MAUPIN In. Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 4 5 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1916 THE YEAR $1,50 IL4 21 II A V iii-w!w PETER GODFREY While rounding a sharp turn in a grade near the Jack Hillrnan ranch eight miles southeast of this city an automobile being driven by Poter Godfrey overturned and seriously injured the driver, and he died soon after being taken to The Dalles hospital. Mr. Godfrey is a well known rancher residing five miles south of The Dalles. The accident hap pened Tuesday morning and there were no eye-witnesses; Ira Water man who works for Mr. Hillrnan heard the crash , and upon investi gation discovered the overturned cur with Mr. Godfrey pinned un dornoatb. The motor was still running. With a stout "pry the car was lifted off the injured man. Dr. Thompson was summoned from Tho Dalles and brought Mr. Godfrey to the hospital where he died soon afterward without re gaining consciousness.. His in- jurios consisted of several broken ribs, which punctured one of hw lungs. Mr,. Godfrey is survived by a wife and daughter. John Staats expects to do some special work in the Forest Service for a few days commencing soon Dr. Stovall made a professional visit at H. M. Green's at Criterion Tuesday. PEOPLE! You will soon need your winter's supplies. Buy at home where you see your Mdse first A clean new stock to pick from, Mdse. guran- teed and better goods for the same money. Let me take care of your wants. LAKE'S CASH STORE For Real Bargains Sugar $&.2d White River Flour Harvest Shoes $2.5o $6 BUYS $1000 Field grain Insurance for 3 months You cannot afford to take the chances against wiW fires, cigarette smokers arid thresher engines. Insurance Covers the gram' standing, or cut, in stack; in sack, in bulk, in bin, warehouse or elevator.' MAUPIN STATE BANK Wapinitia Items Ira Flinn and Guy Dority came out from The Dalles last Saturday bringing out a load of apples. They returned Tuesday. N. W. Flinn and sons were fish ing Saturday in the Deschutes. Calvin McCorkle is on the sick lint this week being threatened with typhoid fever. Dr. Elwood is attending him and expects to hav him out in a short time. jU'mb Winnie Tapp who has been in The Dalles the past six weeks, returned to her home here Sunday fcidney Wilson is traveling oyer the country here iu his new Ford buying up wheat. Quite a num ber of the farmers are contracting their wheat, prices ranging from $1.01 to $1.07. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wilson, Sidney, Ruby and Don made a trip to Clackamas take Sunday to visit with Leonard Wilson who is stationed at Mt. Wilson. Don re mained for a week's visit with his brother. 'Jommy Kingsley came out from the mountains Saturday. He re ports that the huckleberries are going to be quite plentiful, but that it will be September before they are ripe. Ivy and Celia Flinn left here Thursday to work on Geo. Magill'n thresher, where they will hav chargo of the cook house. Thresh ing commenced Monday at John McCorkle's. Joe O'Brien commences With his thresher Thursday at L. M. Wood sides. U. S. Endersby expects to start bis machine Monday at' Wilbur Danes; Mr. and Mrs. Walker are !,roing out with the cook wagon. ' Some cold winds here on the Flat lately. Miss Dorothy Doyle is cooking for the headers at Maynard's other ranch. Chas. Walker killed a fine beef Monday and peddled it out 'lues- day. Earl Burghis was also sell ing beef Tuesday. Allen Fligg of The Dalles came out last week from The Dalles. bringing a drummer and his out- lit. John Ward was a Maupin visit or Tuesday going down to sell his wheat but found the marker closed for the day. Mrs. Delia Powell who has' been quiln sick is very much improved. Mr. Mi'ller of the ditch com pany was out from the mountains Sunday. Henry Richardson came down from the ditch camp and spent Sunday at home. A severe electrical visited a sec tion of this country Saturday. The storm only extended over a few miles, but large hail stones fell doing- considerable damage to some of the crops' and the rain fell in torrents, all the ponds were filled and the creeks commenced running. The peculiar part of it was the dust was barely settled on either side of the storm btlt. Little Margaret StaineB was on the sick list last week but is much better now. Rufus Abbott of Hood River who is visiting relatives here was quite sick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lu Hennegan, Mrs. Batty and Lois spent Sunday at Camas Prarie. Bakeoven Flat Mrs. George Stege is cooking for Meyers brothers. They be gan heading Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey a daughter. Si Tunison began heading Tuesday. Tom Flanagan ia also heading and Percy Martin of Juniper flat is helping him. Mrs. Flanagan returned from Portland bringing ' her small grandchild with her. Andy Turner killed a large rattle snake Wednesday. He is keeking the skin as a trophy. Davis Bros, bought a new Ford of E. J. Fischer Wednesday. A severe hail storm struck our flal Monday evening about five o'clock. It done considerable damage to the wheat shattering the heads, hail stones falling as large as marbles striking with such force as to nearly bury themselves in the hard ground, It passed through in a narrow strip'. Those mostly damaged were Mr. Aldridge, Harvey, Mallatt, Wilson and the Andrew Larsen ranch, the first three were insured and the adjuster was out settling up Friday. Claud Wilson delivered beef at Maupin Friday. Geo Mallatt is heading '"right of ways," L. A Bleakney and Teddy are helping him. Mrs. Wilson and Willie are carrying the mail between Mau pin and Bakeoven while Mf. Williams takes a vacation killing bear. Two fruit peddlers from The Dalles have been through here the past week. . Mrs. L. A. Bleakney has swees peas over five feet tall with such profusion of flowers she has furnished boqets all summer to her less fortunate friends. Ella Kirby of Shaniko is visit ing Mrs. Bert Davis. C. Davis and wife of Rideway are helping Davis Bros, harvest, While helping put some hay in one of the barns on the Mel Sig. njan ranch a couple weeks ago, Van Moad got his hand caught in one of the fork pulleys with the resnlt that the fingers of the hand were badly lascerated and torn. A large shipment of grain bags came in on Wednesday's freight. Miss Nita Ellis visited at the C. E. Tunison fa'm the first of the week. Railroad Rumblings Both agents are quite busy these days as a goodly amount of freight is coming into Maupin. The S. P. & S. Bridge and Building crew, after having spent a week at Maupin on general work left on the down freight Tuesday afternoon to do some trestle Work near Tuskin. The O. W. Bridge Crew have been making extensive repairs on their line for the past few days. Mrs. V. H. Burke and daugh ter May spent a few days recently visiting with Foreman Burke. They returned to their home at Dayton on Sunday night's train. The wagon road from the 0. T. depot is being placed good condi tion by W. H. Burke and crew. Rfpirts from the proposed ft. K strike is causing much spoculation locally as to shipping conditions. , Geo. Woodruff delivered the first new crop wheat a few days ago. It ia Hybrid and tested 62 pounds per bushel. Reports are that the greater amount of the 1916 wheat crop adjaceut to Maupin has been con tracted at above the $1 mark. The quality of all grains here is par excellence. , R. C. Jory is managing book keeper at the warehouse during Mr. Covey'i illness. Zene Watkins will be in Maupin every Tuesday with fresh meat, all Dolph Moad made a trip to The Dalles the last of the week. This week the enterprising firm of Shattuck Bros, of this place have installed a Delcore electric lighting system in their handsome new store, The lights were turn ed on Wednesday night for the first trial and illuminated the var ious departments to complete sat isfaction. Shattuck Bros, have the agency for this ystem in this, territory, representing the Domestic Engin eering Co., makers of the already Beef Phone your orders to Claud Wilson. Meat will be delivered at Maupin on Fridays every week A. A, Canfiold and boys return ed to Maupin Monday afternoon from Portund. Mrs. Canfield will ' follow in a few days as they ex pect to locate at Maupin, famous Delcore-lighting system for cars, and expect erelong to have placed this modern convenience in many of the homes in this see1' tion and surrounding territory.' fX" MILES of smooth, firm, White sandy JbfJ beach sloping gently into the seal-no dangerous under-tow a store or mor of de-. ligtfully interesting oaeanside hamlets simple, restfull life combined with different, tasteful foods and only the best of summer resort pleasures That's ' - J'..'.' NORTH BEACH "PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC" Weather and beach coudi tions are just right therefore; GO NOW we Will be glad to hefp plan your trip. Ask for the nw North Beach folder just off the press. Fares and full information upon Application to R. B. BELL, Agent, O-W. R. R. & N. CO UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM "Spokane Interstate Fair and Live Stock Shdw Sept. 4-9 I FORfrl THE UNIVERSAL; CAR The Ford Motor Company is one of the largest consumers of steel in the world -200.000 tons this year. The great volume of . producton - over 500,000 cars-and the efficient Ford manufactu ing organization brings producti n and selling costs down to a miriimurri. That's why Ford Buyers get more car for less money. Runabout $390 Touring Car $440; Coupelet $590 Town Car $640 Sedan $740. All t. o. b. Detroit. On sale at Fis d&rt Csffiffiiflfe maupin; ore; I "When1 the Harvest Days Are Over'1 v You'll be planning a new HOME or barn, may-, be a silo or milkhouse- perhaps your district needs new school, or town a new church Let our Architects make your plans to suit your ideals and your pocketbook. "See Peter Kilburg about it" At the Home of t "Tum-A-Lukber" (A buy word for good lumber)