The Maupia Times Published every Friday at Maapin, Oregon J. E. D i SB row, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; three months, 50 Entered as second class mail matter September '2, 1914, at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1879. CORRESPONDENTS This issue of the Times com pletes its first year since commenc ing the Correspondents' Contest method of getting local news from each section of this part of the Countv, and we believe it has been a very satisfactory affair to all con cerned, in a reportorial way at least. ' , , one year age- we stated we would make payments of $6, $4, $2, $1, respectively to Correspondents who would write the news of their sev eral localities and send It to the Times in proportion to their rela tive regularity, punctuality, newsi ness and general Interest in the paper for four months. This we have renewed twice and with the next issue will opeil a tourth four niorth correspondence record and invite our present list of seven who are all in bri time this week and any other whose COmniuhities are not represented to enter upon and help us make the Times a good newsy home paper. The record of letters closing with this issue shows Wapinitia 41id Smock as having all that could be asked of a Correspondent, to their credit seventeen full, punctual letters and a number of new sub scriptions. Criterion and Wemic come Sec- bud, having appeared each thir teen times. These four will be sent checks . for the first and second amounts as soon as possible after the first bf the mouth. The other four, Tygh Valley i aud 2; and BakeOven and White River, who have uot written so many letters, will be sent checks for the last two amounts divided among them' in sum 3 of $1 each; which we trust will be a satisfac tory deoision in the matter. Mr. and Mrs. I). A; Moad and Bon Harold, motored to Dufur Fri: day night returning the following evening. Ted, VVilson, who has had his office in the FoBtoffice building for bo. ue time; lold out and went to the mountains recently.' The weather has been fcjuite cool recently, with a thunder shower Wednesday evening and heavy clew this morning. The early peached have lift; 11 in harvest for some time. G. W. Yanderpool presented us with ev eral nice ones the first of the w?ek Criterion k. il. DeCamp and" II; M. Green were Maupin visitors Satur day. . Mrs. Ralph fiuau and1 Sou are visiting at the home 01 Harry Harvey. ( Willis Baker visited Criterion over Sunday, preaching morning and evening at (he school house. Judge M.J. Morse and Mrs. Morse of Portland paid a liort visit to Mes'sers Miller and , Can ticld Monday. They are spending their vacation at their Redmond ranch. 1. Ed Kramer of Vancouver, Wu., is visitiug his brother Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCready visited relatives at Bakeoven Sun- ay- 1 . .. ', . . R. L, Harris had the misfortune to lost his drilling ( tools in 8150 foot hole at D. B. Appling's Satur day. ( Hay catting is in full swing at p.cseut, and kelp to harvest it seems at a premium. C. A. Dnus finished hauling lumber for the new building at the school Monday. Mrs. II. Kiamer received the bid news Sunday that a brother pet with fatal injuries at a logging Cimp last werk. Mis. 0, V. Cnstis, M.Ur of Mrs Earl Tuuison has r-.tnrned to her home ut Portland. Smock Items A school meeting was held Sat urday Jo dei'ide as to the ninth crade btine tamjl.t. A good ma- Jority. wexe present and the vole vai ti to 6 In favor. ... Mr. and Mrs. John Howell were FISCHER'S Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, Have you ever lost a crop of H your barn and hay through spontaneous combustion? There is one sufe toay to prevent this USE SALT when you stack your hay IT PAYS The Salt more than pays for itself in the weight of the hay. There is a further gain in weight through moisture held and the Btock will eat up salted hay clean where unsalted hay will be mussed over and wasted. 20 pounds of salt should be used tb each ton of hay; Stack three feet of hay, sprinkle the salt over this by hand. Then another layer of hay, more salt and so on. Experiments carried on at the Wisconsin Experi ment station indicate that salt should be supplied to dairy cows unless the ration furnishes a sufficiency thereof. It is calculated that the minimum qaanity in the food to keep a cow of 1000 lb. live weight in flour ishing health is that which is equivelant to 3-4 oz. salt per day. and that a cow in milk needs as much more as will restbre the proportion removed in the milk, namely a little over 1-2 ot- of salt for eyery 20 lb; of milk. Hunts Ferrv Warehouse Co. n II h recipients bt two boxes ot fine luscious cherries Sunday from their daughter in the Willamette Valley. Iva Mulvaney is taking music lessons on the violin from Walter Led ford. Chas. Yockey and wife invited tbelr neighbors to their home Sat urday to enjoy strawberries and cream; A goodly number went and spent a pleasant time. The young people passed the time in playing games and it wps waning toward the morning lioiiis when they bid good nights. iilnpv Mhlvnnrv attended the dance SaUisaa'y night at Waniic: O. R. Fleck was a Maupin busi ness visitor Saturday. Those employed on the J no. Gordon ditch are Audy Kistntr, Wui. Stalely, Elaine Disbrow and C. A. Duncan. Wilbur Mulvaney hauled a load of lumber to use in constructing the flume. Cecil Mayfield is working 011 the juniper Flat ditch'. Mrs. Mayfield is with him. C A. Duncan was a ttamic business visitor Monday. T. Vv' Avfes enteitaiucd Sunt. Bonnet Monday evening. T: J. Farlow who has chatge of the Crops on the T.J. Hill place is busy hat vesting. Tims eiipaped iu trectiuii new . ( buildings are F. E. Spoor, house, Q. V.' Bargamholt,' house, John Howell, barn, I. T. Courtngbt, a building for engine and pump, White River Daphene Conley is spending the summer near Dufur. Mrs. Grover Webb went home Saturday. Mits Grace Brown and girl friend are spending, a few days at the home of Grace'i parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Vm. Brown. The Mis. Gertrude Crabtree and' Nellie Conley are spending a few days 111 the neigliboruoou. las. Brywu is at woik 011 the race track at Tygh. The directors are busy getting ready for the fair. Ouite a shipment of LoRanlwrnci were scut in here from Mr. Hurk's ranch near Dayton, Ore. Pcrviceo were held at White River lust Sunday, couducted by l. 'G. TuuUoii. H ading has been going on this wick and besides the having which is ncmly finished, harvest seems to I atoiit iu full swing. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur of Pa cific Light & Power Co., Dr. Tuck et's two daughters, Mr. Biddle and Mr. Seward, all of Portland, Stop, ped at Mr. CoVcrths borne cn GARAGE OREGON hay through musting or their Way from Lake Odell. Cecil Tunison has been hauling shingles and lumber. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Curtis are at the Webb home this week. Lester Brittain, Jud and Wesley Doering have been lucky fisher men the past week. Harry will have to get busy on Jie roads some rocky. Mr. and Mrs. York Wilson and son Paul were in Maupin Monday. W. O. Wilson whs down from the Flat over Sunday; j WALLOWA 1 Lake PARK! I 'BREATH Ot THE PINES' j 1 ,:.,., 1 i 4500 ieei auuvc acu-ivvo 111 1 11c I Powder River Mountains I near Joseph, Ore. Eat steep, I I play; live otit-of doors. A i delightful mountain-lake re sort, bood fishing. I Forjuil information, Jares, J tickets, etc., ask j R. B. BELL, Agent j w-VV.xv.zx.ocn SPECIAL RATES East and California , OREGON TRUNK Rt fa(n Ores Uk rhrough Service via Spokane ov er the Greatest Scenic Routes of America "V "CHICAGO $'72.50'T : St. LOUIS 71.20 ; : DES MOINES 66.85 : : DENVER 55.00 : : St. PAUL 60.00 : : NEW YORK Proportionate .Fares to All Other Flaces. Rates given on application, Slightly higher go ing or returning through Cal ifornia. Palatial Ships "Northern Pa cific" and "Great Northern" for San Francisco every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY Fares include meali (nd berths and extras without extra fare. AKE YOU GOIMJ AWAY THIS SUMMER? CLATSOP BEACH is fie place. S?nd for booklet A. LOCKE. Agent, ". Maupin Don't bhvm your dock-It medc ,dtdning., . Emmons will do it for yew dtt guarantee it. Local Items E. A. Mayhews motored to The Dalles Saturday. Try Hopski, its's got the pep. For sale at Styer's. F. A. Covey was taken very sick thia week with typhoid fever. "Just try the Hotel Tygh onee more." Jimmie Harphan joined his un ole Hankie Harphan in Alaska Tuesday. Go to Talcott's for jour ice cream sundaes. Mr. and Mrs. Bert DaviB were business visitors in town yester day. Mr. and Mre. D. L. Rutherford were in from Criterion Snnday. Go to Talcott's for confectionery and ice cream. Clarence Woodruff and a young lady from New York were married 1 his week, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kelly an iounCe they will soon have made the rounds of the homesteads. They were guests at the St. Den ::is home Sunday. Mrs. St. Dennis is very happy ver the purchase of a milk cow. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stovall and children and Mrs. Stovall 's moth er, Mrs. Freed arrived this week from Philomath and are guests of Dr. Stovall and family. Mr. Crawford of the head Turn-A-Lum office niotdred in I uesday evening. Mrs. W. D. Roberts and sisters, Ruby and Lavern Russell made a trip to Sunflower Flat the fore part of the week. Miss Naomi Smith is htill verv ill with typhoid fever. Little Earl is now a subject (if its grip lso. Tha farmers don't seem to be satisfied unless they are skinned. Give Dad Coale a chance. He buys all kinds of pelts, hide?, skins and wool. p A. C. Moad this week took down the platform opposite the railroad track from the warehouse. If the other fellow cduld not fix your watch bring it to Elhmom the jeweler Mrs. F. W. Quihn of Portland, who has been vic'ting her sister, Mrs, L. D, Kelly, and brother, ('. H. Crofoot, the punt two week, returned home Wednesday, For Sale at a tmri!tin; one 21 in Ir. Case steel separator and powei ill in good shape. Julih Ayri vVarriic. Dave Donaldson rrtiirhetl Tu"t- day from a trip around Hiuii, ni Mt. Hood. Mr. and Mrs: tieorge R. Neb'e f Seattle have annotincKi the ei,- ?agement of their daughter; Mist- Adrlenne: to A. Galo .-niiflifn, sun of Mrs. Electa Simeon Stanton of this city. Chronicle, Misj Lucile Bracket who was an nounced last week as drowned at tha time of the sinking of tin ttteamer Bear; fit tb. tletineghan informs uaj is alive and attending summer school at Berkley, having arrived at the (lock for passage about five minutes after the ship left. Dri Lawrence S. Stovall VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable . Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or residence Maiipin, Oregon Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupinj 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 1-30 p. ra. V. ROBERTS; Prop I. O. O.F. WAPINITIA a$ So. 200, M.iupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's ball. Wiling mem. bir alwv welcome. G. I.. Has hi an, N. ft. O. R. At riKKV, Secretary. For Sale! New Potatoes A. 0. GibLs, Tygh ValUy, Orei RAILROAD WAGES Shall they be determined by Industrial Warfare or Federal Inquiry? To the American Public: Do you believe in arbitration or indu? ' trial warfare? The train employes on all the railroads are voting whether they will give their leaders authority to tie up the commerce of the country to enforce their demands for a 100 million dollar wage increase. The railroads are in the public service your service. This army of employes is in the public service your service. You pay for rail transportation 3 billion dollars a year, and 44 cents out of every dollar from you goes to the employes. On all the Westerh railroads in 1915, seventy-five per cent of the t train employes earried these wages ( lowest,' hifchfcst and average of all) as shown by the pay rolls Passenger Ruga Arg Ransa Areraga Ranga Avaraga 1-. S0 3, ,87. ,935 ' S 2 1181 The average yearly wage payments tb ill Western train em ployes (including those who worked oiily bart of the year) as shbwn by the 1915 payrolls were Pkitenger Freight - Yard Engineers ...... $2038 $1737 $1218 Conductors . .... 1772 1624 1292 Firemen ...... 1218 973 832 Brakemeri. ..... 921 1000 1026 A 100 million dollar wage increase for rrien in freight and yard service (less than one-fifth of all employes) is equal to d 5 per cent advance in all freight fateS. The managers of the railroads, aS trustees for the publici have nb fight tb place this burden on the cost of transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tri bunal speaking for you. The railroads have proposed the settle ment of this controversy either under the existing national arbitration law, or by refer ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. This offer has been refused by the employes' representatives. Shall a nation-wide strike or an investigation under the Gov ernment determine this issue? National Conference Committee of the. Railways EL,ISHA LIE, Chairman. r. a. ALaaiGHT, c.v v.iuaw, , AlUalU Cm. LJ N.ilra, t. W. BALDWIN, Caa'l Maaagm Caatral a( lforgU K.ll.,. C L lARDO, Caa'l afaaogrr, -m , , ,Maa Vark, N.w H..aa A H.nrac4 dlna4. fe. k. COAPMAN, I'M'r.U.m ,Saaaara Rml)if. ( . K. COTTCR, Col ataiaagw, Wafca R.llv. f. B. OOUiT, Aah. (-In-fVaiuv . ,ttf K-r Caatral aallraad. . h. BltlSON, Cal Maaafa , ,Craal larlr UUw.r. C . KWtNC, Caa'l Jfaarar, -. fktlmM, ala a BaaUg KMwmf, V. CAUa.,M AaKraMfaM aaau Okla UUmmj, Hail Insurance, Maupin State Bank. .. , , Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hen.neghan, Mr. Batty, Erma Smith, Mitt Thrall and Art Fargher formed a motor party up Keep's ditch Sun Jay. ., .... . Mr. and Mrs. John Confer. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fischer spent a couple days the first of the week fishing at Two Springs. L. 1). Kelly and D. M. Shtttuck motored to The Dalles Wednesday P. A. Coale accompaniel them to Tvgh. J unes and Margaret Sternwcis are here from Dufur this week vis iling friends. Mies l.cla Painter of Dufur was caller in Miupin Friday night. Joiiu Moad and On Buzan have aone with the extra work crew on theO. T. R. R . t Van Moad went to Dufur Sun Ur, wh-r he in assisting iu the har et field for M. f igman. Mr and Mrs. Ge Job Dion . u v, r fimii Dti'ur Moncay. ; li i ral'us ou short nutlet at talcott's. Yard A. . GRE1C, 4-L fa Slin, 81. Ui. A fcaa Fraaalta. lUUraad. C W. IOLN9, Caa'l Nan.g.r, , AlebiMO, Topaka A Kbdu Fa Raltwaf 0. V. MrMAilTER, cJhI Maaaaar, , VkMllag and Laka la H.ilro.4. M .D. MAHKK, Vlo-PrnlaViu, . Pfarfalk aa4 Waitara aailwaa, JAMM RUS9KLL, Caa'l Manaaar, , DaSTar Hi traada RaiUaad. . A. M. tCBOTKB, RaaldbM 'ka-rVnt, , PaaaaTlTavia liaaa Waal. Wt. atDDON, flDa.rVa.Manl, . Saal.aar4 Alr.Uaa rUllw.r. A. J.4I-ONE. fln-rrarlaaiM, Jftif RMlroL..,, , . , yf C. Wa3, CS aS Caul Vaa.gar, Sbdmi Cmttal Uaaa. See Maupin State Bank for irain insurance, Mr. and Mrs. Staats met all the child ren and grandchildren in re unionat the .old home above Dufur Sunday, and W. H. contends that it took Mrs. Staats half an hour to kiss them all good-bye. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given that the Mideraigned Caroline Harvey h is iteeti duly appointed as i x cutrix t the estate and laat and Testament of Georse Harvev, d oeaed, by the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, ami baa duly qualified as such execurix. THEREFORE all persons having claims neuinH said estate are bere- iy notified and required to present she same, duly verified, to the un derpinned ut (be office of Fiancis V. Galloway, her attorney at. The l).tllesrOrejun, pji montbs from the .firal publication of this notice, eaid date of first publics? iiorj beiug the 30 day ol June, 191tf Dated this 19th day of June, 1911 CAROLINE HARVEY, E.'utri of raid tvtate FRANCIS V. GAUOWAY", Attorney for said estate.