The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 08, 1916, Image 5

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    4 '
The RedMirage
A Story of the French Legion
I in Algiers
(All riihu reserved. The
Goetz von Bcrllchlngen lifted him
self ou bis elbow. The hard-lined face
was shrunken with suffering.
"If I might speak to you alone my
"Iiy all means."
He bent lower. The staff, watching
Impatiently, saw him start and then
slip bis arm beneath the dying bead.
"It shall be as you wish." General
Meunlcr unclasped the cross from his
own uniform and laid It gently on the
shattered breast. "The Legion Is proud
of you comrade."
Go'etz von Berllchlngcn frowned. The
fast-glazing eyes lit up for one Instant
with a flash of the old arrogance. He
thrust the order Impatiently aside.
"It was for the Englishman my
He fell back. His face became a
mask. But about the mouth there hov
ered a smile of an inscrutable peace.
The Oasis.
He had said good-by. He stood now
at the door and looked at her with the
sad reluctance of a man who is about
to turn his back forever on a well
loved picture.
"I shall not trouble you again, Gab
rlelle," he said gently. "Our ways lie
in different worlds. I have not de
served much comfort of you. I spoiled.
my own life and I did my best to spoil
yours. There Is only one consolation
that I can take with me the knowl
edge that I failed."
"Yes you failed." She sat by the
rickety hotel writing table, her chin
resting on her hand, her eyes fixed ab
sently on the half-finished letter before
her. "You are not to worry about that,
Stephen. Lives are not so easily
"I should like to think that you could
8ha Heard the Door Close Softly.
Had Gone.
forget me that the Bhadow had
passed away and left no trace. I should
like to know you happy.
"I am happy."
Still he waited, watching her with
hungry wistful lntentness.
"You will go back to England."
"Yes, I think so."
"Farauhar is worthy of you. You
will begin a new life. If I could 1
would pray for your happiness to
gether. "I thank you, Stephen."
She heard the door close softly. He
had gone. She felt as though with his
passing the curtain had dropped upon
the first great act of her life. And now
a new act was to begin a lonelier
one. He had taken with him his own
dream of it; she knew that he would
cling to her phantom happiness as to
a last comfort, and she had had no
heart to tear it from blm. All happl-
ness is mirage. But to the dreamer
the dream Is reality. He would sleep
in peace. She went on writing. It
was very quiet In the little room. The
drowsy hush of midday seemed to
creep in through the half-open shutters
on rays of sunshine which shifted
slowly till they rested on the sheet of
closely-written paper. She covered her
face with her hands as though dazzled.
In the peaceful silence there was
aound like a smothered cry of pain.
The door leading into the Inner room
opened and closed. She lifted her head
and went on writing. Her hand shook,
but when Farquhar stood beside her-
she looked up, and her face was white
and tearless.
"It is nearly finished," be said al
most beneath his breath. "She is try
ing to ask for you."
"I will come at once."
"Wait one moment. I wanted to
leave them alone together for a little.
Too understand r
Bobbi-Monill Co.)
"Y-es, of course."
Both were silent. She studied blm
wistfully. Without the ragged beard
and In these clothes he seemed once
more the man as she had known hi m
in the London days the reckless, bead
strong soldier, without restraint, with
out fear. Only as she looked closer
she saw the grave ennobling lines
which men gather on the road through
suffering. Suddenly he lifted his eye!!
to hers. They puzzled, almost fright
ened her In their dogmatic composure.
"Sly father goes south tonight with
the troops," he said. "He will suppress
the risings and make treaties, and the
work on bis great road will be finished.
That is his own wish. We have spoken
together and I have understood, as I
know you will. We have each to work
out our own salvation In our own way.
Out there In the desert be may And
"And you?"
"My pardon and release were con
firmed nn hour ago. It was bis own
request, and they could not refuse. In
a few weeks I Bhall go back to Eng
land. My father has given me the
rough memoranda of his plans. I shall
work them out In detail if possible to
perfection. They will be offered in
due course to the government. I hope
that even now I may serve my coun
try." "I know you will." The old fire
flashed into her voice, but she did not
look at him. She felt the piercing
eyes on her face; they seemed to reach
the Innermost thought in her. They
silenced an empty phrase that she was
forcing to her lips.
"Perhaps I am disturbing you," he
said abruptly. "You are writing let
"To whom?"
She looked up with a touch of fierce
"Have you a right to ask?"
"I don't know I am afraid "
"Of whom of what?"
"Of you of my happiness."
She was silent an instant, battling
with weakness.
"The letter is to you, Richard."
"May I read it?"
"Not now."
He took it from her, and she did not
resist. The roughness in his voice and
manner shook her as no gentleness, no
pleading could have done. This man
was Indeed afraid, and this fear, linked
with that great strength of purpose,
was at once terrible and pathetic. She
did not move, and he read the letter to
the end in silence. Then he tore It de
liberately across and across, and the
pieces fluttered to the ground.
"I know all that I guessed It," he
said brutally. "Yet out there on the
plateau you told me that you loved
She rose and faced him.
"I do love you," she said firmly. "I
am not ashamed to tell you so even
now, for love like mine cannot hurt
you. But in those days it was all dif
ferent I believed that we were equals
that we were two outcasts who had
erred, not meanly or wickedly, but
recklessly, and that we were fighting
our way back to the thing we had lost
You were my comrade in exile, and I
was yours. That was what I believed,
But it was not true. You had lost
nothing and now your exile is over.
"And so you meant to desert me?
Had fate not brought me back here, I
should have had to hunt the world over
for you."
"I thought that you would under
standthat it was just."
"What? That when I was dying,
hunted and friendless, a veritable
worthless scamp, as you believed, you
condescended to love me, to go forward
shoulder to shoulder with me and make
life worth living. Now that I have
come into my own, that I appear more
worthy of happiness, I am to be left to
march the desert alone. Is that Jus
tice?" "Rlchar.d!"
"Haven't I had enough of the desert
haven't you bad enough? If you leave
me now " His voice steadied. He
smiled wryly. "I'm not threatening,
dear. By this time I have learned your
lesson; there shan't be any more throw
ing down cf weapons. Whatever hap
pens whether you stand by me or not
I sball go on. But it will be a hard
going on and it might have been a
She turned to him with a gesture of
helpless pain.
"Richard my dear don't you un
derstand? It is fear of dimming that
glory that drives me away from you.
What am I? What should I be to you?
A drag a heavy burden. Even if I
would I cannot go back into the old
life. The world has passed judgment
on the woman I was the doors are
shut against ber. Only insignificant
little Gabrlelle Smith can go her way
in peace."
"I care nothing for the world's Judg
ment" he interrupted quietly. "Nor
do you. If there Is anything behind
those c'osed doors worth having
which I doubt we shall batter them
in. And it is not to the woman who
was that I am speaking. I do not ask
her to go back anywhere. I ask her to
go on with the life which we began to
gether two years ago when she helped
a desperate, intoxicated boy up Mrs.
Forrlor's stairs Incidentally back to
re:Ron and self-respect. From that
night we have been comrades." ' The
grltn laughter In bis eyes faded. He
held out his band as though to take
hers, then lot It drop, leaving her free.
"And from that night I have loved
Gubrlolle Smith." bo wont on gently.
"That was something you did not quite
realize when you meant to leave me.
Under one shape or another I have
loved you all my life. Only when you
first enme I did not recognize you. You
bid behind the little gray shadow of
yourself and I followed the mirage
over the desert. And I suffered badly
until 1 found you, the reality of all I
believed in the oasis, Do you think
I am going to let you turn me out Into
the loneliness and desolation? You
know that I shall not, Gabrlelle." He
paused an Instant, watching her, He
saw the light dawn behind the mist of
pain, aud then he took her hands and
held them with a Joyful strength. "You
saved my life twice," he said. "And
you saved something greater than my
life my faith. That is a bond be
tween us no one not even you can
break. We belong to each other as a
man and womnn belong to each other
perhaps once in a generation. You
dare not deny a union so glorious, so
She looked at him with steady radi
ant eyes.
"Do you believe that?"
"As you do."
"I have not dared to believe until
And now?"
"You have given me courage to be
lieve my own heart Richard."
He did not kiss her or, for a mo
ment, speak. Yet what then passed be
tween them wai beyond words, above
all tenderness. He led her at last to
ward the Inner room.
"Come with me now, Gabrlelle."
Within the hush had deepened. All
life, all feeling seemed to draw to
gether an awed expectancy about the
little figure lying quietly In the midst
of the great bed. Even the wig, still
awry, could not take from the peace
ful dignity of the small tired face be
neath. A hand, heavily Jeweled, rest
ed on the shoulder of a man who knelt
beside her. Her eyes had been closed
as Gabrlelle and Farquhar entered.
They opened now and passed from one
to the other. In that moment they
looked very blue almost young. She
tried to speak and Instead smiled faint
ly, apologetically, with a touch of wry
self-mockery that passed, leaving only
the quiet happiness. As though grown
suddenly weary, the Jeweled hand
slipped from the man's shoulder, and
he took It and bowed his head upon It
"In a little while, my wife a little
Her eyes closed in peaceful assent
They did not open again. To those
watching it seemed thaf'the room had
grown darker. A little half-drawn
sigh hovered on the silence and then
drifted out on a ray of sunshine Into
the full daylight
Close by the barracks of the Foreign
Legion there Is a little garden and be
yond the garden a kind of chapel.
Within are many relics of a glorious
On the walls are the pictures of the
great dead.
It is the Legion's Holy Ground.
Colonel Destinn entered for the last
time. Outside, beyond the garden, he
could hear the tramp of feet and the
gay call of a bugle. Here everything
was peace. Deep shadows hid the
watching portraits, but In the midst,
on either hand of the raised coffin, two
great candles threw their light Into
the darkness and on the two men who,
with drawn swords and sightless eyes,
kept guard. They wore dark uniforms
which the little chapel bad never seen,
and the coffin was hidden by a
stranger's flag.
Colonel Destinn drew Boftly nearer
to where a woman heavily veiled, knelt
In prayer. Before her were two
wreaths. One bore an Imperial crown,
the other a simple inscription
"To Our Comrader-Goetz von Ber
llchingen." As Destinn approached the veiled
woman looked up. He stood quietly be
side ber.
"Your highness, he died bravely. He
was worthy of his race."
"I thank you, colonel."
He left her. He went out again Into
the evening sunshine. An orderly held
bis borse in readiness and four hun
dred men marked time to the strong
rhythm of the Legion's war song. He
swung himself into the saddle.
"In column forward marchl"
They swung out of the gates out
Into the road. Half Sidi-bel-Abbes ran
at their heels. On the outskirts the
general with his suite waited to give
them Godspeed.
"Return In honor, my chlldrenl"
The band crashed out a triumphant
answer. Colonel Destlnn's sword sank
in farewell.
"Toujours, ma foi, le sac au dos "
Singing, they left the glitter of lights
and the sound of the town's joyous
hubbub behind them. Colonel Destinn
rode on alone. No man spoke to him.
There was on his face a grave and
peaceful knowledge.
And before him lay the desert and
the night shadows, which were but a
promise of another day.
Parcel Pott Carries Live Han.
On the rural free delivery 'route In
Harwinton, Conn., a woman sent a
live hen by parcel post to a neighbor
living about a mile away. The car
rier weighed the hen and canceled tht
stamps to the amount of 8 cents and
took the hen to Its destination. Tht
hen laid an egg In tht mall bag tn
route. f'
Lesson In This Story to the Young
Who Fall to Realize What Asso
ciations Represent to Thott
Who Are Aging.
The time had come for the family
to be broken up. One by one the chil
dren had married and moved away.
Mother had bidden them good-by with
tears. She had taken care of thorn all
for so long! She had been the big
factor in all their lives. Yet she knew
that it could not last forever. The
boy, the "baby" of the household, was
the last to go.
The daughter who was to live with
mother had been getting along well in
the world and had seen no reason for
having a man help her manage her
affairs, aud as she vowed that this
state would last forover she decided
that mother had best go with her.
Daughter decided that nil the old
furniture must be sold and that they
must move Into a new house with all
new furniture.
It was pathetic to see how mother
watched each old piece of furniture, as
she dusted It on her dally rounds,
The old walnut bedstead, the cherry
dresser, the old-fashioned cane-bot
tomed walnut chairs that had been In
her room so long were old friends,
She protested feebly against hav
ing to have a new brass bed In the
new home. As the day for moving
drew nearer mother became more and
more depressed. The business daugh
ter, engrossed in her own affairs, did
not know the heart pangs it was tak
ing for mother to reconcile herself to
the parting with the old furniture.
It was mother's link to the post
A day before moving into the new
place, the son from the far city came
home. He had an understanding
heart. He saw In a minute what the
dnuehter had failed to see. Mother
Just could not part with the old furni
ture. The daughter Insisted that she
must not have any old-fashioned Btuff
cluttering up the new house. The son
argued for a room for mother with all
the old furniture. But the daughter
was not sentimental.
A bed was to be slept Jn. That
was the extent of Its value. How
mother could cling to those relics was
more than she could understand. Sis
ter had always remembered her broth
er as too sentimental for his own good.
She had wondered how It was he had
escaped marriage thus far. But the
son understood his mother.
He could see how she was aging,
for he had not been with her every
day for years. He understood her as
her daughter did not. Life without
the old associations would be mere
He found mother rubbing the looking-glass
on the old dresser. There
were tears in her eyes. Then he could
stand it no longer.
"Mother, I Just came home to tell
you that I have come back to the old
town to accept a new position, and I
am sick and tired of hotels. Why
can't I move my trunk home here, fix
up father's old room for my desk and
papers and live like I used to?
"Everything in this old house will
stay Just as it is. Only I have to get
some of those old rag carpets for the
bedrooms like we had years and years
ago. You are going to be boss of the
ranch. I'll be the hired hand, and
we'll make the old house be glad it's
still standing."
Mother did not say a word. She be
gan to cry. And because the son un
derstood women and especially moth
ers he was glad to hear her cry, for
he knew It was for joy. Indianapolis
Irrigation In Egypt.
The Egyptian ministry of public
works, which has been experimenting
in cotton raising during the past ten
years in the Gezla region in the Sudan,
has Issued an optimistic report to the
effect that It will be possible to do
better than double the yield of cotton
In the Nile Delta by means of a sys
tem of dams for Irrigation in connec
tion with the White Nile and the Blue
Vast quantities of water have been
stored already, and during the past 80
years nearly a million acres of en
tirely new land have been added to
the taxable soil of the country. It Is
estimated that In this newly explored
region about 2,500,000 acres of land
could be made enpable of growing cot
ton. This, as a matter of fact, would
give more land than is now planted
with cotton In Egypt. Irrigation
works are now being constructed, and
a plot of 150,000 acres is being treated.
Industrious Knitter.
"I never saw a more Industrious
woman than that Mrs. Cruni," the
teacher remarked, before the Ken
tucky mountain boys and girls gath
ered at the school dinner table. "Why,
even when I meet her on the road she
pulls her yarn and needles out of her
pockets and goes to knitting 1"
Teacher's manifestation of surprise
brought forth a volley of ejaculations
from the children, each of whom had
mother, aunt or cousin who was
equally ardent at wool-working.
"Ob," exclaimed one little fellow,
reaching the climax of the discussion,
"I had a grandmother who was the
knittlest woman I ever knowed. She
used to take her knitting to bed with
her, and every few mlnntes she
woked up and throwed out a pair o'
ocks." Harper's Magazine,
Hit Racial Habitation It tht Most
Backward Region of tht Empire
of tht Czar,
A sketch of white Russia, the first
part of old Russian soil to feel the
power of the invader, Is given In a
statement issued by the National Ge
ographic society.
"White Russia comprises four Rus
sian governments, Vitebsk, Smolensk,
MoghlleS and Minsk. It Is said that
the name Is derived from the predomi
nant color of the peasant dress. This
division of Russia Is bounded by the
Pripet river basin on the south and by
the Duna, or southern Dvina, on the
north. It supports a population ot
about seven and one-half million, two-
third of which Is white Russian and
the rest Lithuanian, Jewish and Pol
ish. Here, likely, is to be found the
purest Slav type, almost unblended.
This region, blanketed by swamps and
marshes, and Bmothered In forests, Is
one of the poorest, most backward re
gions in European l.ussia.
'Finns dwelt here before history be
gan for Europe. They were expelled
by Lithuania, who In turn gave way
before migrating Slavonic tribes.
The country finally passed back
tO the Lithuanians, then to Poland,
and was won piecemeal by Great Rus
sia. Polish oppression and religious
persecution worked a wholesale deso
lation here, and thousands of peasants
fled Into Russia, while those who re
mained Intrigued for Russia's coming,
The whole of the region was not an
nexed by the Great Russians until the
end of the eighteenth century. Starva
tion has swept this land again and
again with as terrible effects as those
experienced by India in the grip ot
'The White Russian Is not of so
sturdy a build aB the Great Russian,
nor so comely as the Little Russian,
He is less aggressive than his north
ern neighbor, and more heavy than his
southern neighbor. His hair and eyes
are light, and his face is generally
drawn. The garment peculiar to him
Is his white overcoat which he
wears on all special occasions as
proudly in sweltering July as in the
winter. His villages are small, Iso
lated and badly kept. His homes are
primitive. His fight for existence Is
a bitter one. From his ranks are
recruited the workmen for the hard
est, least-paying tasks of the empire."
Paclfio Kelp.
In a recent article In the Journal ol
Agricultural Research, Mr. Guy R,
Stewart of the University of California
agricultural experiment Btatlon dis
cusses the kelps of the Pacific coast
as a Bource ot nitrogen. As 'a result
ot extensive experiments, the author
finds that the readiness with which
the nitrogen in dried and ground kelp
used as fertilizer la changed to am
monia and nitrates In fresh field soil
varies with the species and with the
way it is prepared. Nereocystis luet-
keana gives up its nitrogen with rela
tive quickness, but It Is ot minor com
mercial Importance. Macrocystis purl
fera changes slowly In the soil, but the
availability of its nitrogen Is increased
If it is used fresh, or at least only
partly dried. Unfortunately, macrocys
tis must be dried until crisp in order
to grind readily. The drying should
not be continued longer than Is neces
sary, and the kelp should not be
scorched or overheated. In the same
journal another California chemist,
Mr. D. R. Hoagland, gives a detailed
account of the "Organic Constituents
of Pacific Coast Kelps." Incidentally,
he deals with certain interesting eco
nomic questions in regard to kelp
namely, the possible feeding value of
kelp for man or animals, the utiliza
tion of its organic by-products, and th
destructive distillation of It for com
mercial uses. For all three purposes
Its usefulness appears to be slight,
All for Fifteen Shillings.
Recently there appeared in a Lon
don newspaper an advertisement for
an experienced Insurance clerk, wages
15 shillings a week. The advertiser
got a lot of sarcastic lettors, like the
following, and he deserved them:
"Dear Sir I would respectfully op-
nly for the position you offer. I am
an expert in. insurance in all
branches. In addition, I converse flu
ently In Gum Arabic, Gorgonzola, Zo
la and Billingsgate, I write shorthand,
long band, left hand and right hand,
I can supply my own typewriter,
necessary, and I may mention that
typewrite half an hour in ten minutes
the record for Great Britain. I would
be willing also to let you have the
services, gratis, ot my large family
of boys, and, if agreeable to you, my
wife would be pleased to clean your
office regularly without extra charge,
The cost of postage for your answer
to this application can be deducted
from my salary. Please note that
you have a back yard I would make
bricks in my spare time."
Science and Nature.
One great feature of the nineteenth
century, from 1850 onwards, was the
extraordinary progress of science and
the interpretation of nature.
Everywhere it was discovered that
by keeping close to the sphere of re
ality, by seeking to understand nature,
we were able to make large progress,
not only in knowledge, but also in the
practical conveniences and utilities of
It science won successes In the In
tellectual sphere, they were rapidly
adapted to the uses of mankind, and
the conquest over nature meant not
only definite mental acquisition but a
larger material comfort
Thus the keynote ot the time was
naturalism In thought and utilitarian
lam in morals and social lite.
Much Less a Task When One Can
Contrlvt to Turn Necessary Work
Into Something That May
Ba Ttrmed Amusing.
"Dear, wlil you see to Horace? I
think he's hungry," remarked the host
ess to her huHbund.
"Who is Horace?" asked the week
end guest. The hostess laughed.
Why, It's the furnace," she ad
mitted. "You see, we have got In
to the merry way of pluying a game
1th our housekeeping, and naming
everything In the house. It Isn't nearly
as much ot a task to tend the furnace
hen it Is named Horace and Is, In a
ay, a helpful, active member of the
family, as when It Is regarded merely
as a nuisance. A furnace Isn't a nuis
ance, you know. It Is a big, comfort
able friend only, like most friends, It
has to be liked and appreciated and
visited with in order to do Its best
ork. So, instead of going down to
put coal In a cold, forbidding, ugly
stove, my husband goes down to feed
Horace, and make him feel better for
having his cinders shuken down, to pat
him metaphorically with the poker,
and thank him for keeping the water
in the bathroom warm. Silly, Isn't It?
But It brings such a nice glow of fun
Into an ordinary job.
"My kitchen range Is named Aunt
Susan. Into her ample lap I put my
cooking utensils, knowing that she will
help me make everything appetizing
nd savory, aid me In getting my din
ner ready on time, and hum gently to
herself when I leave her alone with
the teakettle. She is like a wise, ex
perienced old aunt to a young house
keeper like me.
"We have a battered old roadster
that Is lovingly termed Old Dobbin,
Blnce the accession of the smart little
cur which we call Jumes as If It
were chauffeur, footman and butler
rolled Into one. Dobbin drives the
children to school, runs all. the village
errands, and takes us on all the family
outings, while with James, I go call
ing, we drive to church, and altogether
keep up the family 'tone.' " The host
ess, a simple woman of simple tastes,
smiled at this as at a huge Joke, for
she and the host were their own chauf
feurs and footmen, and were as free
from pretension as well could be.
"It Is Just one way of making friends
of the familiar objects we have about
us every day," she explained. "One
takes a special Interest then, In even
the commonplace, uninteresting, even
unattractive, things one may have to
deal with. For example, I don't bo
much mind scouring my big iron skillet
now that I call It Old Black Joe. And
the children do not mind washing and
wiping dishes when they name the dif
ferent kinds of china and glass by
families Mr. and Mrs. Wlllowware be
ing the two large platters, and the
plutes and other dishes being their
children, nephews and nieces. It Is
just one of the jolly little games that
may make over the prosaic program
of everyday duties Into fun."
Brightening the Shave.
Atl Englishman, weary of blood
shed, has bethought him of a means
of enlightening the gloomy and oth
erwise dungcrous ritual of the shave,
says Popular Science Monthly. He
has Invented a miniature electric
lamp provided with an adjustable clip
and flexible cord which may be at
tached to the ruzor and light the path
of the blade through the tough bris
tles of the human face.
With his lump attachment one may
plunge fearlessly Into the blackest
depths of a three days' growth ot
beard and emerge from the ordeal un
scathed. The lamp is attached to a
conventional type of razor by a sim
ple clip. It travels with the blade or
with the motion of the hand. By look
ing Into the mirror the man shaving
himself can determine just what pro
gress he Is making and whether or
not he is going to come through the
operation with his two ears intact
Siberia Picking Up.
A number of new commercial enter
prises have recently been undertaken
In northeast Siberia. Muny Iodine
works have been established In the
neighborhood of Vladivostok, on the
shore of the Japanese sea, the Iodine
being made from seaweed found there
In abundance. An Interesting distill
ery for ether hus been opened, the
bulk of the ingredients being violets
and Iris blossoms from the Ussurl
countryside. A good deal of amber Is
being collected from the beach along
the coast of I'remorsk and many new
salt workings have been opened in the
government of Irkutsk and in the Lena
hinterland In the vicinity of Vllulsk.
Chicago Journal.
People In Books.
There is no possession people are so
unwilling to let one have as an imagi
nation. In private friends will tear a
book to shreds to discover some por
trait they can recognize; and In the
case of authors famous enough to bo
dead, critics rake the ground wher
ever they have trod In an effort to
prove that the folk of their fancy were
drawn from the earth rather than the
air. There seems no means of con
vincing a reader that In a writer's head
are constantly a thousand faces he has
never seen or heard of, all subtle with
story, and all so real that they often
make his dally waking seem a dream.
Winifred Klrkland In the Atlantic