The Dalies; A. C. Werdell, Portland; I,. Miller,. St. Louis; M. C. Hollowman, Regld W. Hastings, Portland; J. G. Kel pack, A. D. Wabry, andW. Gocey Portland; A. E. Tro,utman and wife, Macpin; G. XX. Rice, W. S. Brown, Ed Davis, O. S. Walters, J. M. Glass, Frank Price, and J P. Olson, Wapinitia; I. N. Lwdce, Antelope; H. B. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. J. Singer and daughter, Shaniko; J. C. French, Dufur; W. L. Leighton, Portland. Local Items Little Etitel Stovall had n seri qus fall a week ago while swing ing betwfpu two counters in the drug store. His hold loosened, letting him Bkid his noe on the floor till the skin was removed. His father immediately treated the wound and the little fellow looks little the worse for the ex perience. A party from Portland driving with poor lights Saturday night met a team aboiit five miles this side of Shaniko, and in passing them went over the edge of an em bankment, the car turning turtle, pinning the two men underneath. The parties with the team raised the car and released the victims who were unhurt except for a few (cratches. The car was not ma terially injured except for top and windshield which did not add to its appearance on arrival here a little later. The Maupin Ti.nes Is taking over the equipment of the Lyle Washingtonian, an almost now printing plant valued at $10C0. When this is installed the TimeB Will be the best equipped printing establishment between The Dalles and Bend. This will enable us to get out a better newswaper and make it possible to produce a su perior cbiss of printing than we have yet produced in Maupin, A. R. ChHse and Mr. Marice who are working in the interest of the boys' and girls' industrial clul. work gave a stereopticon lecture in the school house Wednesday night which was well worth the time spent. J. V. Derthick has taken a homestead near Criterion. i Maupin Drug We figure the best is none too cood. so e buy only the When in Maupin make yourself at home at the ft i SENT IN BY OUR Wapinitia Items B. L. Foreman and N, W. Flinn went to The Dalles Friday return ing Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bargee made a trip to Maupin Saturday nighty to see. Mrs. Barzee's mother, Mrs. Harphan who is very sick. Mrs. Nannie Delco who has been here with her sick mother the past month returned to her home in The Dalles Saturday. Dee Wright made a trjp out to Prineville last week returning Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove from Dufur arrived here Wednesday and are vit-iting at the home of Jackson Rice. Mrs. Lovegrove is a sister of Mrs. Rice. Ralph Dodgo who has been at Hood River the past Summer, re turned to his home here Thursday. Johnie Delco moved his family from Maupin to this burg last week. . Mr. and Mrs, Ora Maynard who were married in The Dalles last week arrived home Wednesday evening. About thirty - five of their friends with Mack Hollaman as captain gathered there about eleven o'clock that night to wel come them home, and from the amount of noise they made, we think they succeeded well. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard were prepared for the occasion and invited them in and a splendid treat was served. The crowd stayed till about two o'clock playing games. Quite a number of C. E. workers here are planning on going tq The Dalles Saturday' to attend a C. E. Convention which will be held there that afternoon. Mrs. Sum Carlisle of Bonnanzo, Oregon, arrived here Monday ev ening and are visiting at the Ben Richardson home, Mrs. Carlisle Was formerly Miss Bertha Cox of this pines. They probably will remain here this winter. Sam Brown left Friday for Pert land taking a car load of beef cat tle. Quite an epidemic of lagrippe and hud colds has struck this place. The cold spell of weather broke here Friday, and Saturday a heavy sleet tell,' but soon melted. Some fog here now, which is falling and freezing on everything, and as the poet sayB, "Every twig is robed an inch deep in pearl.1' ' Mrs. IVchetto purchased 2!) tur keys of N. W. Flinn, which makes her about 80 in all. She expects to fatten them, on corn. We understand that Sam Brown has contracted to open up seven ' miles of the old ditch on the Flat and will commence soon. The Ladies' aid sain and chick en Pie supper will be given in the schoolhouso Friday night. Mr. Ileadin delivered a load of powder to Maupin Saturday. About a dozen wagon loads of wheat remained at the warehouse Wednesday night unable to unload Prescriptions 1 billed Right at the Wamic News Little Lenore Woodcock gave a charming birthday party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Woodcock, the 12th. Invita tion cards were sent out and a number of her schoolmates re sponded. After games p a pleas ing nature; ice cream, cake and candy were served by Mrs. Wood cock. Lenore was nine years old. She was the recipient of many birthday gifts. Those who at tended the party were Thelma Woodcock, Erma and Alma Driv er, flannel Woodcock, Alta and Hilda Norvel, Lucile Kennedy, Claris Zumwalt, Verda Wing, Hazel Johnson and Yernon Wood cock. The weather has somewhat moder ated, still it is freezing and the creeks are veritable skating ponds. The lowest mercury was on the night of the 12th when six above was reached. The contiuued freezing is caus ing a scarcity of water here in the ditches and the wells that are fed from the streams. A meeting of the citizens of this place was held Thursday afternoon and representatives were Bent to Portland to confer with our sena tors and representative iu regard to withdrawing the mountain ranges frotfl grazing. Should this thing occur it would be disastrous to all of Southern Wasco county. Those going to Portland were J. E. Kennedy, W. E. Woodcock, Ci. A. Harvey, D.' A. Campbell, W. M. and II. E. Driver. Harry Siuims arrived Sunday from Prosed-, Wn,, to look after his place here. An epidemic of whooping cough p sweeping oyer Smock. Miss Ella Syron of that place, who is teaching on Juniper Flat, had to abandon her school by being stricken with the cough. T. J. and F. A- Swift were haul ing freight from Sherar the former part of the week. Several parties were butchering fat hogs here last week. A. T. Fraley of Kingsley was here last week, going to the J. R. Woodcock homo where he pur chased some cattle. Marion Duncan came oyer trom Kent Monday, Smock Items Rev. Samples of Gateway held services here Tuesday evening. rhe Revs. Milrm and Larson are conducting services with good at tendance considering many are suffering with severe colds and whooping cough. There were 52 in attendance Sunday morning. Miss Ella Syron, after several lays' illuess at the Crabtroe home on the Flat where she boards, was able to come home Monday, S. II. Mulvaney bringing her in his car. Whitcomb Bros, were , Wamic business visitors Monday. Mrs. C. S. MeCorkle has the little daughter of T. J. Whitcomb keeping her cumpany and sending her to Wamic school. F. E. Spoor is occupying G. W. Bargaining's homestead residence." He had all plans laid to go to CiiUlow Valley whore his son Las a homestead, but his team was Store best drugs and chemicals DRUG STORE taken sick and detained him. Mrs. A. J. Hill's 2d birthday was celebrated by thirty-six neigh bors ping o her home Sunday after service, with lunch. Mrs. Hill's mother' had 'invited them as a surprise. Master Elmer Mayfeld is visit ing his grandfather John May field. Mrs. J, W. Ayres and George were Waruio husiness visitors Sat urday. Virgil Mayfield spent Sunday with his parents, M1- and Mrs W. H. Mayfield. Miss Olive Howard, a niece of S. II. Julvaney, who has been Visiting here' for some time, re turned, to her McMinnville home Wendesday. T. C. Jones motored to The Dalles Tuesday, taking G. W. Bargainholt. John End lost some potatoes bv freezing They were in sacks in the field, covered with straw, but the weather has been unusually How to Get the Most Barn Value for Your Money i Yes, our business is selling lumber BUT-satisfaction to the buyer must go with every bill we sell or WE are not satisfied. We know that if you are building a barn and you want and expect that barn to be the best in, every respect that the money you put into it can produce. And we make it pur business to see that every baPn bill we sell shall be satisfactory j'n eyery detail so far as material, cost and qualjty'ftre pqneerne an we, sometimes go a long ways to make gqod o tjjat policy. ' ! It wiI be well worth your while to hfing us yotSr 'bill, or come to us when yoq first decide to build w will help you from start to finish. We have planned many barns this fall for our customers small shed roof barns, one story dairy barns circle roof barns with special Tum-A-Lum construction large gam brel roof barns and can show you plans, pictures and costs of various types. No obligation we'll be glad to do it, "See Peter Kilburg about it" At the Home of "TUM-A- LUMBER" (and "TUM-A-LUMBER" has come to. be a BuyWord lot good At Ypur Service Hunts Ferry Warehouse Go. AH for Our Prices on Wheat FISCHER the FOR man Is also agent for the follow ing Popular Cars: STUDEBAK DODGE BUMS THE YEAR $1.50 Thanksgiving Dinner upper will be served at the Miller hotel for the Thanksgiving ball. A Thanksgiving dinner will, also be seryed there. cold for so. early, M anc Mriij Chas. Ross motor ed to ?J.ieriCj tq spend the winter. Mr. Ioss ha een ranger at the local station the past two years and still has charge, but the house js not suitable in which to" spend the winter. G. W. Bargainholt and family moved in their new bufigalow Friday. .. - C. A. Syron and daughter Eva went The Dalles Friday, where an aunt, Mrs. Noah Grant met theira, taking baby" to her home in Port land to care for during the winter. Jas. McCoy and D. W. Shafer were hauling lumber Weclnesd.iy and Thursday from Mtilvaney'i yards. ' lumber ) ER Let him tell you about terms