WORLD'S DOINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHQi Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Thirty-two cases of cholera are re ported in Yokohama. Oregon crops this year are estimated to be worth 130,181,730. Forty thousand pounds of wool is sold at Eugene, Ore., at approximately 40 cents per pound. A humming bird kills two canaries at Oregon City, having entered the cage for the purpose. Columbia Beach, a resort near Port land, has been closed by the health au thorities, who allege insanitary condi tions exist there. The Portland chamber of commerce proposes a tax of one mill for the pur pose of subsidizing shipowners to enter the port of Portland. Charles E. Hughes makes his first campaign npeech at Detroit. Other speeches will be made in leading cities of the West on the initial trip. The strong Turkish force which at tacked the British at Romani, 22 miles east of the Suez canal, on August 4, was defeated and put to flight by a counter-attack. Robert F. Wagner, f New York, for governor, and Calvin J. Huston, of Yates county, for lieutenant gover nor, was the ticket agreed on at a con ference in New York City of 16 prom inent Democrats. Two earthquakes were recorded by the seismograph at the University of Santa Clara. Cat., the first at 11:40 o'clock Monday morning, lasting for about 15 minutes, registering an am plitude of 80 millimeters. A great Are in a forest near Savona, Italy, along a front of nearly three miles is reported in a Havas dispatch from Rome. Two thousand soldiers have been sent to fight the Are,, the cause of which la unknown. The city of Brussels has refused to pay the fine of 5,000,000 marks im posed by the Germans in consequence of the demonstration which took place at the Belgian capital on July 21, the national fete day. A Berioua crisis is expected. Dr. Eva Harding, of Topeka, Kan., a suffragist leader, has won the Demo cratic nomination for repiesentative In congress in the First district over Rev. H. J. Corwine, in the recent state-wide primary. Dr. , Harding, whose majority was 608, is the only woman congressional candidate in the state for the coming election. The proposition to submit a consti tutional amendment for state-wide prohibition received a favorable ma jority of 2108 votes in the July 22 Texas primary, according to the com plete and official canvass of a sub-committee of the State Democratic Exec utive committee. The total vote was: For, 174,435; against, 172,332. Offers of (1 per bushel for North western wheat are refused. One child in every five dies of infan tile paralysis In New York. The State department declines to stand behind American bankers who were negotiating a loan to China. Sir Roger Casement, the instigator of the Irish revolution, was hanged in London Thursday for high treason. Frank West, two-year-old son of F. A. West, of Prosser, Wash., was drowned in the Sunnyslde canal. The body was recovered after having been carried through two miles of wood stave pipe. The supreme lodge of Knights of Pythias in session at Portland last week, elected John J. Brown, of Van dalia, 111., supreme chancellor and Charles S. Davis, of Denver, vice chancellor. National Guardsmen, relieved from duty on the border for disability, re turned to Oakland, Cal., to find their armory had been looted of $1500 in clothing by burglars, who had cleaned out every locker. An attempt by Bulgarian soldiers to seize an island In the Roumanian waters of the Danube river close to the town of Giurgevo has caused a sensation there, according to reports received by Bucharest newspapers. Should the great railroad strike now pending be declared, all traffic would be stopped on 1285 roads, with the ex ception of mail and troop trains. The Serbian government has decided to convoke the Serbian parliament. King Peter of Serbia and the Greek government have been adviBed of this intention. The garment strike which virtually has paralyzed the women's suit and cloak industry In New York for nearly four months, waa declared settled at a general meeting of the strike committee. ITALIANS JOIN ATTACK ON CENTRAL POWERS EASTERN FRONI London The Italians have struck a heavy blow in the great allied offen sive. Assailing the Isonzo line, on the 60-mile front from Tolmino to the Adriatic, Cadorna'g troops have cap tured the Gorizia bridgehead and bagged more than 10,000 Austrians With the third year of the war just begun, the Teuton lines are being bat tered in three huge drives. The Rus sian attack gains momentum, the allies on the Western front have launched a new combined offensive and now the Italians have joined in the attack. London sees in Cadorna's offensive one of the most significant and encour aging signs Bince the war began. Not only does it give evidence of the regu larity and the solidarity of the allies' schedule in the advance, but it shatters all prospect of an Austrian offensive on the Trentino front. The Italian successes have created a serious menace to Trieste and prepared the way for an invasion of Austria. In fierce fighting in the last two days, Cadorna's men captured Monte Sabo tino, north of Gorizia, and Monte San Michele, on the Carso plateau, lying to the south. This gives them control of Gorizia bridgehead, one of the most important of the Austrian defenses along the Isonzo. Child Labor Bill is Passed by Senate; Only 12 Votes Opposed Washington, D. C. The senate late Tuesday passed the bill to prevent in terstate commerce in products of child labor. The vote was 52 to 12. The measure, already passed by the house, was brought to a vote in the Benate upon the insistence of the Preisdent after the Democratic senate caucus once had decided to defer its consider ation until next December. Opposition to the measure had come chiefly from Southern cotton mill own ers and the group of Southern Demo crats who voted against it and fought in caucus and maintained their posi tion during the senate debate on the ground that the regulation proposed is unconstitutional and would inter fere with the rights of the states. Eleven Democrats from the South voted for it. To expedite consideration of the measure in conference, senate con ferees were appointed immediately after the original vote was taken. The only amendment adopted would extend the bill's provisions to bar all products of establishments employing children from interstate commerce. The bouse meausre was directed only against those on which child labor actually had been employed. Amendments to make the prohibi tion apply only to children under 14 who could not read or write, to make it apply to children on farms and to postpone its effective date for two years were voted down. The bill as passed would prohibit in terstate commerce in the product of any mine or quarry in which children under 16 years of age have been em ployed, or in the product of any mill, cannery, workshop, factory or manu facturing establishment in which chil dren under 14 have been employed, or in which children between 14 and 16 have been employed more than eight hours a day, more than six days a week, before 6 a. m. or after 7 in the evening. It would take effect after enactment. In the closing hours of debate Sena tor Tillman denounced Southern cotton mill owners opposing the bill said that, while he believed it unconstitutional, he waa tempted to support it because of the selfish interests fighting it. He also declared congress was too much influenced by the attitude of labor interests. Crop Outlook Poorer, Washington, D. C Falling off in crop prospects amounting to many mil lions of dollars' loss to farmers of the country were Indicated in the Department of Agriculture's August report, which forecast declines in indi cated production in almost every im portant crop from the forecasts report ed in July. Wheat showed a loss of 105,000,000 bushels, corn 89,000,000 bushels, bar ley 11,000,000 bushels, and there were decreases in rye, white and sweet po tatoes, flax, apples and peaches. A heavy reduction of the indicated pro duction of cotton prevoiusly had been reported. Nickel Loaf is Costly. Salt Lake City A five-cent loaf of bread is an economic waste, in the opinion of C. N. Power, of Pueblo, Colo., who Wednesday addressed the convention here of the Master Bakers of the United States. He discussed the "10-cent loaf and why." Efficiency, declared Mr. Power, de manded the baking of 10-cent loaves of bread rather than the 5-cent size. He estimated the cost of baking 1000 loaves of bread at 5 cents per loaf is $3.55 more than the cost of baking the same flour into 500 10-cent loaves. Petrograd Rioters Slain. Berlin Twenty-eight persons were killed and more than 100 wounded in Petrograd during serious disorders which took place there July 30 because of almost complete exhaustion of the food supply, according to Stockholm reports given out Wednesday by the Overseas News agency. Many houses and shops were looted during the disturbances which were finally repressed by the military, the advices said. Night Bathing in Lake liii i o ,!v :--:f.: -x-V-S-1 ? .d. ... ... tl ."N 4' .: ..i - i -iss , ; .... J..., V i Night bathing in Lake Michigan saves thousands of persons during the hot spell in Chicago. Parts of the lake front swarms with women bathers till late hours of the night. It is the RAILROAD STRIKE SEEMS INEVITABLE Congress is Urged to Take Immediate Action to Forestall Trouble. National Chamber of Commerce Be lieves Arbitration is Futile Wilson Much Concerned. Washington, D. C Officials of the Federal government, including Presi dent Wilson, are closely watching de velopments in the controversy between 225 railway systems and their 400,000 employes, and are preparing to offer every possible aid in effecting an agreement and avoiding a strike. Thursday the President forwarded to the Labor department an appeal he had received from the Chamber of Com merce of fne United States declaring a Btrike inevitable "unless some strong measures of intervention are speedily introduced" and urging an inquiry. Acting Secretary of Labor Post said he was in close touch with the situa tion, but had not decided whether ac tion by the department would be nec essary. The Federal board of mediation and conciliation, which is authorized by law to attempt to avert Btrikes on railroads, also is keeping watch of de velopments, and its officials expect to be called on as Boon as the strike vote, now being counted, has been complete ly canvassed. They said that nothing could be done at present Copies of the chamber's appeal to President Wilson were forwarded to chairmen of the congressional com merce committees and the representa tives of the railroads and employes. Harry Wheeler, chairman of the chamber's committee on railroads, Baid he had recently attended a meeting of representatives of the employers and employes in New York, and that as a result his conviction was deepened that an amicable settlement waa remote. "I am assured," he added, "there will be no modification of the attitude of the roads. Neither is it expected that the representatives of the men, with the new powerful strike vote in their hands, will recede from the position which they have taken heretofore." Shark Startle Newport. Newport, Or. Beach bathers were starteld Thursday when they heard of the capture of a shark at the Devil's Punchbowl, 10 miles north of Newport Their fears were dispelled later, how ever, when it was learned that it was a sand shark and not one of the man eating species. The shark was washed ashore while Carl Shoemaker, state game warden, was visiting the bowl. He killed it and brought it to Newport where it is now on display. Two years ago a man-eating shark, 25 feet long, was killed off Yaquina Bay. Fruit Basket Bill Passed. Washington, D. C. "The honest grape, fruit and berry basket bill," by Representative Reavia, of Nebraska, prescribing dimensions for standard baskets for interstate shipment of grapes, small fruits and berries, was passed Thursday by the house. Grape growers of New York and Southern and Western small fruit and berry raisers advocated its passage for pro tection against competitors using un dersized containers. r. . .-.:!... ; . i Michigan Saves Many. . Um$ sMP . ... (Lv.? -i? ! J Im,-'. J . - .' .'..".(i l.S.i 'only way they have to cool off from the great heat of the day. The cus tom may now be so well estabilshed that night bathing will become a reg ular feature of the summer. ACTIVITY OF ALLEGED SPIES AT PANAMA CANAL IS INVESTIGATED Washington, D. C. Activities of persons suspected of being spies em ployed by foreign governments to ac quire information regarding the nature and extent of the defenses of the Pan ama canal have made the administra tion decide to request congress to sup plant the existing laws against im proper acquistion of knowledge of mil itary and naval plans and fortifica tions. , Representatives of the department of Justice and the War and Navy de partments have been in conference on the subject, and it is expected that they will agree on some drastic legislation to be submitted to congress. It is possible that the scope of the conference may be extended beyond the original ideas of a mere protection of the secrets of the American coast defenses to cover generally such at tempts as have been common since the beginning of the present war to de stroy powder and ammunition plants, on which the United States govern ment must rely in time of trouble. Several of the military powers of the world are believed to have ' under taken to obtain information as to the character of the defenses of the Pana ma canal. The latest incident to ex cite suspicion is the operations of a little Japanese power vessel, ostensi bly a fishing launch, which sought to obtain a permit for pearl fishing in the waters of Panama bay and vicinity. The canal authorities have been warned that this craft appeared to have been making surveyB and that these were not confined to the water but extended to the isthmus proper. While these operatious may have been perfectly innocent in intent and only such soundings were made and bearings taken as might be incident to the pursuit of pearl fisheries, the canal zone authorities have regarded the matter as of sufficient importance to warrant investigation and report to Washington. Meanwhile, licenses have been withheld until some general line of policy can be formulated to govern all such cases. Bottle Tells Zeppelin's Fate. Berlin Extracts from letters found last February in a bottle picked up in the Skageraak, containing last mes sages from the commander and crew of the Zeppelin L-19, wrecked in the North Sea, have been given out The writings included the final report of the Zeppelin's commander, written an hour before the airship went down. The greater part of the extracts consist of personal messages to members of the victims' families. One of them says "an English trawler came along this morning, but refused to save us." British Save Suez Canal. London The Turkish army of 13, 000 soldiers which attacked British positions on August 4 at Romani, 22 miles east of the Suez canal, has been thoroughly defeated, according to the latest official statement. The Turks are now in full retreat and were hotly pursued for 18 miles by British troops. The number of unuXmnded Turks captured was 3145. Among the pris oners were 70 Germans, including 36 officers. A complete battery of Ger man guns was also taken. Hughes' Auto Searched. Niargra Falls. Charles E. Hughes, en route to Detroit spent Sunday here. At his request there was no public re ception. During the automobile ride in Can ada, at a lonely spot a Canadian sol dier, with fixed bayonet ordered the driver to halt and searched the car for explosives. The soldier, when told of Mr. Hughes' identity, replied with a grin that he was sorry, but Canadian military rules made no exception. WILSON CAMPAIGN TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 1; SPEAKERS ASSIGNED Washington, D. C A decision to launch the Democratic National cam paign soon after September 1, regard less of whether congress still is in ses sion then, was reached at a conference Monday between President Wilson, Vance C. McCormick, chairman of the Democratic National committee, and Homer S. Cummings, the committee's vice chairman. The two Democratic leaders took luncheon with the Presi dent and remained with him four hours, going over minutely the cam paign plans. While no date was set for the notifi cation ceremonies, Chairman McCor mick said that if congress remained in session after September 1, notification might take place before adjournment. Under such circumstances the Presi dent will go to Shadow Lawn, N. J., for the occasion, and return imme diately afterward to Washington. Invitations sent to the President to speak in various parts of the country were considered at the conference Monday. Mr. WilBon will make no definite engagements, however, until a date for the adjournment of congress is agreed on. He already has promised to go to Hodginsville, Ky., September 4, to speak at Lincoln memorial exer cises, and has made a tentative en gagement to visit St. Louis September 19, 20 or 21, to address an organiza tion of underwriters. The Hodgins ville speech, however, will be of a non- political character. Chairman McCormick said he plan ned to have the Democratic campaign in full swing by September 15. Mr. Cummings, who is chairman of the speakers' bureau at Democratic Na tional headquarters, told the President of the progress made in assigning speakers to the various states. Farm Loan Board Organizes; Pacific Coast Trip Outlined Washington, D. C. Organization of the new farm loan board, which is to administer the new rural credits sys tem, was perfected here Monday with the induction into office of its four ap pointive members, the designation by President Wilson of an active head and the selection of a secretary. The board will meet again soon to consider how it may be best to obtain informa tion on which to base its first import ant work, division of the country into 12 land bank districts with a federal land bank in each. At a short session afterward, W. W. Flannagan, of Montclair, N. J., was chosen secretary of the board. Mr. Flannagan has been secretary of the joint committee which investigated rural credits in Europe and drafted the present law. The board also discussed the itiner ary for its trip to the Pacific Coast and went over the applications and recommendations of 40 cities for fed eral loan banks. No route for the trip was determined on, but it is prob able the board will go West through northern states and return to Wash ington through the South. Hearings will be held in Washington also, but no date has been chosen for them. New York Car Strike Ends. New York The strike on the sur face railway lines here, which threat ened to extend to the subway and ele vated systems, and thus completely tie up transportation facilities in Greater New York, virtually came to an end Monday night Directors of the New York Railways company and the Third Avenue Railway company, the two principal lines affected, voted, after being deadlocked for 12 hours, to ac cept a plan of settlement proposed by Mayor Mitchel and Oscar S. Straus, chairman of the Public Service com mission, after represetatives of the strikers had agreed to it. Pact Made With, Persia. Petrograd Great Britain and Rus sia have just concluded an understand ing with Persia strengthening the friendly relations between the three countries, according to the semi-official Russian news agency from Teheran. "A solution mutually favorable to all the parties has been found for ques tions relating to the financial and mili tary organizaton of Persia, " Bays the correspondent "As regards the mili tary organization, it will be effected in North Persia by the development of Persian brigades and in South Persia by the formation of sufficiently strong contingents." Strange Warship is Met. Marshfield, Or. Captain H. M. Michaelson, of the steam schooner Hardy, reported Monday that off Rogue River at 2:30 a. m. his ship was ac costed by either a torpedo boat de stroyer or a cruiser. First Mate J. Swanson said the craft had four stacks. The Hardy was proceeding north in the face of a northwest wind, about 10 miles off shore, when the war craft came up from the rear and hugged close enough to hail. Mate Swanson could not understand the halloo and at that the craft pulled away. Wilson to Visit Portland. Los Angeles Plans have been made for the reception and entertainment of President Woodrow Wilson in Los An geles on October 16, according to Ben jamin F. Groves, secretary of the Dem ocratic County Central committee. The President is to dedicate the Elephant dam near El Paso, Tex., and it has been arranged for him to come to Los Angeles en route to San Fran cisco, Portland, Or., and Seattle, it was stated. IMMAfiF TO WHFAT r"1" SENDS PRICES UP Reports of Hail, Black Rust and Blight Cause of Sudden Advance. SPRING CROP BADLY AFFECTED Most Damage in North Dakota, Min nesota and Manitoba Orders Cancelled by Merchants. Chicago Hail, black rust and blight damage to the spring wheat crop of the Northwest caused an advance of 4 cents a bushel on the Chicago board of trade Saturday. A 6-cent advance was scored Thursday. At the high record prices were 33 cents higher than the low point in June. September closed at $1,341. December at $1,381, and May at $1.43. Reports reached the trade that in some sections of North Dakota and Southern Manitoba the crop had been ruined by hail Wednesday night and Thursday. Several large insurance companies with headquarters in Chi cago received messages saying that the crop was a total loss. Most of the hail damage was in the northern part of North Dakota. The crop in Bottineau county is ruined. Mercantile companies in that section have cancelled all orders for future de livery. Even orders for such necessi ties as shoes and stoves have been can celled. Ordinarily a 33-cent advanc in the price of wheat in a little more than a month brings fortunes to many of the big operators on the board of trade. That has not been true during the; present rise. Nearly all of the big lo cal traders have been fighting the mar ket, or rather fighting the damage re ports, and prices have gone up without their aid. Even the Northwest, where the damage was taking place, was a seller of wheat in this market until a few days ago. That caused the belief that the damage reports were exaggerated by the market bulls. Some of the board's exporters have made large winnings, and a coterie of . Wall-street grain men, who are said to have large holdings of wheat under $1.20 a bushel, are credited with prof its of around $2,000,000. The disaster in the Northwest has proved a blessing to the winter wheat growers. Thirty days ago they wele able to get only $1 a bushel for their grain. Now the price is a third higher. Shackleton Fails to Rescue His Men From Elephant Island London Sir Ernest Shackleton has again failed to rescue the main body of his Antarctic expedition left on Ele phant island, says the Daily Chronicle, and has returned to the Falkland is lands. , Sir Ernest returned on board the steamer Emma, says a Reuter dispatch from Port Stanley. The ship was forced back by heavy gales and ice and it was found impossi ble to get near Elephant island through the pack ice. The ship was badly damaged, the en gines were damaged, and the Emma was obliged to proceed under sail. Sir Ernest, the correspondent adds, recognizes that it is useless to force a passage with a light ship and he is waiting for the steamer Discovery to come from England. French Retake Tnree-Mile Strip From Germans at Verdun London Joffre's men are masters now of a bloodstained strip of ground three miles long and about a mile deep just north of Verdun, which they have won from the Germans in one of the most hotly-fought and bloody battles of the long struggle on the Meuse. At the close of three days of their offen sive they have conquered ground which it took the Crown Prince's army more than four weeks to wrest from them. Fishing Pact May Pass. Washington, D. C. Senator Lane, who has been stoutly opposing the bill heretofore passed by the house ratify ing the compact between the states of Oregon and Washington, under which they propose to exercise joint jurisdic tion! over fisheries in the Columbia river, is showing signs of relenting. If he does this the bill will pass, as Senator Lane alone has prevented its passage on several occasions. The fail ure of the opposing fishermen to file initiative petitions robbed Senator Lane of his chief ground of opposition. Five-Cent Loaf Decried. Chicago The 5-cent loaf of bread must go. This is the cry with which 400 Chicago bakers departed Saturday for Salt Lake City, Utah, to attend the annual convention of the National As sociation of Master Bakers and to at tempt to persuade that body that 10 cents is the lowest price at which a fair-sized loaf of bread can be sold with profit ' In the party were scores of bakers from Eastern cities.