The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 17, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 3. NO. 6
THE YEAR $1.50
Winter has surely commenced
when it is 20 below zero and the
in shining. .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of
Independence visited at the home
of their brothers G. W. and J. E.
Miller, Saturday and Sunday en
route to Bend to reside. -
Mrs. Frank Buzan .visited at
the home of Mrs. P. J. Kirsch the
first ol the week. . :.''..
Mrs. Appling entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Miller Sunday,
The well drillers are still at
Work at the school house.
J. E. Miller went to The Dalles
Wednesday returning Tuesday
night. ;. i - .
The well drillers broke their
engine and Mr. Holland went to
The Dalles for repairs.
Wapinitia Items
Quite a cold wave struck this
section Saturday the thermometer
dropping to below zero Sunday
with no prospects . of a change
very soon. .
Frank Gable is transacting busi
ness at The Dalles this week.
W.' B; Ktirtz, the stock buyer,
was in our midst last week and
purchased 25 head of beef cattle
of B. h. Forman, also a number
of J. I., - West. They delivered
them at Maupin Sunday.
Sam Brown is having a cement
wall built aronnd his yard, Geo.
Heitz doing the work.
Mr. Schafer has moved his fam
ily to the old Knopf house, havjng
i nanKsg
Is Not Complete
without a well filled table
Now is ihe time to make
your selection of good
things to eat at the right
A full line of every
thing that delights
the palate.
Favor me witb your holiday order
For Service and PnC
Before and After
On the Anxious Seat Nov. 7th
That Wilson has Hughes sewed up in a sack, .
And the main question before us tonight,
la to learn, without doubt, who was ris?ht,
IT , .! ' Iii other words, will it set "Mossback"
Here we'rft assembled at the pool hall tonight,
To learn o'er the wires whose judgement is right, A1B0 Kl6 ar80D' 019 Lma 1 m l0,a
In forecasting with fair certainty, ,
; Who our next president will be.
Now there's "Dad' and myself and also Link,
Who, down in our Hearts do certainly think
That Wihon our country will cho se. , '
But Doc Elwood, at the drug store
Bill Hunt, Bill Staats and a few more
Who wears a Hughes button bo bold,
,And was perfectly willing tomatoes to bet,
The button he'B wearing close to his heart,
His replies to Wilson jibes were tart.
But narry any coin could we get.
It, no doubt, will seem foolish to some,
That, this night, up town we should come,
That to others beside ''Dad" Link and me ,
This question still blisters and burns.
m ... i. .i . i . .
Believe their salvation lies surely with Hughes. 10 8Bl lne very earlleHl eieouou murD8'
, But from this true tale you no doubt will see,
wow nere s tne proposition in a nutsiieii,
Each of us like our judgement so well
In nredictincr our new resident
. That we have wagered the -coin" or "green,"Thi8 a"tul 8U9Pen8e twiU 8000 be 'er'
Till, 'pamh the thought, it surely will mean, 1 have raade Vowa to never more
Thatmorn will find someone badly "bent." In this predicament to be, ,
But if by good fortune I win
Tom Hennegan has bet his best "boss," And Wi,9(m at,Mt should proye tQ bfl Him
With our fellow citizen, Thomas Moss, Ear, Bar)See j wiu thflnk ceMAinLV
spent several days in this neigh
borhood this week. . ; ,
The cold weather made some
of the wheat haulers, potato dig
gers! and other loborers hustle
wood between jobs.
Notes of School No. 84;
" The high school, assisted by
local talent, will give a military
drama ''Her Friend the Enemy,"
in the near future. The rehear
sals are being given Under the
direction of Dr." Hatfield, and
music will be furnished by the
High School Glee Club, which is
being directed by Miss Fischer;
Both Mr. I Hatfield and Miss
Fischer have had considerable ex
perience ajoug this line and aim
to ,make the play first-class in'
every respect.'
Mrs. Staats is visiting relatives
at Hood River this week.
Some of our meufolks in Maupin look rather white '
arouud the gills, , just the Bame, ". .
Is it because they had to swallow some large Wfl admre not jud ent
dissapointment pills
Or because their purse is empty, after paying up and we know you all were game,
their dues. So lets praise our God and country, and President
Of so recklessly betting that our neJtt president Wilson in the chair,
11 1 TT.. I
wouia do nugnes. And thafik the good repblicans that kindly
Now election's over, lets forget it, and like each other helped to put him their.
To Reduce Our
Stock We Will Offer
Hood River Yellow New
to wit ancl Spiteenburg
Apples at &5c pet -box
sold his ranch to Frank Gable.
Mose Delore and John Powell
have received their new cars which
they recently purchased.
Ira Flinn has been employed dy
0. L. Paquette for the winter
and is moving bis family to Mr.
Paquett's lower ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kelly and
Mrs. W. Beckwith were visiting at
the Barzee hotel Sunday, from
Mrs. Annie Bryant, of California,
is visiting at the home of C. B
Doyle, her brother-in-law.
John tarlow, ot smock, was a
business visitor here Saturday.
A surprise party was given Miss
Alma Powell 8t her home Monday
evening in honor of lier 17th
Al Daniels returned fo the mill
the last of the week.
We are glad to report that Dee
Wright, who was kicked in the
chest last winter by one of the
government horses and -quite ser
iously injured, has sufficiently
recovered to return here and will
'take charge of the government
horsas again this winter,
Mrs. Wes. Ray came up from
Maupin Monday to see her Sister-
n-law, Mrs. Ben Richardson,-who
is still q'uite ill.
Mrs. Batty has her new hotifte
completed, W. A. Dane dfd: the
carpenter work.
Miss Metz, county Irbarian from
The Dalles waff here last week
ooking after the Interests of tn
library here.""- .
Great rejoicing fa expressed
here over the recent prohibition
victory,' making Oregon bone
V. B. lapp had tne foiBfortune
to lose most of their potato crop.
it having frozen in the ground
Mr. Ora Mavnard and Miss
Dorothy Doyle, to of' our highly
respected young people here, went
to The Dalles Tuesday, where
"they expect to take each other for
better or worse. They were ac
companied by the bride's father,
C. B. Doyle, and aunt Mrs.
Bryant. They have the best
wishes of their manv friends here.
Archie Tapp made a trip to
Dufur1 this week bringing back
their wlrlter supply of apples.
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Wi'burg
made a trip to The Dalles last week
returning Sunday,
Smock Item!
1, T. Courtright and wife were
Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs
0. R. Fleck.
Mrs. i. N. Faflow and daughter
are visiting Mrs. Farlow's parents
at Ontario.
Several from hefe were business
Visitors nt The Dalles last week
among whorfi was T. ti, Farlow,'
J. Hill and wife, T. C. Jones'
and G. W. B:irgainholt.
Disbrow BWs. aYe building a
wood house
Mrs. Wm. Luc'afl fi'a's her Grand-'
tton Neil Hull for. the Winter. Mrs,-
Lucas corftemryiates going to'
Alaska iif the spring1 taking the
ohild to Hi parents.
Seven'tefiV attended' Sunday
school i'n' spi'te of tie cold weather.
Rev. Ltfrsen fills" the pulpit here
next Sunday,
Frank Ma'gi'H' onf nVail ca'rriei1
reports we will roi'eiVe daily niail'
alter the lGth.
Ed Faullt of Tyeh' is h"auTini!f
wood from the Frank TilTitflon
Election' was Very quite nere;
only 47 Votes cast Vilsoh receiv
ing 42 and Hughes 5'. Officers in
this precinct were elected as fol- j
lows: W. II. Mayfield, constable;'!
1 T. Court right',- justice' of the
peace. S. U, Ledford went to Th
Dalles with the ballot box.
A large black ' bear that had
been feeding on corn on the G.
W. Bargainholt and J. W. Far
low ranches' was making his waj
to the mountains when, Walto
Ledford shot at him and wounded
him in the foot, tracked him till
night camg and had to give up
the chase.
G. Wi Bargainholt delivered two
sacks of vetch seed td the manager
of The Dalles Chaffiber 6f Com
merce. The seed grought 10 cts
a pound
Geo. Crowfoot of Juniper Flat
ttas hauling lumber from Mul
vany's mill. Mr. Crowfoot has
recently had a well drilled which
furnishes abundance of water. He
has enBtalled a gasoline engine
oump afid feed mill and will
butld a house and tank for same,
White River
Framework Finished
The framework for the new ho
tel ou the east side is almost coittf
pleted and the shlplap nearly all
on the outside walls Contractor
Wllhelm states that the work the
last ten days has progressed re
markably wel for the small crew
of carpenters employed ou the
The excavations for water sys
tern and sewer pipes are well un
derway. The hotel will be furn
ished complete with hot and cold
water, bath and lavratory, the cost
of plumbing for same to amount to
some $1500,
How to Get the Most Barn
Value for Your Money
Yes, ottr business is selling lumber BUT 'satisfaction
to the buer must go with every bill we b11 or WE are1
not satisfied. , . !
We know that if you are building a' barn and you wanl
and expect that barti to be the best in every respeet that
the money you put into it can produce. , 1
And we make it oUr business tti s6e that every barri
bill we sell shall be satisfactory in eVery detail so far as
material, dost and quality are Condefned,' find we sometimes1
go a long ways to make gddd ori that policy.
It will be well worth your while to bring iis" yotir blllj:
or come to Us when yoli first decide to build w will help'
you from start to finish.
We tiave planned many barns this fall for our customers
-small shed roof karris, one1 stoty dairy barns circle roof
barns with special TumA-Lum Construction large gam
brel roof bSrhs'-tthd can show yOti platis, pictures and
costs of various types.
fto obligation we'll be glad to do it.
''See Petef Kilburg about if'
At the Home of ''TUM-A- LUMBER"
(and "TUM-A-LUMfiER" has Cdme t6 be a Buy-Word for
good liimber j
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ferguson
a're the proud parents of & baby
girl,-born November 11th, Both
mother arid child are doing nicely
at The Dalles hospital. '
MrS. Emma Morrow tfnd child
a're visiting' with ber parents this
weefc. 1
Ice punching" has begun at th
power plant One moiYth earlier
than' last jfat Everyone was
much surprised". The night and
day crew are kept busy;
1 A daughter was born to Mr.
b'rid Mrs. Elmer BroWh, at the
home Of Mrs. Brown'V parents" on
Fifteen Mile;
,V I, JU... . . . J 1
ior Wilson arrived home trom
Idaho Wednesday morning Sidney
meetm' him at The Dulles and
b'rtught thcE new Sludiibaker
Jean Doering formerly of thif
ptliis place but now of Beaverton,'
At u SeifcS
Hunts ferry Warehouse Co.-
Ask for Our Prlei 6'ri Wekt
Stop that Cough
Get a bottle of Cough Syrup at
Drug Store
We Sell the Reliable Kinds. Guar untied
oo oooo6ooo5 m&mmmm&m& wsmmsmmsm
1 -
Is also agent lor the follow
ing Popular dafs:
r2) )i lyiiilS)!
Let him tell you about terms