r Royal D-Lite Comfortable . LADIES SHOES More Less All Styles All Sizes Royal Shoe Co. 148 Fourth St. Near Morrison Portland Oregon SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened, Z6c and 80c a dosen. Knives and Scis v trSnd- Automatic Keen Edga Co., 18914 MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COL p r 1 Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, , ruunc ownotfrapners, Mum Tmnhlnir anri Miai.u...nU: l-i i H"' 0Bit"8 hen Competent New Aliuky wi, uiu buu iuornson, rorciana, uregon. Double Tread Puncture Proof Tires Made from your old ones. Last long as orana new iiitca Write us. OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. 660 Washing-ton St. Portland. Ore. HIDES, PELTS. CASCARA BARK, WUUL AND MOHAIR. We want all you hare. Write lor prices and shipping: THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wd SHOE AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN NO EXPENSE NO INVESTMENT T'.l nwlaM U.........L1- OI . i clusive went. Write today for instructions, MEke (16.00 to 540.00 weekly; others do. ROSENTHAL'S lox-ioi rosi St., Ban Francisco, CaL New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Pour Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rate 50c, 75c SI, $1.50 Per Day. - PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, ATTENTION I PERFECT PRINTING PLATES Furnished on ahort notice. Write for Scale of Prices. Portland Electrotype & Stereotype Co.. Front t Stark, Portland, Or, Oregon Hernia Institute Rupture treated mechanically. Private fitting rooms. Highest testimonials. Re sults guaranteed. Call or write. JOHNSON A UMBARGER 411-412 Aliiky Building, Portland, Oregon ANOTHER LINK In the endless chain of satiafled cream shippers Gaston, Ore. Hazelwood Co., Portland, Gentlemen We have always been well pleased with the Haze! wood Co. and whenever we have more veal or cream we will surely ship to you. Yours truly, H. E. S. Original on file in our office for Inspection. Why not ship ub your cream, Mr. Dairyman? Prompt returns; correct tests. HAZELWOOD CO., Portland Gophers Killed With Automobile Fumei. Using automobiles as gopher killing machines Is the novel service to which cars have been put by Oregon farmers i who have set about to kill gophers, and other burrowing animals that damage their crops. A car, preferably one that Is light, is driven into the field where the gophers live. The en gine is allowed to continue running and one end of a hose is attached to the exhauBt while the other end is in serted in a gopher hole and packed about with a cloth and a little dirt. In a short time the fumes penetrate the various passages and issue from other boles. These are then plugged up; after this has been done the gases penetrate to the remotest chamber, and the inhabitants are suffocated. From the August Popular Mechanics Magazine. Different. Hostess (at party) Does your mother allow you to have two pieces of pie when you are at home, Willie? Willie (who has asked for a second piece) No, ma'am. "Well, do you think that she'd like you to have two pieces here?" "Oh," confidently, "she wouldn't care. This isn't her pie." Philadel phia Public Ledger. High Cost of Life. Wayne Brown does a lot of enter taining at his country place. Payne Does he succeed In growing ' anything? Wayne His mortgage has grown from $2,000 to $5,000 since April, and will probably Jump another thousand hefore August Pittsburgh Dispatch. Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To th Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 46 yrars of Square Dealings and be assured of Top Market Prices, F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 Front St, PORTLAND, ORE P. N. U. No. 31, 1918 YffHEN mn-ttiac to adrcrtisen, pleas me Ship IDEAS FOR DESSERT CONFECTIONS TO FOLLOW SUB STANTIAL MEAL. Steamed Custard Is One of the Best Tangerine Souffle May Be New Excellent Recipe for Lemon Pudding. Steamed Custard. Put three-quarters of a pint of milk Into a stewpan with two ounces of loaf sugar and a small piece or pinch of cinnamon. Beat the yolks of two eggs thoroughly and whisk the whites to a stiff froth, finally adding them to the yolks. As soon as the milk reaches the boiling point pour it by degrees onto the eggs, stirring it gently all the time and leave the custard to cool. Butter a plain mold and strain the custard into it. Cover it securely by tying a piece of buttered paper on the top and steam very gently for 35 minutes. Stand aside to get cold. Serve the custard turned out of the mold and surrounded by stewed fruit. Tangerine Souffle. Separate the white from the yolks of six perfectly fresh eggs. Put the yolks Into a ba sin with four tablespoonfuls of pow dered sugar, the grated rind of two tangerine oranges and a half portion of grated lemon rind. Beat the ingre dients with a wooden spoon for ten minutes. Stir in one tablespoonful of pastry flour, and when this is thor oughly blended with the egg mixture add one teaspoonful of orange flavor ing. Add a pinch of salt to the whites of the eggs and whisk them to a very stiff froth. Mix them lightly and thoroughly with the prepared yolks and pour the mixture at once into a buttered scuffle mold. Smooth the top over with a knife into the shape of a dome and bake the souffle at once in a quick oven for from ten to twelve minutes. Just before serving sprinkle some sifted powdered BUgar over the top. Lemon Pudding. Put two ounces of butter into a saucepan and when it is melted stir In by degrees two table- spoonfuls of flour and one and a half tablespoonfuls of corn flour. As soon as the ingredients form a perfectly smooth paste, add gradually, stirring quickly all the time, one pint of milk and continue to stir until the mixture has boiled and thickened. Remove the pan from the stove and add three ta blespoonfuls of sugar, the grated rind' of a large lemon and one tablespoonful of brandy or vanilla. Beat In the yolks of two eggs which have been thorough ly whisked with a fork. Add a pinch of salt to the whites of the eggs and beat them to a stiff froth. Allow the pudding to cool and stir In the strained Juice of a lemon, a little at a time, and the whites of the eggs. Line a pudding dish with puff paste, pour in the liquid mixture and bake at once in a fairly quick oven until the top is lightly or evenly browned. The heat must not be fierce nor must the pudding be allowed to remain in the oven more than from 20 to 30 minutes, or it will curdle and be spoiled. A Jug of thick cream should be passed with it Plain Omelet Separate the yolks from the whites of four eggs. Beat the yolks until thick and lemon-colored; add one-half teaspoonful of salt, a few grains of pep per and four tablespoonfuls of hot wa ter. Beat the whites until stiff and dry, cutting and folding them into the first mixture until they have taken up mixture. Heat omelet pan and butter sides and bottom. Turn in the mix ture, spread evenly, place on the range where it will cook slowly, occasionally turning the pan that omelet may brown evenly. When well-puffed and deli cately browned underneath, place the pan on center grate of oven to finish cooking the top. The omelet ia cooked if it Is firm to the touch when pressed by the finger. If it clings to the finger like the beaten white of egg It needs longer cooking. Fold and turn on hot platter, and pour around one and a half cupfuls of thin white sauce. Milk is sometimes used in place of water, but hot water makes a more tender omelet To Make Baking Powder. Take one-half pound cream of tar tar, one-fourth pound cooking soda. one-eighth pound cornstarch; sift to gether 12 times, the last time Into cans. To remove iodine stains on clothing sponge freely with ammonia. To make flaky piecrust fry out three pounds of pure lard and two pounds of cold suet; strain and mix together. This makes a very nice, rich piecrust and is very must healthier and cheap er than clean lard. Beefsteak With Vegetable. Put a piece of steak in a baking tin, dredge it with flour and season with pepper and salt Almost cover with water and cook in the oven for 20 min utes. Then cover it with onions, thin ly sliced, and cook for another 20 minutes. Next add a layer of toma toes, sliced, and cook for ten minutes more. Take it from the oven, baste well, sprinkle grated cheese thickly over and return it to the oven to brown. Princess Charlotte. Line a plain mold with lightly oiled paper, arrange sponge or vanilla cakes all around It, then fill up with a good vanilla bavarolse, as below, mixed with one-half cup of any nice dried fruit cut in shreds. When set turn out and ornament with icing, us ing a forcing bag with fancy pipe. Serve on a fancy dish paper. To Ccol a Burn and Take the Fire Out, Be Prepared For Accident A Hotuthold Remedy HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A LIN I M INT For Cuts. Burns. Bruises. Sorains. Strains. Stiff Neck. Chilblains. Lame Back. OldSores. Ooen Wound. and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 Mil M OR WR1T1 All U83 fifS & c Hjn,ord "ft. Co, BXBACUSIC,. X. TYPHOID to nit more necessary luanamaupox. Army experience bis, demonstrated the almost miraculous effi cacy, and haralessrjess, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, oi send for "Have ou had Typhoid?" telling ot Typhoid Vaccine, results from us. , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTEI LABOBATOBY, BMntttY, CAL psobucms victims a asanas tisois a. s, ev. licsbss Sarxwatv Granulated Eyelids, .,- uretoSno,DgslaridM sHvrVa quickly relieved by HarToa M . VCS Eye Beawtly. No Smarting, V just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Botlle. Marine Eyi SalveinTubcs2Sc. ForBeokollbeEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Beoedy Co., Chicago DAISY FLY KILLER -Efts. BAB0LO lOaTXIl, 100 DsXalh Ave. lmilya. M. T, He Didn't Suffer From That A good story is being told concern ing the head of Cox's, the famous armv bankers and a young officer client. . The subaltern called one day and asked the cashier to let him hnva in overdraft of 50 pounds. "I am very sorry, Lieutenant Blank," Was the anctwpr. "hilt vnnr nrr.mint la alreadv overdrawn ion nnnnrla nnd you, see, we have no security, except your me. But Lieutenant Blank was not to be put off like this and demanded to see me neaa ot tne lirm. To him he re peated his remiest. The hnnkor in courteous, Due lirm. "I am afraid. n.n tho taaTiioi cava we have no security for any further advance," he explained. "You might eet killed, vnn rpp. nnrl in that .aoc we shall lose what we have already let, you nave.". The subaltern regarded the banker with a scornful stare. i "Oh, all right if you won't," he said haughtily. "But" scathingly "let me tell you this you're bally well losing your nerve. rearson s Weekly. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women wen, no aiconoi. bold in tablets or liquid. His Only Chance. A short time ago on the shooting range a recruit was taking a lesson in tiring, Dut not with very promising re sults. After repeatedly failing to hit the target at 300 yards, the Instructot tried him at 200, with the same result. He then decided to try him at 100 yards, but the results were even worse than before. Losing all patience, the instructor exclaimed in disgust: "Fix your bayonet and go and stab me wreicnea tning; its your only cnance: Toronto Man. WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y.-"I have had nervous trouble all my life until I took Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Com pound for nerves and for female trou bles and it straight ened me out in good shape. I work nearly all the time, as wa live on a farm and I have four girls. I do all my sewintr and other work with their help, so it shows that I stand it real well. I took the Compound when my ten year old danghter came and it helped me a lot. I have alio had my oldest girl take it and It did her lots of good. I keep it fn the house all the time and recommend It" Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugh, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, Irritabil ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen sations, all point to female derange ments which may be overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonie and invigoratorof the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a. TTJfA vtv x x X X MmZ i JVM'K S. Neat, cleaa. P5?Nph,frf woaai.ata, coavea- JSrfWMaifyTsa 8 Lasts all aagfjaTJKmgEjWi a ... Hiit.i jTTfjjaxrjtVZll) I ft,a'' caa'tspiltartip btSwL&kfltwTrtkjESr' ul will aot srtl or JtJrfcBfJc if laftira aaythlng. 6frr5ayfjy' fl Guarsatted effective. vty I si tv !, aMojaW-- tt-arbr express sm. ' - i t his lor i. IllllllllllUtWvllllllllll'l! if m III r .'. i II H,. -ilJ Cornerjofa BOY SCOUTS PROTECT BIRDS Pleasure Found In Attracting Little bongstera to "Lunch Counter" Which Has Been Built Many of the boy scouts. nleriVarl to "Do a good turn daily," are mobilizing unaer tne banner of Tha Farm .Tnnr- nal Liberty Bel! Bird cluh tn battle. for the lives of the sweet song and insectivorous birds of America. The boys find the Birrl eluh wnrlr neiprul in passing the bov scouts' ornithology merit badge, the require ments or which are as follows: 1. Have a list of 100 different kinds of birds personally observed on ex ploratlon in the field. 2. Have identified bevond annaflnn by appearance or by note, 45 different Kinas or Dlrds in one day. 8. Have made a (rood clear tihoto. graph of some wild bird, the bird Winter Lunch Counter and Restaurant for the Birds. . image to be over one-half inch in length on the negative. 4. Have secured at least two ten ants in bird-boxes erected bv himself, 5. Have dally notes on the nesting of a pair of wild birds from the time the first egg is laid until the young have left the nest. 6. Have attracted at least, three kinds of birds, exclusive of the Eng lish sparrow, to a "lunch counter1 which he has supplied. A boy scout may join The Liberty Bell Bird club without cost and there are no dues, fines or assessments of any kind after he joins. The only, require ment for membership is to sign and send the following pledge to the club when its badge-button will be sent without cost: T desire to become a member of The Liberty Bell Bird club of The Farm Journal, and I promise to study all song and insectivorous birds and do what I can for the club." EXPERIMENT WITH A TRICK Coin Covered With Water on Plate May Be Lifted Without Getting the Fingers Moistened. Put a coin on a plate and nour a little water over it. Then ask some one to take away the coin without wetting his fingers or touching It with anytnmg else. He will naturally think it can't be done, as it is covered with water. To do the trick vou take a tnmhlnr and place inside It a lighted strlD nf paper and then clap the tumbler down Clever Coin Trick. on the plate, but leavlne the enln nut. siae. une heated and expanded air in the tumbler will be suddenly cooled ana will contract and suck un the wa. ter, thus leaving the coin nnrnvnrarl so that you may pick it un without getting your fingers wet Tip for Cyclists. It is very annovine to find that hn inner tube of your tire absolutely re fuses to hold any air. and on rnmnv ing the tire you also find a split about- half an inch in length In the tube. This sometimes haDDens in tuhea that have only had about two or three punctures and are quite good except for the split, which continues to unread if not stopped. The way to prevent this la to tnVa a pair of scissors, and before fixlnt- the patch make a nick about a quarter of an inch across each end of the split, which makes it impossible for it to travel any further. Then solution tube and apply natch in the ordinary way J. Hubberstey, Blackpool. Of Course. James started his third helping of pudding with delight. Once upon a time, James," admon ished his mother, "there was a little boy who ate too much pudding, and he burst. James considered. "There ain't such thing as too much pudding," he de cided. ' There must be," continued his mother, "else why did the little boy burst?" James passed his plate for the fourth time, saying: "Not enough boy." -The Multitude. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1916 Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Penmanship Letter Writing Arithmetic Commercial Law and all commercial subjects taught by experienced teachers. Civil Service training a specialty. The demand for our Graduates exceeds the supply. Write Today for Free Illus trated Catalogue. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE A. T. LINK, Principal. Phone Main 5083 Tilford Bld'g, Tenth and Morriaon Sts, Portland, Or. KG Baking Powder Passed by the lstThe manufacturer with the rigid tests of the laboratory and factory. 2nd--The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to ' v handle only reliable goods. 3rd The retail grocer who desires to handle only those brands he knows will please his customers. 4th--The food officials with their , rigid laws for the purity and wholesomeness of food products. 5th And most important, you. the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per feet satisfaction. ASK YOUR GROCER - HE SELLS IT Ounces for (More than a pound and a half for a quarter) AUTO WRECKING PARTS FOR 1-2 Farts over 60 makes and models, at half the reg ular price. Buy your used auto parts from an old-established and reputable dealer, who has a reputation to protect and conducts the largest parts store and carries the largest complete as sortment of used auto parts of any company this side of Chicago. Our prices are less, and for this reason we outsell all others. All parts are guar anteed to be in first-class condition. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO. Incorporated. 323-325-327 BURNSIDE ST., PORTLAND, 03. A Hint Mayor Smith of Utlca was urging a municipal reform. "It will best be put through by gen tle methods, by hints and sugges tions," he said. "Hints and sugges tions are often more efficient than heroic measures. "A man in a barber chair had a big claw on his watch chain. "'Bear's claw?' said the barber, ' 'Yep.' '"Was it a big bear?' " 'About as big as a two-year-old steer.' 1 'My goodness, sir, how many balls did it take to kill him?' " 'None.' "'My goodness, did you kill him with a knife?' 'No.' 'Then then, er ' T talked him to death,' said the man in the chair significantly." Her Next Branch. Young Lady How is It you don't come to Sunday school, Kate? Kate Oh, plea3e, miss, I'm learn ing French and music now, and moth er doesn't wish me to take up religion till laler. Uoston Transcript. "The stcampr rpnnrts that, tho crpw found an ox swimming about, probably escaped from a catlle ship, and took it aboard." Did thev put It in the step.racp?" Baltimore American. A Famous Physician's After a series of careful experiments and teHts at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., cov ering many years Dr. Pierce, the medical director of that hospital made announcement that he could prove hat a medicine which he called "AN- URIC" was the best uric acid solvent now to be had. As a remedy for those easily recognized symptoms of inflam mationas scalding urine, backache and frequent urination, as well as sedi ment In the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, gout, It is simply won derful how quickly "Anuric" acts; causing the pains and stiffness rapidly to disappear. Swollen hands, ankles, feet, are due to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally hen tie kidneys are deranged the Board of Censors 1 Do Your Own Plumbing By buying direct from us at wholesale prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needB. We will give you our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prices, f. o. b. rail or boat, . We actually save you from 10 to 86 por cent All goods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines, STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street. ' Portland, Oregon Watchful Waiting. "Doing anything now, Sam, to help your wife?" "Oh, yes, sah." 'J )i j "Getting washing for her?" '"-: "Oh, no, sah." ' "I suppose you carry home the wash ing after she does it?" "No, sah; I doan do that." "Well, what do you do, Sam?" "Why, I stay home and watch de house while she delivers d' washln', boss." Yonkers Statesman. To Drenl: In New Shoes. AIwsvb shako In AIIuii'e Pnot-itam, powder. ,t cities hut, sweating, achiiiK, swollen feet, Urt.'M COrtlH. fti rmwilii, llitil. !.......... 1. til (iri1IVi,UlH mill uli,. i. ul ...... T. t . snysuustltiilo. Xairmle mailttd FKKK. Address nuuu?. viuiHieii, i-u noy-a. x. , No Permit. "Here's interesting news." "What's dat?" "In Senegal youse have to get a gov ernment permit to take a bath." "Dat's de place fer me. I'm always on de outs wit' de administration." LouiBvllle Courier-Journal. Might Help Some. "Preparedness, you say?" "Yes, mother. All we girls are go ing In for It strong." "Well, I hope that tendency 111 moderate your reluctance to wear rub bers in wet weather," sighed ma, Louisville Courier-Journal. 1 Wonderful Discovery blood is filled with poisonous waste matter, which settles In the feet, an kles and wriHts; or under the eyes in bag-like formations. It Is Just as necessary to keep the kidneys acting properly as to keep the bowels active. The very best possible way to take care of yourself Is to take a glass of ' hot water before meals and an "An uric" tablet. In this way It is readily dissolved with the food, picked up by the blood and finally reaches the kid neys, where it has a tonlo effect la rebuilding those. organs. Step Into the drug Btore and ask for a BO-cent package of "Anuric" or send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial pekg. "Anurio" many times more potent than lithla, eliminates uric acid as hot water melts sugar. A short trial will convince you,