A GOOD POSITION There b a food poilllon-n)x)rtunlty-lii. creased pay when you are ready. Let ui litlp you now. Check what you want to be anil mail May. Catalog has. ITUtOOUmM TUiaM'Hla IMKK1IPIS OOMMMOIU TUOHM nmn iiomtut umi pinion UrllT TWIT IUIIM1N OHICI MiNAOER COUIT UPOITM Namt., Address., BUSINESS COLLEGE Portland, Ore, Royal D-Lite Comfortable LADIES SHOES No tO CA No MoreY..rill Less HIV V AU Stylet AU Size Royal Shoe Co. 14S Fourth St. Near Morrison Oregon A Good Yielia b Made St: It Does Not Grow So. There Is only one way to get a good Violin Without Great Ex pense, whlah is: Bend in your Old Bad One and have it made Into an Old Good One, Esti mates given free. All work guaranteed. Send to THE COULTER CO., 227H WutaiM St, Pmiui, On. ThfcMarh MOTORCYCLES and BICYCLES Bought, sold and repaired. Sup plies of all kinds. Out of town trade a specialty. Write us. R. H. BLOCKER 276 Taylor Street Portland, Oregon FARMS AND BUSINESS SOLD Do you wiint t sell your farm, home or buiineu for cash? Wrise to CARTER REALTY CO.. 604 Buchanan Building, Portland, Oregon ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points on household (roods, pianos, and automobiles. Information cheerfully given. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., "SXESlSS HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all you have. Write lor prices and shipping tags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore, Seattle, Wn Lost In London. Patriotic Scots Lady (patrolling Vic toria line station to assist any of her stranded countrymen arriving from the front) Can I help you in any way? Perplexed Scot Thank you, mam. Is the toon far frae the station? London Punch. Poor Picking. "What's the matter?" asked the first flea. "You looked starved." "They are making these toy dogs so natural," explained the other flea, "that I arranged to summer on one of them by mistake." Louisville Courier Journal. Good, No Matter What. The Officer (after a complaint) This tea's all right What's the com plaint? Tommy It ain't tea, sir; it's stoo! The Officer And very nice stoo! London Sketch. . Optical Astonishments. "Seeing is believing," said the ready made philosopher. "Not always, when you are looking at the movies." Washington Star. Falling In Line. "I am going to a preparedness meet ing, my dear, of our club." "All right, William. You had better leave me all the loose change you have about you." Baltimore American. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL The only Automobile School on the Pa cific Coast maintaining a Gas Tractor Dept., Using Holt Caterpillar, C. L. Best Tracklayer and Wheel Tractors, both in the school and operating field. 446 Hawthorne Arc Portland, Ore. SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Pcrtlandf Oregon Spray-a-Cow Keeps off flies or money back. $1 a gallon from your dealer, or order by mail. PLUMMER DRUG CO Third and Madison, Portland, Or. Portland Y.M. U, A. Auto scnooi Day and night classes. Expert training . In repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE TENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHAN ICS SUPPLIED. WRITE US. P. N. U. No. 36, 1918 WHEN writing te " tioa this aaer. adTertlsers, flees I r mm Portland I I!a2i 4SQ If the Boy in Blue Is Disabled By LAURA JEAN UBBEV (Copyright, 1916.) Than they ahull know their friends though much Will have been lout the help In strife, The thousand sweet, still joys of such As, hand In hand, face earthly life. Among the many letters which come" to me is one which hus touched my heart deeply. It Is from one of our boys in blue, a soldier, and Is In part as fol lows: "I am In sore distress of mind and am writing to you for not only consoln tino, but .advice. While connected with the army at I met and loved a beautiful girl, our com munder's daugh ter. She returned my affection, and it wus settled thut we should wed. I was called upon for active duty across the border and thut event has changed the course of my life, I believe. In several skirmishes I fured worse than my companions, being wounded twice. When I bade good by to my sweetheart I wus a stalwart fellow, as good to look upon us the general run of young men, ambitious to a fuult, anxious to rise to the very height of what on army man may ob tain as to position. "One of the wounds is in the ankle which will leave me crippled for life. The other an explosion hus so seamed and scarred my face that I am repulsive to look upon. The ques tion is, should I hold the girl I love better than my life to marry me If I am destined to return or write her dissolving the bonds? I cannot bear the thought that she might look upon me with repugnance that would be a living death to me. You are a wom an and understand the hearts of wom en better than almost any one else. STAR OF FILMDOM BLANCHE SWEET. Actress produced by the movies, who never has spoken before an audience, but Is a familiar figure to millions. . Fashion's Decrees Gaberdine grows in favor and use, wearing as well as serge. Some of the new veils are edged with jet spangles, irregularly worked. Fancy metal bands are coming in for millinery purposes. The nose veil Is very smart and may be seen all winter. Colored linens are much used for children's wash dresses. The cartridge plait is retained in the new French costumes. Black net robes for evening are bor dered with colored silk. Broad bands of fur will be seen on the tunics of fall dresses. Gold brocaded silk makes the pretti est of evening slippers. Castor and gray are the best colors after black for shoes. Broad-brimmed high-crowned hats are in straw of two colors. The vogue for gray shoes has in creased the demnnd for gray gloves. Cyclamen-colored satin velvet with royal blue net is a new combination. Coatees of white serge are made to be worn with navy taffeta dresses. The modified circular skirt with belt Is in high favor for tailored suits. Clever Salt Shaker. Recently a cleverly devised salt shaker was made, the makers of which claim that It will loosen clogged salt It is of clear glass with a noncorrosive white metal top. A spiral loop of wire whictf ociopres the center of the shak er is turned by, a twist of the knob above the lid. The coil of wire when turned reaches every part of the In terior of the shaker, thus breaking up the salt IT-' J r- ,--'--v.'- v ' ; Will you tell me what I should do for her happiness and mine?" There are few sadder cases of the blustlng of love's young dream, but from one end of the world to the oth er there exists at the present moment many thousands of such cuses which disabled soldiers are trying to fight out ou their cuts of pain. Unfortun ately they do not understand the hearts or nobility of women under such circumstances. With but few excep tions, when a young girl gives tidr heurt to her lover it Is not becuuse of his manly beuuty in face or form, his ambition to forge ahead. It Is bis winning personality, that wondrous, lnexplulnuhle attraction and influence which drnws heurts Intended for each other together. Sorrow and misfortune make the object of a true womau's af fection doubly dear to her. A love thut veers when so tested is not the grand, true kind upon which man can build the hopes and trust of a life time. Before harboring the thought of parting, a man should throw himself upon the mercy and wishes of his sweetheart, leuvlng it with her to de cide. Of the thousands of maimed soldiers abroad who have put this question up to their waiting sweethearts whom they left behind, I am glud, nay, proud, to say It has been vouched for that not one of the wounded heroes hud cause to repent giving the strong, enduring love of his heurt to the tender-hearted girl who In euch instance quickly wrote him that he need have no feur her heurt could ever change, and that she would stuud by her hero unto death. Such letters are life elixirs to the boys In blue facing the enemy's shot and shell to guard their country's honor. The dear loves at home nerve the soldier to do his best. What joy to know that whatever woe betides him there are wide-stretched arms wultlng to clasp him, a heart that Is true as the stars of heaven. The love 1 of a true woman cannot alter. SOME DONTS For the Poultry Raiser Don't overcrowd your chicks. Don't fall to remember that fresh air and plenty of it is vitally neces sary to all animal and bird life, chick ens included. Don't fail to supply your fowls with dry quarters. Don't' fall to keep the chicks and layers active, clean and happy. Don't use inferior, musty or waste- product foods for your poultry. Don't expect record egg yields from old hens. Don't fall to keep your poultry and all equipment in a sanitary condition, Don't get lax when things are going well. Don't expect profitable winter egg yields unless you enforce exercise and supply animal and green food in pro per form and quantities. Don't expect to continue In the poul try business without being able to hatch and rear your chicks. Don't expect livable chicks without vigorous breeding stock. Don't forget to cull. Kill every weakling in sight.' Take no chances In this matter. Don't use or rely on poor tools with which to work. Don't fail to follow instructions in running your own incubator. Don't put eggs into the incubator when it Is first started. Don't expect strong chicks from poor eggs. Don't handle the eggs or the incuba tor roughly. Don't fall to have the brooder ready. Don't pamper the chicks. Don't feed too much. Little at a time and often is a better rule. Don't fail to provide suu and shade, Ivy Benefits Walls. German experts, after tests, hnve decided that ivy benefits rather than Injures stone or brick walls on which it grows, by drawing superfluous mois ture from them. A Touch of Handwork. The business woman can em bellish a simple white blouse with her own clever fingers and impart to It the distinction of handwork. Collar and cuffs on a white georgette blouse can be finished at the edge with an em broidery running stitch In black floss, with tiny jet beads set at regular Intervals, A black bow, drawn through button-holed slashes above the waistline, In tensifies the black-and-white note. Buttonhole motifs are especially smart. Draw oblongs on the wrong side with a pencil and pad them with white darn ing cotton, then put the running stitch with black floss around the edge of the padded oblong. go o c fl'B'o t a otoo a o gg g g g g gir 1 I "ONE OF THE OLDEN TIME" Lord Strathcona a Gentleman Who Hardly Fitted Into the Present Busy Age. It wits churiiererlstlc of Lord Strath- jnnii that he adhered all his life to nld-fushloned politeness In letter writ ing. He long shrunk from the use nf an uniaiiuciiNls or a typewriter, as being it Drench of courtesy, He put rerned the openings and subscriptions if his letters on the old Hudson's Buy model. Even the longest or most of- llclul letter ho persisted In writing by hand ut an almost incredible cost In me and patience, On ono occasion, which Sir. Heckles Wlllson notes In his Life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal," nt least considerable physical suffering wus involved. He had hud he misfortune while in Scotland to frarture one of the bones of his right wrist. Ills arm was put In splints, 'ind while chafing under the restraint ho seized the occasion to make a voy- ngo to Canada by the way of New York. In transit his arm became worse, the inflammation spread, and he be came unable to leave his berth. On ar riving at Nrw York he was met by Sir William Van Home, who found hlin In a very feverish and distressed state. Nevertheless, he Insisted on accom panying his friend immediately to Mont real, where he was Induced to put himself In the care of a surgeon. What preyed upon his mind most was that he had n number of letters to answer. "But," urged his friend, "you can employ an amanuensis.'' I've never dune such a thing," Lord Strathcona declared emphatically. "It would give great offense, I assure you. I have always written my letters my self, and I must do so now." But after considerable argument he consented to try the experiment. "At least I must sign the letters," was his stipulation: "Put the pen be tween my fingers, nnd, nlthongh it will perhaps be a little difficult nnd painful, I must certainly sign the let ters myself." So the letters were dictated, and when the sheets were brought to hi in the invalid begged to be left alone to consider them- and affix his slgnnture. A pen was fastened between two of his disengaged fingers and a bottle of Ink placed on the table. When, a couple of hours later, the secretary entered to dispatch the cor respondence, he found that to every letter Lord Strathcona had added a postscript, scrawled slowly and pain fully, explaining how and why the writer had been forced to depart from his lifelong practice of writing his own letters and apologizing for doing so. "And in every case," concludes the narrator of the anecdote, "the post script wns longer than the body of the letter !" Youth's Companion. From Stevenson Letters. To a young person nfllieted with dis content, R. L. Stevenson wrote: "I gather that your home is de pressing. Everyone's home is depress ing, I believe. It is your difficult duty to make it less so." A lady who had been a close friend for many years told him that she had decided what her future work would be. He replied: "So, at last you are going into mis sion work, where I think your heart always was. You will like it in a way, but rtnember it is dreary long. Do you know the story of the Ameri can tramp who was offered a meal and a day's wage to chop with the back of nn nx on a fallen trunk? 'Damned if I can go on chopping when I can't see the chips fly!' You will never see the chips fly in mission work, never; and be sure you know it beforehnnd The work is one long, dull disappoint ment, varied by acute revulsions." Tack Philosophy. A thing Is tragic or humorous ac cording to the point of view. The mun who sits on a tack does not share the onlookers' amusement. In fact he is not only pained at his own mis fortune, but he is pained because he occasioned someone else to find a de gree of pleasure In his unseemly plight. Now It is perfectly safe to make this positive statement in this connection : The person who witnessed the other's unfortunate encounter with the tack never deliberately sits on the same tack himself; In fact, he is particu larly cautious about sitting down nny where soon thereafter without look ing for a tack. Nor is this an Indictment of tacks. Tacks serve a very real and useful purpose In this world, but they have their place, which is not in localities where they may be sat upon Wil liam C. Lengel in the Hoggson Maga zine. In the Good Old Days. How thankful we should be to every discoverer for every "discovery," for, were it not for discoveries, we might be doing the same kind of day's work as I describe in this record from the diary of one Abigail Foot of a certain Connecticut town. I lately had access to the diary and this describes one day's work in 1775 : "Fixed gown for mother; mended Mary's riding hood; spun short thread; fixed two gowns for William's girls; carded tow; spun linen; worked on cheese basket; hetched flax with Hannah, together we did fifty-one pounds; plaited and Ironed father's stock; read a sermon of Dodderldge's ; milked three cows; spun linen, did fifty knots; made a broom of guinea wheat straw; bleached thread and set a red dye; carded two pounds of wool; dipped candles, and scoured the pewter I" Good Housekeeping. mmmsTm siiiim "Leader" and "Repeater" Shot Shells For the high flyers, or the low flyers, "Leader" and "Repeater' shells have the reach, spread and penetra tion. Their great sale is due to these qualities, which insure a full bag. Made in many gauges and loads. BR SVRE TO ASK FOR TIIE W BRAND LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5TH. New Classes Will Be Started Then. Many Students Already Enrolled. Ask For Catalogue. Enroll Now. A. T. LINK, Principal. Phone Main 5083 - - - Tllford Building Tenth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. Comforter. Dr. Bates Bingham of Boston, on his return home from doing ambulance work in France, was asked by a re porter his opinion of a German note. "There is no more real satisfaction," the distinguished physician replied, "or comfort in it than there was in the blacksnake's ruse. "A Pike county mother once left her little one seated outside the. shack and pulling on a full milk bottle when a blacksnake came gliding up. "The snake nestled close to the child, drew the rubber nipple from its mouth and proceeded to drink the milk; but at the same time the snake did not forget to slip the end of its tail gently between the infant's , lips by way of a comforter." . Rub It In Thoroughly. A sprain or strain should have im mediate attention to check the swell ing. Rub on, and rub in thoroughly Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh and you should have quick relief. Always have a bottle on hand for accidents. Adv. He Asked For It. More stories are told about Sir Her bert Tree than about almost any other public man in England. Here is a good one, exemplifying the ready an Bwer for which he is so justly famed. One day when hef was coming out of the Garrick club a man, whom he did not know from Adam, approached, and, with a sweeping bow, Bald in a Yankee twang: "Ex-cuse me, sir, hut they tell me some pretty well-known folk belong to this club. Are you anyone of import ance?" Sir Herbert Tree looked the ques tioner coldly up and down. "I don't really think I can be, or I wouldn't be seen talking to you," he said icily. Pearson's Weekly. Plain Enough. "How do you like America, count?" "Quite much, but your figureB of speech are somewhat hard to under stand. Now, when it dawns upon you "You begin to see daylight!" ex plained the other man. Louisville Courier-Journal. Wisdom. During a lesson on elementary com position a little girl read the following as her effort: "Once a Penny and a Shilling met in a man's pocket. The Shilling turn ed up its nose at the Penny, and said, scornfully: " 'Why, I am worth a dozen of you.' " 'Yes,' said the Penny, 'but even at that I am a good bit better than you are. I go every Sunday to church, and you never do.' "London Tit-Bits. Use Hanford's Balsam when all else falls. Adv. Same Line. "When I was a boy," said the gray haired physician, who happened to be in a reminiscent mood, "I wanted to be a soldier; but my parents persuad ed me to study medicine.", "Oh, well," rejoined the sympathetic druggist, "such is life. Many a man with wholesale aspirations has to con tent himself with a retail business." London Tit-Bits. To keep clean an healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomach. Now's Their Chance. "And so you are convinced, my friend," asked the curate, "that there is a place of eternal punishment?" "I am," replied the uncharitable parishioner. "There's nothing in this world bad enough for some people," Browning's Magazine. For calks use Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Innuendo. "Wombat says he tries to put as good a face on things as possible." "He's the man to paint your por trait, old top." Kansas City Journal. Easy and Sure. "What would you do if you had 1,- 000,000?" "Oh, I don't know. Just sit down and watch my wife spend It, I sup pose." London Answers. Sere Grftniilafnrl Fvfi!id3. s Eyss inflamed by expo ' C,,- n.,.i.juinj IU1G LUUII,VU9IWIU . quickly relieved by Murine V CIS Eye liemedy. No Smarting. j w just ye Comforti At Your Druggist 50c per Bottle. Murine tyaj C.ilv;nTl1.'7Ci PWRnnknllhftFveFrfteiifilr Druggists or Murine Eye Beroetly C., Chicago WILL YOU BUY NEW TIRES NOW or make your old ones laRt through the winter. Write us about thia. OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. 660 Washington St.. Portland, Ore. Power of Petrol. Thump, thump, went the motor cat as it stood outside a railway station. A crowd of rustics stood round, gaping at the chauffeur and passing remarks that made him smile. "Say, mister," said one, at last, "what power drives the car along at such a speed?" "Petrol, my man," he replied, wltl a condescending smile. '"Ear that, Tom?" said the Inquirer to his friend, who had just appeared) on the scene. "Petrol shoves 'er along." . "Ah!" was the reply, "that alnt nothin' noo. Petrol Bhoved our Mary Ann through the back door an' sent 'er flying slap bang agin the barn. 'Er 'ad bin tryin' to light the fire with it." London Tit-Bits. Ask your dealer for the free hook let, "Useful Hints for Horse Owners, issued by G. C. Hanford Mfg. Co., Syra cuse, N. Y., manufacturers of Hanv ford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv. No Alibi. "The war is doing me a good tunx, anyhow." "In what way?" "I don't have to think up excuBea for not taking my family to Europ this Bummer." Detroit Free Press. The Fan's Favorite. She What Is your favorite stoneT He The baseball diamond. Boston Transcript. IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM you should try Anti-Uric, the famous remedy made from Roots and Berries, It is guaranteed to cure this cruel dis eaae in every stage. We want every reader of this paper who is suffering from Rheumatism in any form to try this, discovery. Every package guaranteed or money refund ed. Price $1.50 prepaid, or we will send by Parcel Post C. 0. D. Circu lars and convincing testimony free. Address ANTI-URIC CO., 102 Sher wood Building, San Francisco. BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL Our firraduateH are occupying unviable posi tions. The teach in a: process in diflerentfroiw ordinary buaineBB srhools, . Thorough, Practt cal, Individual. SCHOOL FOR MKN ONLY. Add reus The Resutrar, Y. M. C. A, Portland. Orefon, and get detailed Information. Oregon Hernia Institute Rupture treated mechanically. Private fitting rooms. Highest testimoniala, Ke iulu guaranteed. Call or write. JOHNSON & UMBARGER 411-412 Alisky Building, Portland, Oregesi The Mathews Welding & Cutting Co., 191 Ererett St., Near Ninth, ForUand, Ora Portable Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Plant Ready at all Times. Oiy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting. Welding, by Thermit, Electricity, Oxy-Aeerylen. Welding of Sheet Steel. Cast Iron, Alunilueas) Brass, Etc. Boiler and Marine Work a Specialty. ALSO AGENTS: The Henderson-Willis WeldhM and Cutting Co., St. Louis, U. 8. A. Federal Braaa Works, Slit St. Kedzie Are., Chlcaara.