The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 27, 1916, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
1 Published every Friday at Maupin,
; Mks. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1,50; six
. mouth, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
. matter September 2, 1914, at the
. postoflice at Maupin, Oregon, up
,der the Act of March 3, 1879.
White River
Mrs. Coberth entertained in
; honor of Mre. Ashley .who is a
recent comer from North Carolina.
Refreshments were served and a
jgoodtime enjoyed by all. Those
'I'rosent were Mesdames Laughton,
Brittain, Wilson, Lucore, Foster,
Hess, Ferguson, ,Wftb,b,. Brown and
Miss Bessie Martin.
One of the latest purchases in
autos was a Studobaker by Mr.
J. 0. Tunison.
Mr. Clyde Kellogg came home
Wednesday, for a few days.
Mrs. J. C. Tunison who was
called to the Haines home al
Maupin on account of the illness,
of her grandson .Clifford, returned
home Wednesday.
Quite a number are afllicted ,with
the colds going .around ,at,this
time of 'yqar.
The shortage in cars makes bad
business ,for the whe.itt haulers
but they jet 71 .few loads .down
now and then.
Rev. .gurnes and ,I!uker were
entertained at the home of Kay
Tunison home Wednesday even
ing after calling , on Mr. and Mrs.
Smock Items
going to Port In nd.
Sid Mtilvany attended the lec
ture at Wamii! Saturday evening.
We will keep still about jvbere he
spent Sunday everting.
Mrs. .staying with
Grandma Farlow .while her son
C. JT. is w orbing on his ..Smock
We are ..glari our postmaster
Carl.Pratt.-i a subscriber on I he
Smock telephone line. We have
long hoped for this as those living
at a distance often need to. call the
up thepostofjice. I
N. :fl. iWhitcomb is working for
J. y. Ayres.
Auto.Paasenger Service - Auto DelivfiryiTruck
! Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete .Line of Automobile .Accessories
' NOV. 9 TO 18
Saves A Day
Either Way
California Trips at This Time of Year via The North Bank 'Rail and
jfArau Rome are Ideal. All Rail .or ,Rail and (Ocean .Routes. The
'Vo"ge via the "Twin Palaces" Exceeds Your Fondest Expectations
,of (J.. m fort and Pleasme. Fares Include .Meals and Berth.
A. LOCKE, Agent -
Rev. E. E. Leesen, of Portland,
litis been ..appointed iby District
Elder Bums to take the pastorate
of the Maupin Free Methodist
church made vacant by the resig-
nation of Rev. G, R. Eljis. Rev
Leesanis.a.wifi) and two children;
is a man who has -had good btisi
ness training and is turning from
more profitable pursuits, as fur as
money is concerned, to ohey what
he fuels to be the Divine will con
cetuiiig hj.yi. jMitipin .is fortunate
in having such a family brought
into the church work of the coin
m.unity Kev. Leason will airiye
in town next frvnturday and will
I. O. O F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Or-y...
meets every Saturday night ii
Donaldson's hall. Visiting me n
hers always welcome.
V. B. Doty, N. 0.
F. D. Stuart, Secretary.
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
: Satisfaction. Guaranteed
sCall Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
00000000000000 0 ooooooocooopooo
Makers of Abstracts That
Hooks Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
In The State. .
Condon Building
'Phone Black 3691
The Dalles, Oregon
Local Items
New line of cumins il the Drug
Mrs. A. Lock moved this week
1 'i their homestead at Nenu. ,
Choice lot of box eiiuilkfl at the
Drug Store,
J. A, Luke shipped three car
load of potatoes ihiu week,
Nice Jot wf perfumes .at the
Maupin Drug' Store,
0. W. iliargainholt was a busi
ness visitor at Maupin Wednesday.
All those indebted ,to,iiie will
please pay the same at the-Manpin
State Bank. by the 15th of. Nov.
,W. A. Dane.
Jobe Crubtrm Lis ..a. nice little
bungalow compl8ted.A3dvviJl,intvo
into it in a day oivtwo.
R. C, Jory, has received afrtsh
stock of Bed Blankets and Robes
from the Pendleton Mills and vvilj
p jeoooooooooooo oooooooooooonoo
Tygh Valley
preach here Sunday
evening.; ins tamily
little latter
morning and
will .come a
Pendleton Normal School
Proven Necessity
(Copied from Portland Oregouiau.)
MONMOUTH, Ore., June 26. The Oregon Normal
school opened this week . . . students enrolled 786,
'urgent. 011 record for state -Normal la Oregon .....
how to pare for large student body a problmn ....
800 being crowded Into auditorium with sealing ca
pacity of 550. Galleries filled with extra chairs tu
Kislea. More than i5U students sealed on platform.
New boarding houses completed, .additions to room
ing houses built and touts used. One hundred girls
sleep on upper floor of ir-hool.
The official school report gives ,150 grade puptla
In Monmouth,, fur teacher practice.
Rend what those you .have elected to handle the
affairs of your state and who are thoroughly informed
regarding school conditions in Oregon have to say
combining measure 308 on the ballot at the coming
By James Wlthycombo, Governor of Oregon:
"On. (fun Is uiinut'Kllniiutily in need nf rmiru normal
schniil work unil i'cnilli'loii Is Inn toyieul plm't fur
m-liuul ul thin duns in KtiHlurn Uretfon.'
By J. A. Churchill, SUU Superintendent pf Public
"I Oust that Um voters of the Stale will assist, in
i-iiIhIiik the Hlnmliiri! of our schools by cstubllnlilnf . a
' Mute .Nuruuil Hvliuul t I'i'itiUi'loii.''
Ly P. L. Campbell, President of tb University f
"At i.iust one silillUoiiul Normal School la urgently
needed in uivKuli."
By W. J. Kerr,,Presldnt pf th Oregon Agricultural
Co lege:
Sum- ilic people of IVnilli'ton are Inillnllng a measure
for the usublimiiimiit of u Norinul School lit that ylt,
u wiU liivu luc ,t.-ttaii tt to KOiiott Uuh tio'itxiott."
By J. H. Ackermsn, President Oregon Normal Solwol,
at Mcitmouth:
"A cui.-iiil Himlvsl of tho situation will convince toy
ui.v thut ti'iKn needs a Normal Kchuol In Kustern Ore
S.,11 ..nd iviuilciuii tills all.tlui Kuvvi'iiment renuli omenta.
Uy the County School Superintendents of Oregon:
"Kes.lvHl. I hut it Is the senneof the County School
Kuin riiiii iiili'iits of (he Slate of t)won, In coiivchlliol
r : ,111,... .1, Hull ihe host Inlet-cuts, or the sohmils of tliu
...1,11- i.ninui.d lumuised facllilliot or, the Irulntnc of
ihii. mid Ihul we, therclnre, cndiimi' Ihe Inltlutly
i.n'iniin', to cstiililislt 11 Nonjiul HiJll'ol l tVtldh-lull."
By Mrs. Charles H. Cwtner, Preildeit pf.tlje Qregwi
In 1 ticn of Women's Clubs:
"I mi h. ii ilil i-ikIoi the jioKUtlMU of s4d Jy'uifltst
BvhiHii at Iviulli-iu "
Prof. r.Oiert C. Frenth, Farrtr Prettldent pf tt
Norm,,; i c.iool Ucatsd at Weston:
"An im in I u I - .i.dnlilislittieiil ol sin h it school at some
Hilil . .,nl sin h us ivndlelon would piove n gletit usact
in liir hi ,le uf t lu-gull."
. c. o.ty, President Sou titeffl. Oregon Normal
.1 u,
I pill yiit.i- Hid liii ittitMi , of ,n Kastaiu Olfon
. Atu mill .Si iniiil 11 ( ri-iitHcloil.'
Stale lUii.i (I ol HicnU of Orrgoii Normal School
''t'cliii'fs ln;-il "the litft'ssily for .additional Normal
t ul I; t ii.ii s in ()icj4m is ii)inrt'iil."
i-i,rii.i. t.,('.i.:iiii!;!'i' of ('.(iMiuiiivc fiulorsta nieasuro
11.. l say 1 cndlfltm must logical lofiititm for.Nor
:u:ii .st'i.t.i ! i.i i'.;ihU l'ii ()i't'yt)i.
Kssirrn. Oregon Blsvso Normal Hi hool Committee.
Uy J,. Ii.. Owlpn, Hucy , IVodleton, Ore.
ev G."R. Ellis wishes, thvongli
the colninns of this paper to pub
licly thank, those yvjio so generously
contributed to his financial needs,
especially appreciating, not only
the inoney, Wit the spirit in. which
it ,v,is given.
,iFred Covey returned to Mmipin
thi-t week and resumed his posi
tion as book keeper nl Hunts Ferry
Warehouse. Raymond Jory hud
been filling the tfUr.f while Mr,
Covey was ill with typheid fever.
B.on't blame your clock It
needs cleanina. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
, Formaldehyde at the Maupin
Drug Store.
Blacksmith Shop
All Work Guaranteed
Prices Right
y Call and see
JOHN HORN, Proprietor
Wapinitia Auto Stage'
Leaves Maupin, 8;a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, l.0;p
11 n.inrnTP n'
Iyouis Emmons, Mrs. mith and
Mrs. Aubre,y were among ihe Red
mond fair visitors ifroin this place
last yveek.
When in Tygh 'Valley st"p at
tin' .Sugar Buul for mealf, confee
tioin, fig" im and tobacco,
,C. $ . Woodruff, I'rtip.
Kilburg- Newman
I't ter Killn.r . niyed home lant
Friday fi'mn Oregon
Frunee , Confer cvhl bin .wheal'
Wednesday at $1.&0 per bushel
realizing .nbmit $5000 fur this
years crop.
R. O.. Jory, can -save you, inoney
on Bed blankets and Robes. See
him before you ,bny P, O. lilclg.
Mr. L. Haines is moving his
family this week to.eection.5 where
he is to till the txisiiion of section
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring ,it to Emmons
the jeweler.
The pi'.'gam at the .church Sun
day nighi was asuccess and much
credit is due tjhse worked so
earnestly .for it.
.The farmers don't seem to be
satisfied ..unless they are skinned,
(jive .Coale x.cjiaoce. He
buys all kinds of pelts, hides,
skins and wool. P
John .McCorkle and W. G.
Kirks f-hipped three carload of
hogs each last Wednesday, Mr.
McCorkle going to .Portland with
the shipment.
O. P. Weberg was in town Tues'
day froii .Wapinitia and advanced
1 siibevription to t tie .Times for
.another year;
"Gtt.your winter apples at iiurt-n-r's,, Ore. Best varieties,
I), 1 lie box, sack. or wagon load at
frmii Oretnm City.
t'ie same lrni
t'ontaining 1 lie pra pint! ciory 01
Mr. KiHur's inarringe In Miss
('liristina Nkiviiihh and hi.t loliticiu
urgunieiil with her as soon as ti e
knot wiih tied, llm trouble ar ise
over Mre. Klimirg wonnng a
Hugh's ' button, .Mr. Kilburg dr
(dairingbe would have her in favor
of Wilson Ijefore iilnrmng, bill
when ufiked onihtB return KiMau-
pin if he euoeeeded, hn admitted
that he said no more to her tin the
Mr. sad Mrs. Earl B.irce.were
dowu'1V,ui Wapinitia Sunday.
tn tile -legal voters of School Dis
trict Ho. 84, of Wftiico County,;
State w Oiegon, that a Special
Scho&liJlet jjnjr vf !iitd District will
In- bcld 'nt the Sclioolhouso O'l the
24th day of November, .'1916, at
two o'clock in the afternoon, to
vou-on the proposition. of levying a
special District Tax.
The, pin poses, for which tie 11101,.
ey to be raised by this tew shall
be expended, are shown .by the
following itemized budget, .which
is hereby, made a part of this notice
Teachecs Salaries $1850.00
New schoolhotise and nth-
er'Jmpnits. .450.00
lanitor r6o.oo
FarniUire .200.00
Pninin.g,,neiv SchoQlhoiise ,40.00
Fuel .50.00
To. take up outstanding -war-
rn.iii.-i.aiul .ay interest on
s ame i 2-5 00
4000, 00
Dated this 34th day, of October,
Attest: 'Peter Kilisurg, ''
L. D. Kelly,
rChairinau Board of Directors.
T will. sell; some cattle at auction
Siiiiiilny, Ootober. ,28,ih, In the
mean time . I might., trade dairy
stuff for other. cattle. or 1 hogs. Ij
a Ian hou licna ill. fullf ci 1 1 Is i O i CS that t ill 1WV ! tO COIlie
per pound. A. A. BoiiNKY. jatur ttieui."
F IJ B i I C
'('. "HI
Dt -VII I 'I'fJ'l !
Uniled S
"I ,!' W;..
The undersigned will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidders the
Wallace Farglur, Diilhi Raac'i ID miles soathnst of Maupin, 14 miles
north west of Shaniko and one mile from Bakeoven Postoffe
The following described Property
Sale to start promptly at 10 o'clock a, im.
12 Head Work Horses
4 Mares with colts at side
11 jj year pld Fillies
1 '2 year old Gelding
pearling colts
3 3-i John Deer WaRon
3 3-1 Studebaker Wagon
. 3 In. Wagon
.14 ft. MeCormick Header
16 ft- Header Beds
,14 in. Oliver Ganj? Plow High Lift
John Deere 3 Disc Gang Plow
10 Hole Superior Disc Drill
1 5 Section Wood Harrow
;1 Section Wood. Harrow
.22 .Yearling pigs
, 50 Chickens
J Set Work Harness
,1 100 bu. JIuJtnom,ah Qrain Tank
2 Saddles
! MitcheH',Jugy
.1 Feed GrinsJijr
.1 400 Gallon Water Tank
,1 New Tank Pump, 25 ft- new;tea
1000 ft. Lumber
10 Ton of Wheat hay
l iihlication of this notice, as shown
below, your answer, under oath,
specifically responding to these al-
lat!.M.u ,.l rnntnid toirtther with
Oil "' r,
Hn nrnnf il'.tit vnu have Bcrvetl a
r line Ihn Oregnnian (,((jy ()f j,our Hllswer 0M the said ,
ttiitestant either in person or
registered mail.
You should slate in your answer
the name of the post office to whi li
you desire future notices to be
sent to you.
r Rr't''!Mtef.
Date of first publication, Sept
ember ,29, .1916. . ,
Date of second publication, Oct
iber 6, 1916.
Date of third publication, Out
'iber 13, .1916.
Date of fourth publication, Oct
o'ter 20, 191,6,.
Department of the Interior,
U, S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 28th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby K'ven that
John W. Wilson
of Shaniko, 1 Oregon, who ou Feh
111 irv 24th, 1913, made Homestead
Ivrtry No 011328, for W1-2NE1-4,
NEl-4swl4, NWI-4SE1-4, Section
!2, Township 7 south, Range 15
East Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
1 li rtre year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before,
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Orecon, on the 6th day
of November, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. A. Glassev, of shaniko, Oregon,'
Bert E. Davis, of Maupin, Oregon,
C. D. Wilson, of Shaniko, Oregon,
W. T. Wilson, of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. -Frank Woodcock,
p Register,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
, )regou, September 13, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that,
nf Maupin, Oregon, who on Sept
1'inber 7U1, 1915, made Homestead
Kutr.y. N'. 015369, for K1-2NEI-4,
EI-2SEI-4, Sec. ,12, Township b
south, Range 14 East, Lot 7, Ei-2
swi-4, sec. 6, .Lot ,1, section 7,
Township 6 .south, range 15 ea-rt, .
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to, the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 23rd
day of October, 1916,
Claimant names as witnesses:
W P.. Hunt. C E Matthews.
Clark F.ichaKlson, Hay Aubery,
ill of Maupin, Oregon.
p Register. s
PuMic Land Sale,
Department of the Interior -U.
S Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, August 24, 1916.
Nolic; is hereby given tint, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the G.M,rl Land ottice, uu
tin- provisions of Sec ,2455, R. 3., .
p.irsuant t'i the application of
Tji.iiuas Fatu-rty, Serial No. 014571
will offer .it public sale to the-.
!hk; icst hi id1'!', but at not less
ih Mi $2.$ per acre, at 9:45 o'clock
a .,1 , on tht? .21st day of Novem-
i !u , next. ,at this olhce, the tol'ow-
tr.act of laud; NI-2NWI-4, SB
i-.t.Tvi-4., and nei-4-Swi-4, Section
I), .Towusliip 5 South, Range 14
East, Willamette Meridian (Con
taining i6cr Acres). "This tract is
M'leted.into the market on a show
iiijj that the greater portion thereof
m inotintaiiioiis or too rough for
TUe sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
.liose present at the hour named
have ceast-d bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be re-
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver tlie amount. thereof.
Any persons ciaiiniug adversely
tic nbove described land are advis-.
r I I j .file their claims, or objections
uja or before the time designate?.!
for .sale. ,
np L- A. Booth, Receiver.
Departintnt of the Interior,
U. S, Land Offiee at TheDalles,
Oregon, October 24t, 1916.
notice is hereby given that '.
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on Nov.
2-2 nd, Kli, made Homestead Eu
uv 09697 mid on "May 12II1, 1915,
made additional Homestead Entry,
No. 014580, for m 2 11WI-4, 111-2
-twi-4, swi-4 swi-4, Sec. .32, Tp. 5
S,, R. 13 K., Lots 3, 4, swi-4
'i '14 Sec, 5, Tp. -6 Sniilb, Range
il I'tit. .Willi-niftte Meridian, has
iil'-1 n.iiR' nf - intention in nndre
hive year proof, to establish claim
n the'land rtlf;v 'described, bffore
;i p.'Sui'itt L'uitul States Com-
1 1 i ssion t r, ii Maupin, Oregon, on
'h filll r1nfftf DeCfmbHf, U)lf. "
Claimant names as witnesses: Ha.drler, Charles Oabel, II.
4: (lamintr and 'Fran!? ftilwt'. a'!
rf'i W'ppi'liti '. '"'' L't'U. .
H. Fkamk VVoocuck,
- theiiiteriur,
'.I't-i Oh'.- at T 1 -
2,v'. 'sit"1
n- tfiV'i tliat
1 V,-
i ,r,ii !! Z"Ua li M(rii. of Cn
irriitn O t;
q I '. f'i'le
iiloofif '!
m ide iitldf i ml
No 013,67. for
swi , Svc. 1
in I- 1 n vt-.i.
..iiue.Vf "
,f', 2- , -1 1 '4.
Ho ueste-'.d'Fut "
ci-4 swi-4, v 1 .
sei-4 sei-4, Sec. 18,
Sec ion 20, 'Po -6
Sfu'ii, 1 ingf 1-5 East, Wlllanielte
Mer"''''i, has-nled.noticf of inten
tion t f-n-akf three year Proof, U'
es'a,bii(-:i claim ti 'he 1 ind above
ihSiM-ibad, before F. I), Stuart,
U'iite-1 States Coiuini-siiwier, at
Mir.;iin, Oregon, on the 4th da
of!l)ecetnber, 1916 t
Claimant names as witnesses:
P. J. Kirsch. C- -SV'ig-bnrg, R
T. Bnzau 'ill of Cri'eii ai. Oregon,
iC. E. Matthews of -Maupin, Ore
, H . F han k W ooncoc k ,
O Register.
(For Publication)
Department of the Interior,
U. S, Land Office at the Dalles;
Oregwi, September. 18, 1916.
To Roy H. Taylor of 9y, E. 23rd
St., Portland, Oregon, fontestee;
You are hereby notified that
Josep.i 1. .wctieiian who gives
Kaskeht, Oiegon, as his post-olhce
address, did on August 31, 1916,
file in this office his duly eorrohor-
i (publisher) .
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 28th, 1916,
NOTICE is beteby given that
Wilbur O. Hastings,
of Shaniko, Oregon,, .who on oeto
br th, 191 1, made Homesteajtl
Entry No. C9549 and , on June 7th,
1914, made additional Homesieajd
Entry No. 013191, -for si -2SUI-4,
ated application to contest and sesE -4SW4-4. Section tio, WMSW1-4,
cure tiiecancellation of vonr4iome-jSec. .n, nwi4NWI-4, Section 14,
stead Entry No. Serial Ne, 0912?' nki-'4nei4, Section 15, Township
made-June 13, 191 1 , for SE1-4 Sec 1 7 South, Range 15 East, Willam-
i tion 20. lowiisliiD7 s.. Kauce is'ette Meridian, lias tiled notice
AViIIam tie 'Wermiau, nd as
Household goods and other thi igi t 0 n 1 nerms t mention
Terms of Sale:
All sums under $10 cash, over that amount bankable notes due October 1st,
1917 5 percent diawunt for cash on amamts orer 10 "I:
H. E. HARVEY, Auctioner,
R.W. MEYER, Prop.
grounds For his contest he . ai:eges
that said Roy H. Taylor has never
establi-Jied residence ot lived on
this laud.
Yon are, therefore, futtHr .ji"K..
fled that the said allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will be cancelled without
further right to be heard, either
before this office or on appeal, if
vou fail to file in this office within
twenty days after the FOURTH
of intention to , make Final three
year Proof, :to .establish claiqi
to the land above described, before
H. C. Hooper, U. S Commissioner
at Antelope, Oregon, on the lolJi
ijv of November, -ioid.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Clarauce C. Davis, William H.
Woolaev, Lester H. ; Wilson,
Max M. Schmidt all of Shaniko
Oregon. ,
H. Frank Woodcock,
up Jiegisler-