If EN, I V i ... .Devoted to the Interests pjf Soutlxern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 46 J, MAUPIN. SOUTHERN WASCQ COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY .UGUST 25, 1916 1MJ THE YEAR $1.50 MAI IMES f , ' 1 ' ' : ' I- . -1 ' , .V TWENTIXTH ANNUAL WASCO GO. FAIR, THE DALLES. September 20, 5, 22, 23 A Regular, old fashioned county fair, One the , children will enjoy and the older ones talk abodt. A fine display of farm products and a first class livestock eibit. : Automobile and Motorcycle races, horse races and new track stunta. Street sports and amusements with somethin the time. ,t v Good music and a good time R. W. KINO' ,., -J,.,. ,;j President ., . "3 doing: all WBREWER Secretary PEOPLE n ... lou win soon nei f ont, winter s supplies f 1 Buhome where you see? our Mdse first A clean new stock to pick from, Mdse. guaran teed and better goods for the same money Let me take Care of your wants. ; LAHE'S CASH STORE for Real Bargains Suar $6.2o White Rive flout Harvest Shoes $2.5o i -.- "Y' . -; 1 -m ... -., : - -, , . - r-M . la' n P I $6 $1000 I : BUYS Field grain Insurance for 8 months You cannbt afford to take the chances Against wild fires, cigarette smokers tnd thresher engines. Insurance covers tRe grain standing, or cut, m stack; . jn saclf . lh bulk, lit bin; warehouse or elevator. MAtfPIN STAT BANK Imp erial Flour C: . ' O o O 5 Our 5th ear o O to arrive in a few o o o o o o o All Ground from' Lasi Year's Wheatv--Rvery Sack Guaranteed S&eci Prftes on 5 Bbly l6ts Special P'rice'l on lo" Bbl lot IMPERIAL FLOUR Shakes thV BMteii nd Lightest; L SHATTUCK BROS. 5 Wapinitia Itcms": -'v- . Joe Griham Clime our Sunday from his station at Clackamas lake and was visitor at Maupin Mon day having some repair york done on his car. , Etv. M. H. Stains and family Earl Maion and Sophie Tapp left here Monday for a week's outing at Claokamas lake. Geo. Magill'a thresher is at work in the neighborhood east of here Mr. Magill says the fall grain is turning qii' Detter than was erpectad: V ' - 1 ,,. Lincoln Hartman made a trip to The Dalles Friday taking in Mr. Obneo to get some repairs for his machine. Calvin McCorkle is mUch im proved and is now able to be up and around the houie. John Tapp of Dufur arrived here Sunday, for a visit at the home of his brother V. B. Tapp, Artnur recnett wiio is camp tender for oue of J. P. Abbott sbeep camp in the mountains, Oame out Sunday. He has" been Up near High Bock and reports a heavy frfzft there last week which did uiuoh damage tothehuckle berries ininat seotion. . Mrsi fimtst Mayhew and chil dren of Maupin passed through hefe Monday enroute to tht sum fhit to Jiick buckle berries': - Rev. S. H. Dorks, State Presi ident of the Oregon branch of the Y P. C, E.f will speak at the church in the evening Sept. 6th, A musical program is being pre pared and refreshments will be served: All are invited to attend. - - This lection experienced some of the coldest weather that was ever known at this time of year as sev ere frosts fell here 'Jhursday night injuring the melons, beans nnd squashes. Tim Reese and family., of The Dalles Came out Sunday and vie Ited at the Lu Kelly home they also Called at the 1 app home. 4 .Clyde FHnn enme home Monday frbni the tEeJhers, being lid np witty., large" BbiJ oh bis arm: Mr'f ACejrso'n from the valley wae visiting at the home Of Frank Gnhli) last week. Geo, Masoncy and son and three other gentlemen from Sandy pae ced through' here) Saturday enroute tu GrraBS Valley to harvest. U !ss Irene Doyle who hits been home ofj a' two weeks vacation rom ( ThS Dalle hospital, left Monday for The Dalies accompani ed by her sister, Mrs. Carrie Kirchum. Wesley Ray' family passed through here Monday going to the mountains; Mr. and Mrs, JJ- W. Flinn and son left Tuesday for a visit with her sister it Madras, Mrs.' George Da vis v. v Mrs. Delia Powell wbo ha had typhoid fever is 'able to be up at thiiVriting. ' , ;,Mi Sopha i Tapp called on Dr. Haifield fn''aup in this' week and had simejfeetJi extracted. f Church Notic: Sunday, Aug. 30. 1916: Sundays school 10 a. ni., preachings a. in. Song service 7:30; Young Peoples' meeting 8 p. m. Everyone Cordi. ally invited to attend aU services. Prayer meeting Thursday evening ' . . G. RElli'.-Pastor. Cai)bc Smock Items Frank Tilotson of Tygh Valley Is harvesting on his Smock ranch with R. C. Stakely assisting biro. Joe.Landor and Wm. Stakely are working with the Wm. Magill thresher. ... Geo. Lucas is helping Bruce Driver 00 the Flat through harvest. Jonuie Mayfield with four head of horses is hauling water for J. D. Driver. J. W. Ay res did hi threshing last Thuriday then sold his ma chine to J. O. Tuniaon, Mrs. D. ty. Ogelsby, Mrs. T. E, Farlow and son, Mrs, B. W. Mor gan and daughter Hazel, drove to Tygh Valley fair grounds Wed' nesday taking ohioken dinner to their husbands who are working on the buildings there. G. W, Bargainholt went to Hap py ridge Monday on business. The froBt damaged the garden of Ur Ci. A. Duncan and Mis Ada'sorn. Shebjtd a beautiful stand and was :C.ri&'"of the club girl. We are very sorry for her. The Iter, fyursen Jailed to fill the pulpit as announced, on ac oount of getting hurt while hauling hay, Mr, Cline is home from working on the buildings at the fair ground and Mr. Morgan and Farlow will finish their work there Wedueaday. Mnr Jno, Farlow treated the S, S. children to plums; the older ones enjopiug them also. C. A. Syron and team left Sun' day for Grass Valley where he will work during harvest. . Wayne Spoore with sit head of horses goes to Bakeoven next week to work On a combine. Grandma Hall who has kept house the past two years for F. E. Spoore went to Wamio Monday and will keep house for Jimmi Johnson and son. Mr. Spoore will in the near furture go to Catalow valley, ... ., S., , J, W. Ayrfes abdjamilyi G. W. Bargainholt and, .family, S. G. Ledford and family .spent Sunday up yin the foot hills where the children gathered hazel nuts and real picnic dinner was served. GENERAL STORACE Flour, Feed, Salt and Supplies agknts for Kerr Gilford &""Go. ' ALSO Fol -' Phoenix Assurance Co.; tondon Hunts Ferry Warehouse Go. 1 'Joh Chastalns- weut to the moun-f Go to Talcott's for confeotiouery ainr this week. a nd ice cream. me We h ave cabbage, beets and string beans' for'sale. A. Fv Utf tin. . . Agent and Mrs. Bell, e'njoye'd h Utonibblle ricledn an "armstrone''' jtrack: speeder' Sunday evening.- - Bakeoven Flat A heavy frost nipped beans and Tines Friday night on the ridge between the flat and cow canyon nd the gardens were ruined, pota toes and even the tumble Weed was killed. Ed Mays arid family haVe feohe to Portland, to visit frieridB. Mt. Flanagan arid family with theit guest Mr. Cunningham spent Sunday evening with- Mr. and Mrs. Flenlming. Charley Berg of idgewiV Very near. lost a valuable horse Sunday from aV out on barb wire. The animal wa bletding to death nhvwHp Berg foumd it. Claud Wilson -happened along in tim to help save its life. ;; Clarence Fargher returned from the mountains Monday , ' - " Geo. Ifalatt sent Iw o teams of Maupin Monday with bulk grain. Tho first to go from thin vicinity, Mr- and Mrs, W, B.BY-own went no" Ridgeway Monday i 0 harvest their grain crop. There ate now five 'cothbine threshers humming awav oh the flat? ivirs. 'Harvey kpent Frid'ay tvi(h hr sister Mr. Baley. 1 1 1 returned horn from Van'Moad The families of D. M, Sba. ttuck and 6t. , Hatfield left. , Wedqa sday morning lor a ew aays outim ; in the niouutihii. 2 MtLfiS Of swepth, firm sandy beach . V Sloplhg giually pceanward more than a Score of Interesting beach, hamlets Inviting you to real rest and the simple ' Hfe-j) NORTH BEKH. . , , :- N0T DIFFERENT-BETTERl More beach better beach; an endless variety bf things to do and places to go; gilairit arid restful resorts: a pleasant peat trip to get there. 0-W.R.fUN. ETHERS 1. 1. POTtfell " 1-. ivon c.plii(htion W 1 0- Yf. k.i ft fytnUortltt Caeral fasseftaer A.:;n, Poi 'd'ah'd FISGHJLR the Is also agent for the follW ing Popular Cars: i 5 i him tell ydU abdtit terms "When thfi Harvest Day$ Are, , Over" You'll be planning a new HOME or barn, may be a silo or milkhouie- perhapa your district nees. new school, or town a new church Let our Architects 'make your plans- to Suit your ideals and your pbcketbbbk. Peter Kilburg about It" 'At the Horile of "Tlm-A.Lutilber,, l(A bisy word forgo'cd lumber)