The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 13, 1916, Image 1

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. iilLd
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 3, NO. J
THE YEAR $1.50
'1 lio ' community
rs well as grieved
w?s surprised
t.u learn that
lluv. G. R. Ellis- li:ul tendered bin
Tesignation n pastor of tha Free
Mi thodist church here at Maupin
uii'l would'soon leave for Rulhton,
.Minnesota, whi're he will continue
hi the gospel work.
On account of the recent death
of ids brother-in-liiw, Mr. Ellin
fell it vbis duty to go bnck there
vvin i ij he could be with his nister
mid his parents who are quite
apod and in poor health.
It is with regret that the church
accents bin resignation for they
wil lose a good and faithful
Av r k i-r, and we truat our lost will
be his gain.
Next Sunday evening Mr. Ellis
will preach his farewell sermon in
Muupin and everyone is cordially
invited to attend.
Thriving Business
A. E. Lake- has been adding to
his stock in general until It looks
like a city store.. He lias also
built in new shelving and widened
those already in use, besides ad
ding display counters in front of
the windows. Mr. Lake has been
with us only a short time but is
doing s thriving business.
Dr. B. 0, Fellows, who has been
quite ill for soma time, is rapidly
failing, He has been in poor
health since last April when he
had a severe attack of the lagrippe
from which be has never, fully recovered.
Just arrived, a big' as
sortment of men's up to
minute hats $3, grays,
greens and blacks.
Mackinaw coats, $7.25
Heavy wool Mackinaw
shirts, $4-9o
Men's wool shirts $1.25
to 3.50
Men's wool underwear, .1.25 to 2.50
Blue Enamel Ware for the
women your ch tee 5o c Hurry
they are going fat. A big line of
staple groceries at better prices.
Let me fill your fal' der now at catalogue prices
Bakeoven Flat
Cleorge Malatt is stepping high
these days, all on account of the
new seven pound boy who came
to live with hiui last week. ,
Claud Wilson finished hauling
wheat from his home ranch and
moved his teams to.Ridgeway
where he has bought somo wheat
which he will haul to Muupin.
Ed Mays returned from a 'trip
to Cherry creek.
ChriBinan is threshing for Meyer
Bro's. lie broke the axel to th
seperutor Friday but repaired it
at Fleming's shop.
Orville Davis and Mrs. Bert
Davis went to The Dalles Saturday
Mrs, Davis remaining a few weeks
to visit ner mother.
Oolda Frynuin spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. F. Fryman, .
Clem Mathews is hauling grain
for Myer Bros.
Mrs. Ilallie Davidson and
daughter Amy who have been
cooking for Geo. Malatt, returned
to their home in The Dalles last
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pruitt moved
in their new house Monday.
Mrs. Stege of Criterion visited
her daughter, Mrs. Harry Harvey,
Mrs. L. A, Bleakney and
daughter Eihyle are visiting
friends in The Dalles. ,
Mrs. Alexander Thompson who
is candidate for representative
! will give an entertainment in the
I Fleming school house the 18. All
I yon women voters come out and
! hear what she wants to tell you.
V, H. Fleming has leased his
Dead Dog ranch te- in son. Mr.
Fleming and wife will start for old
Kentucky in a few days,
The other evenini; Rates Shut
tuck took the special time from
regular duties to show us the woik
ings of their new Pelco Lighting
This combined compact unit
consists of a gasoline engine, n
dynamo and switebboard. It
weighs about 325 pounds, exclusiv
of the storage batteries, which are
furnished as a part of the outfit.
It is the most compact plant we
know of that will deliver 750 watts.
It is a low voltage system, 32
volis, -is this saves battery expense;
at ihe same time it is of sufficient
voltage to operate light machinery
The gasoline engine is of the air
cooled type, so there is no dangei
of freezing, no matter where the
outfit may be located, It is self-
staiting. All that IB required h
to close the switch, which start!-
ti.e engine. Il automatically cuU
off when the batteries are charged.
Any number of lights may be
installed up to 50 or 00. The
average place, however, burns only
a few of these at any one time.
When the engine is running it will
any thirty-two 20-watt lights
continuously, The storage battery
ilone will carry fifteen 20-watt
lights tor eight hours. Ut course
increased storage capacity can be
provided. .'--.,..
Field grain Insurance for 3 month
You cannot afford to t; ke the chances agafnst wifd1
fires,' "cigarette- smokers and " 1 thresher ' engines.
Insurance covers the gram standing, or cut, in stack,
in sack, in bulk, in bin,- warehouse or elevator.-
t y i. ; '
r v - -t' .- -
fH , J
FA 'dV
a stock of the.Genuine "CHIPPEWA
Loggers ami Cruisers Shoe---the kind
that you wear for a year" and thee hate
to throw away.
Wool Socks the famous "Ball" Irand
from twenty-five to seventy-five cents.
Woolen Underwear A full Kne of both
Union and two piece suits for men and
women- and the kids too,
Fancy Flannel and Stag Shirts" m a
number of new patterns,
Don't forget the big Harvest Dance
Saturday, October 14th,
Candidate for re-election for
Circuit Judge' of the seventh ju
dicial district, comprising Hood
RitaV and Wasco counties.
Judge BradBhaw has been judge
of the seventh jiifdicial district for
the past twentp-'fi've yeafrs.
utvring mat nine ne nas given
the people an efficient and:eco
mimical administration of the of
fi'te. i ' . . , . ,, ,.
He has a splendid reuo'fd in the
Supreme Court, being above the
If re-elected,, will continue to
give the' people that same conKei
entioua service that he has given
in the past.'
County Agents Notes
(Silo on Juniper Flat.
Mr. John Martin has just erect
ed the pioneer eilo en Juniper Elat,
and we predict that the farmers
there will all have them before
many years. In fact we hope
and expect to see the time when
one will be aide to see a silo from
avery hilltop in Wasco County,
It means more cattle, more sheep
more hogs, more turkeys, less
waste feed and Bitfllcient feed for
dry weather, an economic; way of
storing feed, In short it means
more stock, more prosperity and
a more permanent agriculture.
Mr. Martin ruined some good
wrn this year and from 16 to 20
icres will fill tho silo. The corn
.vas well eared out and as .-the
i,rni is 60 per cent of the value
if the insilage, this means very
loncentrated feed( Some of the
iorn has been nipped by frost but
oy putting in a great amount of
vater the result will be about as
jood a cure us ordinarily obtained.
One new "wrinkle" in silage
operations was tried by Mr. Mar
tin with astonishing success. He
nl his corn with a header, three
rows at a timo. Unit even beats
the com binder.
'There are now about adoasen
silos In Wasco County and farm
ers who have them are enthusias
tic over the results.
Court House Notes
Alvah M. Daniels to Wei by A.
Dune, W. D. sel-4 Sec, 28, Tp.
5 8. tl. 11 E.
F. M. Driver to State Land
Doard, Mtg, $1000, swl-4 nel-4,
wl-2 sel-4, sl-2 swl-4, wl-2 nwl-4
Sec, 16; wl-2 nel-4, sel-4 nel-4,
wl-2 sel-4 See. 1 17, sel-4 nel-4,
sel-4 Sec. 18, wl-2 nel4,el-2 nw
1-4 Sec. l,Tp. 4 S. R. 13 E.
Chattel Mortgages
Joseph T. Mr-Clellan to C. J.
Crandall, $315 crop on sl-2 sel-4,
nel-4 sel-4 See li); wl-2 aw 1-4
Sec. 20 Tp. 7" S. . 15 K.
Geo. Wngenblast to Clifton
Gilpin $2043 farm implement,
One lot blacksmith tools, 11 horses
4 colts, 4 sets harnesses;
E. Hire to H. j. Allen, $25 1
mule I horse.
Suits Filed
E. A. Hartman vs. S. H Mul
Vaney et al., to collect $412.12
Grandma Cook passed, another
millstone in safety, reaching her
93d year, id moderate good health. ,
She had the. pleasure ,of having
of her children with her, Mrs. H.
C. Jessey, of. Rowlins, Wy., Mn.
9. B. Rice of Spokane, Wash.,
Mr. B. F. Cook, Prineville, fil-i -
Mrs, Kate McCabe and husband, : -
of Tygh Valid?, Mrt. Dolly John
son and husband, James Ctfbk arid
a gfandstfh Tofny Cook. ' dthbrs
prtveht were Mr. E. Smilhj Mrs,
FV Confer, of juniper Flatj Mrei
Wilhelm, Mra. Stewart and little
diiughler Crystal, and Miss Stuart j
Mrs I,. Hainca and son-Kenneth;
Itev. (i. H Ellis wife and son
A bountiful dinner was served (f
inHHt dm k and chicken with itistny"- -
nppiti-ing side dishes. Straw
berries were gathered mid served
for desert. The combined ages of
mother and children totaled 562
years. The Times joina in wish
ing grandma many happy return
Of the day,
10 per cent interest.
Glenn Large has been qttite sick
but Oi, the road lo recovery.; -
Little Vernon Hill was qttite
sick a couple of days.
John Howell is suffering with
the asthma1,
Albert Hill motored to ' his
sisters Mis. Craft s one day last
week, and came from there in
three hours, some 5o miles.
C. A. Syron, N. li. and T. J
Wiiitcoinb and son were transact
ing business at Tlie Dalles Thurs
day mid Friday.
Fred Rk-hel and wife spent Sun
day with Mrs Bichel s mother Mrs.
Nanc Junes
Terry Jones made a business trip
trip to The Dalles Saturday.
Harry Ayres and Miss Dorothy
McCorkle are attending School at
The Dalles
Mulvar.ey Bros, sent two 1 ads f
lumber to Sherman county Satur
day C. R. and Geo, Duncnn deliver
ing it'.
SH Mulvanvs father and nephew
of Oregon City spent a few days
with the Mulvany fa'uiily eiiroute
to their homtstead' in Lake cbiinty
' O.R. Fleck has moved on theF.
E. Spoof ranch and1 Geo. Young
and family moved on the place Mr
Fleck vacates, the Kinney ranch
First, Last, and all the Time!
Anl here's why
there's More to the Retail Lumber Business than just "Selling W66d''
Our business policy is td help you to. BUY WHAT YOU WANf.
If you re satisfied, you'll come back, and we will be saved just Bb
much expense in tryihg to SELL. :0' ,V
This SAVING we ptft into better SERVICE, whieh helps to better
satisfiy you net time . , f .,.
It's very simpleit's right-Ht'sgood business.
We lose no time "explaining or apologizing or trying to Brft'ootb;
things"- don't have to.
to do that property requires a ftfnd of expert informationtht raises
this business to the dignity of a" Profession.
We are protid of otir business, and we'll take' great pleasvf'e in hefp'
Ing you to solve any and all building problerris.
And this does not obligate you in any way We'll be glad to do1 it.
"See Peter ftilburg abofjt it"
Th-i Dalles Thursday trf the bedside
of h;r sister Mrs. Vandetta,' who' is
in the hospital and very low.
B. VV. Morgan was a business
visitor at Tygh: Valley Friday.-
Terry Jones and sister Miss. Lou'
were Wamic business visitors Thurs
day. .
The state fish and game com
mission yesterday Shipped1 48
Chinese pheasants for distribution
in Tygh Valley. The birds were
ffecufad for' this district through
'. the efforts of W. O'. Hadley, dep-
Leone Wliitcomb is staying witlV lltv fih aml WM(en Mr.
Hadley believes that Tygh Valley
Vf. II. Mayfield
S'moek) Monday. ',
was- over from
her aunt rs. f. T
and going to stlibol'.-
Miss Alpha Mayfield went Sun
day to' help Mrs. j'ames Brown with
household duties.
Mf. and Mrs. W, H. Mayfield
were business visitors hi The Dalles
last week
Mrs. Cecil Mayfield was" called to
Flour, Feed, Salt and Supplies
agents Fc (gee Gifford & GOi
also for
Phoenix Assurance Co,, London
Hunts Ferry Warehouse Go.
is the ideal place for propagating
the game birds' and is' receiving
the co-operation of (he residents
of that region iiv t'curiii the
pheasant front the state.--Cbi'on.
The Times1 with tins issue is
commencing its thir'd year of
Toilet Articles, Periumm
g New Line of Box Pdpef
f vSchool Tablets, Drug SundrieSr
I Maupin Drug Store
the FOED) man
Is also agent for the follow
ing Popular Cars
Let him tell you about terms
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