The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 22, 1916, Image 6

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Gambler May Make Money by Lucky
ChanJe, but He Loses In the End
Patience la Necessary
to Success.
The man with a long vision1 wins In
Wall street. This means thut the win
ner must be a student of values. He
must be familiar with the factors that
make for or against prosperity, for
Wall street is the barometer of trade.
If the outlook Is unfavorable to busi
ness, It will be reflected by o declining
tendency In the stock market, and
when conditions fuvor prosperity they
will be forecast by a rise in the finan
cial barometer.
1 have never known one who merely
"gambled" In Wall street, that Is, one
who bought and sold on the chance of
winning or losing, who was ever suc
cessful In the end, Jasper writes In
Leslie's. lie might muke money by a
lucky chance, just as he would at a
game of cards or throwing dice, but in
the end the odds were against him.
With very few exceptions I have
known of no one who Invested In Wall
street securities with knowledge of
what he was buying who did not come
out with a final profit. It takes a long
headed, patient man to this, however,
and patience Is not one of the redeem
ing virtues of the American people.
Some observant financiers, Including
one of the ablest In the country, the
Honorable A. Barton Hepburn of New
York, think that they see a slight halt
In the wave of prosperity that we have
been enjoying by reuson of the war
abroad. They fear a marked but tem
porary subsidence of this wave on the
conclusion of peace, which may not be
far off. Observers also think that In
some lines of business promotion of
new securities has been overdone and
that the mass of "Indigestible secur
ities," as the late J. P. Morgan called
them, may prove to be a drug upon the
I note that English papers ore In
clined to believe that pence may come
suddenly and unexpectedly, though not
In the near future. Many who recall
the bitterness of the contest abroad
believe that it will prolong tho strug
gle for two or three years to come,
or at least until the resources of some
of the contending parties are more
nearly exhuusted. A breakdown In
Austria Is first looked for.
The greatest prosperity factor, out
side of the crop situation, so fur as
this country is concerned Is the presi
dential election. It does not escape
observation that as election day ap
proaches, the leaders of both political
parties ure expressing a greater Inter
est In the consideration of business,
.The voters are making up their minds
us to which party can best be depend
ed upon for the constructive loglsln
tlon that our Industries and railways
require. Everybody wants prosperity
and every thoughtful voter will be on
the side of the cundldute who promises
to help prosperity.
As the campaign proceeds and as the
utterances of the presidential candi
dates are heard and weighed, the Judg
ment of the public will be formed,
and as soon as It becomes uppurcnt
that this Judgment will bo In favor
of a cnndldnte distinctly representing
u constructive policy, the stock mar
ket and business generally will relied
this sentiment.
The Best Passage.
A somewhat conceited clergyman,
who was more celebrated for the
length of his sermons than for their
eloquence, once asked the late Father
llenly, the famous Irish wit, what he
thought of the one just preached.
"Well, sir," replied the humorist, "1
like one pussngo exceedingly well."
"Indeed, Father Healy, and pardon
me for asking which passage you refer
"Well, my dear sir," replied the wit,
"the passage I refer to was from the
pulpit to the vestry room."
A Valuable Fish.
Fishermen off the southern side of
tho cape have been capturing sturgeon
and tossing them back because they
lld not know what to do with the big
fish. Now they ore shipping them to
market, having discovered that they
ure worth 18 cents a pound, and are
considered better even than swordflsh,
Sturgeon flesh Is salmon color, and the
spawn, of which caviare Is made, is a
special dainty. Specimens taken on
this coast have run from five to eight
feet In length, and the fish are tnken
In strong nets. Tho fish weigh from
1(K) to 300 pounds. Old Colony
Just Couldn't Miss It
"What's the population of this
town?" asked the supercilious stran
"Oh, about 000," nnswered the na
"Have you nu active citizenship?"
"Toler'bly active, sir. The Inst time
we had a lynchln' here some of our
prominent citizens who had been bed
ridden for months, got up to take a
hand In the proceodlu's."
Truly Feminine.
"Ladles," announced the president
of an afternoon bridge club, "ladles,
11 has been moved and seconded that
there shall bo no conversation nt th
curd tables. What shall we do wUh
the motion?"
"I suggest," said R sprightly little
blonde, "I suggest thut we Uiscusa It
while we play."
Effective Tailored Suit
The tailored suit Is of perennial In
terest, for It Is much the same and
must reuch the same standards In all
walks of life. Nothing that women
wear meets so muny critical eyes, and
women step down and up to a com
mon level when they wear correct
street clothes. Therefore the tailored
suit is to be most carefully selected.
Wherever else she may be forced to
practice economy every woman should
give us much as she can for good ma
terial and good style In her tailored
suits. Thanks to manufacturers there
are ready-made suits of moderate
price that command the respect of the
most discriminating of women. The-
most effective suits follow current
modes with so much reserve that they
are not out of date with the passing
of a single season. This Is especially
true of the materials of which the
best tailored suits are made.
The suit shown here Is an excellent
Trim and Neat for
- -
There ure many dainty Jackets de
signed for morning wear that go to no
great lengths to make themselves at
tractive. They are, In fact, brief little
garments whose story is soon told. But
they are as sure of pleasing the eye
and the good taste of women ns Is the
wild rose. Here is one of them,
mode of the very palest shade of pink,
In cotton voile, with a narrow satin
stripe running through It. Scattered
over the surface of the cloth, the small
est of roses, about us big as a pencil
head, are set In equally diminutive
leaves. The roses are in pink, deepen
ing to the American Beauty shnile,
This Is about the simplest of all
morning Jackets and It doesn't take
much calculation on the part of the
least calculating woman to coiivlnce
her that Its cost Is next to nothing. It
only takes about three yards of voile a
yard wldo to make the body and
sleeves. Any other sheer fabric will
answer the purpose as well us voile,
and there are numberless cotton
weaves, Including challle, organdie,
lawn, batiste, mull and crepe, that are
printed with nil sorts of flower pat
terns. The Jacket pictured Is plain with
long shoulder seams and throe-quarter
length sleeves. It Is cut to hang
straight from the shoulders, and gath
ered In at the waistline by a ribbon
run through a casing. The casing Is
made by stitching a strip of the mate
. 1
example of a standard suit, made of
black and white checked material,
which is never out of fashion. The
skirt Is plain and rather full and
flares sufficiently to be In the mode.
The coat Is plain cu,t, with an easy
adjustment to the figure, which is
always smart, and has a full pcplum
and wide belt of the material. Patch
pockets, odd band cuffs, and high
plain collar depend upon neat ma-chlne-stltchlng
and bone buttons for
an always correct tailored finish. The
buttons are white, bordered with a
rim of black.
White washable gloves, black and
white shoes, and a tailored hat faced
with black belong In the company of
this model suit. They complete the
equipment of the wearer for the hap
penings of the day.
Breakfast Time
rial to the under side of the jacket,
The neck Is trimmed to n V shape at
tho front and finished with a narrow
facing, and the sleeves are faced also.
All the seams are felled.
A row of vnl lace Insertion and
edging trims the bottom, having the
edging whipped to the Insertion with
a little fullness, to form a scant frill.
A wldo collar and cuffs of white or
gandie are finished with lace in the
same way, and they are basted to the
neck and sleeves as a finish to the
jacket. Collar and cuff sets ore
bought ready made and may be had
for so low a price that It Is hardly
worth while to make them. The Jacket
fastens nt the throat with a snap
Bellows Bag.
A pretty workbag Is shaped exact
ly liko the brass and leather bellows
which reposes by your fireside. It
Is made of cretonne, two pieces cut
In bellows shape, with a gusset of
plain material set In at the sides. Tho
whole bag Is finished with braid, and
a tassel dangles front the end. A
strap of the cretonne which holds the
two pieces together may pass over the
owner's arm. It clasps with a 'snap
on one side.
Some Very Interesting Thoughts on
Those Worn by Male of the
Pants are of two kinds; human and
The human pants of commerce are
worn mainly by males.
But equal rights prevail among
Human pants are worn thicker in
winter and thinner In summer.
The dog's pants come thicker In the
The dog's lungs are the seat of Its
pants. (Date 187o, Hostetter's Al
manac.) White pants are not a garment. They
are a business to themselves.
The man who wears them doesn't
work at much else at the time.
When I was small and on a farm, I
wore pants that were not new.
So far as I could find out, they never
had been new.
When they had been first worn out,
by the first tailless ancestor I had,
they had been patched at all the ven
tilated places.
When the original goods wore out
between the patches, the first patches
were connected by other patches.
And sew on.
Where they overlapped the patches
the goods became about an Inch
And when human legs made of any
material less durable than vulcanized
flint are Incased In a set of lnch-and-a-quarter
Deer Island jeans trousers
patched with every kind of heavy
goods from horse blankets to rem
nants of rag carpet when, I gay, any
human nether limbs are Incarcerated
In these bendless tubular garments In
a wheat field on a southwest hillside at
two o'clock on a clear, still day when
the temperature Is 110 in the shade
and there Is no shade, the owner of
said legs thinks longingly of the bas
tlle, the stocks, the pincers, the guil
lotine, the pillory, the thumb-screw,
the rack, the stake and other religious
I have gone long days In the whent
field In a pair of such asbestos pants
lined with sandpaper or barbed wire,
and now death or public speaking or
fashionable dinners none of those
things has any terror for me.
I playfully inquire of death as to
the location of Its stinger. Farm Life.
Woman's Winning Force.
The winning force In woman's life Is
first of all, purpost a purpose which
curries with it the assent of reason,
the judgment of the mind and the ap
proval of conscience.
This purpose must be your own
not another's. The sorrowful experi
ences of many women Is that they
are always children, with no plan of
life, no will by which their energies
are to be directed.
Don't drift, but steer. Dare to be
singular. Scorn to degrade yourself
by yielding up your Individuality to
suit the whim of the worthless.
Now and then a woman stands aside
from the crowd, lubors steadfastly and
straightway the world wonders, ad
mires and crowns the determined
doer, and yet It only Illustrates what
a growing and exhaustless force each
woman might become if she took hold
of life with a purpose.
Determine to live for something last
ing. Even goodness falls where there
Is no will.
You cannot dream yourself Into a
character. You must hummer and
force yourself Into one.
New Russian Oil Fields.
A newly verified Russian oil field,
with an area of about 70,000 square
miles, or about twice the size of the
New Euglund states, now emerges
strangely from a mass of explorers'
data to suggest pretty strongly that
current pessimism over the decreasing
output of the oil fields of the Cuucasus
Is not well justified. This new field,
according to Russia, the monthly organ
of It. Martens A Co., Is located in the
Urul province, begins at the Caspian
sea, taking a fanlike shape to the north
as far as the town of Alexandrovsky
Gal, runs nearly due east to the town
of Temlr and from there In a southerly
and southwesterly directions, following
the Eniba river to the Caspian sea
again. Although an attempt was made
by the government to encourage the
commercial exploration of this coun
try as far back as 1800, no serious de
velopment work had been done until
very short time ago. Russia more now
than ever, is feeling effects of the high
prices of petroleum and its absolute
necessity has led to the discovery of
these fields. Wall Street Journal.
It is often said that love is blind,
and, Judging by the experience of a
newly married couple, It hasn't much
seuse of taste, either.
A few weeks ufter the wedding a
friend dropped into the bridegroom's
studio and found the artist and his
bride laughing heartily at some Joke,
"What ever Is amusing you so
much? he asked In amazement
"Oh, It's been so funny," gurgled
the young wife, as she wiped the
tears of Joy from her eyes. "My hus
band painted nnd I cooked this morn
ing, and now we are both trying to
guess what tho things were meant
Costly Remark.
"What do you think. Miss Chenille,
a friend of mine got a three-karat dia
mond ring for only twenty dollars!'
"Why dou't you look out for a bar
gain like that, Mr. Slowguy?"
And presently It dawned upon hlra
that the remark was going to cost him
She Refused to See the Opportunities
Near Home and Created a Spirit
of Unrest and Discontent
Among Pupils.
The "best" teacher we ever had in
our old district school had a distinct
ly bad influence In the community,
says a writer in Farm Life.
Born and raised in the country, she
longed for the town with her whole
She despised the rural life.
She thought all the wisdom of the
world was printed in books, and that
all the worthwhile opportunities of
life were to be found In distant cities.
She did not openly deride and mock
our parents, of course, but we knew
without being told what her feeling
She was full of enthusiasm, and she
found it easy to Inspire us with her
own top-lofty ambitious.
Most of the girls In the neighbor
hood wanted to be Jenny Linds and
Florence Nightingales. All the boys
wanted to be heroes great soldiers,
poets, judges, statesmen.
None of us, of course, wanted to be
great in his own neighborhood. Each
thought hejhad to get away from home
in order to' have a chance in life.
Teacher could not, in fact, see the
The eyes of her soul were afflicted
with that disease which the oculists
call hypermetropla. She could only see
distant objects.
The girls In the neighborhood, feel
ing the Impulse toward "wider hori
zon," drifted away to the towns and
They escaped the "deadening monot
ony" of rural life by becoming wait
resses In hotels aud workers in fac
tories. Some fared a little better and Bome
a great deal worse but none of them
became a Jenny Llnd or a Florence
The boys, too, were full of the grand
unrest. They turned their backs scorn
fully on the old homesteads.
Each was "the architect of his own
fortune," and teacher had taught him
to believe that all the building mate
rials were to be found in distant
After they had failed as architects,
many of them came humbly but gladly
back to the old district and succeeded
ns farmers.
Now as never before In the world
opportunity Is found on the farm, and
every school teacher should know that,
There are more statesmen of real
worth and more genuine poets coming
from the tall grass than from the tall
The wider horizon is the privilege of
youth, but It Is visible to everyone who
lifts his head at home, while It Is too
often obscured by clouds of smoke to
the sojourner In the cities.
Do not let teacher fill the minds of
your children full of cheap romance
while she Ignores all the beauty and
dignity that should make rural life so
Paid $5,600 for a Colt.
Those, who had the mistaken Idea
that the day of the horse is passing
must have received a rather severe
jolt when Walter Cox paid no less
than $5,G00 for an undeveloped year
ling of standard-bred trotting blood.
While higher prices have been ob
tained for yearlings In other days,
there has always been a record at
tached to the natural breeding attrac
tions of the youngster lit question. In
this case, however, St. Frusquln, a son
of the noted San Franclsco-Melisande,
has never been driven against time,
nnd thus the price establishes a new
record on the sales market. It seems
rather a pity that the name St. Frus
quln should have been chosen for such
a promising colt. It will Inevitably be
confused, possibly at a disadvantage,
with the great running horse St. Frus
quln owned by Leopold de Rothschild
which was the winner of the classic
2,000 guineas and was beaten only by
the sensational Persimmon, then
owned by the prince of Wales, in the
derby of 1S00. The Spur.
The First Lady Barber.
j Samson snored peacefully in the
chair while Delilah snipped at his
, "Do you want it cut round or square
on the neck?" she asked.
! No answer.
; "Would you like a sea-foam or sham
; No reply.
"Hair Is getting a trifle thin on top,
Would you like a little tonic?"
"Have your whiskers trimmed?"
, More silence.
; "Next'
: Whereupon Samson climbed out of
the chair, gazed Into a mirror, then
rushed Into the street and pulled down
a temple.
The "Maiden's Prayer."
An elderly bachelor nnd an equally
elderly spinster sat In a concert hnll,
The selections were apparently en
tirely unfamiliar to the gentleman,
but when the wedding march of Men
delssohn was begun he pricked up his
"That sounds famlltnr," he ex-
claimed. "But Tm not strong on those
clnsslcal pieces. That Is a good tin.
What Is It?" The spinster cast down
her eyes. "That," she told him, de
murely, "Is the 'Maiden's Prayer.'
If You Are Looking
for a place to send your Cream,
Poultry. Veal, Hogs, where you will
get good prices, prompt returns.
Hazelwood Co., Portland
The Home of the Satisfied Shipper"
Our graduates are occupying enviable posi
tions. The teaching process is different from
ordinary business schools. Thorough, Practi
cal, Individual. SCHOOL FOR MEN ONLY.
Address The Registrar, Y. M. C. A., Portland.
Oregon, and get detailed information.
Too Much to Ask.
A party of engineers were tracing a
township line across some farm lands
in Illinois. As chance would have it,
the line passed directly through a
large barn, having double doors on
each side of it, and they found they
could continue their measurements
through the barn by opening the doors
and thus avoiding the dreaded detour.
The owner watched their progress
with considerable Interest, but made
no comment until they had reached
the farther side of the barn, when he
That a railroad ye-all surveyin'
'Certainly," replied the chief, with
a humorous twinkle in his eye.
The farmer meditated a bit as he
closed the barn doors behind them,
when he remarked somewhat aggres
sively: "I hain't got no objections ter
havin' 'er railroad on my farm, but
I'll be darned ef I'm goin' ter git up
at all hours of the night ter open and
shet them doors fer yer train ter go
through." Youth's Companion.
The Softest Thing.
Father," cried the little boy, put
ting his BOth question to his long-suffering
father, who was trying desper
ately to slide into his afternoon nap.
What is so soft that even a sott-boil-
ed egg without the shell can break it?"
'Oh, run away for goodness sake,
groaned poor father.
"Will you give it up?" pursued the
"With pleasure," sighed the father.
"Your morning fast!" triumphantly
yelled the kiddie as he darted out of
the, room. London Ideas.
Regularity Personified.
The doctor had listened to his pa
tient's heart, taken his blood pressure,
In short, made a thorough examination
of his physical condition. Then he
announced his verdict.
"What you want is to get more ex
ercise, walk more regularly."
Well, doctor, I don t see how I can
do that," answered the man. "I'm a
postman." Chicago Herald.
An Abnormal Complexion.
On his crossed heart young Patrick
had denied old Patrick's accusation of
wrongdoing. Old Patrick was uncon-'-
"Don't I know ye?" he said. "Ye
look innocent enough, ye young scally
wag, but looks is deceivln'. Ye're that
brazen that ye could stand there an'
He till ye was black in the face with
out ever changin color! Philadel
phia Public Ledger.
Phonetic Spelling. .
Teacher Tommy, can you spell fur?
Thomas Yes sir, F-U-R.
Teacher That's right. Now can you
tell me what fur is?
Thomas Yes, sir. Fur Is an awful
long way. Albany Knickerbocker
Press. Naturally.
'Don't the poor fishermen ever lose
money In this seine fishing?"
Oh, no. It is a business in which
there are bound to be net profits."
Baltimore American.
Gallant Address.
"I see where women have become
conductors of street cars in Europe
since the war. I wonder how the pas
sengers address them?"
"Probably they call them fare la
dles." Baltimore American.
Why "AsiDric" 8s an
Against Sudden Death.
Before an Insurance Company will
take a risk on your life the examining
physician will test the urine and report
whether you are a good risk. When
your kidneys get sluggish and clog,
yon suffer from backache, sick-headache,
dizzy spells, or the twinges and
pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
gout. The urine is often cloudy, full
of sediment; channels often get sore
and sleep is disturbed two or three
times a night. This is the time you
should consult some physician of wide
experience such as Dr. Pierce of tha
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for
sample package of his new discovery,
"Anuric." i rite him your symptoms
and send a sample of urine for test.
Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that
"Anuric" is the most powerful agent
in dissolving urio acid, as hot water
melts sugar; besides being absolutely
harmless it is endowed with other
properties, for it preserves the kidneys
in a healthy condition by thoroughly
cleansing them. Being so many times
more active than lithia, it clears tha
heart valves of any sandy substances
which may clog them and checks tha
degeneration cf the blood-vessels, as
well as regulating blood pressure.
"Annric" is a regular insurance and
life-saver for all big meat eaters aud those
who deposit lime-salts in their joints.
Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up
by Dr. Pierce, in 60-cent packages.
Come with Pr. l'lorcc's OoKif-n Medical
Illjpovery. This Is a blood cleanser and
alterative that starts the liver and stom
ach into vigorous action. It thus assists
the body to manufacture rich red blood
which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and
organs of the body. Tho organs work:
smoothly like machinery running In olU
You feel clean, strong and strenuous lap
lead of tired, weak and faint.