The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 27, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 3, NO. 3
Operations at the local ware
house are still held in check by the
(.ar shortage, although cars are
expected to arrive any time. To
assiat in solving the difficulty an
addition to the elevator of 5000
sai;k capacity is being erected and
will be ready for use soon.
F. M. Confer sold his this year's
crop Wednesday for $5,000 or
$1.50 per bushel.
Following is a list of those who
lis - delivered wheat at the ware
u Hi this season, several Of whom'
have considerable yet to bring in.
J. P. Abbott, W. H. Aldridge,
D. li, Appling, C, E. Alexander,
Jer"r;e Buzan, E. B. Zennediick,
Fi .'atty, L, E Bennedict,
A '.. Britton, C. II. Bosworth,
A, Bonnev, W, L. Brown,
Just arrived, a big' as
sortment of men's up to
minute hats $3, grays,
greens and blacks.
Mackinaw coats, $7.25
Heavy wool Mackinaw
shirts, $4.9o
Men's wool shirts $1.25
to 3.50
Men's wool underwear, 1.25 to 2.50
Blue Enamel Ware for the
women your choice 5o c, Hurry
they are going fast. A big line of
staple groceries at better prices.
Let me fill your fall order now at catalogue prices-
m "i-.i
Field grain Insurance for 3 months
You cannot afford to take the chances against wild"
fires, cigarette smokers and thresher engines.
Insurance covers the grain standing, or cut, in stack,
in sack, in bulk, in binr warehouse or elevator.
A Word About Prices
Of course hey are going up; we all know that; but on
many jjerris we have bought a year's supply in advance
and can offer you merchandise at a less price than if
we were compelled to buv from ''hand to mouth" on
today's market, which on some things is "Clear out of
We can ofler you splendid inducement on
Our stocks are heavy on the above and you can
"Buy from us for less"'
The House of Better Service
Q Bruuner,
Teter Brown, In,,
BJeakney Bros.,
Ed Bothwell,
W.H. Ciiiininghain
C. A. Guuninghani
Job Crabtree,
J, L. Confer,
,1. (I. Chastain,
Geo. Claymire,
W. O. Chastain,
W. I, Driver,
J. W. Davidson,
A. A. Dcrihick,
C. A, Duus,
Johnie David,
I. I. Davidson,
Volley Endersby,
B. Q. Fellows,
B L. Foreman,
Thos. Flaaagan,
Ira Grisham,
0. L. Haiphan,
Iy. 0. Ilenneghan,
II. II. Harphan,
Olio Herding,
B, A. Huston,
Carl Gerson,
E, E Hansen,
W. C. Hanua',
A, J. Hanna,
m mm
fir -- fo tyro
k'oii aiia Pirn
Ralph Biuan,
J. S. Brown,
L. E. Beutley,
John I?oeti
A- Crabtree,
Crabtree Bios,
Qeo. Crofoot,
U. M. Confer,
J. N, Crabtree,
Chas, Crofoot,
P. M. Confer',
L B, DeCauip,
0. B. Deithiok,
W. A. Dane,
R. B. Driver,
E. D. Oavis,
A. F. Evick,
J. S. Fraley,
A. W. Fargher,
F. S. Fleming,
Roy Fleck.,
C. G, Foster,
Frank Qabel,
Frank Huston, Jake, Jn,,
John fallen, Win. Jackson, In.,
Ray Kyer,
L, J- Kelly,
P. J. Kitsch,
Floyd Kelly,
O. W. Mallatt,
I, . D. Kelly,
Ti- Kelly,
J. R. Lewis,
II. G. Moiris,
A. C. Martin,
A. Merit,
J. K. Miller,
V.. A. Muyhew,
C. O, Maynard,
M- M. Morris, A. R. Maynard,
P. II. Malt, J. U Morris,
J. V. Martin R- J. Muir,
K. M. Martin, C. P. Mullinger,
J. M. McCorkle, R. W. McCorkle,
C.J. McCorkle, Mrs. Jim McCoy,
Tom Norval, Yard Norval,
J. M. O'Brien,
Chas, pierce,
J. M. Powell,
I. J. Powell,
S. R. Ray,
J. A. Riggles,
Jackson Rice,
Geo. Oshorn, '
pick Powyourt,
Toinniy J'uyette,
Paul Quephqina,
Jackson Quehpania
Julius Sliepllin,
C. G. Skogsberg,
liiiituck llros, , Chas. Statemeula,
Su-eis, . Henry ytywin, In.,
W.M. fcuellson, Don Stogsdill,
Victor Supper, E. I J Snodnrass,
Sum Schqolie, ,as. Siintll.stus,
D. VV. Talcott, J. R. 'Ihonipson,
Dan Tios, Arthur Tom,
N. Winifree, Wilson, In,,
L. li. Walters,
J. I. West,
VV. 0- Wilson,
Ly D.-Woodside,
Walter S.Woodside
0. P. Weberg,
G. H. Wood,
J. W. Ward,
J A. Whitten, Geo. Woodrufl,
H L. Young, h. M. Woodside,
Jim Wilson, Mrs. G. A, Ward,
C and Wilson, John Williams
Howard PattJ John Powyouit,
Eraest Taylor," Frank Quephama,
Jack Tncktie, Louie Tewet
Addie Frank Bufan,
im Crow, Sam Brown, In.,
Fiank Dick, Chas. Cakuna,
Frank Charlie, Bert E. Davis,
N. W. Flimi, F. H. Fryman,
Tlios. Moss, Fd. Herrliug,
R W. Meyer, Chas. Hellou,
Fd Mays, Henry Jewell.
Jim Thrall of The Dalles was
seen qn the streets of Maupin
41 V
Candidate for re-election for
Circuit J ml go of the seventh ju
dicial district, comprising Hood
River and Wasco counties.
Judge Bradahaw has been judge
of the seventh judicial district for
the past twentp-five years.
During th:it time he has given
the people an eflieient nnd eco
noni'cal administration of the of-
lie has a splendid record in the
Supp'iue fniut, htiiig aliove the
If re-elected, will continue to
give the people that same oni-ci-
enuDUK service Unit, tie mi given
iu I lie past.
I'd Adv-
Every package sent from this store absolutely guaranteed. If you cannot eall
at our store write or phone your orders. We will send goods promptly by parcel
post. We are sole agents for the celebrated Nyal line of Non-Secret Remedies and
toilet preparations. In our candy line you will find Thompson's Milk Chocolates
only sold in Reliable Drug Stores.
To the Fditor: linad bonds
fh mid not be voted in my opinion
for several reasons. First let us
consider the expense. Under the
plan proposed, we will pay $123,000
in interest. Thesp dollars will
build us nothing.. This money if
used for roads would macadamize
the road from Maupin by liakeoven
and .Slianjko to Antelope with a
'trip of macadam nine feet wide.
Hence, if the money were wisely
spent and only 5 per cent, which
is considered legitimate, is used
for engineering, we would have
$247,000 of value in roads- $200,-
000 1 esw $13,01X1 for entnureriiii
and these roads .would cost us
$383,500. The bond method is
the nm-t expensive method of
biiildiiu) roads, for you must add
the interest to the cost of the road.
But in Columbia County in
b inds of .f!l(IO,000 the engineering
eostt) were nearly $100,000. The
surveying is done under the direc
tion of ihe Slate Highway Depart
ment It is not under control of
our county court. The plans and
specifications will be m ule by the
Stale Highvny Department. So
it is possible ihal 25 per cent o
the hpnd issue may, ax it did in
Columbia County, go for engineer
ing. Our taxes will be increased 5-7
of a mill each of the first four
yeaisto pay the interest and 2 and
1-6 mills the fifth ranging down
to I and -1-10 mills the fourteenth.
The money is not rightly ap
pointed. If bond money is to be
used it should be spent upon roads
beginning . at the market, places
and depots and extending out into
the rural districts. The proposed
issue will be expended upon two
highways, largely with an eye t'
atiraoling the tourist. The people
of Rams-ay, Pub-h Flat, Nansene,
Fiiend, Wainic, W'apintia, Smock
and Criterion will derive no direct
benefit from this bond issue.
The money will not complete
the work outlined, II is proposal
to umke n patcli here and a patch
there, $27,500 will not cninpltlo
the road from The Dalles to Dufur.
If ihti road was surfaced on this
strip 20 feet wide there would
be lu and (5-10 cents a square yard
with which to do trie w-.irk. If
the surfacing were nine feet wide
third w.mld be 3J and : cents to
the yard available. On the 20
miles from Tygh grade to Maupin
there would be available 19 cents
a yard on a road bed nine feet
wide. That Ce 'tainly '.' is not
enough to complete this piece of
The bonds not completing the
mm m-'mmmmmmmmm
aupin Drug
road, the nuj(t step would bp to
put on more tax to get mqney to
comple.e the work. That is what
was done in Columbia County.
The bond advocates are starting
out to do a $000,000 job with
$2(10,000. In Columbia' County
the millage rate or roads was 3
m ils before bonding, Jt has pot
oeen less than 7 and 1-2, and has
been as much as l nnd 1-2 milln
since bonding, ("hat county has
spent $1,003,000 on its rorda in
four years and there is not a fool
of paved road in it. The farmer's
tvxec there are almost three limes
as high as they were before the
county bonded. Columbia Coun
ty's assessed valuation is. the same
as Wasco County's.
In Portland there is a mighty
corporation locally called the
" WarrenilD Faying Trust." I
bad occasion as a membar of the
Koads and Highways committee
of the Oregon House of Representa
tives in J5H3 to oppose this octo
pus. A certain Btate senator was
clearly their agent there. They
attempted to gain their points by
an manner oi trieuery. iney use
money, influence and coercion.
They buy the press whenever they
can. Tips "Trust" is helping
finance nearly all the road bond
propositions iu the slato. It has
ha. I its hands in the Multnoma
County and Portland city treasur
ies. Most of Oregon's road phil
anthropists are stockholders in
this corporation, We should be
on guard or we will be playing
the "Trust's'1 game here, A vote
against the bond issuu is a vote
ag ainst the ''Trust"
G ivernor Wiihyamiby in his
address at Friend, June 10th. ad
vised the people not to vote road
tioii'ls, He is in a position to see
tlic ,ieault of .bond issue in other
counties. lie is a member of the
Stain Highway Commission thinks
bis admonition should be heeded,
The grades recently made at
Tygh are paid for. There is no
inie.isf to pay. The same is true
of our court house. 'Tay as you
go" is a mighty good policy,
V. M. Gill, Rep. Nominee for
State -Senator,
Mr. and Mrs, A. J, Hill took
their youngest son Vernon to Dr.
Ivwood at Maupin Thursday. The
duel had been ailing for several
Several of the pupils were absent
from school this week on account
of severe colds.
MrB. C, R. Duncan puichased
an organ for her daughter from an
eastern firm and it arrived the
first of the week.
Mrs. Ktta Large was the guest
.iJ-jlji L
of Rlrs. J. W. Ay res Wednesday.
Last Friday B. V. Morgan and
family left for The Dalles where
they top,k train for their home
in Mo,)Ulia Q. W. Uiirutiiuholt
and Ohns. Oline taking them and
their household goods, In going
in near, three mile oreek Mr. Cline
drove over the embankment hurting-
himself quite badly. He was
taken to Die hospital and found
no hones broken but his hip and
shoulder was badly bruised. Mrs.
Ogelsby was in the wagon with
Mr. Cline but was not hurt,. They
reached home Monday evening
and Mr, Qline is resting easily.
A car load of hogs was shipped,
by the following J. W, Ayres, O.
R. Fleck and F. E. Spoor from
Sharer Saturday to Portland mar
ket J. W. Ayros going with the
We are pleased to say John
Howell is much improved by
(concluded on last page) j
How to Get the Most Barn
Value for Your Money
Yes, our business is selling lumber BUT satisfaction
to the buyer must go with every bill we Bell or WE are
not satisfied,
We know that if you are building a barn and you want
and expect that barn to he the best in every respeot that
the money you put into it can produce.
And we make it our business to see that every barn
bill we sell shall be satisfactory in every detail so far as
material, cost and quality are concerned, and we sometimes
go a long ways to make good on that policy.
It will be. well worth your while to bring us your bill,
or come to us when you first: decide to build we will help
you from start to finish - -. j- . ...
We have planned many barns this fall for our customers
small shed roof barns, one story dairy barns circle roof
barns with special Tum-A-Lum constructionlarge gam
brel roof barns and can tshow you plans, pictures and
costs of various types. 1
No obligation we'll be glad to do it.
"?-: Peter Kilburg about it"
At the Home of "TUM-A- LUMBER"
(and "TUM-A-LUMBER" has come to be a Buy-Word for
good lumber ) '
Flour, . Feed, Suit and Supplies
a ;Ent, for rr Gifford & Go.
Dhnoniv ficonr-anno
Hunts Ferry Warehouse Co.
the . FORD
Is also agent for the follow
ing Popular Cars:
Let him tell you about terms
THE YEAR $1.50
Last week B. D. Fraley purchas
ed the (wo lots across the street
and east of May how from' Mrs,
Slants and the last couple of days
has had a crew of men busy con
structing the foundation for a
main building 30x60 to which will
be added a shed 20x00, the et rue
tore to he occupied upon its com
pletion by Mr. Fraley;B garage aue?
blacksmith shop.
Operations are progressing rap
idly and it is ex,pooted that the
building will be completed in a
couple of weeks. The building
used at present by Mr. Fraley will
be taken down and largely utilized
in the new structure.
Wanted 10 to 30 sacks of win
U r onions.-rShattuck Bros.
Pn I nnrlnn