The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 08, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupio,
' Oregon
Mas. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: Oue year,; aix
montha, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered a second class mail
matter September a, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, tin
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
White River
Mri. Ray Tuniini is visiting
tier parents Mr. and Mrs. W.,0.
Wilson of Wapinitia.
Mrs. Jolea and Hon and daughter
Gains and Lucy, spent last Wed
nesday evening with Mrs.. J.. G.
Tunison, bringing, her an eleven
pound oabbaga head as a present,
it being her 61st birthday.
Mrs. York W.itson. and ohiidren
left Friday morning for, Tacoma
to visit bet yureiiU,,Mr., and Mrs.
Mrs. Taylor and daughters left
fur their home is Bahmi Friday.
After the intense heat oi Wl
oek, all. enjpyad. the fine shower
Mrs. Belli "Thompson, returned
Li tn Portland Sunday and was
m.-t at bherar by her atn Theodore
J, 0. Tunison began tlireabtng
m Jjihn Morrow's Monday.
John Scott,, wife, and daughter
Lena were ut White Eiver Falls
In hi, week.
John Morrow Jr. returned home
U.-i'Suturday after an absence of
uver a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Clogher lelt Sat
urday on their trip through East
h:i Oregon.
Nellie and Daphene Conlcy re
turned home from Dufur Sunday.
Don Wilson came home from
the mountains Monday.
Hoppieking began, at the Hauser
iiuich Wednesday morniug.
Wamic News
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Ore
gon City, Mrs. Press Hamilton of
Portland, Mtb. Lon Young and
daughter, Minn Naomi of Tygb,
visited friends here Mouday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kennedy
made a trip to the post camp in
the edge-of the mountains a week
ao Sunday, remaining over night.
Ray Harper and Hugh Fagan oi
The Dalles were visitors here a
weuk ago Sunday.
Mrs. M, Hall who hnc made
her home a the Frank fcpoor house
011 Smock, the past two years, is
engaged as housekeeper at the
James Johnson home, having come
here soma teu days ago.
James McCown, a former resi
dent of this place is ill with ty
phoid fever at Topponiah, Wn.
Euiuiit Zumwalt has leased the
Edgar Pratt place here in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Larson have
gone to fiellingham Wn.
Mrs. H. F. and Cecil Woodcock
returned to The Dalles Saturday.
W. H, Patison returned a week
ago Saturday fro:n a trip to Port
land. F, L. Peterson of The Dalles
was transacting business with Jno.
Farlow on Smock Wednesday.
Amos John son encountered a
rattle snake in his wood boute last
A. K. Dyer of Metolius was bare
Monday, going to Middlebrook to
look for land with the view of buy
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Shipfllin and two
childreu, Klla and Bob, of Juniper
1'lat were guests of MiBs Crystal
Pratt a week ago Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Short came over
from Dufur Saturday.
Mrs. Hattie Crabtree arrived
home Wednesday from the Jake
Davidson place, where she has
been employed as housekeer the
past three months.
Frestus Swift and Clmlie Crab
tree have been running the road
iritder the past week on the road
hading from Tygh to the Fair
Miss Emma Heroun arrived
from .Eugene Friday and com
menced school Monday at the
Mkldlebrook district.
W. J. I'aterson took up school
ut the Smock school house Monday
Miss Katie Spath came home
PENDLETON SEPT. 21, 224nd &
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long: Trips or Cutting Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
Tuesday from the Vard Norvel
place on Juniper where she has
been employed as housekeeper for
several weeks.
Mr, and Mis. Marion Duncan
and Charlie Dtinoau came over
from the L. W. White racch 8a'
urday. The? have been engaged
in the harvust work, Mrs. Duncan
being emgloyed on the cook wagon
Mrs. C. S. McCorkle arrived
home Saturday from Sawtell, Cal.,
where she spent the past month
with her father, David Wilson.
Mrs. Pete Hull and two small
boys arrived Saturday from Juuo,
Alaska, coming by way of Port
land and Oregon City where they
visited relatives.
David May field is using a very
sore arm as a result of his experi
ence with blasting last weed.
Threshing was resumed Monday
after the rainfall here Friday night
and Saturday. 1 lie weather has
been quite cool since the rain fell,
a sudden change from that of a
week ago, when the thermometer
reaohed 97 degrees.
Mrs. Laura Kennedy is ill with
heart trouble.
Just after dark on evening last
week several young people who
were enjoying the cool night air
concluded while passing the Mack
Palmateer place to sample the Red
June apples growing near the
house. Just as one of the party
had climbed the tre and was
shaking the delicious fruit to the
ground, and it was being put iuto
a basket, a gun was fired that
seemed near by. No time was
Willi! men pit their skill against wild cattle
and wilder horses;, and the women of their
kind vie with the men in skill, nerve and1,
daring.. It s oneof the few real great shows.
make every minute, count.
Tickets and reservations upon call
R. B. BELL, Agent.
lost by the party in reaching the
outer gate, where it seemed safe
t ) halt, but the crack of the gun
aaiu caused another race for a
short distance; then the party
stopped, only a moment though,
for another explosion of the gun
started the young people at full
speed. Of course the apples were
all spilled at the beginning of the
run and Festus Swift was almost
dying with laughter during the
whole performance. Mr. Swift
lives on the hill just above the
Palmateer place. Mr. and Mrs,
Palmateer are in Toppenish, Wn.,
at present.
The many friends here of the
editor of the Times are unanamous
iu their expressions of congratula
tions and wishes for a happy fu
ture for the bride and her husband.
Thank you. Ed.
Phone your orders to Claud
Wilson. Meat will be delivered
at Maupin on Fridays every week
We have cabbage and beets
for sale. A. F, Martin.
There will be a dance at Maupin
Saturday night in Shattuck Bros,
hall. Music by the Band. Every
body come.
Go to Takott's for confectionery
and ice cream.
I. O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
V. B. DOTY, N, G.
F. D. Stuart, Secretary.
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 130 p. m
Northern Grain & Warehouse Co.
Highest prices for all kinds of
Phone us for a price before
S. H. WILSON, Buyer
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 19, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that,
as directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land office, nuder
provisions of Sec, 2455, R. S.,
pursuant to the application of
Elenia Connolly, Serial No. 01484,
we will offer at public sale to the
highest bidder, but at not less than
$ per acre, at 9:30 o'clock A.
M., on the 20th day of September,
next, at this office, the following
tract of laud; SEi-4.sui4, Section
lo, EI-2SWI-4 and SW1-4SWI.4 Sec
tion II, Township 4 south, Range
14 East, VV. M. (Containing 160
Acres). "This tract is ordered
iuto the market on a showing that
the greater portion thereof is
uiouiitaiiieons or too rough for
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be
required to immediately pay to the
receiver tne amount inercoi.,
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land,, are , ad
vised to file their, claims, or, ob
jectlons, on or before the time des
ignated for sale.
L. A. Booth, Receiyer,
(publisher) ,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, July ijnd, 1916.
NOTICE ia hereby given,, that
John F. Sings
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on, Octo
ber imu, 1909,, maqe Homestead en
try No. 00258, and on June 17th,
1 914, made additional Homestead
Entrv No. 011,168. forWl.4Nw1-4.
Swl-4NEl-4, Elswfr "Sec. 20,
E1-2NW1-4, swl-4'NWlr4 NEl-4
SWi.-4( section 79 Townsnip 7
south, Range 15 ast Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion lo make Final five year
Proof, to estabjisli, claim to the
land above described, before H.C,
Rooper, U. S Commissioner, at
Antelope, Ureton , on tne 2nd day
of October, 1916,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry A. Cooke, Herbert W.
Cooke, William, H Woolsey, Pearl
McCullocli, all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H, Frank. Woodcock,
up Register.
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
U. S, Land Office at the Dalles,
Oregon, June 19. 1916,
NOTICE is hereby given that,
as directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land Office, undtr
provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S ,
pursuant to the application of
Frank. Gabel, Serial No, 014620,
we will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, brt at not less than
$2.50 per acie, at 10:1 s o'clock a.
in., on, the 20th day ot September,
next at this office, the following
tract of land; Lot 1 and SK1-4
nei-4, Section 6, Township 6 South,
Range 13. East Willamette Meridian
(Containing 80, Acres V. ''This tract
is ordered into, the market 011 a
showing that the greater portion
thereof .is mountainous or too
rough for cultivation,"
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making, the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to, the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Auy persons claiming adverse
ly the aboye-described laud are ad
vised to file their claims or objec
tions, on or before the time desig-
nated for sale
p L.. A. Booth, Receiver.
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon,, July a8th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given, that
Lydia, OrcuTT
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on De
cember 17th, 191a, made Homstead
Entry, No. oiio?o, and on June
1st, 1914. made additional Home
stead Entry No. 013315, for wm
NEI-4, WI-2SEI-4, EI-2NWI-4, EJ-2
swi-4 Section 17, Township ?
South, Range 15 East Willamette
wencnan, nas niea none or inten
tion to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to, the
land above described, before H. C.
Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at
Antelope. Oregon, on the oth day
of September, 1916
Claimant names as witnesses:
Alexander Fraser, of Gateway,
Oregon, Donald McKay of Gate
way. Oregon, John E. Miller of
Maupin, Oregon, William Orcutt
of Kent, Oregon
H. Frank Woocock,
np Regiser,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, August 7th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on April
22nd, 1914, made Homestead; En
try No. 012932 and on May 2nd,
1 914, made additional Homestead
Entry No. 013026, for SBi-aSWi-4,
Section 27, KI-2NWI-4, W-2SWI-4,
NWI-4SWI-4, WI-2SKI-4, Section 34,
Township 7 South, Range 15 East,
Willamette Meridian, haa filed no
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, lo establish claim
to the land abort described, before
H. C. Hooper, U. S. Commissioner
at Antelope, Oregon, on the 2nd
day of October, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John F. Singer, Cyrus W. Hewitt,
Pearl McCulloch, George Albright,
all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, .
np Register.
(Publisher) --333 -1
Public Land Sle- '"75
Department of the Interior i(
: U. S. Land Office at The Dulles,
Oregon, July 10, 1916.
1 NOTICE is hereby given that, a
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land Office, under
provisions of Sec. 2455, R, S., pur
suant to the application of Benja
min T, Smith, Serial Na, 014303,
we will offer at, public sale to the'
highest bidder, but at not less than
I12.50 per acre, at io;oo o'clock A,
on "the 17th day of October
next, at, this office, the following
iract'of land;. Lot 6, Section 6,
Township 418011111 Range 15 Hast,
Willamette ' Meridian (Containing'
Apres), "This tract is or
lerea,!r6 the market on a showing
that the greater portion thereof is
mountainous or too rough for cul-
ra. ...
1 ne saie win not oe Kepi open,
lut will be declared closed when
hose present at the hour named
jhave ceased bidding, The person
maklng the highest, bid will be
required to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adveisely
the above-described, land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec-'
dons, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
np L. A. BOOTH, Receiver.
I'nblic Land Sale
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, lujy 29, 1916,
NOTICE, is neieby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land Uthce, under pro
visions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursu
ant to the application of William
H, Williams, Serial No. 014890,'
we will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less
than $2.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock
A. M. , on the 19th day of October,
next, at this office, the following
tract ot laud: SEI-4NEI-4, section
Township 5 south, Range 14 East,"
Willamette Meridian (Containing
4o Acres). ''This tract is ordered
into the market 011 a showing that
a greater portion thereof is moun
tainous or too rough for cultiva
tion"). The sale will not be kept open,
but will bs declared closed when
ihose present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making he highest bid will be
required to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
p LA. Booth, Receiver.
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior
U. S Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, August 24, 1916.
None? is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
$he Gtq.-M) Land office, unr
der provisious of Sec 2455, R. S
pursuant to the application of
Thomas Faherty, Serial No. 014571
we will offer at public sale to the
highest bidder, lV4t at not less
than I3.50 per acre, at 0:45 o'clock
a. ra., on the 31st day of Novem
ber, net, at this omce, the follow
ing tract of land; NI-2NWI-4, SE .
1-4NW1-4. and NE1-4SW1-4, Section
10, Township 5 South, Range 14
East, Willamette Meridian (Con
taining 160 Acres), ''This tract is
ordered into the market on a show
ing that the greater portion thereof
is mountainous or too rough for
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when'
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding, The person
making the highest bi4 will be re-
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons plaimiusr adversely
the above described land are advis,
ed to file their claims, or objections
on or before the time designated '
for sale,
tip L- A. Booth, Receiver.
' Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Offioe at The Dallas,
Oregon, August 22nd, 1916,
notice ia hereby given that
of Criterion, Oregon, who on Aug
ust 25, 193, made Homestead En
try No. 01 1990. for BI-2NM-4 and
E1-2SEI-4, Section 17, Township 6
south, Range 15 East, Willamtte
Meridian, haa filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three ytar Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D Stoart, U.S.
Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon,
on the 2nd day of October, 191 6.
Claimant names as witnesses: C.
A. Duns, 0. G. Skogsbury, H. M.
Green, Fred Hornquist, all of Cri
terion, Oregon.
H. Frank woodcock,
p Refistir.