WORLD'S DOINGS -OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHQi I've News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. About 3000 men marched in Port land's Labor Day parade, Monday. The Third infantry of the Oregon National guard, arrived at camp Withy combe Tuesday from duty on the border. It is announced oflically that Dar-es-Salaam, the chief town of German East Africa, has surrendered to the British. From Klamath Falls, Oregon, it is reported that labor is so scarce that one of the lumber mills was obliged to discontinue its night shift Less than fifty per cent of the school children of Portland were in attend ance on the first day of school, owing to the fact that it was Labor Day. The Argentine government has reached no final decision as to its reply to the representations of the entente allies that merchant submaries of a belligerent nation should be treated as warships. With more than 2000 people from all sections of Douglas county, Oregon, in attendance, the Rod and Gun Club of Riddle held its fourth annual veni son barbecue under the most favorable conditions Monday. The collapse of a portion of the bleacher seats at the Welsh-White lightweight championship fight at Colorado Springs, Monday precipitated 200 spectators to the ground and in jured at least 100, several seriously. Another clash between Chinese and Japanese troops is officially reported from Chaoyanwpo, Mongolia, and has led to the dispatch of heavy Japanese reinforcements. It is contended that the Chinese attacked the Japanese while the Japanese were advancing to mediate between the Chinese and Mon golians. Athens Seizing the opportunity offered by the presence at Piraeus, within gunshot of Athens, of a large fleet of the entente" nations, Premier Zaimis has asumed unobtrusively what amounts virtually to dictatorial pow ers. All Is now in readiness for the final act to end the neutrality of Greece. Officers and men of the German air ship destroyed Saturday night while raiding England, will be buried with full military honors in London. De tails of the funeral have not been set tled but the bodies probably will be put in separate graves in a churchyard near the spot where they were found after the airship fell. Rioting, an outgrowth of a strike of street railway trainmen in progress in El Paso, Texas, followed a Labor Day parade Monday. The rioters at tacked several streetcars being oper ated by strikebreakers in the down town streets, wrecked the cars and beat the trainmen. . A dozen persons were arrested on charges of inciting riot and and it iB estimated that at least 60 persons were injured in the street fighting. John P. St. John, a candidate for the Presidency on the Prohibition ticket in 1884, twice governor of Kan sas, and one of the most widely known temperance advocates in the United States, died at Olathe, Kan., aged 83. At a secret session of the Chinese parliament, Premier Tuan Chi Jui, re plying to inquiries about the recent clash between Chinese and Japanese troops in Eastern Mongolia, said the Japanese were the aggressors and fired the first shots. The price of platinum jumped $20 an ounce in two days, the quotations now running from $80 to $86 an ounce. Scarcity of the metal because of the war embargo set two years ago on platinum from Russia, together with the beginning of the Christmas holiday demand from jewelers, was attributed as reasons. A profit of more than $1,000,000 a week was made by the Ford Motor company during the year which ended July 31, according to a financial state ment. The year's business totaled $206,867,847; the year's profit was $69,994,118. Henry Ford announced that most of the profit will be used in expanding the company's business. An all-day battle was fought be tween government forces and Villa men, led by Villa himself. No victory was obtained by either. It is officially announced that the British casualties, killed, wounded and missing, on all fighting fronts in the month of August totaled 4711 officers end 123,234 men. The value of the ruble has recently advanced in London, where Petrograd exchange had fallen from 166 to 136 in the course of a week. The rise is at tributed to Roumania's entrance into the war. PRESIDENT WILSON DECLARES FOR "BIG AMERICA" IN ACCEPTANCE Long Branch, N. J. President Wil son Saturday formally opened hli cam paign for re-election with a speech ac cepting the Democratic nomination, in which he characterized the Republican party as a "practical and moral fall' ure," defended his Mexican and Euro pean policies, recited the legislative achievements of his administration, and declared for a "big America." In his speech President Wilson was unsparing in his criticism of the Re publican party as a party of "masterly inactivity and cunning resourcefulness in standing pat to resist change," and said that the old leaders still select its candidates, but he did not mention Charles E. Hughes, the Republican candidate by name. The President spoke from the ver anda of his summer home to a crowd which filled 8000 chairs and over flowed to the lawn. Speaking in the open, his voice could be heard by only a small part of the crowd, but those who did hear him constantly interrupted with applause. Once when he said, "I neither seek the favor nor fear the displeasure of that small alien element amoungst us which puts loyalty to any foreign pow er before loyalty to the United States, " the crowd stood and cheered The notification ceremonies were brought to a close when more than a score of American flags attached to parachutes were fired into the air by mortars and unfolded over the Presi dent's head as a band played "Amer ica." Afterward Mr. Wilson Btood more than an hour on the veranda and shook hands with several thousand men, wo men and children. Senator James, of Kentucky, chair man of the notification committee, in troduced the President. When he de clared that Mr. WilBon had kept Amer ica at peace the crowd responded in stantly and applauded several minuteB. He concluded by handing the Presi dent a copy of the St. Louis platform. Reading from a printed copy of his speech and frequently looking up to emphasize particular points, Mr. Wil son spoke of the Democratic platform as "a definite pledge." Reviewing the achievements of the administration he said: "Alike in the Democratic field and in the wide field of commerce of the world, American business and life and industry have been set free to move as they never moved before." "We have provided for national de fense upon a scale never before seri ously proposed upon the responsibility of an entire political party." Concluding his list of measures passed by congress in the last three years, the President said: "This extraordinary recital must sound like a platform, a list of san guine promises, but it is not. It is a record of promises made four years ago and now actually redeemed in con structive legislation." The President made a bid for the Progressive vote by saying that "we have in four years come very near to carrying out the platform of the Pro gressive party, as well as our own, for we are also progressives." Further along, rebuking foreign born Amreicans who are not loyal to the United States, he said: "I am the candidate of a party, I am above all things else an American citizen." When Mr. Wilson declared that the revolution in Mexico is right and that so long as its leaders represent, however imperfectly, a struggle for freedom, he is ready to serve their ends, the crowd applauded. Applause also greeted his declaration that Amer ica must do its part in layng the found ation for world peace. The policy of the United States in dealing with violations of the rights of Americans as a result of the European war, the Presdent outlined thus: "The property rights can be vindi cated by claims for damage when the war is over, and no modern nation can decline to arbitrate such claims, but the freedom rights of humanity can not be." The audience which listened to the President's address of acceptance was made up largely of residents of New Jersey coast towns, but included Democratic leaders from every section of the country and delegations from New York, Pennsylvania and other nearby states. When President Wilson was told that the eight-hour bill was ready for his signature, he said: "It is the climax of a very happy day." Officials said it would be legal for the President to sign on Sunday. Crazed Serbian Runt Amuck, Seattle, WaBh. George Yakich, a Serbian, is declared by the police to have run amurk with a gas pipe in the heart of the business district, inflict ing dangerous injuries on one man, and serious injuries on two others be fore he was captured by the police. Four hours previously Yakich had been released from jail after serving a six months' sentence for stabbing six men, as a result of a war argument at the same place. H. L. PeterB, a printer, was hit on the head, and is dangerously hurt. Interned Vessels Seized. Athens The French flag Saturday was hoisted on four German and three Austrian merchant ships in the har bor of Piraeus. - London Four German Levant liners have been seized in the harbor of Pi raeus by boarding parties from the en tente allied fleet, according to a dis patch from Athens to the Evening News. The steamers were the Tinoa, Anatolia, Serippos and Boigalos. RAILROAD STRIKE ORDER CANCELED Senate Quickly Passes Adamson Eight Hour Day Measure. DANGER Of TIE-UP IS AVERTED Bill Embraces Virtually All of Presi dent's Proposals Measure to Take Effect Jan. 1, 1917. Washington, D. C The threat of a general railroad strike, which has been hanging like a pall over the country for a month, was lifted Saturday night. Three hours after the senate had passed without amendment the Adam son eight-hour-day bill, passed by the house Friday, the heads of the four great railroad employes' brotherhoods telegraphed 600-odd code messages to their general chairmen in all parts of the country cancelling the strike order issued a week ago, to take effect Sep tember 4. The legislative expedient to avert the strike was paused in the senate by a vote of 43 to 28 almoBt a strict party vote amid stirring scenes, after many senators, Demorcats and. Repub licans, had fought desperately to amend the measure by provisions de signed to prevent industrial disasters in the future. Some senators, thor oughly aroused, declared congress was being coerced into enactment of legis lation that it did not desire and that it knew would return to plague it In the future. In both houses the measure was signed within a few minuteB after the final vote in the senate and it was sent at once to the White House, where the President signed it Sunday. The bill that stopped the strike pro vides that after January 1, 1917, eight hours shall be regarded as a basis of reckoning for a day's pay of men en gaged in the operation of railroad trains in interstate commerce, except ing roads less than 100 miles long and electric lines, that they shall receive pro-rata pay for work in excess of eight hours, and that the rate of com pensation shall not be changed, pend ing an investigation for six to nine months of the effect of the eight-hour day upon the railroads by a commis sion to be appointed by the President. Efforts to amend the bill in the Ben ate were futile, the supreme effort to alter it having been led by Senator Underwood, who sought to provide that the Interstate Commerce commis sion Bhould have power to fix railroad wages and hours of service in the fu ture. This amendment was defeated. Railroad officials have declared that the action of congress will cost them $60,000,000 a year in increasesd wages to the trainmen. Brotherhood officials say the enactment will mean not more than an annual increase of $20,000, 000. In congress and among the rail road officials there existed doubt as to the constitutionality of the law, but what steps, if any, may be taken to test this have not been indicated. Quick action by the brotherhood heads followed the action in the senate. The measure embraces virtually all of the President's original proposals to the employes and the railroad heads, although it is only a part of the legis lative program he took to congress last Tuesday when his negotiations had failed. Shackleton Rescues 22 Cast aways From Elephant Island Puntas Arenas, Chile Lieutenant Shackleton returned here Sunday with the members of his Antarctic expedi tion whom he resuced and who had been marooned on Elephant Island. The men are all in good condition. It was April 24 that Shackleton set out from Elephant Island in a 22-foot boat, fitted with sledge runners, leav ing 22 men of his expedition behind him. The men he left behind had five weeks provisions, their only shelter was an ice cave; night and day gales swept the bleak shores, so that any one leaving the shelter had to crawl on hand and knees. InsuranceAgents Strike. Boise, Idaho An insurance war has broken out in Boise. The Pacific Board of Underwriters has notified local fire insurance company representatives that the proposed advance in fire insur ance rates for Boise will go into effect, the matter having been carefully con sidered and the increase believed to be justified. The company agents here do not take the same view as to the jus tice of the increase and have decided not to sell insurance under the new rates but to Insist on the old schedule. They expect to secure concessions. Greek Civilians Are Arming. Paris A dispatch to the Petit Par isien from Saloniki dated Friday says that a committee of national defense, composed of prominent military men and civilians, has been proclaimed as the provisional government of Mace donia. All the gendarmes and cavalry, says the dispatch, have joined this movement. A parade of revolutionary troops under Lieutenant Colonel Zim brakakis took place, after which there was a parade of armed civilians and volunteers wearing the blue and white. REVENUE BILL IS . PASSED IN SENATE President Empowered to Take Neces sary Steps to Protect Trade. TARIFF PLACED ON DYESTUFFS Act Will Raise $250,000,000 by Taxes on Incomes and Munitions Tariff Board Is Created. Washington, D. C The administra tion emergency revenue bill, designed to raise $205,000,000 annually from taxes on Inheritances and war muni tions and from increases In the In come tax, creating a tariff commis sion and putting a protective tariff on dyestuffs, and providing for protec tion of American firms from "dump ing" at the end of the war, and giving the president authority to take drastic retaliatory steps against allied Inter ference with American trade, was passed by the senate, 42 to 16, late Tuesday. Drastic amendments to the bill striking at the allied blacklisting of American merchants, discrimination against American commerce, interfer ence with American malls and embar goes on American trade were incor porated in the bill to arm the presi dent with retaliatory weapons. These amendments have created consterna tion among diplomatic representatives of the allied powers in Washington, who assert they would constitute a non-Intercourse act and lead to com mercial warfare. Passage of the bill and adjournment of congress were threatened for a time by an attempt to attach to the measure the Webb bill desired by the president permitting American firms to establish collective selling agencies abroad. Senator Lewis thereupon withdrew the amendment, announcing that it would be pressed as a separate measure. An amendment by Senator Phelan to extend the time from 90 days to six months for the time for the pay ment of the tax of 55 cents a gallon on brandies used in fortifying wines was adopted. Amendments for retaliation against Great Britain for embargoes on Amer ican goods, the trade blacklist and in terference with the mails were agreed to without rollcalls and were unop posed in debate. The amendments would authorize the president to: Deny use of United States mails and other methods of communication to citizens of any belligerent nation which does not accord those facilities to American vessels, citizens, com panies or corporations. Withhold clearance to any vessel from American ports which gives "any advantage whatsoever to any particu lar person or institution in the United States or Its possessions or to the citizens of the United States residing in neutral countries abroad," or is sub jecting any orthem to "any undue dis crimination in regard to accepting, re ceiving, transporting or delivering any cargo, freight or passengers." Deny the commercial privileges and facilities of the United States to any vessel or citizen of a belligerent nation which does not accord full facilities of commerce to American citizens that are accorded to citizens of other nationalities or to withhold clearance to vessels of such belligerent nations until "reciprocal liberty of commerce has been restored." Employ the land and naval forces of the United States to enforce the re taliatory measures and to prohibit im portation of goods into the United States from nations which prohibit the importation into their own or into any other country or dependency of any legal article produced in the Uni ted States. Another retaliatory provision would prohibit the admission of halibut or salmon Into the United States from the Pacific Coast through any foreign nation except in bond from a United States port. This is directed against an alleged Canadian monopoly of the Pacific Northwest fish industry and is designed to encourage revival of an American fish industry. The bill creates a tariff commission to consist of six members to be desig nated by the president. The commis sion would Investigate the administra tion and fiscal effects of the customs laws; relation between the rates of duty on raw materials and finished or partly finished products; effects of all duties; all questions relating to the operation of the tariff laws; tariff Dr. Aked Turned Down. SanjFrancisco The Rev. Charles F. Aked, who resigned the pastorate of the First Congregational church here to accept an appointment as delegate with the Ford peace party, was re fused reinstatement by his former con gregation Tuesday. Before the vote was taken it was explained that Dr. Aked had offered to come back at a salary considerably lower than he was receiving when he resigned. He failed to obtain the two-thirds vote necessary for his reinstatement. No choice was made of a successor. Grief Kills Erring Judge, Chicago After grieving for 20 years over decision on which he sen tenced to prison for life three men whom he waajater convinced were in nocent, Herman Varman Freeman, for 17 years judge of the Superior and Ap pellate courts of Chicago, died Tuesday on train bearing him here from his summer home in Michigan. For years he had been in ill health, brought on, his family said, by grief over the decision. relations between the United States and foreign countries and would make reports to the ways and means com mittee of the house and finance com mittee of the senate. Salaries of the commissioners' were fixed at $7500 a year. A section of the bill would make it unlawful to Import goods at a price substantially less than the market value or wholesale price in the prin cipal markets of the country of their production. The president has author ity to prohibit importations to this country from nations which prohibit importations from the United States. In sections amending the existing tariff law, the bill provides for In creased tariff rates on dyestuffs to be applied after the European war. The duty on Intermediate dyes would be 15 per cent ad valorem and a special duty of 2V& cents a pound; on finished dyeB 30 per cent ad valorem, and a special duty of 5 cents a pound, Another amendment fixes the duty of print paper valued at above 6 cents per pound at 12 per cent ad valorem. The bill as finally agreed upon pro vides for an Increase from 1 to 2 per cent on the normal Income tax with an exemption of $4000 for married, and $3000 for single persons, and for the following surtaxes: One per cent on amount by which the net Income exceeds $20,000 and does not exceed $40,000; 2 per cent, $40,000 to $00,000; 3 per cent, $60,000 to $80,000; 4 per cent, $80,000 to $100, 000; 6 per cent, $100,000 to $150,000; 6 per cent, $150,000 to $200,000; 7 per cent, $200,000 to $250,000; 8 per cent, $250,000 to $300,000; 9 per cent, $300, 000 to $500,000; 10 per cent, $500,000 to $1,000,000; 11 per cent, $1,000,000 to $1,500,000; 12 per cent, $1,600,000 to $2,000,000, and 13 per cent on the amount by which the net income ex ceeds $2,000,000. ' The corporation income tax is re newed, exempting labor, agricultural and horticultural organizations, mutual savings banks not having capital stock represented by shareB, fra ternal beneficiary societies, domes tic building and loan associations, civ ic organizations, federal land bank and national farm loan associations. Special taxes are Imposed as fol lows: Inheritance tax on transfer of net estate of decedents dying after pass age of the act, 1 per cent on the amount of such net estates not in ex cess of $50,000; 2 per cent, $50,000 to $150,000; 3 per cent, $150,000 to $250, 000; 4 per cent, $250,000 to $450,000; 5 per cent, $450,000 to $1,000,000; 6 per cent, $1,000,000 to $2,000,000; 7 per cent, $2,000,000 to $3,000,000; 8 per cent, $3,000,000 to $4,000,000; 9 per cent, $4,000,000 to $5,000,000, and 10 per cent on the amount by which such estate exceeds $5,000,000. Munitions tax, 10 per cent on net profits of manufacturers of gunpowder and other explosives, cartridges load ed or unloaded, except for industrial or sporting purposes; projectiles, shells, torpedoes, including shrapnel, loaded or unloaded; fuses, or complete rounds of ammunition; firearms of any kind and appendages, including small arms, manufactured and used for military purposes; cannon, ma chine guns, rifles and bayonets, elec tric motorboats and submarine or sub mersible boats; these taxes to be in force until one year after the Euro pean war ends. Liquor taxes Beer, $1.50 a barrel; still wines, 8 cents per gallon; cham pagne or sparkling wine, 3 cents on each half pint or fraction thereof; artificially carbonated wine, 2 cents per half pint; liquors containing sweet wine, IV2 cents per half pint and not containing sweet wine, 1 cents per pint. Stock tax Fifty cents for each $1000 of capital, surplus and undivided profits of corporations, joint stock companies and associations with capi tal in excess of $99,000. Special taxes Pawnbrokers, $50 a year; Bhip brokers, $20; custom house brokers, $10; theater and amusement places having a seating capacity not exceeding 250 $25 a year, not exceed ing 800 $75 and exceeding 800 seating capacity $100. Bowling alleys and billiard tables, $5 each. Tobacco manufacturers' tax Those whose annual sales do not exceed 60, 000 pounds $3, not exceeding 100,000 pounds $6, not exceeding 200,000 pounds $12, exceeding 200,000 8 cents per thousand; manufacturers of cig ars whose annual sales do not exceed 50,000 cigars $2, not exceeding 100,000 $3, not exceeding 200,000 $6, not ex ceeding 400,000 $12, exceeding 400,000 5 cents per thousand. Stamp taxes Bonds, debentures or certificates of indebtedness, 5 cents on each $100 of face value; agreements of sale, 2 cents on each $100 of face value; certificates of stock, 5 cents on each $100 of value; sales or trans fers, 2 cents per $100; merchandise agreement of sale, 1 cent for each $100 In value; conveyance, 50 cents for each $500; warehouse receipts, 25 cents for $100, 50 cents for $300, and $1 on receipts exceeding $500 in val ue; custom-house receipts, 50 cents; foreign steamship tickets costing not to exceed $30 $1, not .more than $60 $3 and more than $60 $5; parlor-car and sleeping-car tickets, 1 cent each. Allies' Ships at Piraeus. London After two days of tele graphic silence with Athens,' during which sensational rumors of a revolu tion have gained currency, but without confirmation, comes the startling news of the arrival of an entente allied fleet of 23 warships, with transports, at Pi raeus, and that the general Greek elec tions likely will be postponed for a fortnight. The brevity of the dispatches seem to indicate that something unusual is happening and developments are await ed with the greatest curiosity here. Japan May Lend to China. Pekin Being unable to obtain funds in the United States, Chinese officials are unwillingly responding to overtures from Japan to lend $30,000,000 or a larger amount. The money is needed immediately, as China's financial sit uation is desperate. Indications are that Japan's assistance will be accept ed within a fortnight Great Britain, France and Russia will participate in the Japanese loan. The salt monopoly surplus probably will be the security. GIGANTIC BATTLE OPENS IN FRANCE Important Victory Seems But Start of Another Vast Drive. 5000 PRISONERS ARE TAKEN German' Second Line From Somme North to Combles Now Entirely in Possession of French. PariB The French won a magnifi cent and highly important victory Monday north of the Somme and there 1b reason to belive Sunday night's communiques begin another series such as were had in the first days of the great offensive. The question whether the battle was the prelude to a vast Franco-British offensive is one the censor would not permit to be answered, but it is evi dent that the French general staff would not have begun that action ex cept according to concerted allied plans. The official communique, which was passed by the censor, says: "A bloody battle is going on on both banks of the Somme. The French have made fresh progress east of the village of Forest, north of the river, and on the South have successfully attacked ob jectives along a front of 20 kilometers (12J miles) from Barleux to Chaulncs. "The village of Soyecourt was bril lianty carried by assault, as was also part of Vermandoviers. More than 6000 prisoners have been taken North and South of the Somme in the last two days. "Progress was also made on the right bank of the Meuse, in the Verdun sec tor, in the Fleury region." Monday's action constitutes a giant step forward on the road enveloping Peronne from the North and also shortens by many miles the British march on Bapaume. The German sec ond line from the Somme North to Combles now is entirely in French hands. That line passed through Clery, La Forest and slightly West of Combles. All these positions are now held by the French. Their line touches the borders of Combles, which is a powerfully fortified position intended by the GermanB to be an impregnable support for their second line. 15,000 State Troops Ordered Home From Mexican Border Duty Washington, D. C Orders for the return to their state mobilization camps of 15,000 National guardsmen now on the Mexican border were is sued by the War department Wednes day night. General Funston was directed to re turn three regiments from New York, two from New Jersey, two from Illi nois, two from Missouri and one each from California, Oregon, Washington and Louisiana. ' Secretary Baker announced the order after a conference with President Wil son at the White House. Earlier in the day the department had ordered to their home stations 6000 regular coast artillerymen who have been serving as infantry on the border. The secretary's statement said : "In view of the fact that substan tially the number of troops who have not done patrol duty on the border are now on their way there, it is felt that this number can be spared." In a few days, if transportation fa cilitities remain undisturbed, the de partment intends to order home some more regiments. Papers May Have to Quit. New York A large number of the daily newspapers of the United States will be forced to suspend publication on account of lack of paper if a nation wide railroad strike continues for two weeks, it was declared Thursday by Lincoln B. Palmer, manager of the American Newspaper Publishers' asso ciation. "The print paper situation is acute, from causes entirely outside the problem of transportation, and many publishers are on a hand-to-mouth basis, getting a carload just as they exhaust the carload on hand." Enraged Mob Injures Sheriff. Lima, O. Enraged at the success of Sheriff Sherman Eley in spiriting charles Daniels, a negro accused of at tacking Mrs. John Barber, young wife of a prominent farmer, out of their reach early Wednesday evening, g mob captured the sheriff, seriously wounded him, placed a noose around his neck and forced him to direct a cortege of a, hundred automobiles into the rough country north of this city, where it was supposed the negro prisoner was in hiding. Loading Charge Held Up. Washington, D. C The Interstate Commerce commission Wednesday sus pended until December 30 a proposal of Western roads to make a charge for loading and unloading shipments of less than carload lots. The roads proposed to charge 11 cents per hundred pounds for such load ing and unloading, a charge which would have materially increased rev enue and which was to have gone into effect September 1.