The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 10, 1916, Image 1

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    i V-y .ti
Devoted to tf& Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. .3, N0.5
THE YEAR $1.50
Court House Notes
,; " Deeds
Francis McCoy to Catherine E.
$hafer. W. D. bw-1-4 eel-4 Sec,
17, Tp. 4S., R. 12 E.
Jno. J. Wilson to Claud Wilson.
W. D. Lots 1 & 2, el-anwH Sec.
30 Tp. 7S., R. 15 E. sel-4 nwl-4
et-2 bw1-4, sel-4 swl-4 Sec. 16 Tp.
7 S., R. 15 E. nl-2 sel-4, sel-4,
Bel-4 Seo. 24,. nel-4, neH Sec. 25,
Tp. 7 S., R, I4E,
Nancy JoneBto Annie E". Clough
lUg. $1250, swl-4, wl-2 sel-4 Sec,
6, Tp. 5 S.; R. 12 E.
Catherine E. Shafer $ husb. to
Francis McCoy Mtg. $300 awl-4.
sel-4 Sec. 17: Tp: 4 S., R. 12 E. "
Claud Wilson to Jno. Wilson Mg.
$ 1000 Lots 1 & 2, el-2 nw-4 Sec.
30, sel-4 nwl-4t el-2. swl-4, swl-4
awl-4 Sec. 19, Tp. 7 S., R. 15 E,
nl-2 sel-4 Sec 24, sel-4 sel-4 Sec.
24', nel-4 nel-4 Sec. 25, Tp. 7, S.,
They're Here!
Big' Juicy Hood River
Apples, Spitzenburgs and
New Town Pippins-2oo
boxes of the best winter
apples. Your choice 9o
cents per box, Send in
your order now, they are
moving' fast.
A bigger and better line of Gro
ceries, Hardware, Men's wear at
an enormous saving.
Get ready for the winter now at a
popular price,
Courteous Treatment and Big Saving
404404440000 oooooooooooooo
A Word About Prices
4 . ' 0? course they are going up; we all know that; but on
many items we have bought
and can offer you merchandise at-a less -price than if
we were compelled to buv from "hand to mouth" on
today's market, which on some things is "Clear out of
Sight.'; . ' ' '
We can ofler you splendid inducement on
Our stocks are heavy on the above and you can
"Buy from us for less"
'"The House of Better Service
R. 14 E.
A,. A. Breton tp. W. T. Yander
pppl; Mtg. $5000. el-inel,-4., swl-4'
nel-4, sel-4 nwl-4,, sel-4, el-2
swl-4 and lot 4 Sec. 30, wl-2 nwl-4
Sec. 29k Tp. 5 S,, 14 E.
A. A. Britton to H. C. Dodds
aL (3400 (same description as
last above.,
i . Chattel Mortgages
E. E. Pratt to Johnson, Bijos.
Bankers. $-,1500, 40 head cattle.
Hi. L. Morris to Maupin, State
Bank, $350, & horses heifer 1
wagon, binder, 1 harrow, gaflg
plow, 1 wat,er tank, 26, hogs.
Suits Filed
Bert McCready vs. Lela M.c
Cready, Divorce R. R. Butler Attjy.
M.r. Talcott having accepted the.
agency for the Tfroy Laundry at
Portland, us prepared to. receive.
all kinds of work and it should be.
at the postoffioe by Monday night
More particulars will appear later
as to prices etc.
a year's supply in advance
SEN! M 01
Wapinjftia tern
Raw, wo,w, wind and sunshine.
have all been, measured out to us
by the weather wan the past week.
The fi,rst snow, of the season fell
Sunday night which netted as
fast as it came here but the hills
surrounding the Flat were covered
with snow Monday.
Jrs. Pegf ,' mother of Mrs. J. P.
Abbott, and Mrs. Ira Gresham
arrived here fto.m I,od. Saturday,
Mrs,. Pegg is 78 years old and
Wade the trip alone.
Mr. y. B,. Keen who has spent
th.e summer working on the ditch,
left with his wife for their home
in Portland last week. The work
is now ip, charge of Mr, Head in
who is planning quite extensive
worjc in McCubbins Qidch yet
this fall,
Charles Walker has been putting
in logs for the Hartman mill. Mr
llartman expects to commence
sawing the last of the week..
Lincoln Hartman who is attend
ing high school in The Dalles came
home Saturday and expects to
return, Wednesday.
W. O. Wilson made a trip to
The Dalles Saturday bringing
Ruby home with him.i she return
ing to her school Sunday.
Frank Gable who has been to
The Dalles for medical treatment
returned home Saturday.
MtssCeha Fhnn was visiting at
the Geo. ijagill home io Wamic
Saturday and Sunday.
Joe Graham and Al Daniels
oameout from the mountains Mou-
day and on their way out the
snow covered the x wind stuesu so
they could not see very well where
they were woing with their car
and ran into a tree, Mr. Daniels
says the Ford tried to climb it arid
would have succeeded had the tree
had bark or limb on it. . The re
suits were a smashed wheel, bent
axle, radius rod, and crank shaft
and injuries too numerous to
An "Overland" agent spent seT
eral days on the Flat last week
advertising his car, Among those
ordering cars was Mose Delore of
this burg,
John Powell has ordered a new
Ford and expects soon to be mak
ing the dirt fly.
Miss Minnie Tapp came home
from Dufur Saturday returning
Mr. and Mrs. Hartman are down
from the mill for a few days this
Geo. Ledford came out from the
mountains Monday.
Jim Harlman went to The Dalles
Wednesday taking the ballot
White River
While making a trip to The
Dalles Alfred Ferguson broke the
rear axel of his car near Dufur
and had it fixed before returning
Stop that Cough
Get a bottle of Cough Syrn-p at
Maupin Drug Store
We Sell the Reliable Kinds. Absohitly Guaranteed
or going on to The Dalles.
Mrs. Iinyou, Mi; a. Joies, Mrs.
Y- 0. Wilson, Don, ' Sid, Len
Mrs. C." X. Vilson and "children
were visitors at the ay Xunison
home this week.
While Mr. Coberth, made a trip
to The Dalles Mrs. Coberth visited
with her Bister Mrs. Groyer Webb.
Mrs. J. G. Tunison, Cecil, Mr.
land Mrs. Ray Tunison and 'chil
dren spent Sunday and, Monday
at the C. E, Tunison home.
Caus Joels made a business trip
to The Dalles last week.
Mrs. Grace Tunison har been
visiting in this neighborhood Bey
era! days.
Mr. J. G. Tunison and Cecil
made a trip to The Dalles Tuesday
night Mr,. Tunison going in 0 take
in toe returns trom election.
Hotel Arrives
Hotel arrivals since October 28,
are as follows: J. E. Robinson
The Dalles: John G. Qdell, Grap
Valley; Raymond Dpering, Tygh;
C. H. Pru.ner, Portland; R. D.
Mason, "The Dalles; Fen atty,
Greenville, Idaho; W, E, Hyde,
Portland; H. Q. Holland, Maupin;
Alex Scheruble, wife and child
Prineville; naub: E. Martin-
R. G. Weisback, Tygh; John Ijlon,
Moro: L. M,. Haines, Portland
E, A. , Buchak, Portland; Jas.
Mace, Portland; O, T, Lawsi
The Dalles; I C. Robinson, The
Dalles: W. B. Palmer, Oswald
Schult?, Portland; T. Smith
Gateway; C. A, Whitlock, Maupin
Mrs. Dollie Bailey, Bakeoven
N. M. Howis, Ralston, Wn.; W
L. Taylor, Portland; J. B. French
Dufur; II. A, Waite, Wamic
Frank Pierce, Wapinilia; Chas
Damielle, The Dalles; Francis Gal
loway, The Dalles; Ben Woelke
Salem; Mr, add Mrs. W. R. Mies
man, Willows, Calif. ; 0. W. poller,
H. C. Hunter, Bend; Jacob Schaf-
er, Buhl, Idaho; R. W. Pitting,
and wife; T. W. Marshal, Portland
A. E Wright, Portland; John
Morrow, Portland, Fred A. Covey,
Arthur Fargher, Andy Lindgrean
C. G. Parsons; Bertha Bloyd and
Mrs. C. J. Bloyd, Lakeview; Dr
C, R. Bloyd, Hillsboroj E. Miller
Mrs. Jennie Long, Lake City,
Calif., O. M. Flemming, Meto
Local Items
Choice lot of box candies at the
Drug Store.
Mrs. Maliaffey came on the stage
Tuesday from Wapinitia enroute
to Portland.
R. M. Palrnateer, formerly of
Wamic called in Sunday and paid
the price of the Times. Mr. Palrn
ateer is moving his personal effects
to Yaokama where his family have
been the past pnmnier,
Clinton Knopf patwd througli
town yepterday enroute home to
Wapinitia from the prune orchard)
of the Willamette valley.
. Mrs. Jas. Brown of near Tygh
Was the gueat of Mrs. Morgensen
yesterday while waiting to com
plete her return trip home from
a visit wun ner naugnier Mrs.
Billie Ray of Priueville.
Donaldson's hall, the polling
place for he Maupin precinct,
proved a popular place for citizens
of this section Tuesday, nearly ev
ery oiie taking advantage of the
opportunity to voice their political
sentiments, 147 ballots being cast,
the results oj the local count being
as follows;
Hughest 59; Wilson 88.
Representative N. J. Sinuott, 98.
Secretary of State Qlcott, 94.
For Justice of the Supreme
Court, C. J. Bright, Prohibition,
28 ; Geo. Burnett, Republican,
53; Frank A. Moore, Republican,
5; Turner Oliver, Democrat, 48.
ty&rj and food commissioner,
John D. Mickle, 8.
Public Service Commissioner, H.
H. Corey, 81; S. S. Sart 17.
Circuit Judge, W. L. Bradshaw,
107: F. W. Wilson, a6.
State Senator, F. M. Gill, 74;
G. R. Wilbur, 44.
State Representative, J. E. An.
derson, 69; J. L. Kelly, 46; J. T.
Harper. 47; Mrs. Alexander
Thompson, 74.
.District Attorney, W. A. Bell,
44; F. V. Galloway, 93.
County Clerk L, B. Fox, 103.
Sheriff, Levi Chrjaurafl, 78 j C.
L. Darniejle, q.
School Superiuteudent, CJyde T.
Bonnev, 108.
Treasurer, D. L. Cates, 9; al.
lie S. Rice, 53
Assesor, C. Y. Cooper, 48; Jas.
A. Davis, 68.
Commissioner F. C. Clausen, 102
Coroner Chas.' N. Burget, 103.
' Surveyor A. W. Mohr, 104
Bqnd Issue 78 against.
Stock Rminiug at Large, tied 59.
Single J.lcui Veto Amendment, 5o
against, 45,
. Ship Tax Exemption Ameud
ment, 41; against 51.
Negro and Mulatto Suffrage
Amendment, 37; against 71.
Full Rental Value Land Tax and
Homemakers' Loan Fund Amend
ment, 351 against 83.
For Pendleton Normal Sohpol
and Ratifying Location Certain
State Institutions, 4o; against 60,
Anti Compulsory Vscciriftf'011
Bill, 41; against 5.
Bill Repealing and Abolishing
Sunday Closing -Law, 48; against
the repeal 51,
Permitting Manufacture and
Regulated Sale Four Per Cent Malt
Liquors, 40; against 76,
Prohibition Amendment Forbid-
ding Importation of Intoxicating
Liquors for Beverage Purposes, 79;
against 60
Rural Credits Atimndmetii , 49;
against 60.
State Wide Tax and Indebted
ness Limitation Amendment, 42;
against 57.
From reports, it appears that
Will-on lias likely been elected.
In the district and county, Dr.
Anderson, Mrs. Thompson, Sheriff
Chrlsmau and Atty. Galloway, F.
M. Gill and Judge Bradshaw have
won over opponents.
The Bond Issue is said to have
Of the several candidates for
Justice of the Peace and Constable
m tnis precinct, h. 1. r iscuer, 41,
and A. ft, Canfield, 33, received
the highest foj the former, and
Job Crabtree, t, an VV. . Wit
liams, 18 votes for the latter office.
New Garage
W. 0. Vanderpool has leased
he automobile department o,f
Fraley's new, building nd wil
open up a complete garage the
first of the year or before if every
thing is in readiness, The con
struction work on the new build
ing is progressing rapidly consid
ering the dificulties experienced
in procuring material. Mr. Fraley
expects to take posession n about
a week.
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
How tp Get the Most Barn
Value for Your Money
Yes, our business is selling lumber BUTsatisfaction.
to the buyer must go with every bill we sell or WE are.
not satisfied.
We know that if you are building bajn and ypu want
and expect that barn to be the best' ir every respect thaf
he money you put into it c&n produce.
And, we make it our business tq stse that every barn
bjl we Sell shall be satisfactory in eyery detail so fr as
material, cost and quality arei concerned, and we sometimes
go a Ipng ways to make good on that policy.
Jt will be well worth your while to bring us your bill,
or come Q us when you first decide to buildwe will help from start to finish.
We hatfe planned many barns this fall for our customers
-small shed roof barns, one story dairy barns circle roof
barns with,' special Tum-A-Lum construction-large gam
brel roof barns-and can show you plans, pictures and
cpst;s of various types. '
No obligation-rwe'll be glad to do it, ,
"See Peter Kilburg about jt"
At the Home of "TUM.A- LUMBER"
(and "TW-ArUJMBER" has come to be a Buy-Word fop
good lumber.)
Flour, Feed, Salt and Supplies .
agents for Kerr Gifford & Go.
Phoenix Assurance Go., London
U 1 into Corn WarohniiCQ P.n
the FORD) man
Is also agent for the follow
ing Popular Cars:
Let him tell you about terms
More Rooms Added
The 7th of October, the Moad
hotej changed hands and is known
now as the Maupin hotel, Mrs.
Lojta Miller as proprietor,
Jnder the new management the
8outi side, of. the building on the
uppej: $oor, hp bpen finished up
into slpepirg rpqmB and furnished
and will be eady for occupancy
in about a week, making sixteen
batja tp accommodate the traveling
public: A new register arrived
Ootober 28.
More Improvements ,
G. L. Harphan is building tip
addition 1620 to the rear end of
the confectionery store and wijl
continue improvements by install-1
ing plate glass display windows in
the front of the present building.
jj Ah JtW