The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 10, 1916, Image 2

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Hughes' Early Lead Wiped Out-Both Sides Claim
Victory Washington, Oregon and California are
Doubtful-East and Middle West Republican.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. At 3 :30 this
morning President Wilson was leading
Charles E. Hughes in California by
724 votes. These figures were the re
sult of a count of 2162 scattered pre
cincts of the total of 5917. The viote
was: Wilson, 141,396; Hughes, 140,
672. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 8. Returns
for President from 1838 precincts out
of 8142 in Indiana give Wilson 210,
475; Hughes, 220,186.
St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 8. The Pio
neer Press this morning says Hughes
has carried Minnesota by 25,000 votes
and that Frank B. Kellogg, Republi
can, has been elected senator by from
60,000 to 75,000 plurality.
Kansas City, Kan., Nov. 8. Re
turns from 976 precincts out of 2474
in Kansas give Wilson 133,920, Hughes
125,811; a Wilson gain of 3968 in the
returns from the last 114 precincts,
making his plurality 8109.
New York, Nov. 8. At 4:46 o'clock
tbis morning the returns, while still
incomplete, made Wilson reasonably
certain of 236 votes in the electoral
college and seemed to give Hughes 218.
! There were 81 votes stiil in doubt, 266
being required for an election.
These states were counted for Wil
son: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas,
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Mis
souri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and
Virginia. Total, 236.
For Hughes were claimed Connecti
cut, Delaware, IllinoiH, Iowa, Maine,
Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey,
New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is
land, South Dakota, Vermont and Wis
consin. Total, 215.
At 6:15 a. m. returns from Chey
enne took Wyoming from the Hughes
list and placed its three electoral votes
in the doubtful column, with Wilson
These states were doubtful: Cali
fornia, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota,
New Hampshire, New Mexico,
Oregon, Washington, West Virginia
and Wyoming. Total, 80.
From the doubtful Btates the returns
were coming slowly and there were in
dications that the full result would not
be known before noon. The chairman
of the Republican and Democratic
committees both claimed victory for
their respective candidates, The Re
publicans seemed to have the best
prospects in Indiana, Minnesota, Ore
gon and West Virginia.
Portland Incomplete returns from
' 80 of the 36 counties of the state indi-
cate that Charles E. Hughes has car
ried Oregon for President by a small
Hughes appears to be running well
. ahead of President Wilson in the early
count in Multnomah county. The two
candidates are making a close race in
the outside counties, with a slight
leaning toward Hughes.
The two candidates are running
. nearly neck and neck in the up-Btatc
.. counties, Hughes maintaining as light!
lead. Hughes is gaining a strong mar
gin in Multnomah county, and if he
holds his present proportionate advan
tage in the complete returns will carry
this county by approximately 6000.
The total vote in state outside Mult
nomah county is Hughes, 9088; Wil
son auib.
State offices have safe majorities.
Sinnott and Hawley are re-elected.
. McArthur's lead is 788. Bone-dry
proniouion, mil rental Hind tax and
Sunday closing law are defeated.
Brewers' amendment leads by 410.
. Wilson Leads In Washinotnn.
8KATT1.1:, Nov. T Id-turn, from 805
. mrlnrtm ol 3:ixS In iiKhliigtou give
1 liughm (10,7111, H IIhoii 7,.V7,
mix nun. ira, i ami ,.... .......I.....
- -.-.. ,!,-,
, Turner (Drnt.)
Six hundred and lorO-Mur ureelneta
lor Uovernor sioiirliie (lieu.) 47,41(1,
Lister (Dcm.) 4S,1U..
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 7. (Special.)
With returns in from Seattle and the
principal cities of the slate covering
one-fourth of the total 2;iS5 precincts,
the success of the Presidential electors
pledged to vote for the ro-olcetion of
Woodrow Wilson is assured, The es
timated plurality of the Wilson vote
based on the return at hand is 14,000,
, but this probably will bo cut down by
the returns from the country, frag
mentary returns from which indicate
, strung HukIws lonwenctes, out not
enough. It Is believed, to swing the
state to the Republican standard-
ine surprise of the vole so far Is
tne strength of Governor Ernest Lla-
lor, uemocrai,. who in ft lute spurt
Marburg Sails Anyway.
new York Theodore Marburg, to
'whom passport to return to Enirland
as an American citizen wag rofused by
tne Mate department on the ground
that he had forfeited his citizenship by
enlisting in the Royal Flying Corps of
England, loft here Sunday for Fal-
mouin on me steamship Nordham
without the citizenshi
' Marburg joined the British aviation
service eomo tune after the war began,
', and he recently returned tn the tlnirml
States to recuperate after having lost
a leg in tne service.
Uklah, Dr., Hat Bad Fire.
Pendleton. Or. Vira utimn.i,l t
, - - - . -. .. vw
nave started from a cigar stub, Sunday
morning destroyed live of eight busi
ness houses of Ukiah, 63 miles south
of here. The buildings destroyed were
the drug store and poolhall, property
of the J. W. Kirk Hardware & Imple
ment House; the warehouse of Wag
ner & Caldwell, the barber shop and
the office of the Levi Edoridge Stage
company. " The estimated Iosb is $40,
000, only small part covered by in-
11ariAJI ' TtlAn. WAN Ml fanllitUa n
- " iiitn iui
fighting fire except a bucket brigade.
Electoral Vote 1912 and 1916.
112 .
Alabama 12
Arizona 3
Arkansas.., 9
California 2
Colorado 6
Connecticut.. 7
Delaware 8
Florida.., 6
GeorRia.... 14
Idaho 4
Illinois 29
Indiana 15
Iowa 13
Kantian 10
Kentucky 13
Louisiana 10
Maine 6
Maryland t 8
Massachusetts 18
MisHinmppi 10
Missouri 18
Montana 4
Nebrawka 8
Nevada. 3
New Hampshire 4
NewiJorney 14
New Mexico 3
New York 45
North Carolina! 12
North Dakota 6
Ohio....- 24
Oklahoma 10
Oretton 5
Rhode Inland 5
South Carolina 9
South Dakota
Tmmeaaee 12
Thxus 20
Virginia 12
Went Virginia 8
Wisconsin 13
Wyoming 8
Totals 436
passed Henry McBrlde, Republican. Re
turns from 418 ureelneta out of 2386
give Lister 36,262 and McBrlde 82,1113
United Btates Senator Miles Poin
dexter will be re-elected by about 35,
000 plurality over his Democratic op
ponent, former United Btates Senator
George Turner, Defeat overwhelming
Is indicated for both Initiative No, 18,
the so-called hotol liquor bill, and In
itiative No. 24, the brewers' bill.
Representatives In Congress Albert
Johnson, In the Third Dlstrlot; LI
Hartley, In the Second, and W. L, La
Follctte, in the Fourth, will be re
elected, all Republicans. The Repub
licans will have two more In John F.
Miller, from the First District, and
Tom Corkery, in the Fifth.
Votina opened with a rush In Seattle
Tuesday. The early morning vote was
very heavy. A lull came in the after
noon. It was followed, however, by
Increuslns crowds toward evening In
every precinct. With fair weather, Se
attlo and King County voters were
ready to cast the largest vote in his
McBrlde Ahead In Spokane and Wet
Amendment; Beaten.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 7. (Spe
cial.) Scattering return from about
40 precincts in Washington show that
Miles Polndexter has undoubtedly
been electod United States Senator
other George Turner (Dem.), that
Henry McBrlde will succeed Ernest
Lister as Qovornor and that the Re
publican slate ticket will go in with
McBrlde. This Includes the House and
Senate Those same precincts find the
Prosldentlal candidates running neck
and neck.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Congressional
election returns were insufficient at 11
o'clock tonight to Indicate what would
be the conip'oxlon of Congress, At
that hour, however, the Republicans
had guined two Senutora, one In New
York, and one In Maine, elected last
September, and the Indications were
that they would gain at least throe
more, two In Indiana, and one In New
Jersey. To gain control of the Senate
the Republicans must win nine seats
besides holding their own.
Although Republican party leaders
predicted tonight that the Democratic
majority of 23. In the present Rouse
would be wiped out, the early returns
showed a net gain of one for the Re
publicans, the defeat of MoGIUlcuddy
In Maine last September. They gained
two In New York, but this was offset
by a Democratic gain of one In North
Carolina and one In Pennsylvania.
Returns from Illinois indicated,
JuilKtng from the figures on the Presi
dential race, that the Republicans
would inulio substantial gains in the
House, while the same Is true of In
diana, whose delegation In the present
house Is overwhelmingly Democratic.
It will probably not be deflnitelv
known Just what the status of the
Senate is until very late, but early re
turns showed at least one gain which
hud not been counted as sure by the
Republican loaders. A few scattering
returns from Maryland tndioate that
J. Brwln France. Republican, may
oeni iiavia J. L,ewls.
More new faces will appear In the
united states Senate as a result of to-
day's election than have ever appeared
at one time before. Two years ao,
wnen mere was sworn In the first con
tlngent of the Senate electod directly
by the peoplo instead of by Legisla
tures, there were Just n ne new Sena
tors. It hnd been generally believed
that this first popular election would
be almost revolutionary so far as the
Constitution in Drydock.
Boston The frigate Constitution
relic of the early days of the United
States navy, is fcoing into drydock for
the first time in nearly three Bcore
years, according to plans announced at
the Charleston navy-yard. In the last
naval bill an appropriation was made
for the repairing of the ship. A new
bottom is necessary. The operation is
regarded as a delicate one for it is
feared that the frigate's hull is not in
condition to stand any great strain.
The last time the Constitution was in
drydock was in 1858.
Eggs Thrown at Women.
Chicago Women who arrived hara
lhursday on the Women's Hughes
transcontinental train met opposition
at an afternoon meet i no- in a down.
town theater. Derisive jeers which
interrupted tne sneakers hruan rh
hecklinir which culminated whan mi
were tossed at them as they left the
theater. None of the eggs struck the
women or the automobiles in which
thev rode. The Huirhoa
Ished their speeches in spite of inter
ruptions. The special train left in the
afternoon for Baltimore.
6 i
personnel of the Senate was concerned.
But before the Dolls were oDentd to
day it was certain that there would be
11 new Senators. Two of these changes
were due to' the deaths of Senators
Clarke, of Arkansas, who will be sua
ceeded by Judge William P. Kirby. and
Edwin C. Burleigh, of Maine, who will
be succeeded by Bert M. Fernald.
Five members of the present Senate
were beaten In the primaries, as fol
lows: Senator Moses E. Clapp. of Minne-
sota, beaten by Frank Kellogg; Senator
Nathan P. Bryan, of Florida, beaten
by Frank A. Hubbell; Senator Luke,
Tennessee, beaten by K. D. McKellar,
and Senator Blair Lee, of Maryland,
beaten by David J. Lewis. Lewis and
McKellar are now members of the
Senator Charles F. Johnson, of Maine,
was beaten in the September election
by Frederick Hale.
Incomplete returns from National
Guardsmen on the border from Kansas,
Delaware, Pennsylvania and Iowa give
Hughes 4188, Wilson 3180.
EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 7. Pennsylvania
troops in the field give total for Pres-
ident: Hughes, 3132; Wilson, 2029. This
Is the final official total. For Senator
Knox, 1805; Orvis, 654.
Massachusetts troops in the field give,
tor presiaent, Hugnes 19, Wilson 40
for United States Senator, Lodge 20,
Fitzgerald 39. This completes the vote,
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Nov. 7. The
total vote for the Iowa brigade give
Wilson 961, Hughes 892.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Nor. 7. The
vote tn the Kansas Signal Corps Com
pany here was: Wilson, 10; Hughes,
For Governor: Capper, 14; Lansdon, 4
EAGLE PASS, Tex., Nov. 7. A bat
tery of Kansas Field Artillery gives
Hughes 3i and Wilson 13.
DEMING, N. M., Nov. 7. An unoffl-
clal count of the ballots cast by the
First Delaware Regiment, encamped
here, gives Wilson 127, Hughes 104.
DEMING, N. M., Nov. 7. An unoffi
cial count of the ballotB cast by the
First Delaware Regiment, encamped
bere, gives Wilson 127, Hughes 104.
CHICAGO, 111. Prohibition made
noteworthy gains In Tuesday's con
test. Its greatest victory was In
Michigan, where It is asserted on
the returns at hand that ail the re
mainlng wet spots in tne state have
been eliminated. This Includes the city
of Detroit, the great Industrial center
which voierj to wipe out the saloons by
a majority of 25,000. Figures are not
available on the rest of the state. This
puts out of business 8208 saloons and
79 breweries.
The wet and dry Issue was up In eight
Maces: Michigan, Montana, California,
Missouri, Nebraska, Florida and South
Dakota. The prohibition leaders as
serted they were certain to win in
four of these, Michigan, Montana, South
Dokoca and Nebraska, with excellent
chances of making gains In the others,
principally Florida and parts of MlS'
Montana has 1587 saloons and 19
breweries, which will retire from busi
ness If the early returns are borne out
by the complete vote. .South Dakota
has 200 saloons and trrree breweries,
while Nebraska has 892 saloons, 16
breweries and one distillery. The drys
say they carried in these states.
In Minnesota the wet and' dry Issue
was fought out in the (Seventh and
Eleventh districts, but the result is not
known, although the drys seemed con
fident of success and are claiming
victory tonight.
Baltimore defeated prohibition by
25,000 to 30,000 votes, but Frederick
County, Including Frederick City, went
dry. The vote in Havre Degrace, the
big racing center, Is close and both
aides are claiming victory.
In Florida, as In California, the sen
timent of the vast number of tourists
was taken Into consideration. Hotel
keepers and railroads, as well as all
other concerns and persons dependent
to a large degree on the tourist busi
ness, fought prohibition vigorously,
saying it would deprive Florida of Its
chief source of revenue. This has been
a bitterly fought question for three or
more years.
For Florida It has been strictly
matter of business, for it counts heavily
on the tourist patronage.
nineteen states were dry prior to to
day's election and In some of the others
the wet area has been narrowed down
to a few spots which a determined
effort was expected to wipe out. No
returns have yet been received from
Nebraska or Missouri on the results In
those states and South Dakota's result
has been swamped In the field of mat
ter pertaining to the National result.
Indirectly, the wet and dry Issue was
a factor In Illinois, and the returns in
dicate that the wets have lost their
hold on the Legislature, There is no
chance that any "wet" legislation can
be put through, as the Senate stands
in the way. Of the 26 holdover Sen
ators 12 are dry. In nine of the 25
districts voting today, both Democratic
nnd Republican candidates were dry
That gave the anti-saloon forces 21
votes, five short of a majority, as a
flying start. They easily ran their
list of Senate adherents up to 30, and
there are indications tonight that the
dry majority might reach 34 on a show
In Arkansas the electorate voted on
proposed constitutional amendment
to substitute local option for the ex
isting state-wide prohibition, and in
complete returns indicate that the
proposition was overwhelmingly de
feated. St. Louis, In which the name of
Annheuser-Busch la prominent, gave
an overwhelming majority against the
proposed prohibition amendment. In
other parts of the state It was more
kindly received, but It has been de
feated, according to the data now
Although G. Frank Hanly, Prohibi
tion candidate for President, Is a resi
dent of Indiana, his state was too
busily occupied trying to choose be
tween two of Its other sons for Vice-
President to pay much attention to pro
hibition and the vote was unexpectedly
Drys Lead In Nebraska.
OMAHA. Nov. 7. Scattering returns
of the tato and Incomplete returns
from Omaha Indicate the prohibition
amendment carried In the state by a
small majority.
Man Resigns as Citizen.
Chicago Charles A. Filipiak, one
of last year's crop of new citizens, got
so tired of receiving campaign litera
ture that he resigned as a citizen Sat
urday. Here is a letter he sent John
W. Rainey, Circuit court clerk :
"gentlemen: I'ieaae do not annoy
me with your voting circulars, then I
do not vote and kindly accept my re
signation as a citizen. I will always
remain an anarchist."
It is probable a court will be asked
to set aside Filipiak' certificate of
Ashes Fall Like Snow.
San Francisco A heavy fall of
feathery white ashes over San Fran
cIbco and the surrounding country
startled many persons Saturday into
thinking that San Francisco was ex
periencing the novelty of a snowfall.
The fall was especially heavy in the
downtown district. Weather Fore
caster Wilson received numerous tele
phone calls from persons making in
quiries. At the weather bureau par
ticles of the a.'h were examined under
the microscope, but no conclusion as
to their origin was reached.
Under Fire
Kg Copyright. 1916, By The Macaulay Company
The chief characters are Ethel Wll
(oughby, Henry Streetman and Capt.
Larry Redmond. The minor characters
are Sir George Wagstaff of the British
;idmlraity and Charles Brown, a New
York newspaper correspondent. Ethel,
resident of Sir George's household,
secretly married to Streetman, a German
spy, though she did not know him as
such. Captain Redmond, her old lover,
returns to England after long absence.
Mrom him she learns the truth about
Streetman; furthermore, that he has
betrayed her simply to learn naval se-B-r.1
The European war breaks out.
B-thel prepares to accompany Streetman
to Brussels as a German spy In order to
get revenge and serve EntTland. Captain
Redmond, Elhel and Charlie Brown turn
up at a Belgian Inn as the German army
eomes. She Is Madame De Lorde. She
begins to work with a French spy.
In this Installment you get an
unusually vivid picture of how
ths German troops took posses
sion of Belgium of her homes
and farms and Industries. It Is
a picture to make you hate war
and Its perpetrators one to win
your finest sympathy. And the
picture is moving the plot ac
tion goes forward with speed.
CHAPTER XIII. Continued.
A peasant, half-mad, has stopped at
the inn to warn Its people that the
enemy Is approaching.
"Hurt?" h3 cried, "riurt? You
don't know 'em. . . . Tbey came
Into my house and, nasty as you
please, wanted food. My old woman
started to argue with 'em. She wasn't
scared then, and one of 'em took hold
of her by the arm. Maybe he didn't
meun anything; but she didn't under
stand, aud she threw a dipper of cold
water in his face like any decent wom
an would aud they shot her. They
shot her for that! Civlliun assaulting
an officer, they called It. ... I was
out in the fields. The neighbors came
and told me. And I hurried home to
find her dead her that hadn't done
nothing dead I . . . Aud I leaned
out of the window and I shot two of
'em aud then I ran. How I ran!
And they didn't get me and they
won't get me!" The half-crazed pens
ant rushed off then, shouting to right
and left, wherever be saw a head stuck
out of a window, or a figure In a door
way, "The Germans are coming! The
Germans are coming!" And after
him poured the scurrying mob, all cry-
lug tne same dread warning.
Charlie Brown was getting all the
color ths most ambitious reporter
could have coveted. He turned a so
ber face to old Cbristophe.
"This Is going to be bad, old man!"
be said.
"It's like some hideous nightmare,"
Ethel exclaimed.
"Yes, madame and this Is but the
beginning," Cbristophe informed her
Charlie Brown remembered then
that Madame de Lorde, as she wished
to be known, still lingered there. And
be did not like the thought of her fac
ing that oncoming German horde.
"If you'll go to your room, I'll come
to you if you want me If there's any
ueod," h suld.
"Yes yes! And oh! these poor, poor
people!" she cried.
"Hadn't you better close the doors?1
Charlie asked the Innkeeper.
"Why, m'sieu,. I shall only have to
open them," Cbristophe replied. "I am
not uf raid, m'sieu."
"I wish I had your nerve," Charlie
told him. "All this has certainly got
my goat It s the limit."
Cbristophe, by a quick, sibilant
sound, enjoined cnutlon.
"M'sieu, they are here!" be warned
He tmd scarcely spoken when the
first of the gray-clad invaders was mo
mentarily framed Iu the open window,
"Ysu Are Quite Safe, My Child.
He red a bicycle that forerunner of
destruction. Aud a fine, cleau-looklug
youngster he was, out of the pick of
the kaiser's flrat-liu troops. Cool,
alert, bulusl'k, be pedaled dellber
ttely od at If uncousclous of the black
look that met his coming. And is he
passed tb luu be turned his suuburned
face so that be might seize a quick
but comprehensive glauce at Its lute
rter. Cumbered with full fighting kit,
is he was, he showed noue of the fa
tigue that had all but overcome Charlie
Browu before he arrived at the Lion
d'Or. On the contrary, he looked tit
as a prizefighter, .trained to the min
ute. And behind him rode another as
like him as a second pea out of the
same pod.
Charlie Brown gazed at them breath
lessly. He was conscious of a mighty
admiration for those two infinitesimal
cogs In the great German military ma
chine. And he said to Cbristophe lu
au awed whisper:
"Gosh! They're not afraid, are they?
Anyone might pot them from a win
dow." The thing might happen any
"Perhaps they arc not afraid because
they know If they are. killed they will
he well aveuged," Cbristophe an
swered. And then he said, "lteally.
m'sieu, do not speak English. I ask
you to go. It may be easier for me.
. . . Please, m'sieu, quickly!"
The American reluctantly left the
window. He did not want to miss a
single detail of that amazing spectacle.
Hut he had no wish to Involve the wor
thy Innkeeper lu any needless trouble.
So he started for the stairway.
"Well, you know where to find me,"
he said. A baud was playing outsido.
livery moment the strains were grow
ing more distinct. And Mr. Brown had
hardly disappeared to regions above
when a German corporal led a squad
of eight men bodily into the Lion d'Or.
Ethel Makes an Impression.
Those German Infantrymen were a
formldable-looklug company to descend
upon a peace-loving Innkeeper such as
Henri Cbristophe. It was, indeed, no
wonder that he viewed them with ap
prehension, as they stood there at pa
rade rest and stared stolidly Into his
startled face. It seemed to him Unit
wherever he looked he met the deter
mined, impersonal, almost Inhuman
blue eyes of one of those businesslike
Germans. And there was something
sinister in the very way they crowded
his hostelry. Henri Cbristophe could
not help feeling that even so they
would crowd every house. In Belgium.
To him they seemed like locusts seut
by a displeased God to swarm over
the land until it should be filled to
overflowing. . . . And always, he
told himself, there would be count
less throngs to fill the slightest gap in
their grim ranks.
While Cbristophe viewed them with
mingled alarm mid amazement, a tele
phone sergeant joined those gray
ghosts from beyond the Rhine. He
carried a gun slung over his back and
n field telephone In his bands. Placing
the instrument on one of Chrlstophe's
tables, he proceeded to run a wire
through the doorway to the Btreet.
"Ths major Is coming!" he an
nounced to his friend the corporal, who
at once commanded his men to present
arms. So they stood, posed like stat
ues, when Major von Brenlg entered,
saluted the flag, and then cast a quick
glance of satisfaction about the room.
Just before him another figure bad
slipped Inside the door, and returned
the salute of the corporal; and now he
stood Impassively looking on, muph as
If the proceeding were merely an ev
eryday occurrence with him. But
however unconcerned he appeared, be
was far from disinterested. However
much he appeared at ease In his uni
form of a German captain, he felt any
thing but at borne In it. There was, In
truth, no uniform that suited I.nrry
Redmond so well as that of his own
Irish Guards.
"This Is good!" Major von Brenlg
told his corporal. And It was evident
that Lieutenant Baum and Sergeant
Schmidt, who had arrived simultane
ously with him, shared his sentiments
heartily. "Can we not spend the
night here?" the major asked.
Then he proceeded to avail him
self of the aids that the foresight of
the general staff had long ago devised
for Jnst such an emergency.
"Baum," he said, turning to the lieu
tenant, "have you the papers and the
map from the WUhelmstrasse?"
Lieutenant Bourn saluted, nnd- at
once he banded some documents to his
superior oillccr. who scanned them
" 'Liun d'OVl' " he read aloud. . . .
" 'Proprietor, Henri Cbristophe!' . . .
Bring Henri Chrlstophe," he ordered.
At that the iuukeeper himself
stepped forward.
"I am Henri Chrlstophe," he an
nounced In a quavering voice, eveu as
Sergeant Schmidt was starting to
search for him.
"Oh, you speak English!" the major
"Yes, m'sieu!" Chrlstophe did not
taiow why he had committed that
breach of policy. But he was too
frightened even to reproach himself for
the Inadvertence.
"You are the proprietor of this luu?"
the officer demanded.
"Yes, m'sieu!"
Major von Brenlg barked out an or
der to his men. Aud straightway they
closed both the shutters and the great
door that gave upon the street. Meau-
whlle the major examined bis papers
'You hare a daughter," he an
nounced at length, "Jeanne Marie
Chrlstophe, aud a servaut Louis?"
Henri Chrlstophe told him that the
tacts were so.
'Where are they J" the officer asked
him then.
The servant fled with the others,"
Chrlstophe replied. "My daughter ts
in her room, m'sieu." . He turned
toward the door through which little
Jeanne had sought asylum. But Major
von Brenlg stopped him.
No, I shall do that," he Informed
hlin. Aud at his bidding Sergeant
Schmidt sprang forward to find the
girl. Her father aimply pointed toward
the proper door. And his heart sank as
he realltcJ the fright fiat would seize
the timid Uttle thing at such a um-
nums. But he had not long to ponder
upon that; for Major von Brenlg
straightway resumed his catechism.
"You have six rooms," he continued.
"Two of these will be occupied by my
self and ollicers for the night. You
will have them prepared at once, two
beds each. The other four rooms will
be shared by the Infantry who will be
statloued bere. For them you will
ueeil make no preparations."
Henri Chrlstophe bowed obediently.
"You have ground here enough to
graze two hundred horses," the matter-of-fact
major proceeded. "You
have three cows, two horses, a hay
stack, plenty of chickens aud pigs Is
that not right?"
"Yes, m'sieu, quite right!" the Inn
keeper replied. He was staggered,
stupefied, by that amazing and accu
rate Inventory.
"All these we shall take; but we
shall of course pay for them," the offi
cer told him.
And then Sergeant Schmidt returned.
with little Jeauue cowering beside his
bulky figure.. At the sight of her fa
ther she rushed across the room and
clung to him, a piteous spectacle.
"Ah, mou pere, I am afraid I am
afraid," she stammered.
' He patted her gently.
"There, there, Jeanne-they will not
hurt you," Henri Chrlstophe said.
Major von Brenlg looked with some
sngnt perturbation upon the sight of
the frightened girl shrinking against
her natural protector, as If he still had
power to shield her from ull evil.
"No,-my pretty little one, we are not
devils," he said. "We will not barm
you. I am a father myself."
"There wbat did I tell you!" ex
claimed the relieved Henri.
"You are quite safe, my child," the'
major added ';so Ioug as you obey."
Already the glimmer air vibrated
with the far-off boom of heavy guns.
And now a bugle In the street outside
blared an order to the troops that were
tiling past the Lion d'Or.
"Oh, papa." the little creature prlBi
But Henri Chrlstophe kuew that the
situation must be faced. ....
"Now, Jeanne, will you prepare the
rooms In four nnd six two beds In
each? In the others these gentlemen
will sleep." He bent over her In order
to emphasize bis words.
But we have guests already," she
reminded hlin.
Her father turned a rueful face upon
the major.
"Ah, m'sieu, I had forgotten. We
have two lodgers," he explained.
"Who are they?"
"One Is an American gentleman,
m'sieu; and the other a Frenchwoman."
"Well, put them out of their rooms.
We must occupy them."
"You bear, Jeanne?" Chrlstophe said.
"Oul, mon pere."
"Then hurry, my child!" he urged
Major von Brenlg gave her one last
"And tell those two those guests
they shall report here to me at once."
"Oul, m'sieu." Jeanne Chrlstophe
hurried away then.
"And now, m'sieu, I go to prepare
your dinner," her fnthertold the officer.
"Just a moment! You have here no
firearms of any description?"
"None, m'sieu."
"You have no telephone?"
"None, m'sieu."
Major von Brenlg wheeled about
tnin, and waved his hand at some
large placards which his men hsd al-
ready fastened to the walls of the
"Now, my friend, you see those proc
lamations?" he Inquired.
"Yes, m'sieu." ' .
"It Is well that you heed them," the
officer said sternly. "If there is any
attempt nt communication with the
enemy, if there Is any attack on our
men by civilians from this house or
any other house, the inmates of that
house, together with the mayor of your
town, whom we hold as hostage, will
all be shot. It Is a warning to others.
... We do not wish to do these
things, but this is war, and we must
protect ourselves. . . . You under
stand?" "Perfectly, sir,", said Henri Chrls
tophe. "We shall take whnt supplies we
need," the major continued, "but any
officer or man who refuses to pay you
a Just price, you will report to me,
and he will be punished. If you de
mand au unjust price, you will be pun
ished." "Yes- m'sieu."
The subdued Innkeeper bad already
started to leave the room when the
officer's keen eye caught eight of some
thing that Immediately Interested him.
At his feet be noticed a hasp and pad
lock. And with characteristic German
thoroughness he at once desired to
solve the mystery.
"Walt! Whafs this?" he demanded.
"Only the entrance to the wine cel
lar!" Chrlstophe told him.
"Open it!"
"Yes, m'sieu." Henri Chrlstophe
stooped aud unlocked the heavy pad
lock. "Volla, m'sieu!" bo exclaimed
as he lifted the trapdoor.
"Good!" said the major as b
peered Into the dark cavern. "Later
on you will bring ud some win. It
will be excellent for tonight"
Chrlstophe nad started to close the
trap when the major halted him again.
is mere any outlet to the cellar
save this?" be asked thoughtfully.
"None, m'sieu."
"Baum." (aid the malor. "make anr
be Is telling the truth that no one
could escape that way."
Lieutenant Baum saluted, and, de
tachlng a flashlight from his belt h
descended the steps that led Into the
"Now yon may go cook dinner," the
major to!d the Innkeeper.
Once rid of preliminaries, Major Ton
By Richard Parker
Based on the drsm-i ol
Roi Cooper Metfrue
Author of
nd Co-Author of
I Brenlg addressed himself to Larry
Redmond, who all this time had been
a silent onlooker to the proceedings.
"Ah! You must' be Captain Karl,"
he said.
"Yes, Herr Major!" Larry answered.
"I was told that you had only Just
reported your papers said on some
special mission. Can I be of assist
ance?" "I thank you, major; but at the mo
ment there Is nothing," Larry told
"Perhaps you will dine with me?"
Major von Brenlg said. He was a hos
pitable man. And he understood that
Captain Karl was held in high esteem
by his superiors.
"I thsuk you, Herr Major. Auf wie
dersehen!" . Larry replied. And he
walked to the door. He was not keen
to dlue with the German officer, aud
face his frankly scrutinizing eyes, and
perhaps have embarrassing questions
fired at him. But he saw no decent
way of declining. And there was al
ways the chance that such mingling
with enemy officers might yield valu
able Information. If he should be
caught well! that was c!l la the game.
Lieutenant Baum, returning from
the wine cellar, announced that he bad
discovered no opening other than the
ono furnished by the trapdoor in the
"Good!"' the older officer said. "Now
I shall go to my room and change my
boots. I have not had them off for
over a week."
"You nave not questioned the French
lady or the American," the lieutenant
reminded him.
"I shall leave that to you and Ser
geant Schmidt," the major replied.
It was only a few minutes before
Lieutenant Baum bad summoned Ethel
before him. He asked her name.
"I am Madame de Lorde," she told
"A Frenchwoman?" he Inquired.
"Yes, m'sieu."
He regarded her narrowly.
"You are perhaps a woman spy
they say the French have many spies.
I must search you," he announced, to
her consternation.
"Oh, monsieur, may I speak private
ly with you t" she begged him.
"Well, what is it?"
"Only I wish to show you gome
thing." "What trick is this?" he asked with
But Ethel only smiled at his gruff
ness. Lieutenant Baum was a good
looking chap. - ,
"Surely you ore not afraid of me
one little woman!" she said archly.
"And a very pretty womanl" Hla
hand sought his mustache again.
"Well, what Is it, madame?"
Ethel drew him slightly to one aide.
All but three of the Infantrymen bil
leted upon Henri Chrlstophe had with
drawn. But the remaining guard was
all eyes and ears for this cross-examination
of a possible spy.
Does It seem possible that i
Madame de Lorde can "put It
over" on the Qerman officers
and get an opportunity to give
the precious information she
seeks to the French?
When First Introduced Into England
Workmen Complained of the
Hardness of the Wood.
Like the use of a great many of the
factors connected with the arts and
the sciences, the discovery of the beau
ty of the grain of mahogany for furni
ture was accidental, says a Loudon
contemporary. The story goes that a
certain West lndlnn captain who had
brought back to England some plunks
of mahogany as ballast, decided to
give the wood to his brother, a Doc
tor Gibbons, then building a house on
King street, Covent Garden. But the
planks were so hard that the carpen
ters objected, and the plan for using
them fell through.
Some time Inter Mrs. Gibbons want
ed a small box made, aud the doctor
sent the mahogany to a cabinetmaker.
In his turn the cabinetmaker objected
to the hardness of the wood, but the
doctor persisted so much In his re
quest that the order was finally exe
cuted. The finished box polished eo nicely
that the doctor ordered a bureau made
of the same wood. The cabinetmaker
displayed that in his shop window be
fore delivering It The -duchess of
Buckingham saw it and begged enough
wood from the doctor to have It dupli
cated, and mahogany furniture soon
after came iuto favor. Building Age.
. Electricity Vs. Courtship.
A prominent resident at East Main
street In Muncle was much vexed by
the repeated thefts of electric light
bulbs from his porch. One night be
kept wutcb aud caught a well-known
young man uuscrewiu'the bulb from
Its socket
The young man begged for lenity,
and said the light interfered with his
courtship of a young woman across
the street The prominent resident
thereafter did not turn on the reranda
light, aud he was rewarded toon by
the announcement of an engagement,
followed by a June wedding. Indian
apolis News.
In a Sure Place.
First Undergraduate Have yon tele
graphed to the old man for money!
Second Undergraduate Yea.
"Got an answer?"
Tea. I telegraphed the governor!
'Where Is that money I wrote for T aad
hi anawer reada, la ru pocket' "