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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1916)
The Maupin Times published every Friday at Maupin, Oregon Mrs. W. L. Morrison Publisher lubscriptiou: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents, three months, 50 Entered as" second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the po'stoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un ties the Act of March 3, 1879., Report of the Condition, of-the Maupin State Bank No. 224 at Maupin, in the state, of Ore gon, at the close of business, Septembers, 1916, RESOURCES ' . Loans and discounts , $48, 346. 94 Overdrafts, secured and, , unsecured ." 26 28 Honds and warrants, 31315 Hanking house . 2,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,090.00 Due from approved. re serve banks 6,392.08 Checks and other cash items- 91.7 Cash. on. hand-, 3,880.02 Tntal 63,140.22 ' LIABILITIES f.ipital stock paid in $ 15,000-00 liurplus'fund 1,157.76 (Jnuivided profits ' 744.90 Individual deposits sub ject to check 43,783.01 Canhier checks out standing 134.17 Time and Savings De posits . 2,317.64 ULhor liabilities 2,74 Total . ti3, 140.22 State of Oregon, ). . County of Wasco B ' " , 1. F. D. Stuart, Cashier of the 8.1 .e named bank do solemnly .Mr that the abovu: statement it true to the best of my knowl edge arid belief. F. D. Stuart,, Cashier.. Subscribed and sworn to be me, this 18th. day of Sept ember, 1916. .).' MI Conklin,. Nojtary Public. My commission expjres March tf, 1917. ' . Correct Attest: J. M. Cpnklin, . I). M. Shattuck, Directors. 4 ; , For Sale ', A limited number (if Collie pup? yri: Price $2.00 nd $0. Call hi, . .U.: Kellys, Wapinitia Items Some wdTiri' weather, thisweek, Threshiujj is pretty well over on the Flat a(id a niimber of the farm ers have commenced fall seeding. M. W. F)ini) and family returnt il Viulay from a two week's stay near Mt. Hood. They ' report a splendid trip and lots of lui, kle krries. ' ' Mrs. Julia ', Kiulersby is on t lie side list at present. Dr. Shannon V attending her, . ' Mrs. M..1I.- Staines is the, proud possessor of a fine new piano which arrived Saturday.. Jachson. Rice niade a trip to Maupin after it. ' ! V. U. Tapp lost a tine; horse last week. ? There seems to be quit? a bii of sickness among the .horses here. Frank HaUy a!sn lost one lately. Most every ejus 'around attended the fair at 'lygh hint week, nil re porting it as good.,.- -, . ' Jfr. arid Mrs. Sak-ll of The , Dalles passed , through hi're Tues lay returiiitig from the mountains, Wes Ka'y aiid Mrs, Delco and family passed through here Tues day on thi ir way to the Summit where Mrs.. A ay hud Mis. Mamie Smith an' camped. Hubert Tapp took a .load of household goods to Dul'ur Monday. JacksoiVKfci went to Manpiu Monday hi inning home a load of intit from the Johnson ranch. Mr. and Mrs Sam Utown made a trip to the ditch camp Tuesday. Geo. Magill's thresher laid off two das last week in order for the men to attend the fair. Misses Ivy and Celia Klin ti were visitors at home during this week. Miss Stevens from Wii. is visit inn at her uncle's home lu te, Rev. M. H. Staines. Miss Haiel William of Vale. Oic..',' visiting ..with her gund-, piunts, Mr. au'd Mis. Maiion! lJllMon. j Mr. and Mrs. Viank Hustou.i Heruard and Miss lues Hartsmait left Thursday for the inouutains. Walter Woodside and son had little excitement last week while n their way to Maupin with a load Going to Need a 'Ney Drill This Season? If $0, You Will of Course Qet a PEGMA There is questibn but what the reorick is best oi as good 4 grain drill as is the market todays Your- old drill is, getting worn out : and a,' new 1 ' : VV drill alwavs hrini the hfst result . - r These Look uiaxnam r anning ' ' " ' "'. ' i. '"'' ' , " Latest mproye( Model x See Us Before Purchasing' Elsewhere Notice to Blue vStone fomaldehyd: Maupin Drug Store of grain. Mr. Woodside saw what he at first supposed to be a large hog, but on looking closely dis covered it to be a large bear. He stopped at a neighbor's house nnd phoned for his brother Lewis who was at Driver's, to bring a gun to shoot it. Tliey ' chased it down near Jack Kelly's and tlwre shot it This ifl the first bear that has bet kuowii of on the Flat for years. K.' A. Hnrtma:i ond family re tnrued home Sunday from Tygh where they run a stand during the fair. The O'Brien thresherfiiuslved its run and' pulled in last week. Howard Dlackerby aitd Karl Hentley passed through here Sat uiila.i on their way home from the Agency . Tlains country to The Dalles. They are both former residents, of this place. Mr. Illackeiby went home to get bis family and slock and is going to move to the plains where he will have ehaige of a wheat ranch. School commenced last week in the Hatty district with Miss Lena Peoples ol the valley as teacher. Uev. G.. K. Wood pi cached at the church lieie Suudny in the ab sence of Rev. Staines who went to The Palles to atttud institute. Mis, Lu Woodside is experi menting on what cau be done with strawberries here. She" reports that on Jul)- ;th sbs eet out the plants and now some of the vines are blooming and some have ber ries on them that will be ripe iu a few days. lieu Foreman commenced haul ing wheat Wednesday. Joe Graham was cut from the inouutains Monday. Did Mt. Ibxxl Hushes light s well as talks. One of tlx rangers has been stationed there all sum mer and has a telephone. Oeo 1 O prills Can be Bought of .H.STAATS& at our handsome new the Farmers Blue vStone Ledford who had been on the mountain since Friday flashed a light messuge to his wife on Sraock We took a small mirror, and aot in direct line of the top of the tnouii- taiii and threw the light from the wini and .instantly 'w' saw them flashing back, to us several times. Wamic News A most successful and interest ing event w as the fair held at Tygh last week. The board Of directors the fair association deserve much prai,se for the splendid arrange ments which wer so satisfactory lotliehirge crowd iu attendance. Tht Warm Spring Iudians ' are woijthy. of credit for their assistant- in making up the features of the entertainment. A sad thing occurred iu the mountains Saturday whtn a wo man administered carbolic acid to her infant twins, then turned and swollowed the poison. The cause of the deed has not been Warned hei a. She was formerly Mrs. Geo, M dlatt, and lived on Smock where she has several relatives. YVstcrday and today saw the teachers fiom the schools depart for The Dalles to attend institute. W. II. Magill left Friday with his jlnesher for Madras where he hiisjquite a run of threshing. The greater part of his men wert from this place and consisted of Marion Duncan, Kd Woodcock, Don Mill er. -John Illingswoith Jimuiie Uitnet and a number of others whose names we did not learn. . W. K. Woodcock started up his wwmill with a full force today. Miss Beat rice CofFea and Miss Uladys AVhite wlu spent last week wi:H Mi:;s Hilda Lake, returned to TV" -O-illf Snitdy.'-Mitv I.ate fnr seeding. " K' . accompaning them. Henry Miller and family made a trip to The Dalles .Saturday, Miss May Miller accompanied them from Tygh to Dufur. Mr. and Mrs Roe Grimes of Tygh and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnett, of The Dalles, visited this place Friday, calling on old time friends, llewie Swift, of Cour da, lene, Wn., visited at the home of his uncle, A. J. Swift, Saturday night Peter Peters came over fron K.eut Saturday night, bringing Mrs. I5(jssie Chandler and two sm4lt daughters, Yelda and Car- uiin. jVI,r. Chandler has been employed, at the" Peters home dur ing harvest tip?. .. Bakeo vea (too. late for last week). ' Edwin Mays and Mr. Sutton came up Sundayto spend a few davs on the ranch. Mfs. Harry Wilson who has beet)' spending a few day? at Claud Wifson's left for Portand Tuesday Three threshers and five combines are threshing on the flat at present Mrs. Bert Davis and baby re turned home Friday from The Dalles." Miss Effie- Vaudervem is spend ing her vacation with her mother, Mrs, Jeronie Buzan. Mrs. Kathleeu Van Hooniisou arrived Sunday from Portland Un visif her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Flanagau a few days. '."" I. O. O F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 20!), Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson'! lull. Visiting mem bers always welnonio. V. B. Doty, X. G. F. I). Stuart, Secretary. DryJLawrence S. StovaU VETERINARY Medicine iStfrgery and Dentistry Charge, veusiuiable . Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or residence Maupin, Oregon Hot baihs on nbort notice at T,.! Beef Phone your ordera to Claud Wilson. Meat will ; delivered it Maupin on Fridays every week' 1 Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a, rn. ;Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p. m. V. ROBERTS. Frog. J Northern Grain & Warehoused Highest prices for all kindg of grains . Phone us for a befpre selling NOTICE FOR, PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at. The Dalles, Oregon, July 22nd, 1916, NOTICE is hereby given that John F. Singer of Shaniko,' Oregon, who on Octo ber loth, 1909, made . Homestead en try No. 00258, and., ou June 17th, 1914, made additional ' Homestead Entry No; 013468, for SEl-4Nwl-4 e1-2nw1-4, sw1-4nwI-4, ne1-4 SWl 4, Sectiou 29 Township 7 south, Range 15 East Willamette Meridian, lias n lea notice ot inten tion to make tinai hve year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before 11, C Rdoper, U, S. Commissioner, at Antelope, Orecon, on the 2nd day of October, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry A. Cooke, Herbert W Cooke, William II. V!oolsey,' Pearl McCulloch, all of Shaniko, Oregon H. Frank Woodcock,' ;' t tip Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLipATION (publisher). Department' of the Interior, ' ' U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 7th, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that HENRY A. COOJCE, , of Shaniko, Oregon, who on April 22nd, 1914, made Homesteaa Jin. try No. 012932 and on May 2nd 1914, made additional Homestead Entry No. 013026, for SKI-4SWI-4, Section 27, E1-2NW1-4, iu-2SWr-if; NWI-4SWI-4, W1-2SE1-4, Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above describedv before H. C. Hooper, U. S. Commissioner at Antelope, Oregon, on the 2nd day of October, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: John F. Singer, Cyrus W. Hewjtt, Pearl McCulloch, George Albright all of Shaniko, Oregon. H,. Fkank Wood;oc:kx up. ;; Register,.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . (publisher). Department of the Interfpij United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon; September 9, ts;6, NOTICE is hereby given that James A. Gi,assey ot Shaniko, Oregon, who on Feb: rnary 24th, 1913, made ""Horastead Entry, No 011327, forswi-4SEi-4, SEI-.4SWI-4, Section I5, NI-2.NW1-4. section 22, Township 7 South, Range 10 East, Willamette Me, ridihn. has filed notice of inten. ticw to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim, .to, the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 20th day of October 19 16 Claimant names as witnesses: J. W. Wilson, W. T. Wilson, Charles E. Wilsou, J. J. Wilson, all of Shaniko, Oregon. ti. l'KANK UOOCOCK, p Regiser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (vrnusHKK) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oiegon, September 13, io.r.6. NOTICE is hereby given that, HUSTON PENT of Maupin, Oregon, who on Sept ember 7th, 1915, made Homestead Kutry No. 015360, for KI-2NEI-4, ;ii-2SEi-4, Sec. ij,, Township 6 South, Range 14 East, Lot 7, ei-2 swi-4, sec. 6, .Lot 1, section 7, Townships south, range 15 east, Willamette; Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three vear Prool, to establish claim to th; land above described, before F. D. Stuart, V. S. Comni,ssioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 13rd day of October, 19161 Claimant names as witnesses W. E. Hunt. C E. Matthews Clark Richardson,. .. Ray Aubery all of Maupin, Oregon. II. FRANK Wi-ODCtVK, R i-e- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO- KATED TRACT (Publisher) Public Land Sale, rtmpnt of the Interior II. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Pregon, July 101916. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Sec. 3455. R S. , pur suant to the application of Benja min T. Smith, Serial No, 014503, " we will offer at public sale to tne hinhest bidder, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10:00 o'clock A. 'f M., on the -17th day of October, -next, at this office, the following . tract of land: Lot 6. Section 6, Township 4' south, Range 15 East, VJMtomiWA 'nfinMian fOnntalninp " 17. c I Acres!. MThis tract is or- derei,into the market on a showing that"ije' greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rougn ior cul tivation. The sale will not be kept open, but. will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased biddine. The person makipg. the highest bid will be' required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount tnereot. Anv nersons claiming adveiselv the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated tor sale. np L. A. Booth, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT (Publisher) , vPublic Laud Sate Department of the Interior ' U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 29, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under pro visions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursu ant to the application of William H. Williams, Serial No. 014890, we, will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., on the 19th day of Octobet next, at this office, ihe following tract of land: SE1-4NEI-4, section 5 Township 5 south,, Range 14 East, .Willamette. Meridian (Containing 4o Acres) . , 'This tract is ordered, into the market on a showing that a crrpatpr finrHnn' thereof is moilli- e-- 1 - uinous or top' rough for cultiva tion"). The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when 1 hose present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. ., Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad- yised to file their claims, or objec, tipiis, on or before the time desig nated for1 salei L A. Booth, Receiver. NOTICE FOR "PUBLICATION '; ISOLATED TRAQT . r (puslisher) Public Laud Sale. Department of the Interior S, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 1916. Nonce is hereby given . tnat, as directed by the Conu"issiouer of the . General Land office, Un der provisions of Sec 2455, R. S pursuant to the application of rhomas Faherty, henal No.oi457! we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, but at jiOt less than $2.50 per acre, at 9:45 o'clock a. in., on the 21st day of Novem ber, next, dt this office, the follow ing tract of .land: NI-2NWI-4 SE 1-4NW1-4, and nei-4SWI-4, Section 10, Township 5 South, Range 14 Eastt Willamette Meridian (Con taining 160 Acres)., "This tract is ordered into the market on a show ing that the greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rough for cultivation." The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding, The person making the highest bid will be re quired to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advis ed to file their claims, or objections on or before the time designated for sale. np L. A. Booth, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (pubusprr) Depprtmeut ol the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dallas, Oregou, August 22nd, 1916. notice is hereby given that JOSEPH A. GRAY of Criterion, Oregon, who on Aug. list 25, 1913, made Homestead En try no. 01 1990, for EI-2NKI-4 and K1-2SKI-4, Section 17, Towuship 6. south, Range 15 Bast, Willimtte Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final three jt tr Proof, to establish claim to tlie land above described, before F. D Stuart, U.S. Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 2nd day of October, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: C. A. Duus. C. G. Skogsbury, H. M. Green, Fred Hornquist, all of Cri. terion, onuu, H. ' -. v r'' OD ' .J