D. A. Moad purchased a hand some Studebaker car last week. Smock Items m W.H. Mayfield and family came outfrom the. mountains Saturday ; bringing 40 gallons of berries. Chas. Cline returned Wednesday . ,.: from Sherman- county via The .. Dalles bringing several boxes' of peacliep. T. E.Farlovv was a Tygli visitor last Thursday. .. , Blaine DW.iow made atrip 0 The Dalles !.,st wt.ek laking ponltry and garlic, tin- I I ter now biiuging a good price. The tall setdi.,K h ahout com pleted. C H. Yoixt-v s suffering from eury dust 111 lus eyes. Mr"- T j. Whi.comb ,i daughter .I)or..,lv ,e in Portland Walter Ledford made a trip to the Flat Sunday taking Miss Ell. Syron to the Derthick school as , ' teacher. ; O. W. BttrKBinholt made a trip to Kent ast week. - John Howell is 'suffering' with asthma, , ' ''"' v v. C. N. Duncan ai il . f.m , Ciiin ' out from tlm .11.ounu.nV F,, with 4a galloux 01 'moiilx-rues Mrs. fidith m, l lulii ,, ;ini) muther Mrs. LHI)!e ,,., d yun day afternoon at the home" of John Mayfield's, Mrs. Hill havtuK dm lugthe Ford fion. Ifc.gU-;'' i,le. , Don't blame your clock -J t erf ctainj. , tfmwtons will 'doit for you and guarantee it. The farmers Hon't seem to be satisfied unless they re skinned Give Dad Coale a . chance. He buy9 al1 kind f pelts, hides, . skins and wool. ' All .those indebted to me will please pay the same- at the Maupin tate-Batbfthe 15th nf'Nov. .. A. Dan;:.- '