The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 14, 1916, Image 6

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Brief Resume of General News
from Ml Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
- Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
A cherry tree at White Salmon,
Wash., yields 1071 pounds of fruit.
The sudden onrush of Russians on
the EaBt front amazes the Germans.
The French take Hill 97, which dom
inates the Somme, a point of vantage.
The winter wheat crop of for the
Northwest !b estimated at 23,000,000
bushels less than in 1915.
The funeral of Lieutenant Adair,
kilted in the Carrizal battle in Mexico,
was held in Portland Wednesday with
military honors.
Major U. G. McAlexander, of 0. A.
C., has been promoted by President
Wilson to the rank of lieutenant
colonel of the Oregon troops on the
The Union Pacific decides to cut the
lumber freight to Eastern points 6
cents, making the tariff 45 cents per
hundred pounds, instead of 50 cents.
The change is due September 1.
General Smuts, in command of the
British forces in German East Africa,
has occupied Tanga, according to a
statement issued by the war office.
The Germans offered only slight resist
ance. No trace of J. F. Gillies, the em
bezzler of Washington state funds,
who escaped from the Thurston county
jail Sunday, has been found. He is
thought to be eluding the law in femi
nine apparel.
Captain Koenig, of the submarine
which successfully ran the British
blockade and landed in Baltimore Sun
day, declares many more such craft are
being built and will be put into the
service of carrying commerce.
An Amsterdam dispatch says that
Dr. Frederick W. K. von Ilberg died
in Berlin Sunday. Dr. von Ilberg had
the special case of the throat affection
from which the German emperor has
suffered for many years and was one
of the emperor's most intimate friends.
The Dagens Nyheder, at Copenha
gen, announces that a Bea battle is
believed to have occurred in the Baltic
outside of Haefringe on Sunday night.
Violent cannonading was heard from
several points on the const and it is
presumed that the German and Russian
patrolling squadrons clashed.
According to the London morning
papers it probably will be well into the
year 1917 before the new IriBh parlia
ment is ' set up. Little can be done
other than the introduction of the bill
before Parliament rises early in Au
gust for a recess of some six to eight
weeks, so that the passage of the bill
is not likely before late in October.
German casualties from the begin
ning of the war to the end of June, as
computed from official German lists,
are given as 3,012,637. These figures
include all German nationalities. They
do not include naval casualties or cas
ualties of colonial troops. They are
not an estimate made by the British
authorities, but merely casualties an
nounced in German official lists.
Russsian army in Turkey retires 80
miles in Bagdad region to await cooler
The new Swiss war loan of 100,000,
000 francs at 4 per cent, issued at 97,
has been oversubscribed by 61,000,000
Admiral Jellicoe, of the British
navy, reporting on the North Sea
naval battle, estimates the Germans
lost 21 ships.
A new project for saving life at the
time of naval engagements is reported
from Copenhagen. It is said several
prominent Danes intend to organize a
fleet of several hundred motor boats
along the west coast of Jutland. These
boats, flying tho Red Cross flag, will
be sent out to pick up the wounded
after each Bea battle.
Petitions carrying 75,000 names In
support of initiative No. 24, which au
thorizes the operation of breweries and
sale of beer direct to consumers, were
filed with the secretary of Btate of
Washington. It is estimated that 50,
000 of the petitioners will be found
qualified to sign, while the law needs
only 82,000 signatures to place on the
Vienna admits defeat of the Aus
trians, when they were driven back
nearly five miles from their positions.
Theodore Tobiason, owner of a mil
linery store in Spokane, was Bhot and
killed in his store by Alphonse Pan
siera. Pansiera, according to the po
lice, said Tobiason owed him $5000.
It is understood that the report that
Sir Edward Grey, the English foreign
secretary, is to be raised to the peer
age, is correct, and that in fact he al
ready has accepted such an offer. A
baronetcy of the United Kirlgdom
probably will be conferred upon him.
New Supreme Court
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Thli photograph shows Associate Justice
robes of office.
Batlimore The daring German sea
men who'brought the submarine mer
chantman Deutschland across the At
lantic slept quietly aboard their vessel
which lay moored to a carefully screen-f
ed pier guarded by a strong Bquad of
Baltimore police. Captain Paul Koe
nig, the Bkipper, had delivered his pa
pers to the North German Lloyd office,
entered his vessel at the custom-house
as a commerce carrier, and had pre
sented to a German embassy official a
packet of correspondence for von
Now the submarine is ready to dis
charge her million-dollar cargo of dye
stuffs and take on board for the return
trip to Germany metal and rubber
needed by the emperor'B armies and
The return merchandise is waiting
on the dock, and the time for leaving
port will depend largely on plans for
eluding vigilant enemy cruisers expect
ed to be waiting outside the entrance
of Chesapeake Bay for the reappear
ance of the vessel.
Washintgon, D. C. The administra
tion omnibus revenue bill, creating a
tariff commission, imposing a protec
tive tariff on dyestuffs, repealing pres
ent stamp taxes and providing for new
taxes on incomes, inheritances and war
munitions profits, passed the house
late Monday by a vote of 240 to 140.
During the closing hours of debate
several amendments, providing for
elimination of the bankers' tax and
modifying the tariff commission sec
tion, were adopted over the opposition
of Democratic leaders.
The amendments cut the salaries of
members of the tariff commission from
$10,000 to $7500 annually; struck out
the provision under which no member
or former member of congress could
serve on the commission, and provided
a single appropriation of $300,000 to
pay expenses of the commission the
first year, instead of the bill's stipula
tion of a continuing annual appropria
tion of that amount. The entire sec
tion levying a tax of $1 for each $1000
of capital, surplus and undivided
profits held by bankers was stricken
Many amendments proposed by the
ways and means committee also were
adopted, including one under which
cigarette manufacturers must pay a
special tax of 3 cents for every 10,000
Growers Steal Berry Pickers.
Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale brigand
age exists in the Puyallup valley.
Berry pickers worth their weight in
gold are the booty; respectable citi
zens and fellow-members of co-operative
associations are the brigands.
The human spoil, with all its goods and
chattels, children and dogs, sport shirts
and scalloped Bkirts, is carried away in
highpowered automobiles to berry
patches, where the pickers are watched
like prisoners of war.
H. Shepherd, of Alderton, was one
of the heaviest sufferers Tuesday, for
Banks' Opinions Differ.
New York A wide divergence of
opinion among the banks of the coun
try as to whether the Federal reserve
act has been successful after a year's
operation is shown in a report issued
Tuesday by a New York trust com
pany, which has completed a nation
wide survey of the attitude of banks
toward the act. More than 5000 re
plies were received to the queries sent
out, 1760 of them being favorable, 1773
unfavorable, and 1811 noncommittal.
Member and Wife.
Louis D. Brandeis for the first time in his
One of Captain Koenig's first acts
after he moved his ship up the harbor
from quarantine early Monday was to
announce that the Deutschland was
only one of a fleet of mammoth sub
mersibles built or building for a regu
lar trans-Atlantic freight and mail
service. He said the next to come
would be the Bremen, and. that she
might be looked for at some port along
the coast within eight weeks.
The German catpain submitted his
craft to a thorough inspection by the
surveyor of the port and an agent of
the department of Justice. These
officers agreed that there was on sign
of armament, of any description on
board, and that there was no doubt in
their minds about the boat's being en
titled to the status of an ordinary mer
chantman.' The captain asserted that his voyage
had established the fact that a subma
rine of the type of the Deutschland
could travel anywhere that the ordi
nary vessel could go, 13000 miles, if
necessary. He had no fears, he said,
of his ability to elude enemies that
might be waiting for him off the Vir
ginia Capes when he starts his return
"I will be able to submerge within
the three-mile limit, and they cannot
catch me after that," he said.
Newest Photo of Republican Chairman
This is the latest photograph of Wil
liam R. Wilcox, new chairman of the
Republican National committee, who
will manage the campaign for the
election of Charles E. Hughes.
while he ate his dinner neighboring
growers inveigled his employes away
by offering the bait of higher pay.
The larger growers have suffered ir
reparable loss, and their fruit is spoil
ing on the plants because of the labor
shortage. That is the reason they are
resorting to outlawry to harvest their
Fishermen Lost in Gulf.
Mobile, Ala. The wreck of the fish
ing smack Philip Keyes probably has
added eight to the death list of the
Gulf hurricane. Two survivors of the
crew were picked up at Dauphin Island.
King of Annam Deposed.
Paris Duy-Tan, the 16-year-old
king of the French protectorate of An
nam, on the China sea, has been de
throned as a result of a revolt of An
namites at Quang-Ngai, which he has
been accused of having fomented. The
governor general of French Indo-China
reports that the outbreak was sup
pressed quickly and the king arrested
near Hue. He is succeeded by Prince
Bun-Dao, who has just been crowned
king in hia stead.
1 v V -
I :
U-Lincr Crosses Atlantic With Cargo of
Valuable Dyestuffs.
Vessel Successfully Breaks Blockade
of British Warships Will Take
Home Needed Supplies.
Baltimore The world's first subma
rine merchant veBBel, the German un
derwater liner Deutschland, anchored
below Baltimore Sunday night, after
voyaging safely across the Atlantic,
passing the allied blockading squad
rons and eluding enemy cruisers
watching for her off the American
She carried a message from Emperor
William to President Wilson, a quan
tity of mail estimated at 150 tons and
a cargo of 750 tons of costly chemicals
and dyestuffs, and is to carry back
home a similar amount of nickel and
crude rubber sorely needed by the Ger
man army.
Sixteen days out from Bremerhaven
to Baltimore, the submarine reached
safety between the Virginia capes at
1 :45 o'clock Sunday morning, by a
heavy pall of darkness which Bettled
over the entrance of the bay, with the
setting of a tell-tale half moon.
Once inside, the visitor threw cau
tion aside and began shrieking his si
ren signalling a pilot and at the same
time attracting the attention of the
tug Thomas F. TimmonB, which had
been waiting in the lower bay for
nearly two weeks to greet the Deutsch
land and convoy her into port.
Little was known here about what
happened during the epoch-making
cruise across the ocean, which in a
small measure at least breaks the
blockade on German trade with the
rest of the world. None of the sub
marine's crew had landed and the
agents of her owners had received only
meager reports. . Such information as
was available came directly from the
pilot and from Captain Hans F.
Hinsch, of the North German Lloyd
Liner Neckar, laid up here since the
beginning of the war.
J. F. Gillies, Washington State
Fund Looter, Escapes From Jail
Olympia, Wash. J. F Gillies, twice
convicted of embezzling $20,000 from
state industrial insurance funds while
employed as claim agent for the Btate,
Sunday night pried off two flimsy locks
with a bolt as a jimmy and escaped
from the Thurston county jail. With
him went Henry Roberts, awaiting
transfer to the reformatory for a stat
utory offense.
Prosecuting Attorney Yantis ordered
the arrest of Mrs. Gillies on a warrant
charging her with aiding the escape of
the prisoners. Mrs. Gillies was not
locked up, but was taken to the home
of a policeman and placed in the care
of the officer's wife.
It is believed the prisoners boarded
a train bound for Portland.
An automobile is known to have left
town about midnight, and it is be
lieved to have taken the two men to
ward Canada. At a late hour no trace
had been reported of either.
Shortly after dark Gillies and Rob
erts locked an old man held on a minor
charge in his cell and pried their way
Sheriff McCorkle was at Centralia
and James Fennell, County game war
den, who occasionally slept at the jail,
was out of town.
By sawing off the riveted end of the
bolt by which their cell would have
been locked, had that precaution been
taken, Gillies and Roberts slipped out
the bolt and then sawed the end of it
off on the bias to make a chisel point,
by which they pried their way out.
Gillies evidently let Jiimself from the
window to the ground 15 feet below
with a blanket.
Yellow Press is Target.
Washington, D. C. A bill intro
duced Monday by Representative
Campbell, of Kansas, would make it
unlawful for any person, company,
corporation, press association or news
paper publication to publish or trans
mit any false report or rumor bear
ing on the international relations of
the United States and tending to in
juriously affect peaceful relations with
the government or people of any other
It was referred to the judiciary com
mittee. Alaska Sends in Bullion. '
Seattle, Wash. Seven hundred and
fifty thousand dollars in gold bullion,
the largest shipment received from
Alaska this year, was brought here
Sunday by the steamer Humboldt,
which arrived from Skagway. The
gold, the first of the Spring cleanup
in interior Alaska, was shipped from
Fairbanks by the first steamer up the
Yukon and transported to Skagway
over White Pass from White Horse,
the head of river navigation.
London The capture of the whole
of the Germans' first system of defense
on a front of 14,000 yards (nearly
eight miles) after 10 days and nights
of continuous fighting, was announced
Wednesday in the official report from
British headquarters in France. The
number of prisoners taken exceeds
"After 10 days and nights of contin
uous fighting our troops have complet
ed methodical capture of the whole of
the enemy's first system of defense on
a front of 14,000 yards," says there
port. "The system of defense consist
ed of numerous and continuous lines of
fire trenches, support trenches and re
serve trenches, extending for various
depths from 2000 to 4000 yards. It
included five strongly fortified villages,
numerous heavily wired and entrench
ed woods and a large number of im
mensely strong redoubts.
"The capture of each of these
trenches represented an operation of
some importance, and the whole of
them are now in our hands.
"The German succes in the recap
ture of Trones Wood, after costly cas
ualties, was of short duration. Tues
day we recaptured nearly the whole
of this wood. All but the northern
most end is again in our hands.
"Apart from the number of guns
hidden in houses and buried in the de
bris, etc., we have in the course of
these operations brought in 26 field
guns, one naval gun, one anti-aircraft
gun, and one heavy howitzer, while
the number of German prisoners cap
tured exceeds 7500."
Railroad Company Takes Land
Grant Issue Into Courts
Washington, D. C The Oregon &
California Railway company Wednes
day served notice on the legislative
and executive branches of the govern
ment that it intends to go into court
and question the constitutionality of
the land-grant law recently passed by
Incidentally, the railroad company
asserst that the law, proposing to re
vest title to grant lands in the govern
ment, is unconstitutional.
If the government under that law
undertakes to pay back taxes to the
Oregon countieB the railroad serves
notice that it must do so at its own
risk and subject to future court decis
ions. How the railroad company is going
to proceed in the courts to test the
constitutionality of the law is not
known by the railroad attorneys here.
They merely had instructions to serve
the company's notice on the President,
on congress, Secretaries Lane and
Houston, the attorney general and
Treasurer Burk.
German U-Lincr To Be Classed
As Peaceful Merchant Ship
Washington, D. C. Final decision
by the State department that the Ger
man submarine Deutschland is a
merchant ship entitled to all privileges
accorded under International law to a
belligerent-owned freighter was fore
cast Wednesday night on receipt of
preliminary reports on an inspection of
the underwater liner at Baltimore by
naval officers and treasury officials.
Collector Ryan, of Baltimore, tele
graphed the Treasury department that
a thorough examination of the boat by
himself and Captain C. F. Hughes, ap
pointed by the Navy deparmtent to as
sist, he adhered to his previous opinion
that the vessel is an unarmed merchant
man, incapable of conversion for war
like purposes, "without extensive
structural changes."
Impeachment Proceedings Tabled.
Washington, D. C. Impeachment
proceedings againBt H. Snowden Mar
shall, United States attorney at New
York, were tabled Wednesday by the
house judiciary committee, which by a
divided vote adpoted a resolution rec
ommending to the house that no fur
ther proceedings be taken against him.
The action of the committee in such
cases usually is sustianed by the house,
and the vote, therefore is expected to
close the whole proceeding, which or
iginated with Representative Buchan
an, of Illinois, who was indicted in
connection with an investigation of
Labor's Peace Council at New York at
the instance of Mr. Marshall.
Depositors Back Lorimer.
Chicago Wm. Lorimer, ex-United
States senator, Wednesday found him
self with a full-fledged organization of
more than 4000 depositors of the de
funct La Salle-street Trust & Savings
Bank, who had lost their money in the
crash of that institution, pledged to aid
him in his plans to reimburse them for
"every dollar they had lost." At a
mass meeting the depositors, some of
them women, whose entire savings had
gone in the bank failure, organized
themselves into a club to aid in the re
habilitation of his various enterprises.
Two Colonels Dropped.
Camp Whitman, Green Haven, N. Y.
Colonel Louis D. Conley and Lieu
tenant Colonel John D. Phelan, of the
69th New York regiment, were order
ed mustered out of the Federal service
Wednesday just as the regiment was
entraining here for Texas. The order
came from Major General Leonard
Wood. The cause was given as "phys
ical disability." The news caused con
sternation iri camp. A report was prev
alent that the regiment would mutiny.
Health Authorities Send Out Appeal for
More Trained Nurses.
Frantic Mothers Interne Children in
Tenement Homes 45 Cases
Found Outside Gotham.
New York An appeal to the Amer
ican Red Cross for nurses to aid in
stamping out the scourge of infantile
paralysis here, which, since June 1,
has caused the 196 deaths among
children, was made Saturday by
Health Commissioner Emerson, There
are not enough trained nurses avail
able in New York to handle the work,
he said, and it had been found neces
sary to ask aid of the chief of the Red
Cross bureau of nursing at Washing
ton. It was intimated that several
hundred workers were needed.
The call for help was sent out after
a day devoted by health authorities
and the most prominent physicians of
the Greater City to a discussion of
means by which the spread of the dis
ease can be checked. Some encourage
ment was found in the fact that fewer
new cases were reported Friday than
on Thursday or Wednesday.
All the medical men agreed, how
ever, that only by unremitting vigil
ance and the strict enforcement of ev
ery known sanitary precaution could
the epidemeic be kept within bounds.
Another serious phase of the situa
tion was reported by the Association
for Improving the Condition of the
Poor, which has found that in the con
gested districts of the city frightened
mothers have interned their children
in their tenement homes, in many in
stances with windows closed. Such
action, it was pointed out, is likely to
have serious effects, not only on the
children, but on adults as well.
Children's reading rooms in the pub
lic libraries have been ordered closed
as a precautionary measure, and the
order barring children from moving
picture theaters will not be modified
until conditions improve. Playgrounds'
in various parts of the city were or
dered closed earlier in the day.
Japan and Russia Agree on China;
Open Door Policy Not Endangered
Tokio The Japanese foreign office
Saturday announced as the substance
of the Russo-Japanese convention
signed at Petrograd on July 3, the fol
lowing: First Japan will take part in no ar
rangement or political combination di
rected against Russia. Russia will
take part in no arrangement or politi
cal combination directed against Jap
an. Second In case the territorial
rights or special interests in the Far
East of one of the contracting parties
which are recognized by the other con
tracting party are menaced, Japan and
Russia will consult each other on meas
ures to adopt with a view to support
ing or extending assistance for the
safeguarding and defense of these
rights and interests.
To a question from the Associated
Press representative as to what effect
the alliance would have upon the open
door and the integrity of China, the
foreign office replied:
"The convention is effectually an
emphasis upon and an extension of the
Anglo-Japanese alliance based upon
the territorial integrity of China,
whose open door and integrity are not
endangered. Ameircan trade and in
terests are in no wise affected."
Road Appeals to Its Men,
San Francisco The Southern Pacific
company ordered posted in depots and
engine houses throughout its Bystem
an appeal to its 62,500 employes to
use their influence to avert a threat
ened strike of enginemen, firemen,
conductors, trainmen and switchmen.
The poster says that strike ballots
have been sent out to the members of
the unions threatening to strike, who
constitute 13J per cent of its em
ployes. The company asks the men
who receive the ballots to vote against
the strike.
King Congratulates Men.
London The following message was
sent by King George to General Sir
Douglas Haig, commanding the British
troops on the Franco-Belgian front:
"Please convey to the army under your
command my sincere congratulations on
the results achieved in the recent fight
ing. I am proud of my troops. None
could have fought more bravely." Gen.
eral Haig, in reply, said: "All rankB
will do their utmost to deserve Your
Majesty's confidence and praise."
Carranza Troops Pursuing Bandits.
Chihuahua City Large Carranza
forces, better organized and more com
pletely equipped than any other units
of the de facto government troops,
Saturday were closing in on the band
its of Southern Chihuahua and North
ern Durango, intent on wiping them
out. Jiminez, which the Villistas cap
tured after defeating an inferior force
and killing General Ignacio Ramos,
has been occupied again by government